social scenes
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Przemysław Tomalski ◽  
David López Pérez ◽  
Alicja Radkowska ◽  
Anna Malinowska-Korczak

In the 1st year of life, infants gradually gain the ability to control their eye movements and explore visual scenes, which support their learning and emerging cognitive skills. These gains include domain-general skills such as rapid orienting or attention disengagement as well as domain-specific ones such as increased sensitivity to social stimuli. However, it remains unknown whether these developmental changes in what infants fixate and for how long in naturalistic scenes lead to the emergence of more complex, repeated sequences of fixations, especially when viewing human figures and faces, and whether these changes are related to improvements in domain-general attentional skills. Here we tested longitudinally the developmental changes in the complexity of fixation sequences at 5.5 and 11 months of age using Recurrence Quantification Analysis. We measured changes in how fixations recur in the same location and changes in the patterns (repeated sequences) of fixations in social and non-social scenes that were either static or dynamic. We found more complex patterns (i.e., repeated and longer sequences) of fixations in social than non-social scenes, both static and dynamic. There was also an age-related increase in the length of repeated fixation sequences only for social static scenes, which was independent of individual differences in orienting and attention disengagement. Our results can be interpreted as evidence for fine-tuning of infants' visual scanning skills. They selectively produce longer and more complex sequences of fixations on faces and bodies before reaching the end of the 1st year of life.

Dzmitry A. Kaliukhovich ◽  
Nikolay V. Manyakov ◽  
Abigail Bangerter ◽  
Gahan Pandina

AbstractIndividuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have been found to view social scenes differently compared to typically developing (TD) peers, but results can vary depending on context and age. We used eye-tracking in children and adults (age 6–63) to assess allocation of visual attention in a dynamic social orientation paradigm previously used only in younger children. The ASD group (n = 94) looked less at the actor’s face compared to TD (n = 38) when they were engaged in activity (mean percentage of looking time, ASD = 30.7% vs TD = 34.9%; Cohen’s d = 0.56; p value < 0.03) or looking at a moving toy (24.5% vs 33.2%; d = 0.65; p value < 0.001). Findings indicate that there are qualitative differences in allocation of visual attention to social stimuli across ages in identifier: NCT02668991.

Cognition ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 214 ◽  
pp. 104737
Tim Vestner ◽  
Harriet Over ◽  
Katie L.H. Gray ◽  
Steven P. Tipper ◽  
Richard Cook

i-Perception ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 204166952110402
Roy S. Hessels ◽  
Jeroen S. Benjamins ◽  
Andrea J. van Doorn ◽  
Jan J. Koenderink ◽  
Ignace T. C. Hooge

In urban environments, humans often encounter other people that may engage one in interaction. How do humans perceive such invitations to interact at a glance? We briefly presented participants with pictures of actors carrying out one of 11 behaviors (e.g., waving or looking at a phone) at four camera-actor distances. Participants were asked to describe what they might do in such a situation, how they decided, and what stood out most in the photograph. In addition, participants rated how likely they deemed interaction to take place. Participants formulated clear responses about how they might act. We show convincingly that what participants would do depended on the depicted behavior, but not the camera-actor distance. The likeliness to interact ratings depended both on the depicted behavior and the camera-actor distance. We conclude that humans perceive the “gist” of photographs and that various aspects of the actor, action, and context depicted in photographs are subjectively available at a glance. Our conclusions are discussed in the context of scene perception, social robotics, and intercultural differences.

2021 ◽  
Susanny Cristini Vercellino Tassini ◽  
Mariana Cardoso Melo ◽  
Claudia Berlim de Mello ◽  
Orlando Francisco Amodeo Bueno

Central coherence theory proposes that a specific perceptual-cognitive process that limits the ability to derive overall meaning from details underlies the central disturbance in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In a social context, it may interfere with the ability of individuals with ASD to understand interactions between people by recognizing emotional clues or attributing a particular mental state, and to play a role in the social difficulties associated with ASD. A sample of 28 adults diagnosed with ASD Level 1 and 25 controls were submitted to a cartoon-like task with the instruction to describe social scenes and a Navon letter task. Both quantitative measures and qualitative (thematic content analysis) procedures were used to assess performance. Heatmap and fixation preferences according to the stimuli quadrants were used to investigate eye-tracking patterns. A tendency to local processing, independently of the stimuli type, in the ASD participants was seen. In social scenes, quadrants with components such as characters' faces were neglected, resulting in a loss of implicit content related to interactions, as evidenced by verbal reports. A significantly longer reaction times and response durations in ASD. The findings corroborate the idea that weak central coherence may be part of the cognitive phenotype in ASD.

