prevalence survey
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Anupkumar R. Anvikar ◽  
Prajyoti Sahu ◽  
Madan M. Pradhan ◽  
Supriya Sharma ◽  
Naseem Ahmed ◽  

Plasmodium vivax malaria elimination requires radical cure with chloroquine/primaquine. However, primaquine causes hemolysis in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-deficient (G6PDd) individuals. Between February 2016 and July 2017 in Odisha State, India, a prospective, observational, active pharmacovigilance study assessed the hematologic safety of directly observed 25 mg/kg chloroquine over 3 days plus primaquine 0.25 mg/kg/day for 14 days in 100 P. vivax patients (≥ 1 year old) with hemoglobin (Hb) ≥ 7 g/dL. Pretreatment G6PDd screening was not done, but patients were advised on hemolysis signs and symptoms using a visual aid. For evaluable patients, the mean absolute change in Hb between day 0 and day 7 was −0.62 g/dL (95% confidence interval [CI]: −0.93, −0.31) for males (N = 53) versus −0.24 g/dL (95%CI: −0.59, 0.10) for females (N = 45; P = 0.034). Hemoglobin declines ≥ 3 g/dL occurred in 5/99 (5.1%) patients (three males, two females); none had concurrent clinical symptoms of hemolysis. Based on G6PD qualitative testing after study completion, three had a G6PD-normal phenotype, one female was confirmed by genotyping as G6PDd heterozygous, and one male had an unknown phenotype. A G6PDd prevalence survey was conducted between August 2017 and March 2018 in the same region using qualitative G6PD testing, confirmed by genotyping. G6PDd prevalence was 12.0% (14/117) in tribal versus 3.1% (16/509) in nontribal populations, with G6PD Orissa identified in 29/30 (96.7%) of G6PDd samples. Following chloroquine/primaquine, notable Hb declines were observed in this population that were not recognized by patients based on clinical signs and symptoms.

2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-64
M. Chipinduro ◽  
C. Timire ◽  
J. Chirenda ◽  
R. Matambo ◽  
E. Munemo ◽  

BACKGROUND: We conducted the first national TB prevalence survey to provide accurate estimates of bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary TB disease among adults aged ≥15 years in 2014.METHODS: A TB symptoms screen and chest X-ray (CXR) were used to identify presumptive TB cases who submitted two sputum samples for smear microscopy, liquid and solid culture. Bacteriological confirmation included acid-fast bacilli smear positivity confirmed using Xpert® MTB/RIF and/or culture. Prevalence estimates were calculated using random effects logistic regression with multiple imputations and inverse probability weighting.RESULTS: Of 43,478 eligible participants, 33,736 (78%) were screened; of these 5,820 (17%) presumptive cases were identified. There were 107 (1.9%) bacteriologically confirmed TB cases, of which 23 (21%) were smear-positive. The adjusted prevalences of smear-positive and bacteriologically confirmed TB disease were respectively 82/100,000 population (95% CI 47–118/100,000) and 344/100,000 (95% CI 268–420/100,000), with an overall all-ages, all-forms TB prevalence of 275/100,000 population (95% CI 217–334/100,000). TB prevalence was higher in males, and age groups 35–44 and ≥65 years. CXR identified 93/107 (87%) cases vs. 39/107 (36%) using the symptom screen.CONCLUSION: Zimbabwe TB disease prevalence has decreased relative to prior estimates, possibly due to increased antiretroviral therapy coverage and successful national TB control strategies. Continued investments in TB diagnostics for improved case detection are required.

Abdul Haseeb ◽  
Hani Saleh Faidah ◽  
Manal Algethamy ◽  
Saleh Alghamdi ◽  
Ghaidaa Ali Alhazmi ◽  

