genome replication
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2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Hong Yang ◽  
Feng Xiong ◽  
Hai-Bin Qin ◽  
Qun-Tao Yu ◽  
Jin-Yan Sun ◽  

Abstract Background Viral tracers are important tools for mapping brain connectomes. The feature of predominant anterograde transneuronal transmission offers herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) strain H129 (HSV1-H129) as a promising candidate to be developed as anterograde viral tracers. In our earlier studies, we developed H129-derived anterograde polysynaptic tracers and TK deficient (H129-dTK) monosynaptic tracers. However, their broad application is limited by some intrinsic drawbacks of the H129-dTK tracers, such as low labeling intensity due to TK deficiency and potential retrograde labeling caused by axon terminal invasion. The glycoprotein K (gK) of HSV-1 plays important roles in virus entry, egress, and virus-induced cell fusion. Its deficiency severely disables virus egress and spread, while only slightly limits viral genome replication and expression of viral proteins. Therefore, we created a novel H129-derived anterograde monosynaptic tracer (H129-dgK) by targeting gK, which overcomes the limitations of H129-dTK. Methods Using our established platform and pipeline for developing viral tracers, we generated a novel tracer by deleting the gK gene from the H129-G4. The gK-deleted virus (H129-dgK-G4) was reconstituted and propagated in the Vero cell expressing wildtype H129 gK (gKwt) or the mutant gK (gKmut, A40V, C82S, M223I, L224V, V309M), respectively. Then the obtained viral tracers of gKmut pseudotyped and gKwt coated H129-dgK-G4 were tested in vitro and in vivo to characterize their tracing properties. Results H129-dgK-G4 expresses high levels of fluorescent proteins, eliminating the requirement of immunostaining for imaging detection. Compared to the TK deficient monosynaptic tracer H129-dTK-G4, H129-dgK-G4 labeled neurons with 1.76-fold stronger fluorescence intensity, and visualized 2.00-fold more postsynaptic neurons in the downstream brain regions. gKmut pseudotyping leads to a 77% decrease in retrograde labeling by reducing axon terminal invasion, and thus dramatically improves the anterograde-specific tracing of H129-dgK-G4. In addition, assisted by the AAV helper trans-complementarily expressing gKwt, H129-dgK-G4 allows for mapping monosynaptic connections and quantifying the circuit connectivity difference in the Alzheimer’s disease and control mouse brains. Conclusions gKmut pseudotyped H129-dgK-G4, a novel anterograde monosynaptic tracer, overcomes the limitations of H129-dTK tracers, and demonstrates desirable features of strong labeling intensity, high tracing efficiency, and improved anterograde specificity.

Viruses ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 108
Wang Liu ◽  
Xiaowei Zheng ◽  
Xin Dai ◽  
Zhenfeng Zhang ◽  
Wenyan Zhang ◽  

Viruses are far more abundant than cellular microorganisms in the marine ecosystem. However, very few viruses have so far been isolated from marine sediments, especially hydrothermal vent sediments, hindering the understanding of the biology and ecological functions of these tiny organisms. Here, we report the isolation and characterization of a temperate bacteriophage, named PVJ1, which infects Psychrobacillus from a hydrothermal vent field in Okinawa Trough. PVJ1 belongs to the Myoviridae family of the order Caudovirales. The tailed phage possesses a 53,187 bp linear dsDNA genome, with 84 ORFs encoding structural proteins, genome replication, host lysis, etc. in a modular pattern. The phage genome is integrated into the host chromosome near the 3′-end of deoD, a gene encoding purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP). The phage integration does not appear to disrupt the function of PNP. The phage DNA is packaged by the headful mechanism. Release of PVJ1 from the host cell was drastically enhanced by treatment with mitomycin C. Phages encoding an MCP sharing significant similarity (≥70% identical amino acids) with that of PVJ1 are widespread in diverse environments, including marine and freshwater sediments, soils, artificial ecosystems, and animal intestines, and primarily infect Firmicutes. These results are valuable to the understanding of the lifestyle and host interactions of bacterial viruses at the bottom of the ocean.