2021 ◽  
Gaurav H Patel ◽  
David C. Gruskin ◽  
Sophie C. Arkin ◽  
Emery C. Jamerson ◽  
Daniel R. Ruiz-Betancourt ◽  

Background: Efficient processing of complex and dynamic social scenes relies on intact connectivity of many underlying cortical areas and networks, but how connectivity deficits affect this functioning in social cognition remains unknown. Here we measure these relationships using functionally based localization of social cognition areas, resting-state functional connectivity, and movie-watching data. Methods: In 42 schizophrenia participants (SzP) and 41 healthy controls (HC), we measured the functional connectivity of areas localized by face-emotion processing, theory-of-mind, and attention tasks. We quantified the weighted shortest path length between visual and medial prefrontal theory-of-mind areas in both populations to assess the impact of functional connectivity deficits on network structure. We then correlated connectivity along the shortest path in each group with movie-evoked activity in a key node of the theory-of-mind network (TPJp). Results: SzP had pronounced connectivity deficits in temporoparietal junction/posterior superior temporal sulcus (TPJ-pSTS) areas involved in face-emotion processing (t(81)=4.4, p=0.00002). In HC the shortest path connecting visual and medial prefrontal theory-of-mind areas passed through TPJ-pSTS, whereas in SzP the shortest path passed through prefrontal cortex (PFC). While movie-evoked TPJp activity correlated with connectivity along the TPJ-pSTS pathway in both groups (r=0.43, p=0.002), it additionally correlated with connectivity along the PFC pathway only in SzP (rSzP=0.56, p=0.003). Conclusions: Connectivity along the human-unique TPJ-pSTS pathway affects both the network architecture and functioning of areas involved in processing complex dynamic social scenes. These results demonstrate how focal deficits can have widespread impacts across cortex.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 224-230
Ira Adriati

Sasya Tranggono is an Indonesian female artist who works with the subjects of puppets, flowers and butterflies. Her work is well known in the Indonesian art social scenes; she has actualized herself. In this research condition analyzes the self-actualization process during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a qualitative research. Using Abraham Maslow's theory of self-actualization which has been converted to fine arts, Hans Van Maneen's theory for the exhibition process, and Hennessy's theory relating to publication on social media. Based on the analysis, it can be seen that Sasya Tranggono tries to maintain her self-actualization even through social media such as Instagram and the web. She has collaborated with several galleries to exhibit her work online and offline. All of her publication strategies kept her at the pinnacle of self-actualization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Claudia Massaccesi ◽  
Emilio Chiappini ◽  
Riccardo Paracampo ◽  
Sebastian Korb

In most European countries, the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (spring 2020) led to the imposition of physical distancing rules, resulting in a drastic and sudden reduction of real-life social interactions. Even people not directly affected by the virus itself were impacted in their physical and/or mental health, as well as in their financial security, by governmental lockdown measures. We investigated whether the combination of these events had changed people's appraisal of social scenes by testing 241 participants recruited mainly in Italy, Austria, and Germany in an online, preregistered study conducted about 50 days after the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe. Images depicting individuals alone, in small groups (up to four people), and in large groups (more than seven people) were rated in terms of valence, arousal, and perceived physical distance. Pre-pandemic normative ratings were obtained from a validated database (OASIS). Several self-report measures were also taken, and condensed into four factors through factor analysis. All images were rated as more arousing compared to the pre-pandemic period, and the greater the decrease in real-life physical interactions reported by participants, the higher the ratings of arousal. As expected, only images depicting large gatherings of people were rated less positively during, compared to before, the pandemic. These ratings of valence were, however, moderated by a factor that included participants' number of days in isolation, relationship closeness, and perceived COVID-19 threat. Higher scores on this factor were associated with more positive ratings of images of individuals alone and in small groups, suggesting an increased appreciation of safer social situations, such as intimate and small-group contacts. The same factor was inversely related to the perceived physical distance between individuals in images of small and large groups, suggesting an impact of lockdown measures and contagion-related worries on the representation of interpersonal space. These findings point to rapid and compelling psychological and social consequences of the lockdown measures imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic on the perception of social groups. Further studies should assess the long-term impact of such events as typical everyday life is restored.

Benedict S. Robinson

Passion’s Fictions traces the intimate links between literature and the sciences of soul and mind from the age of Shakespeare to the rise of the novel. It chronicles the emergence of new sciences of the passions between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries out of and in some ways against a received “science of the soul,” and it argues that this history was shaped by rhetoric, which contained the most extensively particularized discourse on the passions, offering principles for moving and affecting the passions of others in concrete social scenes. This rhetoric of the passions centered on narrative as the instrument of a non-theoretical knowledge of the passions in their particularity, predicated on an account of passion as an intimate relation between an empassioned mind and an empassioning world: rhetoric offers a kind of externalist psychology, formalized in the relation of passion to action and underwriting an account of narrative as a means of both moving passion and knowing it. This book describes the psychology of the passions before the discipline of psychology, tracing the influence of rhetoric on theories of the passions from Francis Bacon to Adam Smith and using that history to read literary works by Shakespeare, Milton, Haywood, Richardson, and others. Narrative offers a means of knowing and moving the passions by tracing them to the events and objects that generate them; the history of narrative practices is thus a key part of the history of the psychology of the passions at a critical moment in its development.

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