evaluation training
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Madri S. Jansen van Rensburg ◽  
Alexis S. Loye

Background: The Global Evaluation Agenda 2020 calls for evaluation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within an equity-focused and gender-responsive lens. Most of the methodologies and materials come from the Global North. However, gender issues and evaluation capacity in the Global North do not necessarily match with those in the Global South. The Global South has rich experiences related to equity and gender. An important group to target to build capacity is young and emerging evaluators (YEEs).Objectives: This study investigated the gender responsive evaluation training experiences and needs of YEEs in Africa.Method: A total of 72 respondents completed an online survey that was administered over a 7-day period. The quantitative survey was self-administered in French and English, and was distributed through existing Voluntary Organisation for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs) and youth evaluators forums.Results: Respondents were from 23 African countries. Most of the respondents were YEEs, although many of the respondents did not self-identify as an YEE. One-third of respondents have participated in training programmes on gender responsive evaluation or a gender focus on evaluation. Virtual trainings have not been used. Topics included evaluating gender focussed interventions and gender responsive aspects of evaluation studies in general (including applying gender perspective to all types of policies, and participatory approaches to ensure gender equity).Conclusion: This study has practical value for training and mentoring of YEEs in gender focused evaluations in Africa. It will contribute to efforts of the South-to-South project and global efforts that ensure that ‘no one is left behind’ from a gender lens.

Evaluation ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 307-325
Claire Tourmen ◽  
Marielle Berriet-Solliec ◽  
Denis Lépicier

What exactly do evaluators learn about programs through experience and how? We chose a constructivist framework to investigate the structure of evaluators’ program-related knowledge, namely the form, content, and origins of their expressed theories. In this context, we complemented a Piagetian theory of learning with new developments offered by “probabilistic” (or “Bayesian”) models of learning. We conducted “explicitation” interviews with nine experienced practitioners, some specializing in the education or agri-environment sectors and some generalists. After examining the form and content of their program-related knowledge, we examine its development through experience but also through contact with researchers and readings. In conclusion, we discuss our study’s strengths and limitations, as well as the implications of our results for evaluation training and teaching.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
Tiffany Lee Smith

The purpose of this article is to revitalize the idea of soft skills as an important part of evaluator training through reflecting on the use of the People Styles Assessment Inventory (Bolton & Bolton, 2009) as a reflective exercise in a course with masters and Ph. D. level evaluation and measurement students. This paper provides an overview of the recent conversation in the literature surrounding interpersonal competency in evaluation, highlighting the need for and lack of emphasis on interpersonal skills in evaluation training, then describes the teaching practice context for engaging in the People Styles assessment and reflective activity. The People Styles model is described in detail along with key reflections on the use of the model for training future evaluation practitioners.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. 819-824
Miyuki WADA ◽  
Satoshi OTAKE ◽  
Keisuke SUZUKI ◽  
Daisuke SUDO ◽  
Masato MIGITA ◽  

2020 ◽  
Tam V. Nguyen ◽  
Somaraju Kamma ◽  
Vamsi Adari ◽  
Tyler Lesthaeghe ◽  
Thomas Boehnlein ◽  

Wahyu Nur Hidayat ◽  
Hary Suswanto ◽  
Chandra Wijaya Kristanto ◽  
Afista Pramudya Wardhani ◽  
Achmad Hamdan ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-209
Olivia S. Anderson ◽  
Noura El Habbal ◽  
Dave Bridges

Peer evaluation skills are not typically taught to students, yet they are expected to provide high-quality feedback to their peers. Gameful learning, a pedagogy supporting student-driven learning, can further reinforce the development of peer evaluation skills, if students are motivated to improve upon them. To better understand the effects of a peer evaluation training on the quality of student-generated peer evaluations, we scored peer evaluations from two cohorts taking a graduate-level nutritional sciences class using gameful learning pedagogy. The intervention group completed a peer evaluation training before engaging in peer reviews, while the control group did not. The training included two readings, a video, and reflection questions. The peer evaluations submitted by both the intervention and control groups were assessed on a validated rubric. The peer evaluation training had a positive effect on the quality of the submitted peer evaluations. The intervention group had a 10.8% higher score on its first submitted peer evaluation compared with controls ( P = 0.003). The intervention group improved the quality of its future submissions by a further 8.9%, whereas the controls did not continue to improve substantially ( P < 0.001). Overall, peer review training enhanced the quality of peer evaluations and allowed students to develop professional skills that they can utilize in any biomedical profession. Our results highlight the importance of peer evaluation training in combination with repeated practice and student-driven learning brought forth by gameful learning pedagogy in improving the quality of evaluations and developing professional skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-56
Haris Dwi Putra ◽  
Ilham Adbullah ◽  
Parlan Parlan

The porpose of this study is to know the implementation training and evaluation on training technologies computer (TIK) at Balai Latihan Kerja (BLK) Bengkulu Province. And this method of this research used by kualitatif with interview, observasion, and documentation. The subjects were chose are employers of (BLK) that subject. On the research are Aripan Senarun, S.Sos, As Kasubbag TU, Subur, S.Sos. As chief of vocational Dwi, S.Sos, as training instruktur and than Adetia Merdanti, as learning. To prove the validity of the data. Has been chaked by using, trianggulation source, technique and time. The data analized throught three stoges are reduction, persentation, and also conclusion. From this research has been finding three fact. Firstly, Planning of training BLK Bengkulu Province, can help make and promote training programs, formulation the training, recrutment training participant, determine the curriculum, choses methods, recrutment instructor, prepare infrastructure, and also. Prepare evaluation training tols. Secondly, Implementation of training BLK Bengkulu Province, Implementation BLK using find from APBD and APBN. The curriculum that used from the government. Thirdly, Evaluation of training BLK Bengkulu Province, In the evaluation proces carried out the training organized BLK both directly and in directly.  Evaluation was also carried out on institutions, instructors, and trainees, who were used as evaluation material.                 Key Words: Management, Training, Training Center, (Balai Latihan Kerja Bengkulu).

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 347-360
Patrycja Mizera-Pęczek

Work of Children in Arts Organizations. Two Faces of the Organizational Shadow Children-artists participating in film, show and media projects are, just like adult artists, participants in human resource management processes (e.g., recruitment, evaluation, training or derecruitment). However, children do not have professional competences similar to those of adult members of an organization, and their professional development is determined by the decisions of managers of arts organizations. The aim of the article is to deepen the reflection on the situation of children working in arts organizations in the context of the relationship “a child in the shadow of an adult”. In this article the shadow is the domination of adults, and the darkened space is the childhood of underage artists. The considerations lead to the conclusion that the work of children in arts organizations is a kind of challenge for adult members of the organizations.

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