value relevance
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2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Arif Budiman ◽  
Diah Lia Aulifa

The incorporation of a drug into mesoporous silica (MPS) is a promising strategy to stabilize its amorphous form. However, the drug within MPS has shown incomplete release, despite a supersaturated solution being generated. This indicates the determination of maximum drug loading in MPS below what is experimentally necessary to maximize the drug doses in the system. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize the drugs with good glass former loaded-mesoporous silica, determine the maximum drug loading, and compare its theoretical value relevance to monolayer covering the mesoporous (MCM) surface, as well as pore-filling capacity (PFC). Solvent evaporation and melt methods were used to load each drug into MPS. In addition, the glass transition of ritonavir (RTV) and cyclosporine A (CYP), as well as the melting peak of indomethacin (IDM) and saccharin (SAC) in mesoporous silica, were not discovered in the modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC) curve, demonstrating that each drug was successfully incorporated into the mesopores. The amorphization of RTV-loaded MPS (RTV/MPS), CYP-loaded MPS (CYP/MPS), and IDM-loaded MPS (IDM/MPS) were confirmed as a halo pattern in powder X-ray diffraction measurements and a single glass transition event in the MDSC curve. Additionally, the good glass formers, nanoconfinement effect of MPS and silica surface interaction contributed to the amorphization of RTV, CYP and IDM within MPS. Meanwhile, the crystallization of SAC was observed in SAC-loaded MPS (SAC/MPS) due to its weak silica surface interaction and high recrystallization tendency. The maximum loading amount of RTV/MPS was experimentally close to the theoretical amount of MCM, showing monomolecular adsorption of RTV on the silica surface. On the other hand, the maximum loading amount of CYP/MPS and IDM/MPS was experimentally lower than the theoretical amount of MCM due to the lack of surface interaction. However, neither CYP or IDM occupied the entire silica surface, even though some drugs were adsorbed on the MPS surface. Moreover, the maximum loading amount of SAC/MPS was experimentally close to the theoretical amount of PFC, suggesting the multilayers of SAC within the MPS. Therefore, this study demonstrates that the characterization of drugs within MPS, such as molecular size and interaction of drug-silica surface, affects the loading efficiency of drugs within MPS that influence its relevance with the theoretical value of drugs.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Heba Abou-El-Sood ◽  
Dalia El-Sayed

PurposeThe authors investigate whether abnormal tone in corporate narrative disclosures is associated with earnings management and earnings quality, in an emerging market context. Based on agency theory and opportunistic/impression management perspective, this study examines whether executives manage disclosure tone to support their opportunistic behavior, when using earnings management.Design/methodology/approachThis study uses a sample of earnings press releases of publicly traded firms in the MENA region during 2014–2019. It employs textual analysis to measure disclosure tone. The authors estimate abnormal disclosure tone after controlling for firm characteristics. Discretionary accruals proxy for earnings management and are estimated using Modified Jones model. Earnings quality is measured using accounting-based and market-based proxies: earnings smoothness, persistence, predictability and value relevance/informativeness.FindingsResults show a positive association between abnormal disclosure tone and earnings management. Additionally, results show that earnings persistence is higher for firms with lower levels of abnormal disclosure tone. Results are sustained for earnings smoothness, but not for predictability and value relevance/informativeness.Research limitations/implicationsResults provide initial evidence of management's use of tone management jointly with earnings management. This adds to prior studies adopting the opportunistic perspective of disclosure tone, through showing that discretionary tone in narrative disclosures can be strategically used by management to influence investors' perceptions.Practical implicationsThe results provide valuable insight to board of directors, auditors and market participants on the possible biases emerging from tone of narrative disclosures in corporate reports. For regulators and standard-setters, results shed light on the need for regulations and rules beyond financial statements, to guide disclosure of narrative information in different corporate reports.Originality/valueThis study contributes to the rare evidence that investigates textual disclosure characteristics to uncover management's opportunistic practices and assess earnings quality. Where majority of studies concentrate on developed markets, this study provides novel evidence of emerging markets by examining the association between abnormal disclosure tone and earnings management/earnings quality. Also, it validates the tone management model proposed by Huang et al. (2014) for capturing tone manipulation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Suhendra Suhendra ◽  
Etty Murwaningsari ◽  
Sekar Mayangsari

This investigation expects to inspect and analyze the effect of derivative transactions on earnings management, the role of corporate tax avoidance in  moderating effect of derivative transactions on earnings management, the effect of earnings management worth pertinence of earnings, and the effect of derivative transactions Worth Pertinence of earnings. This examination utilizes information from non-monetary organizations in Indonesia and Thailand for the period 2013-2017 with 91 test of organizations. This investigation, earnings management is calculated based on the Jaggi model and the Jaggi changed model. The value relevance of earnings is calculated based on Ohlson's model. Corporate tax avoidance is calculated based on the book tax difference. The results show that subordinate exchanges have a constructive outcome on earnings management. Corporate tax avoidance has not been proven to strengthen the effect of derivative transactions on earnings management. Earnings management adversely influences the worth pertinence of earnings. Derivative transactions negatively affect the value relevance of earnings. Derivative transactions, especially those with non-hedging criteria, show a high tendency towards earnings management activities. Intercountry testing, derivative transactions have a positive effect on earnings management in Indonesia while in Thailand it does not.

