interstitial flow
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Biophysica ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-33
Caleb A. Stine ◽  
Jennifer M. Munson

Fluid flow and chemokine gradients play a large part in not only regulating homeostatic processes in the brain, but also in pathologic conditions by directing cell migration. Tumor cells in particular are superior at invading into the brain resulting in tumor recurrence. One mechanism that governs cellular invasion is autologous chemotaxis, whereby pericellular chemokine gradients form due to interstitial fluid flow (IFF) leading cells to migrate up the gradient. Glioma cells have been shown to specifically use CXCL12 to increase their invasion under heightened interstitial flow. Computational modeling of this gradient offers better insight into the extent of its development around single cells, yet very few conditions have been modelled. In this paper, a computational model is developed to investigate how a CXCL12 gradient may form around a tumor cell and what conditions are necessary to affect its formation. Through finite element analysis using COMSOL and coupled convection-diffusion/mass transport equations, we show that velocity (IFF magnitude) has the largest parametric effect on gradient formation, multidirectional fluid flow causes gradient formation in the direction of the resultant which is governed by IFF magnitude, common treatments and flow patterns have a spatiotemporal effect on pericellular gradients, exogenous background concentrations can abrogate the autologous effect depending on how close the cell is to the source, that there is a minimum distance away from the tumor border required for a single cell to establish an autologous gradient, and finally that the development of a gradient formation is highly dependent on specific cell morphology.

Caleb Stine ◽  
Jennifer Munson

Fluid flow and chemokine gradients play a large part in not only regulating homeostatic processes in the brain, but also in pathologic conditions by directing cell migration. Tumor cells in particular are superior at invading into the brain resulting in tumor recurrence. One mechanism that governs cellular invasion is autologous chemotaxis, whereby pericellular chemokine gradients form due to interstitial fluid flow (IFF) leading cells to migrate up the gradient. Glioma cells have been shown to specifically use CXCL12 to increase their invasion under heightened interstitial flow. Computational modeling of this gradient offers better insight into the extent of its development around single cells, yet very few conditions have been modelled. In this paper, a computational model is developed to investigate how a CXCL12 gradient may form around a tumor cell and what conditions are necessary to affect its formation. Through finite element analysis using COMSOL and coupled convection-diffusion/mass transport equations, we show that velocity (IFF magnitude) has the largest parametric effect on gradient formation, multidirectional fluid flow causes gradient formation in the direction of the resultant which is governed by IFF magnitude, common treatments and flow patterns have a spatiotemporal effect on pericellular gradients, exogenous background concentrations can abrogate the autologous effect depending on how close the cell is to the source, that there is a minimal distance away from the tumor border required for a single cell to establish an autologous gradient, and finally that the development of a gradient formation is highly dependent on specific cell morphology.

Haneen Abusharkh ◽  
Terreill Robertson ◽  
Juana Mendenhall ◽  
Bulent Gozen ◽  
Edwin Tingstad ◽  

The present study is focused on designing an easy-to-use novel perfusion system for articular cartilage (AC) tissue engineering and using it to elucidate the mechanism by which interstitial shear upregulates matrix synthesis by articular chondrocytes (AChs). Porous chitosan-agarose (CHAG) scaffolds were synthesized, freeze-dried, and compared to bulk agarose (AG) scaffolds. Both scaffold types were seeded with osteoarthritic human AChs and cultured in a novel perfusion system for one week with a shear-inducing medium flow velocity of 0.33 mm/s corresponding to an average surficial shear of 0.4 mPa and a CHAG interstitial shear of 40 mPa. While there were no statistical differences in cell viability for perfusion vs. static cultures for either scaffold type, CHAG scaffold cultures exhibited 3.3-fold higher (p<0.005) cell viability compared to AG scaffold cultures. Effects of combined superficial and interstitial perfusion for CHAG showed 150- and 45-fold (p<0.0001) increases in total collagen (COL) and 13- and 2.2-fold (p<0.001) increases in glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) over AG’s scaffold non-perfusion and perfusion cultures, respectively, and a 1.5-fold and 3.6-fold (p<0.005) increase over non-perfusion CHAG cultures. Contrasting CHAG perfusion and static cultures, chondrogenic gene comparisons showed a 3.5-fold increase in collagen type II/type I (COL2A1/COL1A1) mRNA ratio (p<0.05), and a 1.3-fold increase in aggrecan mRNA. Observed effects are suggested to be the result of inhibiting the inflammatory NF-κB signal transduction pathway as confirmed by a further study that indicated a reduction by 3.2-fold (p<0.05) upon exposure to perfusion. Our results demonstrate that the presence of pores plays a critical role in improving cell viability and that interstitial flow caused by medium perfusion through the porous scaffolds enhances the expression of chondrogenic genes and ECM components through the downregulation of NF-κB1.

