pathology laboratory
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2022 ◽  
Vol 82 ◽  
F. S. Carvalho ◽  
N. K. A. Porto ◽  
P. V. M. Azevedo ◽  
P. K. A. Magalhães ◽  
E. N. de Araújo ◽  

Abstract Urinary tract infections are responsible for most human infections, these are caused by bacteria, fungi, protozoa and associated microorganisms. The goal of this study was to determine the rate of vaginal infection-causing agents in routine cytological exams and also to evaluate the characteristics of positive tested Pap smears. A retrospective documental with descriptive aspect research was performed in a Clinical Pathology laboratory from Maceió-AL. The results of the Pap smears exams for Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida spp and HPV were arranged in a database as well as other data such as bacterial, protozoan, fungal and viral coinfections. The sample was composed by 18.645 women who have undergone Pap smear exams from 2013 to 2017. Of these analyzed exams, 27.4% in 2013, 10.9% in 2014, 10.6% in 2015, 15.2% in 2016 and 13.67% in 2017 were within normal range, however more than half of these exams presented some infections caused by unspecific or microbiological agents. By analyzing all the reports, 4.073 (21.84%) presented inflammations caused by some species of infectious agent with the following rate order: G. vaginalis and T. vaginalis. Furthermore, it was possible to confirm high rates of coinfection by and Candida spp. The rate of genital infections in this study highlights that there is a public health matter that must be controlled, which points a greater need for monitoring, guidance and actions towards greater awareness in order to prevent these problems.

2022 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
Jael S. Batista ◽  
Tiago S. Teófilo ◽  
Francisco H.A. Silva ◽  
Natanael S. Félix ◽  
Emerson C.O. Silva ◽  

ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to describe the clinical and pathological aspects of diseases of the digestive system in agoutis (Dasyprocta leporina Linnaeus, 1758) diagnosed by the “Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária” (Veterinary Pathology Laboratory) of the “Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido” (UFERSA), from January 2018 to February 2020. During the study period, necropsy and a survey of the clinical history of 27 agoutis were performed, 25.93% (7/27) of which were diagnosed with digestive system diseases. The percentages of digestive tract diseases among the diagnosed were: acute carbohydrate overload (11.12%), gastric ulcer (7.41%), gastric volvulus (3.70%), and intestinal volvulus (3.70%). Studies on the occurrence rate of these diseases, as well as the description of their clinical and anatomopathological aspects, may serve as a basis for guiding the appropriate management in the breeding of these animals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 485-488
Deliya Paudel ◽  
Himanshu Regmi ◽  
Uspal Bajracharya ◽  
Guna K Shrestha

Introduction: Urinary bladder cancers are heterogeneous diseases consisting of a divergent group of tumors.  Diseases of the urinary bladder, both neoplastic and nonneoplastic contribute to notable mortality and morbidity. Histopathology remains the gold standard of diagnosis. Bladder transurethral resection of the tumor is a therapeutic procedure that ensures the material necessary for histopathological diagnosis because it allows assessment of the degree of differentiation, depth of tumor invasion, parameters useful in the elaboration of diagnosis and prognosis assessment Material and Methods: All the urinary bladder biopsies submitted in the pathology laboratory during 1 year time period were included in the study. Results: Among the 51 total cases in the study, the male to female ratio was 4.67:1 with the age group of 22-96 years. Among the study population, 30 (52.7%)  presented with hematuria, 10 (19.2%)  with burning micturition, frequent urination, and lower abdominal pain. In the study, 44 (86%) showed neoplastic lesions while 7(14%) remaining were non-neoplastic lesions. Infiltrative urothelial carcinoma with low and high grades was diagnosed in  23% (12/51) Conclusions: This study has revealed that neoplastic lesions are more common than non-neoplastic lesions. A great majority of neoplastic lesions are of urothelial origin. Majority of which are invasive urothelial neoplasm. All urothelial neoplasms are more common in males. Cystoscopic studies and biopsies help in the early detection of bladder neoplasms and they form the mainstay of the diagnosis and follow-up.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 117014-117022
Kátia Regina Ferreira Sousa ◽  
Janaína de Fátima Saraiva Cardoso ◽  
Dalvan Fortaleza Alencar ◽  
Nathália Castelo Branco Barros ◽  
Wanderson Fiares De Carvalho ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Dhiana Ekowati ◽  
Arsyad Fadhlur Rahman