(1) Background: Inappropriate use of antimicrobials and subsequently rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) remains a major public health priority. Over-prescribing of broad-spectrum antibiotics is one of the main contributing factors for the emergence of AMR. We sought to describe antimicrobial prescribing trends among patients in public hospitals in Makkah hospitals. (2) Method: We undertook a point prevalence survey (PPS) in six hospitals in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, from January 2019 to July 2019. The survey included all the inpatients receiving antimicrobials on the day of PPS. Data was collected using the Global point prevalence survey (PPS) tool developed by the University of Antwerp, Belgium. (3) Results: Of 710 hospitalized patients, 447 patients (61.9%) were treated with one or more antimicrobials during the study period. The average bed occupancy among six hospitals was 74.4%. The majority of patients received antimicrobials parenterally (90.3%). Of the total prescribed antimicrobials, 415 (53.7%) antimicrobials were used in medical departments, 183 (23.7%) in surgical departments, and 175 (22.6%) in ICUs. Pneumonia (17.3%), skin and soft tissue infections (10.9%), and sepsis (6.6.%) were three common clinical indications. Ceftriaxones were the most commonly used antibiotics that were prescribed in 116 (15%) of patients, followed by piperacillin, with an enzyme inhibitor in 84 (10.9%). (4) Conclusion: There was a high prevalence of antibiotic use in the hospitals of Makkah, which could be a potential risk factor for the incidence of resistant strains, particularly MRSA infection. Public health decision-makers should take these findings into consideration to update national policies for antibiotic use in order to reduce the risks of further increases of AMR.

Antibiotics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1528
Daniel Ankrah ◽  
Helena Owusu ◽  
Asiwome Aggor ◽  
Anthony Osei ◽  
Agneta Ampomah ◽  

The first comprehensive point prevalence survey at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH) was performed as part of the 2019 Global Point Prevalence Survey (Global-PPS) on antimicrobials. The aim was to establish a PPS baseline for the whole hospital and to identify required stewardship interventions. The PPS was conducted over three days in June 2019 using the GLOBAL-PPS standardized method for surveillance of antimicrobial utilization in hospitals to evaluate antimicrobial prescribing. In all, 988 patients were admitted to 69 wards. Overall antimicrobial prevalence was 53.3%. More community-acquired infections (CAI) were treated empirically compared to health-care associated infections (94.0% vs. 86.1% respectively, p = 0.002). Main indications for prescribing antimicrobials were pneumonia (18.4%), skin and soft tissue infections (11.4%) and sepsis (11.1%). Among antimicrobials, systemic antibiotics accounted for 83.5%, of which amoxicillin with beta-lactam inhibitor (17.5%), metronidazole (11.8%) and ceftriaxone (11.5%) dominated. Guideline compliance was 89.0%. Stop/review dates were completed in 33.4% and documented reason was recorded in 53.0% of all prescriptions. If the findings in this PPS can be addressed antimicrobial stewardship at the KBTH stands to improve significantly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 523-535
Aaron O Aboderin ◽  
Adeyemi T Adeyemo ◽  
Ademola A Olayinka ◽  
Adeniyi S Oginni ◽  
Abolaji T Adeyemo ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-33
Dawon Park ◽  
Young Jun Chai ◽  
Hoon Yub Kim ◽  
Woong Youn Chung ◽  
Kang Dae Lee ◽  

Pharmacy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 188
Sarah Marshall ◽  
Anne C. Moore ◽  
Laura J. Sahm ◽  
Aoife Fleming

Understanding parental attitudes to their children’s vaccination is critical to developing and implementing interventions that address parents’ hesitancy and improve vaccine uptake. The Parent Attitudes about Childhood Vaccines (PACV) survey is a validated tool for identifying vaccine hesitancy in parents. We evaluated the rate of vaccine hesitancy and areas of concern regarding childhood vaccinations using an adapted version of the PACV survey, in a convenience sample of parents attending a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) outreach event in Ireland, in 2018. A score ≥ 50 identified vaccine hesitant parents. Of 105 parents who completed the survey, the prevalence of vaccine hesitancy was 6.7%, (7/105). Parents had concerns around vaccine side effects (36.2%, n = 38), vaccine safety (20%, n = 21) and the number of vaccines administered (13.3%, n = 14). Parents trusted the vaccine information they received (85.6%, n = 90) and 81.9% (n = 86) believed that the vaccine schedule was good for their child. The findings indicate the presence of vaccine hesitancy in parents in Ireland regarding paediatric vaccines with further research necessary to address parents’ vaccine concerns. Future research should explore further, by qualitative methods, parents’ vaccine concerns. There is also potential to identify vaccine hesitant parents with the PACV survey as a surveillance method in healthcare settings; for example, in community pharmacies, family doctor clinics and out-patient clinics.