2021 ◽  
Yuji Suzuki ◽  
Yukimi Nakamura ◽  
Hironaka Igarashi

Abstract Background: Elucidation of the mechanism of β-amyloid accumulation plays an important role in therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). To elucidate the relationship between the function of the blood cerebrospinal fluid barrier (BCSFB) and the production and clearance of β-amyloid, we analyzed the changes in interstitial water flow into the CSF space from the cortex and β-amyloid accumulation in the cortex by using both [15O]H2O and [18F]flutemetamol PET over a 2-year follow-up period. Methods: Twenty-five normal older adult volunteers (13 males and 12 females, 60–81 years old) participated in this 2-year follow-up PET study. Water dynamics were analyzed using two indices in [15O]H2O PET, the influx ratio (IR) and drain rate (DR), and β-amyloid accumulation was assessed qualitatively by [18F]flutemetamol PET. Results: [15O]H2O PET examinations conducted initially and after 2 years showed no significant changes in both indices over the 2-year period (IR: 1.03 ± 0.21 and 1.02 ± 0.20, DR: 1.74 ± 0.43 and 1.67 ± 0.47, respectively). In [18F]flutemetamol PET, on the other hand, one of the 25 participants showed positive results and two showed positive changes after 2 years. In these three participants, the two indices of water dynamics showed low values at both periods (IR: 0.60 ± 0.15 and 0.60 ± 0.13, DR: 1.24 ± 0.12 and 1.11 ± 0.10). Conclusions: Our results indicated that BCSFB function disturbances could be followed by β-amyloid accumulation, because the reduced interstitial flow preceded amyloid accumulation in the positive-change subjects, and amyloid accumulation was not observed in the older adults with sufficiently high values for the two indices. In other words, adequate interstitial flow can potentially prevent amyloid accumulation. The current study confirms that disturbances in the proper clearance of β-amyloid by interstitial flow through the Virchow–Robin spaces into the CSF can play a significant role in senile plaque formation and ultimately the pathogenesis of AD. We believe that further elucidation of interstitial water flow will be the key to developing therapeutic strategies for AD, especially with regard to prevention.Trial registration: UMIN, UMIN000011939. Registered 1November 2013 - Retrospectively registered,

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. e0255204
Juwell W. Wu ◽  
Yookyung Jung ◽  
Shu-Chi A. Yeh ◽  
Yongwan Seo ◽  
Judith M. Runnels ◽  

Advances in intravital microscopy (IVM) have enabled the studies of cellular organization and dynamics in the native microenvironment of intact organisms with minimal perturbation. The abilities to track specific cell populations and monitor their interactions have opened up new horizons for visualizing cell biology in vivo, yet the success of standard fluorescence cell labeling approaches for IVM comes with a “dark side” in that unlabeled cells are invisible, leaving labeled cells or structures to appear isolated in space, devoid of their surroundings and lacking proper biological context. Here we describe a novel method for “filling in the void” by harnessing the ubiquity of extracellular (interstitial) fluid and its ease of fluorescence labelling by commonly used vascular and lymphatic tracers. We show that during routine labeling of the vasculature and lymphatics for IVM, commonly used fluorescent tracers readily perfuse the interstitial spaces of the bone marrow (BM) and the lymph node (LN), outlining the unlabeled cells and forming negative contrast images that complement standard (positive) cell labeling approaches. The method is simple yet powerful, offering a comprehensive view of the cellular landscape such as cell density and spatial distribution, as well as dynamic processes such as cell motility and transmigration across the vascular endothelium. The extracellular localization of the dye and the interstitial flow provide favorable conditions for prolonged Intravital time lapse imaging with minimal toxicity and photobleaching.

2021 ◽  
Wataru Fukui ◽  
Yoshihiro Ujihara ◽  
Masanori Nakamura ◽  
Shukei Sugita

Hypertension causes aortic thickening, especially on the intimal side. Although the production of the extracellular matrix is observed, the type of mechanical stress that produces this response remains unclear. In this study, we hypothesize that the interstitial flow causes the thickening. To validate this claim, we proposed a novel method to measure the velocity distribution in the radial direction in the aorta, which has been unclear. A fluorescent dye was introduced in the lumen of the mouse thoracic aorta ex vivo, intraluminal pressure was applied, and a time-lapse image in the radial-circumferential plane was acquired under a two-photon microscope. The flow of the fluorescent dye from the intimal to the adventitial sides in the aorta was successfully observed. The acquired image was converted to a radial-time image (i.e., kymograph), and the flow velocity was quantified by applying the one-dimensional advection-diffusion equation to the fluorescent images. The results revealed a higher interstitial flow velocity in the aortic walls under higher intraluminal pressure and a higher velocity on the more intimal side. Thus, the interstitial flow is a candidate for the mechanical stress causing hyperplasia of the aorta under hypertension.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Roy Koomullil ◽  
Behnam Tehrani ◽  
Kayla Goliwas ◽  
Yong Wang ◽  
Selvarangan Ponnazhagan ◽  