The hospital is a health institution that is engaged in services. The quality of a service will encourage consumers to form strong bonds with the company. If the service received exceeds consumer expectations, service quality is perceived as ideal quality. Conversely, if the service received is lower than expected, the quality of the service is perceived as poor. Thus, whether the quality of service is good or not depends on the ability of service providers to consistently meet consumer expectations. This study aims to measure the service quality of the Clinical Pathology Laboratory Installation of RSUP Sarjito Yogyakarta using the Servqual Method.       The subjects of this study were consumers of the Clinical Pathology Laboratory Installation of the Sarjito Hospital Yogyakarta, while the object of this study was the quality of service for the Clinical Pathology Laboratory Installation of the Sarjito Hospital Yogyakarta. The sample of this research is 99 respondents. The data analysis of this research uses SERVQUAL analysis.       The results of this study indicate that the service quality of the Clinical Pathology Laboratory Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta provides satisfaction to consumers. Keywoard: Quality of Service, SERVQUAL.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 650-656
Ibrahim Tanaka ◽  
Dharma Lindarto ◽  
Santi Syafril

Background: Ghrelin is primarily involved in the secretion of growth hormone (GH), glucose and lipid metabolism. HIV infection is thought to affect ghrelin levels in HIV patients, especially in patients with lipodystrophy. However, this effect is still unclear because many studies have obtained different results about low or high levels of ghrelin in people with HIV. Suppression of HIV replication with ART rapidly increases CD4 cell count. However, data on the effect of antiretroviral therapy on ghrelin levels is still scant. Aim: To examine the relationship between ghrelin levels and CD4 levels in HIV patients receiving ARV therapy. Method: This research is an observational analysis study, with cross-sectional design, implemented start from April 2020 in Tropical Diseases & Infection Polyclinic, H. Adam Malik Hospital. Blood samples were taken and examined at the Clinical Pathology Laboratory. Primary and secondary data collection from interviews and direct observation. Data will be analyzed with Pearson correlation test if normally distributed or Spearman's test if the data is not normally distributed using SPSS software. Results: A total of 43 the sample consists of 38 patient who received the AFC, 3 patients received Duviral + Efafirens, 1 patient received Tenofovir + Hiviral + Aluvia dan 1 patient received Tenofovir + Hiviral + Neviral. Demographic characteristics based on th highest ages group are 21-30 years and 31-40 years, each of which is 17 people. The correlation of ghrelin level with levels of CD4 on the HIV patient taking ARV shows a significance value of 0.943, it can be concluded that there was no significant relationship between Ghrelin levels and CD4. Conclusion: There was no correlation between ghrelin levels with CD4 levels on HIV patient receiving ARV therapy. Keywords: Ghrelin, HIV, CD4, Antiretrovirals.

Arantza Sanvisens ◽  
Montse Puigdemont ◽  
Jordi Rubió-Casadevall ◽  
Anna Vidal-Vila ◽  
Eugeni López-Bonet ◽  

Introduction: The recent COVID-19 pandemic has compromised socio-health care, with consequences for the diagnosis and follow-up of other pathologies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on cancer diagnosis in Girona, Spain. Methodology: Observational study of samples received in two pathology laboratories during 2019–2020 (tertiary hospital in Girona and county hospital in Figueres). Date, sample type, and location and morphology were available. Samples were recoded to determine malignancy and grouped by location. Comparisons were made by calendar year and period of exposure to COVID-19. Results: 102,360 samples were included: 80,517 from Girona and 21,843 from Figueres. The reduction in activity in the pathology laboratories in 2020 compared to the previous year was 25.4% in Girona and 27.5% in Figueres. The reduction in cancer diagnoses in 2020 compared to 2019 was 6.8% in Girona and 21% in Figueres. In both laboratories, a decrease was observed in the diagnoses of neoplasms of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx, larynx, colon, rectum and anus, kidney and urinary system, melanoma, and central nervous system. A statistically significant higher probability of a sample received in the pathology laboratory displaying malignancy during COVID-19 was found (Girona: OR = 1.28, 95% CI: 1.23–1.34; Figueres: OR = 1.10, 95% CI: 1.01–1.20) with respect to the COVID-19-free period. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a reduction in cancer diagnoses by pathology departments that varies according to tumor location and type of hospital. Despite this, the optimization of care resources and the recovery effort have partially reduced the impact of the pandemic in certain neoplasms.

