quick method
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2021 ◽  
Apurvasinh Puvar ◽  
Rameshchandra Pandit ◽  
Armi M Chaudhari ◽  
Tasnim Travadi ◽  
Nitin Shukla ◽  

SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has changed the global landscape since last 2 years. Against many challenges posed by the COVID19 pandemic to the humanity, the pace of solutions created by mankind is exemplary; diagnostics, vaccines, alternate therapies to name a few. With a rapidly changing virus strain its early identification in the field can be a quick solution to trace the individuals and control the spread of new emerging variants of SARS-CoV-2. This paper describes PCR based quick method for differentiation of Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 from other variants. Timely identification of this new variant will enable better management of pandemic control in the population.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 139
Monika Słupska ◽  
Ewa Syguła ◽  
Piotr Komarnicki ◽  
Wiesław Szulczewski ◽  
Roman Stopa

From the producers’ point of view, there is no universal and quick method to predict bruise area when dropping an apple from a certain height onto a certain type of substrate. In this study the authors presented a very simple method to estimate bruise volume based on drop height and substrate material. Three varieties of apples were selected for the study: Idared, Golden Delicious, and Jonagold. Their weight, turgor, moisture, and sugar content were measured to determine morphological differences. In the next step, fruit bruise volumes were determined after a free fall test from a height of 10 to 150 mm in 10 mm increments. Based on the results of the research, linear regression models were performed to predict bruise volume on the basis of the drop height and type of substrate on which the fruit was dropped. Wood and concrete represented the stiffest substrates and it was expected that wood would respond more subtly during the free fall test. Meanwhile, wood appeared to react almost identically to concrete. Corrugated cardboard minimized bruising at the lowest discharge heights, but as the drop height increased, the cardboard degraded and the apple bruising level reached the results as for wood and concrete. Contrary to cardboard, the foam protected apples from bruising up to a drop height of 50 mm and absorbed kinetic energy up to the highest drop heights. Idared proved to be the most resistant to damage, while Golden Delicious was medium and Jonagold was least resistant to damage. Numerical models are a practical tool to quickly estimate bruise volume with an accuracy of about 75% for collective models (including all cultivars dropped on each of the given substrate) and 93% for separate models (including single cultivar dropped on each of the given substrate).

2021 ◽  
pp. 106689692110677
Dinesh Rakheja ◽  
Kristina Treat ◽  
Charles F. Timmons ◽  
Deyssy Carrillo ◽  
Sara E. Miller ◽  

Compared to the parental SARS-CoV-2 virus, infections by the now dominant Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 appear to be more common and more severe in pregnant women. The need for a robust, cheap, and quick method for diagnosing placental infection by SARS-CoV-2 has thus become more acute. Here, we describe a highly sensitive and specific immunohistochemical assay for SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein for routine use in placental pathology practice.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 7761
Krzysztof Żaba ◽  
Sandra Puchlerska ◽  
Marzanna Książek ◽  
Ryszard Sitek ◽  
Paweł Wiśniewski ◽  

This article presents the results of research on the use of modern nondestructive methods such as 3D scanning, thermography and computed tomography (CT) to assess the quality of multilayer ceramic molds. Tests were performed on spherical samples of multilayer ceramic molds in the raw state. Samples were made of molding sands composed of quartz and molochite powders, the alcoholic binder hydrolyzed ethyl silicate (ZKE) and an aqueous binder based on colloidal silica. Thickness measurements of spherical forms were made using a 3D scanner. Porosity measurements were made using CT. Additionally, thermography observations of the mold cooling process were made with controlled temperature and humidity. The results of temperature measurements of samples were compared with measurements of thickness and porosity. The practical goal was to determine the possibility of using thermography, 3D scanning and CT as a quick method for detecting mold defects by varying their thickness, porosity and cracks and for final verification of the ceramic molds’ condition before casting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. T12014
O. Nusair

Abstract In 1956, H.L. Kusnetz proposed a quick method for radon progeny concentration measurement in mine atmosphere using a single gross-alpha count of a membrane-filtered air. The method is still widely used today and is based on a number of impractical assumptions. An instantaneous sampling time (less than ten seconds), is one of these assumptions that ignores the build-up and decay of the progeny on the filter paper during the sampling period, which is typically in the order of a few minutes. Of special concern is the 214Bi decay during the sampling period, since 214Po's alphas are lost during the sampling time and cannot be accounted for during the counting time. In addition, the method assumes that 214Bi activity during the counting period is constant. This inaccurate assumption can result in a smaller count rate, especially when counting times are long. Hence, underestimated working levels are expected when using Kusnetz factors without correcting for the sampling and counting times. In this technical report, exact sampling and counting time corrections to the method are provided along with the updated Kusnetz factors that correspond to common equilibrium conditions to correctly estimate the Working Level in air. Additionally, time corrections to the commonly used self-absorption correction formula and the lower level of detectability (LLD) equation used for any sample measurement are given.