Rizalnur FIRDAUS ◽  
Tio Arriela DOLOKSARIBU ◽  

This study aims to examine the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Quality of Financial Reporting in manufacturing companies in Indonesia. The research sample consisted of 75 manufacturing companies that were observed from 2017 to 2019. This study uses a regression data panel to test the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which is calculated by using a dummy variable on the Quality of Financial Reporting (FRQ) which uses a measure consisting of value relevance (VR), acrual quality (AQ) and earning persistence (EP). The results of research on manufacturing companies in Indonesia indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and value relevance. The results of research on manufacturing companies in Indonesia indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and accrual quality. The results of research on manufacturing companies in Indonesia show that there is a positive and significant relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and earning persistence.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Hajam Abid Bashir ◽  
Manish Bansal ◽  
Dilip Kumar

Purpose This study aims to examine the value relevance of earnings in terms of predicting the value variables such as cash flow, capital investment (CI), dividend and stock return under the Indian institutional settings. Design/methodology/approach The study used panel Granger causality tests to examine causality relationships among variables and panel data regression models to check the statistical associations between earnings and value variables. Findings Based on a data set of 7,280 Bombay Stock Exchange-listed firm-years spanning over ten years from March 2009 to March 2018, the results show higher sensitivity of earnings toward cash flows, CI, divided and stock return and vice-versa. Further, the findings deduced from the empirical results demonstrate that earnings are positively related to value variables. Overall, the results established that earnings are value-relevant and have predictive ability to forecast the value variables that facilitate investors in portfolio valuation. The results are consistent with the predictive view of the value relevance of earnings. Several robustness checks confirm these results. Originality/value This study brings new empirical evidence from a distinct capital market, India, and provides a new facet to the value relevance debate in terms of its prediction view. The study is among earlier attempts that jointly measure the ability of earnings in forecasting different value variables by taking a uniform sample of firms at the same period. Hence, the study provides a comprehensive view of the predictive ability of reported earnings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 83 (4) ◽  
pp. 169-186
Bartłomiej Pilch

Value relevance to koncepcja, wedle której wartości księgowe oddziałują na rynkową wycenę spółki, kurs akcji czy ich stopy zwrotu w kolejnych okresach. Większość badań przeprowadzanych w tym zakresie opiera się na danych panelowych, syntetycznie ujmując tendencje obserwowalne dla grupy spółek. W przypadku analiz przeprowadzonych na przykładzie polskiego rynku kapitałowego wyróżnić można kilka odnoszących się do empirycznego wpływu zysków i danych bilansowych na zmienne rynkowe, a także do wpływu wprowadzenia nowych regulacji w zakresie rachunkowości na stopień value relevance. Badania zazwyczaj pomijają przedsiębiorstwa z sektora finansowego, jednakże wyróżnić można także takie, które skupiają się na określonej grupie podmiotów, takich jak banki czy zakłady ubezpieczeń. W artykule pod uwagę wzięto właśnie ostatnią z wymienionych grup. Niemniej zaprezentowano w nim odmienne podejście niż w większości badań empirycznych – skupiono się na danych finansowych jednej spółki z sektora ubezpieczeń: PZU S.A. Analizę przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem modeli regresji liniowej, stosując modele oparte na MNK i metodę Praisa-Winstena. Wykorzystano dane finansowe pochodzące z raportów kwartalnych, półrocznych i rocznych z lat 2009–2019. Wyniki badania wskazują na objaśnianie kursów akcji w przyszłości szczególnie przez dane bilansowe, przede wszystkim aktywa i rezerwy techniczno-ubezpieczeniowe, a także przez operacyjne przepływy pieniężne, wynik techniczny i składkę na udziale własnym. Przedstawiono kilka modeli, które można uznać za użyteczne, biorąc pod uwagę ich poprawność pod względem statystycznym i zgodność oszacowań parametrów z założeniami teoretycznymi. Rezultat ten wskazuje również na celowość badań w koncepcji value relevance w odniesieniu do indywidualnych podmiotów.

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