resistivity ratio
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Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 125
Vincenzo D’Auria ◽  
Pierluigi Bruzzone ◽  
Mickael Sebastian Meyer ◽  
Enrique Rodriguez Castro ◽  
Stefano Sgobba

This manuscript reports on the application of copper thermal spraying in the manufacturing process of an electrical connection between Nb3Sn cables for superconducting magnets of fusion reactors. The joint is realized through diffusion bonding of the sprayed coating of the two cables. The main requirement for such a connection is its electrical resistance, which must be below 1 nΩ at B = 8 T, I = 63.3 kA and T = 4.5 K. Micrographs of the joint prototype were taken to relate the joint resistance with its microstructure and to provide feedback on the manufacturing process. Optical microscopy (OM) was used to evaluate the grain size of the coating, presence of oxide phases and to analyze the jointed surfaces. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and, in particular, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) were used to confirm the elemental composition of specimens extracted from the prototype. It is shown that the copper coating has an oxide concentration of 40%. Despite this, the resistance of the prototype is 0.48 nΩ in operating conditions, as the oxides are in globular form. The contact ratio between the jointed surfaces is about 95%. In addition, residual resistivity ratio (RRR) measurements were carried out to quantify the electrical quality of the Cu coating.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (23) ◽  
pp. 7150
Hongming Li ◽  
Shuang Zhang ◽  
Yajun Zhao ◽  
Xiaona Li ◽  
Fushi Jiang ◽  

Reaching simultaneously high mechanical strength and low electrical resistivity is difficult as both properties are based on similar microstructural mechanisms. In our previous work, a new parameter, the tensile strength-over-electrical resistivity ratio, is proposed to evaluate the matching of the two properties in Cu alloys. A specific ratio of 310 × 108 MPa·Ω−1·m−1, independent of the alloy system and thermal history, is obtained from Cu-Ni-Mo alloys, which actually points to the lower limit of prevailing Cu alloys possessing high strength and low resistivity. The present paper explores the origin of this specific ratio by introducing the dual-phase mechanical model of composite materials, assuming that the precipitate particles are mechanically mixed in the Cu solid solution matrix. The strength and resistivity of an alloy are respectively in series and parallel connections to those of the matrix and the precipitate. After ideally matching the contributions from the matrix and the precipitate, the alloy should at least reach half of the resistivity of pure Cu, i.e., 50%IACS, which is the lower limit for industrially accepted highly conductive Cu alloys. Under this condition, the specific 310 ratio is related to the precipitate-over-matrix ratios for strength and resistivity, which are both two times those of pure Cu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Uddipta Kar ◽  
Akhilesh Kr. Singh ◽  
Song Yang ◽  
Chun-Yen Lin ◽  
Bipul Das ◽  