Nafta-Gaz ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (12) ◽  
pp. 841-850
Agnieszka Skibińska ◽  
Dariusz Sacha ◽  
Wojciech Krasodomski ◽  

The article presents the results of tests of the oxidation resistance of 26 samples of selected lubricating greases available on the market. Various types of lubricant samples (according to the type of thickener), produced with oils of different chemical nature and viscosity, were tested. The basic parameters of the greases were determined: the worked penetration and the dropping point. Two different test methods were used to determine the thermal oxidation stability: the classical oxidation method according to PN-C-04143 and the rapid small-scale test method according to ASTM D 8206. The method of determining the correlation between these methods was presented. A correlation was found between the two methods of testing the resistance to oxidation, which can be roughly described using the exponential dependence. For the quick method, better compliance with the classical method was obtained at 140°C than at 160°C, which is confirmed by the determination coefficients determined by the ranking method. Based on the results of the quick method, using the determined exponential dependency, the results of the classical method can be estimated. However, the determined correlation between the PN-C-04143 and ASTM D 8206 methods is insufficient to use these methods interchangeably.

2021 ◽  
pp. 152660282110594
Johannes Frederik Schaefers ◽  
Ahmed Murtaja ◽  
Alexander Oberhuber

Purpose: The purpose of this technical note was to describe the application of the combination of precannulated branches and a femoral approach for bridging stent graft deployment in branched endovascular aneurysm repair. Technique: The technique is shown in a 65-year-old woman treated for thoracoabdominal aneurysm type I with endovascular repair using a multibranched device. The stent graft is an off-the-shelf device with 4 precannulated inner branches. Access to the precannulated branches is gained using a steerable sheath from retrograde femoral access instead of using access via the upper extremities. For this purpose, a 0.018ʺ wire introduced to the precannulated tube is snared into the steerable sheath. Next, the steerable sheath is guided into a stable position inside the branch. With this technique, the implantation of this off-the-shelf multibranch device could be completed safe and quickly with a full femoral approach avoiding upper extremity access. Conclusion: The combination of a precannulated multibranch stent graft with a full femoral approach for target vessel revascularisation is a feasible and quick method for complex endovascular repair.

Drones ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 140
Yuri Taddia ◽  
Corinne Corbau ◽  
Joana Buoninsegni ◽  
Umberto Simeoni ◽  
Alberto Pellegrinelli

Anthropogenic marine debris (AMD) represent a global threat for aquatic environments. It is important to locate and monitor the distribution and presence of macroplastics along beaches to prevent degradation into microplastics (MP), which are potentially more harmful and more difficult to remove. UAV imaging represents a quick method for acquiring pictures with a ground spatial resolution of a few centimeters. In this work, we investigate strategies for AMD mapping on beaches with different ground resolutions and with elevation and multispectral data in support of RGB orthomosaics. Operators with varying levels of expertise and knowledge of the coastal environment map the AMD on four to five transects manually, using a range of photogrammetric tools. The initial survey was repeated after one year; in both surveys, beach litter was collected and further analyzed in the laboratory. Operators assign three levels of confidence when recognizing and describing AMD. Preliminary validation of results shows that items identified with high confidence were almost always classified properly. Approaching the detected items in terms of surface instead of a simple count increased the percentage of mapped litter significantly when compared to those collected. Multispectral data in near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths and digital surface models (DSMs) did not significantly improve the efficiency of manual mapping, even if vegetation features were removed using NDVI maps. In conclusion, this research shows that a good solution for performing beach AMD mapping can be represented by using RGB imagery with a spatial resolution of about 200 pix/m for detecting macroplastics and, in particular, focusing on the largest items. From the point of view of assessing and monitoring potential sources of MP, this approach is not only feasible but also quick, practical, and sustainable.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 1032
Małgorzata Tatala ◽  
Marcin Wojtasiński

Prayer is a central element of religiosity but research has focused primarily on distinguishing its types and analyzing its functional aspect. A particularly important issue is the subjective evaluation of prayer importance, which so far has not been reflected in the form of an independent psychometric tool. This is why the goal of the presented study was to develop Prayer Importance Scale (PIS) based on Tatala’s definition of the concept. Two studies were conducted to verify reliability and validity of the tool. The proposed model was found to fit the data well. Correlations of PIS with basic parameters of religiosity: religious awareness, religious feelings, religious decisions, bond with a fellowship of believers, religious practices, religious morality, religious experience and forms of profession of faith were found to be significant. PIS can be a quick method providing information on the degree of religiosity and be used in participant selection in research studies.

2021 ◽  
Zhiyong Tian ◽  
Yuxuan Yang ◽  
Hongtao Peng ◽  
Jiahui Huang ◽  
Yihua Zhou ◽  

As the most widely used construction material, concrete has the characteristics of good compressive performance. The compressive strength of concrete is the most important performance index. However, the compressive strength of concrete measured is generally based on the standard curing period for 28 d. Its period for detection is long. Therefore, it is necessary to study a fast and effective detection method. This paper mainly introduces the experimental method of microwave curing concrete and the relationship between concrete strength values of curing specimens using microwave and standard methods. The experimental results show that concrete specimens exposed to accelerated curing condition under microwave irradiation can increase the strength quickly within a shorter time period depending upon the procedure used in this work. By analysing experimental data, a model of concrete strength at age of 28 d using microwave curing and standard curing methods is established, which can early estimate compressive strength of concrete and provide a quick method for measuring the strength in the field.

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