test channel
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Membranes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Patrick Winnersbach ◽  
Aisa Hosseinnejad ◽  
Thomas Breuer ◽  
Tamara Fechter ◽  
Felix Jakob ◽  

Background: Clot formation on foreign surfaces of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation systems is a frequent event. Herein, we show an approach that mimics the enzymatic process of endogenous nitric oxide (NO) release on the oxygenator membrane via a biomimetic, non-fouling microgel coating to spatiotemporally inhibit the platelet (PLT) activation and improve antithrombotic properties. This study aims to evaluate the potential of this biomimetic coating towards NO-mediated PLT inhibition and thereby the reduction of clot formation under flow conditions. Methods: Microgel-coated (NOrel) or bare (Control) poly(4-methyl pentene) (PMP) fibers were inserted into a test channel and exposed to a short-term continuous flow of human blood. The analysis included high-resolution PLT count, pooled PLT activation via β-Thromboglobulin (β-TG) and the visualization of remnants and clots on the fibers using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: In the Control group, PLT count was significantly decreased, and β-TG concentration was significantly elevated in comparison to the NOrel group. Macroscopic and microscopic visualization showed dense layers of stable clots on the bare PMP fibers, in contrast to minimal deposition of fibrin networks on the coated fibers. Conclusion: Endogenously NO-releasing microgel coating inhibits the PLT activation and reduces the clot formation on PMP fibers under dynamic flow.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (No. 4) ◽  
pp. 190-198
Milan Helexa ◽  
Ján Kováč ◽  
Jozef Krilek

The article focuses on the research of tyre rolling resistances in the soil test channel environment. The specific monitored tyre was a Mitas TS05 10.0/75-15.3 10PR diagonal tyre with an arrow tread. The measurement itself was divided into two stages. In the first stage, measurements of rolling resistance were performed on a solid concrete base of the laboratory in order to determine the internal component of rolling resistance of the tyre. In the second stage, rolling resistances were monitored on forest soil deposited in the main body of the soil channel. The mentioned measurements of rolling resistance can be considered key for further evaluation of traction and energy properties of tyres. Despite some complications which occurred during the measurement, the results obtained indicate the conclusions reached by other researchers in the field. The main conclusion of this research is to confirm the justification of using the correct or optimal level of inflation pressures of tyres of mobile energy means depending on the properties of the surfaces on which they move in order to reduce not only their energy intensity but also greater environmental acceptability.

2021 ◽  
Andreas Wieser ◽  
Jessica Beyerl ◽  
Albrecht von Brunn ◽  
Vincent Rieker ◽  
Marcus Rieker ◽  

Background: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic demonstrated the vulnerability of our societies to aerosol transmitted pathogens. With no less than 260mio known cases and >5mio deaths, SARS-CoV-2 is a global catastrophe leading to human and economic losses unprecedented in recent history. Thus, effective methods to limit the spread of aerosol transmitted pathogens are needed. Universal masking and curfew laws are effective but no permanent solution. Methods: A mass producible LED light source emitting homogeneous parallel UV-C light was used as a light-barrier to block the spread of infectious aerosols. In an aerosol test channel, Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria as well as coronavirus were nebulized and inactivation rates were determined. Findings: With air speeds of 0.1ms-1 an exposure time of 1s in the UV-C light is obtained. Reduction in CFU for E. coli was >3log10 and for S. aureus ~2.8log10. Plug-forming-units of the murine coronavirus (Mouse Hepatitis Virus, MHV) were reduced by about 3log10. Interpretation: The concept of a UV-C light barrier to ward off infectious aerosols if feasible and possible with a light element as described here. Coupled with sensor based activation/deactivation, such a technology could greatly reduce the transmission rates of aerosol transmitted pathogens while not disturbing natural human behaviour. This is an interesting technology allowing a new normal in societies after/with SARS-CoV-2.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (13) ◽  
pp. 4020
Peng Sun ◽  
Yiping Lu ◽  
Jianfei Tong ◽  
Youlian Lu ◽  
Tianjiao Liang ◽  

In order to provide a theoretical basis for the thermal design of the neutron production target, flow and heat transfer characteristics are studied by using numerical simulations and experiments. A rectangular mini-channel experimental model consistent with the geometric shape of the heat dissipation structure of neutron production target was established, in which the aspect ratio and gap thickness of the test channel were 53.8:1 and 1.3 mm, respectively. The experimental results indicate that the critical Re of the mini-channel is between 3500 and 4000, and when Re reaches 21,000, Nu can reach 160. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental data, and the numerical simulation method can be used for the variable structure optimization design of the target in the later stage. The relationship between the flow pressure drop of the target mini-channel and the aspect ratio and Re is obtained by numerical simulation. The maximum deviation between the correlation and the experimental value is 6%.