Cellular exosome-mediated crosstalk in tumor microenvironment (TME) is a critical component of anti-tumor immune responses. In addition to particle size, exosome transport and uptake by target cells is influenced by physical and physiological factors, including interstitial fluid pressure, and exosome concentration. These variables differ under both normal and pathological conditions, including cancer. The transport of exosomes in TME is governed by interstitial flow and diffusion. Based on these determinants, mathematical models were adapted to simulate the transport of exosomes in the TME with specified exosome release rates from the tumor cells. In this study, the significance of spatial relationship in exosome-mediated intercellular communication was established by treating their movement in the TME as a continuum using a transport equation, with advection due to interstitial flow and diffusion due to concentration gradients. To quantify the rate of release of exosomes by biomechanical forces acting on the tumor cells, we used a transwell platform with confluent triple negative breast cancer cells 4T1.2 seeded in BioFlex plates exposed to an oscillatory force. Exosome release rates were quantified from 4T1.2 cells seeded at the bottom of the well following the application of either no force or an oscillatory force, and these rates were used to model exosome transport in the transwell. The simulations predicted that a larger number of exosomes reached the membrane of the transwell for 4T1.2 cells exposed to the oscillatory force when compared to controls. Additionally, we simulated the interstitial fluid flow and exosome transport in a 2-dimensional TME with macrophages, T cells, and mixtures of these two populations at two different stages of a tumor growth. Computational simulations were carried out using the commercial computational simulation package, ANSYS/Fluent. The results of this study indicated higher exosome concentrations and larger interstitial fluid pressure at the later stages of the tumor growth. Quantifying the release of exosomes by cancer cells, their transport through the TME, and their concentration in TME will afford a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of these interactions and aid in deriving predictive models for therapeutic intervention.

2021 ◽  
Kristina Haase ◽  
Filippo Piatti ◽  
Minerva Marcano ◽  
Yoojin Shin ◽  
Roberta Visone ◽  

Hemodynamics play a central role in the health and disease of the coronary and peripheral vascular systems. Vessel-lining endothelial cells are known mechanosensors, responding to disturbances in flow - with mechanosensitivity hypothesized to change in response to metabolic demands. The health of our smallest microvessels have been lauded as a prognostic marker for cardiovascular health. Yet, despite numerous animal models, studying these small vessels has proved difficult. Microfluidic technologies have allowed a number of 3D vascular models to be developed and used to investigate human vessels. Here, two such systems are employed for examining 1) interstitial flow effects on neo-vessel formation, and 2) the effects of flow-conditioning on vascular remodelling following sustained static culture. Interstitial flow is shown to enhance early vessel formation via significant remodeling of vessels and interconnected tight junctions of the endothelium. In formed vessels, continuous flow maintains a stable vascular diameter and causes significant remodeling, contrasting the continued anti-angiogenic decline of statically cultured vessels. This study is the first to couple complex 3D computational flow distributions and microvessel remodeling from microvessels grown on-chip (exposed to flow or no-flow conditions). Flow-conditioned vessels (WSS < 1Pa for 30 micron vessels) increase endothelial barrier function, result in significant changes in gene expression and reduce reactive oxygen species and anti-angiogenic cytokines. Taken together, these results demonstrate microvessel mechanosensitivity to flow-conditioning, which limits deleterious vessel regression in vitro, and could have implications for future modeling of reperfusion/no-flow conditions.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 935
Mirim Kim ◽  
Hwanseok Jang ◽  
Yongdoo Park

The movement of collective cells is affected through changes in physical interactions of cells in response to external mechanical stimuli, including fluid flow. Most tissues are affected by fluid flow at the interstitial level, but few studies have investigated the physical effects in collective cells affected by a low flow rate. In this study, collective cell migration of Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells was investigated under static or interstitial flow (0, 0.1, and 1 μL/min) using a traction microfluidic device. The optimization of calculation of cellular traction forces was first achieved by changing interrogation window size from the fluorescent bead images. Migration analysis of cell collectives patterned with a 700 μm circular shape reveals that cells under the slow flow (0.1 and 1 μL/min) showed the inhibitory migration by decreasing cell island size and cellular speed compared to that of static condition. Analysis of cellular forces shows that level of traction forces was lower in the slow flow condition (~20 Pa) compared to that of static condition (~50 Pa). Interestingly, the standard deviation of traction force of cells was dramatically decreased as the flow rate increased from 0 to 1 μL/min, which indicates that flow affects the distribution of cellular traction forces among cell collectives. Cellular tension was increased by 50% in the cells under the fluid flow rate of 1 μL/min. Treatment of calcium blocker increased the migratory speed of cells under the flow condition, whereas there is little change of cellular forces. In conclusion, it has been shown that the interstitial flow inhibited the collective movement of epithelial cells by decreasing and re-distributing cellular forces. These findings provide insights into the study of the effect of interstitial flow on cellular behavior, such as development, regeneration, and morphogenesis.

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