national agency
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-41
Kholil Kholil ◽  
Andi Amrullah ◽  
Fahrudin Faiz

This research aimed to see how BAZNAS communicates its authority based on Law 23/2011 to its stakeholders. Zakat management in Indonesia is being regulated by the Law Number 23 of 2011 which replaced Law Number 38 of 1999. The change of regulation was expected to push Zakat collection higher as its great potential, but until 2019 there was no significant change in the amount of Zakat collection. We see the problem in the authority changes that have not working optimally. Thus, this research can help BAZNAS to map out the problems related to the implementation of Law 23/2011. The research used a qualitative approach by conducting in-depth interviews, library and documentation studies. Eleven expert informants were chosen for their connection and understanding of BAZNAS. The results showed that the BAZNAS authority was accepted by all stakeholders even though it did not take place as the prerequisite for the acceptance of Barnard's authority. The changes in authority had been understood by the leaders but only halfway understood by the employees. The changes in the authority were following the vision and mission of BAZNAS. However, they were still not in line with the expectations of many parties. Finally, the changes in the BAZNAS authority were still not fully implemented by BAZNAS stakeholders. The regulatory changes could not be fully implemented yet due to differences in the interpretation of legal authority between each level of BAZNAS.  

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-53
Ridawati Ridawati ◽  
Alsuhendra Alsuhendra

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused people to immobilize to eat out, many industries are closed, the community’s economy is down, and many online food small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have sprung up. One of the areas affected by the COVID-19 pandemic is East Jakarta. The implementation of Sanitation Standard Operational Procedure (SSOP) in online food SMEs requires special attention during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to evaluate food production facilities in online food SMEs. Direct observation using instrument from Indonesian National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) Number HK. 2012 was conducted. The survey was conducted from May to June 2021 in five sub-districts in East Jakarta, namely Duren Sawit, Matraman, Pulo Gadung, Kampung Makassar, and Cipayung.  Of the 32 SMEs observed, 50% had been established in less than one year. Most of the SMEs owners have secondary and higher education education and sell popular Street food or food.  The survey covers non-compliance in 14 elements of food production facilities. The results show minor disobedience 18.8%, major disobedience 33.3%, serious defiance 25.8%, and critical disobedience 29.9%. In conclusion, major disobedience had the highest percentage, followed by critical, serious, and minor disobedience. Further education in the application of SSOP for online food SMEs should be carried out.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 578
Evaristus Adesina ◽  
Boluwatife Ajayi ◽  
Emmanuel O. Amoo ◽  
Babatunde Adeyeye ◽  
Mofoluwake P. Ajayi ◽  

Nutrition labelling is a topical issue, being a vital aid that shapes consumers’ food choices and could be an efficient tool for the prevention of consumer vulnerability to diet-related diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, hypertension, and obesity. However, data on the public use of nutritional labels as an information source on nutritional properties of foods and health claims, especially as it relates to Nigeria, are not popular in the literature. This study seeks to examine consumers’ use of labelling information: knowledge; attitude, and practice. A cross-sectional study with the aid of a survey elicited information from 374 randomly selected shoppers in five shopping malls in Lagos State. Data were analysed using the T-test method. Findings show that while the majority of the respondents (70.6%) read the nutritional information, only 64.9% understand the information presented on food labels. The study also reveals that the majority of the respondents (57.5%) do not know that information on food labels should be presented in the English language before any other language as recommended by the National Agency Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). While 57.9% of consumers have a positive attitude towards using food labels, 58% of the respondents’ buying decisions are influenced by food labels. The study concludes that consequent upon the importance of nutritional knowledge and wellbeing, consumers of Fast Moving Goods in Nigeria are beginning to consciously pay attention to nutritional labels. The study recommends that producers of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) products in Nigeria should adopt the total disclosure of ingredients and nutritional content of their products. Also, regulatory bodies in charge of pre-packaged food products in Nigeria (NAFDAC) should go the whole way and make nutritional labelling mandatory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-82
Oleksandr Dluhopolskyi ◽  
Olena Knysh ◽  
Ihor Oleksiv ◽  
Lesia Smyrna ◽  
Oksana Panchenko

The new system of educational programs’ accreditation and the establishment of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (NAQA) as an independent regulator has led to the demand for professional experts who can evaluate the educational programs of universities at a qualitatively new level. The paper aims to analyze the formation of the expert environment in Ukraine by conducting numerous training in various formats, as well as to assess the relationship between training and the quality of accreditation visits. The correlation analysis was used to substantiate the conclusions. Based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the experience of training experts in the accreditation of study programs in Ukrainian higher education institutions, the results of a pro-active approach by the NAQA in 2019–2021 were presented. It is shown that the accreditation system has been working without red tape, the taint of corruption, using transparency mechanisms, and expert advice since the end of 2019. The accreditation format according to the ESG-2015 standards made it possible to form an expert environment in Ukraine in a short time and encourage changes in higher education. Despite many pieces of training and consultations, many experts and representatives of the Sectoral Expert Council (SEC), evaluating study programs, still provide criticism, prejudice, and not advice and assistance. To minimize such negative practices, NAQA regularly conducts online webinars, briefings for expert groups and heads of study programs, and rotates experts and members of the SEC.

Samuel Fonteles

This article intends to analyze Ukraine’s Constitutional Court in the light of the tolerance interval theory and the backlash thesis, through a case study, which is, the decision issued on October 27, 2020, that held unconstitutional part of the powers of the National Agency for the Corruption Prevention (NAPC). Three comorbidities — particular conditions that weaken the court and render it vulnerable to attacks — in the Ukrainian system are presented: Ukrainian democracy, autocracies tendencies in the presidency, and lack of public confidence in the judicial system. Through the adoption of a Comparative Constitutional Law approach, an index measuring the impact of the ruling is developed and calculated, allowing a comparison of the consequences to other notable controversial rulings in the world. After discussing the findings, the article concludes with some reflections and predictions on the longevity of the Ukrainian Constitutional Court.