Ankit Rajkumar Singh ◽  
Andallib Tariq

Abstract Whenever, any engineering system comprising of internally heated channel/tube is exposed to the severe thermal load, the sagging or deflection measurement becomes inevitable task from its safety/design analysis perspective. As an example, in a typical horizontal type nuclear reactor safety study, it is fundamentally required to measure sagging of the channels during a postulated accidental scenario analysis. Unfortunately, measurement of the transient deflection/sagging of the channel under harsh environment at extreme temperatures is a challenging task, and cannot be performed by the means of conventional intrusive approaches. Present study proposes a non-contact digital imaging method with laser generator and bandwidth filter, which is tested to measure the continuous channel sagging in a uniquely designed test-rig. A scaled-down channel setup simulating the horizontal type nuclear reactor is used during the implementation of the present approach for sagging analysis at elevated temperatures. Digital edge detection tool with Canny method is used to extract digital edges from recorded grayscale images, wherein successive images are used to measure transient sagging. Results are compared with post-test channel deflection measurements, and difference in measurement is found to be less than ±10 percent of post-test deflection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Guido Mazzini ◽  
Alis Musa ◽  
Rostilav Fukac

Abstract Supercritical water (SCW) has advantages like high thermal efficiency and can operate at high temperature and pressure. At the same time, however, these properties bring up related issues, such as material compatibility and corrosion resistance. In an effort to fully investigate the operating conditions, and solutions to these issues, test facilities are being built by many research organizations. One such organization, the Research Center Řež (CVR) located in the Czech Republic, has developed an experimental supercritical water loop (SCWL). The purpose of this loop is to provide experimental data from material testing in various conditions, including operating under the neutron field. This will be achieved by inserting a test channel into the existing experimental reactor light water reactor 15 (LVR-15), which will require a license from the state nuclear regulator (State Office for Nuclear Safety (SUJB)). Part of the licensing documentation is the safety analysis, which combines results from developed models using the thermohydraulic code ATHLET 3.1 A patch 1, as well as the experimental out of pile data. Among the postulated scenarios, an abnormal sequence (labeled A2—Loss of power in the loop) was analyzed in order to provide a preliminary benchmark. This scenario is similar to the postulated in-pile A2 and it was used for the benchmark activity. The aim of this paper is to present this activity including the adopted assumptions in the model. In particular, the paper presents, how these assumptions influenced the results indicating the discrepancies obtained in the first part of the transient.

2021 ◽  
Vol 247 ◽  
pp. 06026
B. Feng ◽  
T. Fei ◽  
D. Shaver ◽  
Y. Jung ◽  
J. Fang ◽  

The goal of this work was to calculate the impact of the delayed neutron precursor drift in fast spectrum Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) using coupled solutions from the neutronics code PROTEUS and the computational fluid dynamics code Nek5000. Specifically, using a multiphysics approach to solve the effective delayed neutron fraction (βeff) or delayed neutron precursor distribution for reactors with flowing fuel salts would provide valuable information for transient simulations and safety assessments. Given the multiple options for the flux solution and geometric resolution/fidelity in PROTEUS, two approaches were developed and applied to various test cases: PROTEUS-NODAL/Nek5000 and PROTEUS-SN/Nek5000. For the former, the precursors are tracked in the built-in precursor drift model in PROTEUS-NODAL, whereas in the latter, Nek5000 directly tracks the precursors. Both approaches were used to solve a single test channel problem and showed excellent agreement in the calculated βeff. Separately, a 3D hourglass-shaped core was modeled using the PROTEUS-SN/Nek5000 approach. This problem was designed to demonstrate the capability of the discrete ordinates (SN) solver and Nek5000 to model complex core designs with axially varying geometries and the ability for Nek5000 to track the precursors and calculate the resulting βeff. In addition, the Nek5000 calculations revealed the presence of recirculation zones in the hourglass design, which could lead to significant temperatures in the fuel salt and surrounding materials. These first coupled solutions show why these approaches may be necessary for not only predicting the precursor drift effect in fast MSRs but also for reactor design and performance assessments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 253 ◽  
pp. 04013
Quentin Grando ◽  
Léna Lebreton ◽  
Vincent Chevalier ◽  
Jacques Di Salvo ◽  
Stéphane Eymery ◽  