BMC Medicine ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Chu-Chang Ku ◽  
Peter MacPherson ◽  
McEwen Khundi ◽  
Rebecca H. Nzawa Soko ◽  
Helena R. A. Feasey ◽  

Abstract Background Ratios of bacteriologically positive tuberculosis (TB) prevalence to notification rates are used to characterise typical durations of TB disease. However, this ignores the clinical spectrum of tuberculosis disease and potentially long infectious periods with minimal or no symptoms prior to care-seeking. Methods We developed novel statistical models to estimate progression from initial bacteriological positivity including smear conversion, symptom onset and initial care-seeking. Case-detection ratios, TB incidence, durations, and other parameters were estimated by fitting the model to tuberculosis prevalence survey and notification data (one subnational and 11 national datasets) within a Bayesian framework using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Results Analysis across 11 national datasets found asymptomatic tuberculosis durations in the range 4–8 months for African countries; three countries in Asia (Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Philippines) showed longer durations of > 1 year. For the six countries with relevant data, care-seeking typically began half-way between symptom onset and notification. For Kenya and Blantyre, Malawi, individual-level data were available. The sex-specific durations of asymptomatic bacteriologically-positive tuberculosis were 9.0 months (95% credible interval [CrI]: 7.2–11.2) for men and 8.1 months (95% CrI: 6.2–10.3) for women in Kenya, and 4.9 months (95% CrI: 2.6–7.9) for men and 3.5 months (95% CrI: 1.3–6.2) for women in Blantyre. Age-stratified analysis of data for Kenya showed no strong age-dependence in durations. For Blantyre, HIV-stratified analysis estimated an asymptomatic duration of 1.3 months (95% CrI: 0.3–3.0) for HIV-positive people, shorter than the 8.5 months (95% CrI: 5.0–12.7) for HIV-negative people. Additionally, case-detection ratios were higher for people living with HIV than HIV-negative people (93% vs 71%). Conclusion Asymptomatic TB disease typically lasts around 6 months. We found no evidence of age-dependence, but much shorter durations among people living with HIV, and longer durations in some Asian settings. To eradicate TB transmission, greater gains may be achieved by proactively screening people without symptoms through active case finding interventions

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (11) ◽  
pp. e0009928
Fahd Naufal ◽  
Christopher J. Brady ◽  
Meraf A. Wolle ◽  
Michael Saheb Kashaf ◽  
Harran Mkocha ◽  

Background As the prevalence of trachoma declines worldwide, it is becoming increasingly expensive and challenging to standardize graders in the field for surveys to document elimination. Photography of the tarsal conjunctiva and remote interpretation may help alleviate these challenges. The purpose of this study was to develop, and field test an Image Capture and Processing System (ICAPS) to acquire hands-free images of the tarsal conjunctiva for upload to a virtual reading center for remote grading. Methodology/Principal findings This observational study was conducted during a district-level prevalence survey for trachomatous inflammation—follicular (TF) in Chamwino, Tanzania. The ICAPS was developed using a Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphone, a Samsung Gear VR headset, a foot pedal trigger and customized software allowing for hands-free photography. After a one-day training course, three trachoma graders used the ICAPS to collect images from 1305 children ages 1–9 years, which were expert-graded remotely for comparison with field grades. In our experience, the ICAPS was successful at scanning and assigning barcodes to images, focusing on the everted eyelid with adequate examiner hand visualization, and capturing images with sufficient detail to grade TF. The percentage of children with TF by photos and by field grade was 5%. Agreement between grading of the images compared to the field grades at the child level was kappa = 0.53 (95%CI = 0.40–0.66). There were ungradable images for at least one eye in 199 children (9.1%), with more occurring in children ages 1–3 (18.5%) than older children ages 4–9 (4.2%) (χ2 = 145.3, p<0.001). Conclusions/Significance The prototype ICAPS device was robust, able to image 1305 children in a district level survey and transmit images from rural Tanzania to an online grading platform. More work is needed to improve the percentage of ungradable images and to better understand the causes of disagreement between field and photo grading.

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