This distributed simulator study investigated pedestrians’ head-turning behaviour during a series of road crossings in a CAVE-based pedestrian simulator. Pedestrians were required to cross the road in front of an approaching vehicle, the kinematic behaviour of which was either programmed by the simulation to depict an automated vehicle (AV) or controlled by a human driver (HD), via a connected (hidden) desktop driving simulator. A within-participant experimental design was used with twenty-five pairs of participants (a pedestrian and a driver). For each trial, pedestrians had to decide whether to cross in front of the HD/AV, which was instructed (or programmed) to yield (or not) to the pedestrian. For the AV trials, two braking patterns were included: a hard-braking AV (AVHB, deceleration rate = 3.2 m/s2, stopping distance = 12 m from pedestrian) and soft-braking (AVSB, deceleration rate = 2.5 m/s2, stopping distance = 4 m from pedestrian). Pedestrians’ head-turning frequency and the change in head-turning angle, were calculated for each condition, both before a crossing was initiated, and during the actual road crossing. Results showed a significant increase in head-turning behaviour in the last 2 seconds before a crossing initiation in the yielding trials, in line with a ‘last-second check’ reported in observations of real-world crossings (Hassan, Geruschat, & Turano, 2005). The vehicle’s braking behaviour and stopping distance were the most important factors affecting pedestrians’ head-turning patterns during the crossing, with the least head-turning behaviour seen in the AVSB condition, compared with AVHB and HDB trials. This suggests that a closer stopping distance for the AV was associated with less confusion for the pedestrian, although this condition was also associated with the longest crossing initiation time. In contrast, the highest number of head-turnings were seen for the human-driven vehicle, which, on average, yielded about 40 m away from the participants, enabling a much faster crossing initiation. Overall, the shortest crossing initiation time (~ 1 sec) and highest head-turning behaviour were seen in the non-braking conditions, where participants crossed as quickly as the circumstances allowed. These results provide new insights about the use of VR simulators for understanding pedestrians’ crossing behaviour in response to different vehicle kinematics. They also extend our knowledge of pedestrian cues for the development of suitable sensors in future automated vehicles, which should help with providing a more seamless interaction between AVs and other road users in mixed traffic settings.