BMC Genomics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Tingting Sun ◽  
Yintian Meng ◽  
Guangli Cen ◽  
Aoyin Feng ◽  
Weihua Su ◽  

Abstract Background The coronatine insensitive 1 (COI1) gene is the core member of jasmonate signaling pathway, which is closely related to plant biotic and abiotic resistance. However, there have been no reports on COI1 in sugarcane (Sacharum spp.). Hence, systematically investigating the characteristics of the COI1 multigene family in sugarcane can provide a means to study and manipulate the jasmonic acid signaling pathway. Results A total of 156 COI1 proteins were obtained from the genomes of 19 land plants, while none were obtained from five algae species. A phylogenetic tree demonstrated that these COI1 proteins were classified into four groups, while 31 proteins of SsCOI1 from Saccharum spontaneum, SbCOI1 from Sorghum bicolor, and ShCOI1 from Saccharum spp. hybrid cultivar R570 clustered into three groups. Synteny analysis and duplication patterns revealed that COI1 genes expanded through various genome replication events and could have experienced strong purifying selective pressure during evolution in S. spontaneum, S. bicolor, and R570. An investigation of cis-acting elements suggests that COI1 genes may be involved in plant growth and development and response to various stresses. Expression analysis implied that 21 SsCOI1 genes were constitutively expressed, and had positive responses to drought, cold, and Sporisorium scitamineum stresses with different expression patterns. Among them, seven SsCOI1 haplotype genes may play different roles in response to methyl jasmonate. Furthermore, the ShCOI1–4, ShCOI1–5, and ShCOI1–6 genes were cloned from Saccharum spp. hybrid cultivar ROC22. Real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) analysis demonstrated that these three ShCOI1 genes had divergent expression profiles in response to salicylic acid, abscisic acid, polyethylene glycol, cold, and S. scitamineum. Conclusions These results suggest that COI1 genes may act in sugarcane growth, development, and response to various stresses via different regulatory mechanisms, which laying a foundation for the functional identification of the sugarcane COI1 gene.

Shanru Zuo ◽  
Yihu Yi ◽  
Chen Wang ◽  
Xueguang Li ◽  
Mingqing Zhou ◽  

Extrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA) is a type of double-stranded circular DNA that is derived and free from chromosomes. It has a strong heterogeneity in sequence, length, and origin and has been identified in both normal and cancer cells. Although many studies suggested its potential roles in various physiological and pathological procedures including aging, telomere and rDNA maintenance, drug resistance, and tumorigenesis, the functional relevance of eccDNA remains to be elucidated. Recently, due to technological advancements, accumulated evidence highlighted that eccDNA plays an important role in cancers by regulating the expression of oncogenes, chromosome accessibility, genome replication, immune response, and cellular communications. Here, we review the features, biogenesis, physiological functions, potential functions in cancer, and research methods of eccDNAs with a focus on some open problems in the field and provide a perspective on how eccDNAs evolve specific functions out of the chaos in cells.

mBio ◽  
2022 ◽  
Sho Miyamoto ◽  
Masahiro Nakano ◽  
Takeshi Morikawa ◽  
Ai Hirabayashi ◽  
Ryoma Tamura ◽  

Influenza A virus ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP) is responsible for viral genome replication, thus playing essential roles in the virus life cycle. RNP formation occurs in the nuclei of infected cells; however, little is known about the nuclear domains involved in this process.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Mingzhen Zhang ◽  
Pan Gong ◽  
Linhao Ge ◽  
Yinzi Li ◽  
Zhaoyang Chang ◽  

The nuclear localization signal (NLS) and nuclear export signal (NES) are key signatures of proteins for controlling nuclear import and export. The NIb protein of turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) that is absolutely required for viral genome replication. Previous studies have shown that NIb is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein and contains four putative NES and four putative NLS motifs. Here, we analyzed the function of these NESs and NLSs, and identified two functional NESs and one functional NLS. Mutation of the identified functional NESs or NLS inhibited viral RNA accumulation and systemic infection. Exportin 1 (XPO1) is a nuclear export receptor that binds directly to cargo proteins harboring a leucine-rich NES and translocates them to the cytoplasm. We found that XPO1 contains two NIb-binding domains, which recognize the NLS and NES of NIb, respectively, to mediate the nucleocytoplasmic transport of NIb and promote viral infection. Taken together, these data suggest that the nucleocytoplasmic transport of NIb is modulated by XPO1 through its interactions with the functional NLS and NES of NIb to promote viral infection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 137-148
Myung-Hwi Kim ◽  
Sun-Jung Kwon ◽  
Jang-Kyun Seo