Vina Corry ◽  
Merci M. Pasaribu

Establishing the diagnosis of undescended testicles requires appropriate hormonal laboratory reference values basedon age and gender. An 8-year-old boy with an undescended testicle, mental retardation, and stunting had a blood test thatwas carried out at the Clinical Pathology Laboratory, dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Hospital on February 6, 2020, withtestosterone levels of 0.69 nmol/L (N male: 4.94-32.01 nmol/L) indicating decreased testosterone levels. The patient wasconsulted from urological surgery to pediatric endocrinology to determine the presence or rudiment of the patient'stesticles. Using the reference range of testosterone values assists clinicians in determining the diagnosis, monitoringtherapy, and prognosis of a disease. There are some testosterone reference values, which are currently available, includingCanadian Laboratory Initiative on Pediatric Reference Intervals Database (CALIPER) and the Tanner stage reference value.Later is more applicable because it is based on chronological age and secondary sexual development in assessing pubertydevelopment. A case of an 8-year-old boy with a clinical diagnosis of an undescended testicle, the laboratory test resultsshowed normal-low testosterone levels using the CALIPER and Tanner stage ranges according to the patient's age. Noincrease of testosterone levels after the second HCG stimulation test might be due to differences in the HCG administrationprotocol; therefore, the diagnosis of anorchia had not been established, and chromosome abnormalities of 46 XY, +6 Mar,17 dmin on chromosome analysis suggested the suspected syndrome. These findings were consistent with the suspicion ofprimary hypogonadism in children with suspected syndrome caused by bilateral cryptorchidism with a suspectedseminiferous tubular defect.

A. A. Usman ◽  
T. S. Olugbemi ◽  
J. J. Omage ◽  
H. B. Usman

The study was carried out at the poultry unit of the Department of Animal Science teaching and research farm, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria to determine the Chemical and Microbial Analysis of Poultry Litter Treated with Graded Levels of Aluminium sulphate (Alum). The alum used was obtained from the Sabon-garimarket in Zaria, Kaduna State. Aluminium sulphate (alum) was applied to the wood shavings by mixing it with alum thoroughly using hands covered with hand gloves. The rates of alum application was as follows: T1 control (normal poultry litter with no alum), T2 (5% alum by kg weight of poultry litter), T3 (10% alum by kg weight of poultry litter) and T4 (15% alum by kg weight of poultry litter). Five sets of litter samples were obtained fortnightly from each pen from different locations i.e. the four corners and centre from which the microbial load were measured. At the termination of the experiment (day 56), two birds from each pen having representative weights for the group (6 birds per Treatment) were selected and 1.5ml of blood was taken via the wing vein. Haematological parameters were analyzed by an auto haemo-analyser (BC2800 vet auto haemo analyser) at the Clinical Pathology Laboratory, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. This result shows significant (P<0.05) difference among all the parameters analysed except MCHC. The result shows a significant decrease in the total bacteria, E. coliand Salmonella spp. in the alum treated litter groups (5%, 10% and 15% alum treated litter) compared to the control group (0% alum treated litter), the mould and yeast load was significantly increased in alum treated litter groups (5%, 10% and 15% alum treated litter) compared to the control group (0% alum treated litter).The study conclude that treating recycled poultry litter with alum can reduce microbial load of the litter. Birds reared on recycled poultry litter have significantly higher haemoglobin and PCV compared to the control.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 333-338
V. Ivanova ◽  
T. Alexandrov

Аbstract. The response of 1262 durum wheat lines to the cause agent of leaf rust Puccinia triticina was studied. The investigation was carried under infection field conditions during 2013-2015 at Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute (DAI) – General Toshevo, Bulgaria. Over the years of investigation, a maximum high infection background was developed by the cause agent of the disease, including all pathogen pathotypes identified during this period. The race variability in the population of the pathogen during the period was determined at the Plant Pathology Laboratory of DAI according to a validated methodology for working with rusts. Seventy-one phenotypically different virulent pathotypes were established. Fifteen new races of P. triticina were also identified, which have not been present during the previous 15 years in Bulgaria. Seventeen lines and one cultivar with a certain degree of resistance to the pathogen were selected. The selected lines can be involved in the breeding programs for developing initial material with resistance to leaf rust P. triticina.

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