chemistry laboratory
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-151
Novalia Kusumarini ◽  
Angky Wahyu Putranto ◽  
Christanti Agustina ◽  
Andi Aryananda Wahab

Sludge from the paper industry can affect soil fertility due to its organic content. However, sludge as waste has a contamination risk of polluting the soil. This research focused on the chemical properties content of sludge from the paper industry (pH, organic C, macro and micronutrients, heavy metals) and contaminant microbes (E. coli and Salmonella sp.) in order to evaluate to the potency of sludge to be soil amendment. Sludge sample was taken in 0-20 cm depth from Sumengko Village, Wringinanom, Gresik. The chemical properties were measured in Soil Chemistry Laboratory in Soil Science Department, and the biological properties were measured in Pest and Disease Laboratory in the Agricultural Faculty of Brawijaya University. The chemical and biological properties of sludge were compared to quality standards according to Keputusan Menteri Pertanian No. 261/2019 (Kepmentan No. 261/2019) from the Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia. Sludge from the paper industry has the potency to be soil amendment because it meets the requirement from Kepmentan No. 261/2019. Its pH was neutral (6.9), the macro and micronutrients contents fit the requirement, and it had no microbial contaminant content. However, the organic C was under expectation, and it has over Hg content.

Geminsah Putra H Siregar

Cyclamate is an artificial sweetener that is often added to drinks and food. In trade, cyclamate is known by the trade names assugrin, sucaryl, sucrose or sarimanis. The negative effects caused by sodium cyclamate are not immediate, it may have to wait two or thirty years later. The effects include increasing the potential for obesity, dental disorders, learning disorders, emotions, and mental health. testicular wasting and chromosomal damage. The purpose of this study was to determine the presence or absence of cyclamate content in cendol ice. The examination was carried out at the Amami Chemistry Laboratory, Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Medan, Department of Health Analyst using a qualitative test, namely the color test (deposition) with a total sample of 7 samples taken from cendol ice drink traders. Based on the qualitative test results obtained from 7 samples, 4 positive samples contained cyclamate. By knowing the presence of cyclamate content, it is hoped that producers will use food additives that do not have a negative effect on consumer health. Based on the Minister of Health Regulation No. 033/2012 artificial sweeteners are only intended for low-energy products or for people with diabetes mellitus and not for general let alone especially for children

2021 ◽  
pp. 63-73
A. F. Akinsola ◽  
O. C. Olatunde ◽  
I. Osasona ◽  
O. F. Sekayo ◽  
F. O. Omotayo

Aim: To determine the nutritional and anti-nutritional compositions of Brillantaisia patula leaves using standard analytical methods. Place and Duration of Study: The proximate, mineral and anti-nutritional compositions were determined in the chemistry laboratory of Ekiti State University, Ado – Ekiti while the amino acid was determined at the Analytical Laboratory of Multi-Environmental Management Consultant, Lagos, Nigeria. Methodology: The proximate composition was carried out using the methods of Association of Official Chemists (AOAC) while mineral and anti-nutritional compositions were determined using standard analytical methods. Amino acid analysis was carried out through ion exchange chromatography (IEC) using the Technicon Sequential Multisample (TSM) Amino Acid Analyser. Results: The proximate composition ranged from 3.18% (crude fat) to 38.6% (carbohydrate). The major mineral constituents of the sample were: P (1061 mg/100g), K (874 mg/100g), Ca (799 mg/100g), Na (82.6 mg/100g) and Mg (24.3 mg/100g) while the minor mineral constituents were: Fe (26.9 mg/100g), Zn (7.7 mg/100g) and Mn (6.05 mg/100g). The evaluated anti-nutritional contents were: 6.71 mg/g oxalate, 5.37 % saponin, 1.0 mg/100g tannin and 4.72 mg/kg cyanide. Additional results showed that the leaves contained eighteen amino acids with values ranging from 0.504 g/100g cp (tryptophan) to 14.0 g/100g cp (glutamic acid). The value of the total essential amino acids (TEAA) with histidine was 45.6g/100g cp while the total non-essential amino acid (TNEAA) was evaluated to be 46.5 g/100g cp. Conclusion: Brillantaisia patula leaves could be utilized as a good source of essential amino acids and important mineral elements. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Dhony Hermanto ◽  
Nurul Ismillayli ◽  
Ulul Khairi Zuryati ◽  
Ruru Honiar ◽  
Baiq Mariana ◽  

ABSTRAKLaboratorium kimia merupakan salah satu jenis laboratorium yang memiliki resiko sangat berbahaya dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan, penelitian dan/atau pengabdian kepada masyarakat, sehingga laboratorium harus dikelola dan digunakan secara baik dan bijaksana. Pengoperasian peralatan sebagai salah satu aktivitas Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) merupakan aktivitas secara rutin dilakukan di laboratorium kimia. GLP dapat mewujudkan keselamatan kerja di laboratorium dan meminimalisir kerusakan peralatan akibat kesalahan operasi dan pemeliharaan instrumen. Kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah demo peralatan/instrumentasi Laboratorium Kimia Analitik FMIPA–Universitas Mataram. Metode kegiatan yang dilakukan yaitu pelatihan dan pendampingan yang berupa demo peralatan/instrumentasi meliputi kromatografi gas–spektroskopi massa (GC-MS), kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (KCKT), spektrometer serapan atom (SSA) dan infra merah (FTIR). Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dasar mitra dalam pengoperasian instrumentasi tersebut. Mitra kegiatan adalah 20 mahasiswa program studi Kimia semester lanjut (5-8). Keberhasilan kegiatan diukur dengan membandingkan skor tes mitra sebelum dan setelah kegiatan dilakukan. Kegiatan pengabdian berlangsung baik dan menghasilkan peningkatan pemahaman serta keterampilan mitra dalam mengoperasikan instrumen yang ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan skor tes mitra. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat mewujudkan GLP sehingga kegiatan penelitian dilakukan dengan aman dan efisien. Kata kunci: pelatihan; instrumen; good laboratory practise; mahasiswa. ABSTRACTChemical laboratory is one type of laboratory that has a very dangerous risk in the implementation of education, research and/or community service, so the laboratory must be managed and used properly and wisely. Equipment operation as one of the Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) activities is a routine activity carried out in chemical laboratory. GLP could realize work safety in laboratory and minimize instrument operation and maintenance mistake This community service activity was a demonstration of instrumentation of the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, FMIPA–University of Mataram. The method of activity carried out are training and assistance in form of instrument demo including gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy (GC-MS), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC or HPLC), atomic absorption spectrometer (SSA or AAS) and infrared spectrometer (FTIR). This activity is carried to improve basic skill of partner in operating of instruments. The activity partners are 20 students of the advanced semester (5-8th semester) in Departement of Chemistry. The success of activity was measured by comparing the partner’s test score before and after the activity was carried out.The service activity went well and could increase the partners' understanding and skills in operating the instrument. This activity is expected to realize the GLP so that research activities are carried out safely and efficiently. Keywords: training; instrument; good laboratory practice; student.

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