Plant RNA viruses are one of the most destructive pathogens that cause a significant loss in crop production worldwide. They have evolved with high genetic diversity and adaptability due to the short replication cycle and high mutation rate during genome replication, which are characteristics of RNA viruses. Plant RNA viruses exist as quasispecies with high genetic diversity; thereby, a rapid population transition with new fitness can occur due to selective pressure resulting from environmental changes. Plant resistance can act as selective pressure and affect the fitness of the virus, which may lead to the emergence of resistance-breaking variants. In this paper, we introduced the evolutionary perspectives of plant RNA viruses and the driving forces in their evolution. Based on this, we discussed the mechanism of the emergence of variant viruses that overcome plant resistance. In addition, strategies for deploying plant resistance to viral diseases and improving resistance durability were discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 399-406
Santhosh Kumar Ettaboina ◽  
Komalatha Nakkala ◽  
K. S. Laddha

The current world facing unpredictable problems with different variants of COVID-19; SARS-COV-19 is a significant lung infection caused by a coronavirus. Each type has one or more alterations to distinguish from each other. The viruses, including SARS-COV-19, continuously change the genetic code (mutations) during their genome replication. WHO labelled two variants in that we are experienced with delta (B.1.617.2) variant, now recently the omicron came (B.1.1.529) with highly mutatable strikes on it. So WHO predicted it is more dangerous than previous variants because of its mutatable capability. The mutatable strikes play an essential role in transmissibility. So there is a need to evaluate threatens raised with the new variant, so scientists are working on it. Till now, South Africa noticed major cases positive for the Omicron variant. Based on recent reports, the current paper summarized different properties of the omicron variant with others, including protein structure, diagnosis, spreadability, treatment, and potency of vaccines. Doi: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2021-0304-10 Full Text: PDF

2021 ◽  
Federico Munafò ◽  
Elisa Donati ◽  
Nicoletta Brindani ◽  
Giuliano Ottonello ◽  
Andrea Armirotti ◽  

Abstract Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has rapidly become a global health pandemic. Among the viral proteins, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) is responsible for viral genome replication and has emerged as one of the most promising targets for pharmacological intervention against SARS-CoV-2. To this end, we experimentally tested luteolin and quercetin for their ability to inhibit the RdRp enzyme. These two compounds are ancestors of flavonoid natural compounds known for a variety of basal pharmacological activities. Luteolin and quercetin returned a single-digit IC50 of 4.6 µM and 6.9 µM, respectively. Then, through dynamic docking simulations, we identified possible binding modes of these compounds to a recently published cryo-EM structure of RdRp. Collectively, these data indicate that these two compounds are a valid starting point for further optimization and development of a new class of RdRp inhibitors to treat SARS-CoV-2 and potentially other viral infections.

2021 ◽  
Courtney Comar ◽  
Clayton Otter ◽  
Jessica Pfannenstiel ◽  
Ethan Doerger ◽  
David Renner ◽  

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS CoV) emerged into humans in 2012, causing highly lethal respiratory disease. The severity of disease may be in part because MERS CoV is adept at antagonizing early innate immune pathways; these include interferon (IFN) production and signaling, protein kinase R (PKR), and oligoadenylate synthetase ribonuclease L (OAS/RNase L), all activated in response to viral double stranded (ds)RNA generated during genome replication. This is in contrast to SARS CoV 2, which we recently reported activates PKR and RNase L and to some extent, IFN signaling. We previously found that MERS-CoV accessory proteins NS4a (dsRNA binding protein) and NS4b (phosphodiesterase) could weakly suppress these pathways, but ablation of each had minimal effect on virus replication. Here we investigated the antagonist effects of the conserved coronavirus endoribonuclease (EndoU), in combination with NS4a or NS4b. Inactivation of EndoU catalytic activity alone in a recombinant MERS-CoV caused little if any effect on activation of the innate immune pathways during infection. However, infection with recombinant viruses containing combined mutations with inactivation of EndoU and deletion of NS4a or inactivation of the NS4b phosphodiesterase promoted robust activation of the dsRNA-induced innate immune pathways. This resulted in ten-fold attenuation of replication in human lung derived A549 and primary nasal cells. Furthermore, replication of these recombinant viruses could be rescued to the level of WT MERS CoV by knockout of host immune mediators MAVS, PKR, or RNase L. Thus, EndoU and accessory proteins NS4a and NS4b together suppress dsRNA induced innate immunity during MERS CoV infection in order to optimize viral replication.

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