The CABRI experimental pulse reactor, located at the Cadarache nuclear research center, southern France, is devoted to the study of Reactivity Initiated Accidents (RIA). When the thermal-hydraulic conditions representative of a pressurized water nuclear reactor are reached (mostly temperature, pressure and flowrate conditions), a fuel test rod is submitted to a power excursion, triggered by the specific 3He reactivity injection system, in order to simulate a control rod ejection accident. The experiment, managed by IRSN, aims at studying both the fuel and cladding behavior of the test rod placed into the center of the reactor during the power excursion. Several test rods pre-irradiated in pressurized nuclear power plants and with different characteristics (burn up, cladding material, fuel type, Zirconia thickness) are considered for the programs performed in the CABRI reactor. Physical phenomena occurring during the power transient are monitored by various measuring systems designed or operated by IRSN. Each system provides information linked with the different phases of the experiment. Three main measuring systems will be considered in this paper: • The test devices, a sample holder that is also implemented with almost fifty sensors used to monitor the environmental parameters in the test channel such as temperature and pressure, and to control the rod behavior during the test sequence; • The Hodoscope, an online fuel motion measurement system, which aims at analyzing the fuel motion deduced from the detection of fast neutrons emitted by the test rod, with a time step of 1ms during the transient; • The IRIS facility, conceived to perform X-ray radiography and tomography imaging before and after a power transient thanks to a linear electron accelerator, as well as quantitative gamma scanning analyses. During the experimental sequence, different events are recorded. This paper focuses on a cladding failure that occurred during the transient and that can be revealed by the three systems mentioned above. The test device instrumentation allows to determine the timing of the failure and to analyze its consequences in the vicinity of the test rod from a thermal and hydraulic point of view, while the hodoscope measures fuel elongation and relocation during the power excursion. The IRIS facility, then, helps to confirm the failure, its location and its extent. These three systems are complementary and they allow the analysis of the same event from different perspectives. Their combination will ease the interpretation of the events in the next steps for the test results analysis. The study case taken into account in this paper concerns nuclear fuel after three irradiation cycles in a commercial PWR.

Entropy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (8) ◽  
pp. 842
Photios A. Stavrou ◽  
Jan Østergaard ◽  
Mikael Skoglund

In this paper, we derive lower and upper bounds on the OPTA of a two-user multi-input multi-output (MIMO) causal encoding and causal decoding problem. Each user’s source model is described by a multidimensional Markov source driven by additive i.i.d. noise process subject to three classes of spatio-temporal distortion constraints. To characterize the lower bounds, we use state augmentation techniques and a data processing theorem, which recovers a variant of rate distortion function as an information measure known in the literature as nonanticipatory ϵ-entropy, sequential or nonanticipative RDF. We derive lower bound characterizations for a system driven by an i.i.d. Gaussian noise process, which we solve using the SDP algorithm for all three classes of distortion constraints. We obtain closed form solutions when the system’s noise is possibly non-Gaussian for both users and when only one of the users is described by a source model driven by a Gaussian noise process. To obtain the upper bounds, we use the best linear forward test channel realization that corresponds to the optimal test channel realization when the system is driven by a Gaussian noise process and apply a sequential causal DPCM-based scheme with a feedback loop followed by a scaled ECDQ scheme that leads to upper bounds with certain performance guarantees. Then, we use the linear forward test channel as a benchmark to obtain upper bounds on the OPTA, when the system is driven by an additive i.i.d. non-Gaussian noise process. We support our framework with various simulation studies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-77
Thanh Binh Cao ◽  
Slawomir Kedziora ◽  
Stephan Sellen ◽  
Stefan Maas ◽  
Christian Repplinger

Abstract This study introduced a fatigue-based approach to design and implement an indicator channel into an in-tank hydrogen valve. It was aimed at providing a mean to point out multiple early valve's damages. To achieve the goal, the study was proposed to handle via three main phases. They included (i) the risk point determinations, (ii) the new valve design and the crack nucleation life estimations, as well as (iii) the simplified crack growth analyses. The obtained results firstly highlighted the construction of the test channel (TC), whose branches were located close to the predicted damage's sites. The damages could be identified either when a crack reaches the TC (then forms a leakage) or indirectly via the crack propagations’ correlation. The results also pointed out that the TC-implemented valve could perform as similarly as the non-TC one in the non-treated condition. More importantly, this new structure was proved to have a capacity of satisfying the required minimal life of 1.5E5 cycles, depending on the combined uses of the specific material and the pre-treatment, among those considered. In addition, the results emphasized the complexity of the TC that could not be formed by the traditional manufacturing process. Hence, direct metal laser sintering was proposed for the associated prototype and the final TC was issued based on the fundamental requirements of the technique. Finally, it was suggested that practical experiments should essentially be carried out to yield more evidence to support the demonstrated results.

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