Alicia Sianes ◽  
Encarnación Sánchez Lissen

Los cambios en el mercado laboral, los modelos tecnológicos y digitales que se imponen en la sociedad, las altas cifras de abandono escolar que hay en determinados países, así como las nuevas competencias de cualificación y de formación, hacen que muchos gobiernos se planteen –al menos como un estudio prospectivo- la conveniencia o no de ampliar la enseñanza obligatoria hasta los 18 años. No es una medida nueva para algunos países, pero sí lo es en el caso de Finlandia, cuya obligatoriedad ha dado comienzo este curso escolar, en agosto de 2021. Para ello, the Ministry of Education and Culture y the Finnish National Agency for Education han puesto en marcha el Plan 2021-2024, a partir del cual se pretende implementar esta disposición. De esta forma, Finlandia proyecta aumentar las tasas de empleo que afectan a esta población, aumentar también los indicadores de igualdad entre los jóvenes, así como el nivel formativo y de competencias. A la vuelta de unos años se podrá ver la efectividad de esta medida y la oportunidad o no de la misma. Concretamente, a final de este ciclo, en 2024, está previsto una evaluación del impacto de la reforma.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 2761-2764

Accounting regulations approved through Order 1802/2014 makes remarks regarding the reflection of green certificates in accounting.      Green certificates are titles that attest the production of a quantity of electrical energy from renewable sources. These can be traded distinctly from the amount of electrical energy that they represent. A.N.R.E. (National Agency of Energy Regulation) rewards producers of renewable electricity to benefit the promotion of sustainable energy through green certificates. Electricity providers and some producers are required to purchase a number of green certificates on a quarterly basis. They are then required to transmit to the National Agency of Energy Regulation, in the specified format and by the deadline set by them, the quantities of electrical energy for which they need to purchase green certificates, in conformity with law 220/2008. The cost of green certificates is billed separately from the price of electric energy inaccounting tratament the invoice sent to the final customers. Providers or producers that do not meet the yearly quota must pay the value of green certificates not acquired in said timespan. According to the ministry’s of public finance Order 1802/2014, producers of renewable energy, that benefit from green certificates provided by the transport and system operator must register the green certificates received into their accountings using specific accounting accounts

Melissa K. Sharp ◽  
Zoë Forde ◽  
Cordelia McGeown ◽  
Eamon O’Murchu ◽  
Susan M. Smith ◽  

Background: How research findings are presented through domestic news can influence behaviour and risk perceptions, particularly during emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Monitoring media communications to track misinformation and find information gaps is an important component of emergency risk communication. Therefore, this study investigated the traditional media coverage of nine selected COVID-19 evidence-based research reports and associated press releases published during the initial phases of the pandemic (April to July 2020) by one national agency. Methods: NVivo was used for summative content analysis. ‘Key messages’ from each research report were proposed and 488 broadcast, print, and online media sources were coded at the phrase level. Manifest content was coded and counted to locate patterns in the data (what and how many) while latent content was analysed to further investigate these patterns (why and how). This included the coding of the presence of political and public health actors in coverage. Results: Coverage largely did not misrepresent the results of the reports, however, selective reporting and the variability in the use of quotes from governmental and public health stakeholders changed and contextualised results in different manners than perhaps originally intended in the press release. Reports received varying levels of media attention. Coverage focused on more ‘human-interest’ stories (e.g., spread of COVID-19 by children and excess mortality) as opposed to more technical reports (e.g., focusing on viral load, antibodies, testing, etc.). Conclusion: Our findings provide a case-study of European media coverage of evidence reports produced by a national agency. Results highlighted several strengths and weaknesses of current communication efforts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Chief Editor Of Borneo J Pharm

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin. The next edition of Borneo Journal of Pharmacy (Borneo J Pharm), has been published at November 2021. Starting from this volume, Borneo J Pharm increases the frequency of publishing four times a year. This change aims to improve circulation of the best articles published by Borneo J Pharm. This edition contains ten articles consisting of Pharmacognosy-Phytochemistry, Analytical Pharmacy-Medicinal Chemistry, Microbiology Pharmacy, Natural Product Development, and Clinical-Community Pharmacy. This edition includes writings from six countries including India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Turkey. The authors come from several institutions, including the University of Jaffna, Shri Gopichand College of Pharmacy, Government College University Faisalabad, Galgotias University, University of Delhi, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Ege Üniversitesi, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Ganapathy Degree College, National Agency of Drug and Food Control of Republic of Indonesia, National Agency of Drug and Food Control of Republic of Indonesia in Gorontalo, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, and Ibrahim Adjie Health Center. Editorial boards are fully aware that there are still room for improvement in this edition, hence with all humility willing to accept constructive suggestions and feedback for improvements to the publication for the next editions. We hope that all parties, especially the contributors, could re-participate for the publication in the next edition on February 2022. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Svitlana Kalashnikova

10th International Scientific and Practical Conference “European Integration of Higher Education of Ukraine in the Context of the Bologna Process. Quality Assessment: Approaches and Tools” was held on November 10, 2021, organised by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Higher Education of NAES of Ukraine, National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, British Council in Ukraine, Union of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine. The conference was focused on: higher education development strategy, higher education reforming, assessment of university performance, accreditation of educational programmes, surveys of students, university rankings, etc.

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