AbstractThe growth of SrRuO$$_3$$ 3 (SRO) thin film with high-crystallinity and low residual resistivity (RR) is essential to explore its intrinsic properties. Here, utilizing the adsorption-controlled growth technique, the growth condition of initial SrO layer on TiO$$_2$$ 2 -terminated SrTiO$$_3$$ 3 (STO) (001) substrate was found to be crucial for achieving a low RR in the resulting SRO film grown afterward. The optimized initial SrO layer shows a c(2 $$\times $$ × 2) superstructure that was characterized by electron diffraction, and a series of SRO films with different thicknesses (ts) were then grown. The resulting SRO films exhibit excellent crystallinity with orthorhombic-phase down to $$t \approx $$ t ≈ 4.3 nm, which was confirmed by high resolution X-ray measurements. From X-ray azimuthal scan across SRO orthorhombic (02 ± 1) reflections, we uncover four structural domains with a dominant domain of orthorhombic SRO [001] along cubic STO [010] direction. The dominant domain population depends on t, STO miscut angle ($$\alpha $$ α ), and miscut direction ($$\beta $$ β ), giving a volume fraction of about 92 $$\%$$ % for $$t \approx $$ t ≈ 26.6 nm and $$(\alpha , \beta ) \approx $$ ( α , β ) ≈ (0.14$$^{\mathrm{o}}$$ o , 5$$^{\mathrm{o}}$$ o ). On the other hand, metallic and ferromagnetic properties were well preserved down to t$$\approx $$ ≈ 1.2 nm. Residual resistivity ratio (RRR = $$\rho ({\mathrm{300 K}})$$ ρ ( 300 K ) /$$\rho ({\mathrm{5K}})$$ ρ ( 5 K ) ) reduces from 77.1 for t$$\approx $$ ≈ 28.5 nm to 2.5 for t$$\approx $$ ≈ 1.2 nm, while $$\rho ({\mathrm{5K}})$$ ρ ( 5 K ) increases from 2.5 $$\upmu \Omega $$ μ Ω cm for t$$\approx $$ ≈ 28.5 nm to 131.0 $$\upmu \Omega $$ μ Ω cm for t$$\approx $$ ≈ 1.2 nm. The ferromagnetic onset temperature ($$T'_{\mathrm{c}}$$ T c ′ ) of around 151 K remains nearly unchanged down to t$$\approx $$ ≈ 9.0 nm and decreases to 90 K for t$$\approx $$ ≈ 1.2 nm. Our finding thus provides a practical guideline to achieve high crystallinity and low RR in ultra-thin SRO films by simply adjusting the growth of initial SrO layer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (32) ◽  
pp. e2105713118
William Nunn ◽  
Anusha Kamath Manjeshwar ◽  
Jin Yue ◽  
Anil Rajapitamahuni ◽  
Tristan K. Truttmann ◽  

Advances in physical vapor deposition techniques have led to a myriad of quantum materials and technological breakthroughs, affecting all areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology which rely on the innovation in synthesis. Despite this, one area that remains challenging is the synthesis of atomically precise complex metal oxide thin films and heterostructures containing “stubborn” elements that are not only nontrivial to evaporate/sublimate but also hard to oxidize. Here, we report a simple yet atomically controlled synthesis approach that bridges this gap. Using platinum and ruthenium as examples, we show that both the low vapor pressure and the difficulty in oxidizing a “stubborn” element can be addressed by using a solid metal-organic compound with significantly higher vapor pressure and with the added benefits of being in a preoxidized state along with excellent thermal and air stability. We demonstrate the synthesis of high-quality single crystalline, epitaxial Pt, and RuO2 films, resulting in a record high residual resistivity ratio (=27) in Pt films and low residual resistivity, ∼6 μΩ·cm, in RuO2 films. We further demonstrate, using SrRuO3 as an example, the viability of this approach for more complex materials with the same ease and control that has been largely responsible for the success of the molecular beam epitaxy of III-V semiconductors. Our approach is a major step forward in the synthesis science of “stubborn” materials, which have been of significant interest to the materials science and the condensed matter physics community.

Caiye Zhao ◽  
Xiaolei Yi ◽  
Qiang Hou ◽  
Jiajia Feng ◽  
Yufeng Zhang ◽  

AbstractIn this work, a series of FeS1-xTex (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.15) single crystals were successfully synthesized by a hydrothermal method for the first time. According to the measurement of in-plane resistivity, Hall effect, and magnetoresistance (MR), we find that the superconducting transition temperature Tc is rapidly suppressed with the increasing Te substitution, and finally the superconductivity disappears when x > 0.05. With the substitution of Te for S, the residual resistivity ρ0 increases while the residual resistivity ratio (RRR) decreases monotonously. Meanwhile, the MR of FeS1-xTex is also reduced by Te doping. All these results reveal that the Te substitution introduces more impurity scattering. In consequence, the non-linear field-dependent of Hall resistivity ρxy at low temperature region is suppressed and a linear behavior is restored upon Te doping. The negative Hall coefficients RH for all the FeS1-xTex samples suggest that the electron-type carrier dominates the electrical conduction. Moreover, the MR of FeS1-xTex obviously follows Kohler’s law, indicating the isotropic scattering rates in the Fermi surface.

2021 ◽  
Zhenghua Rao ◽  
Lei Liu ◽  
Yaqiong Wang ◽  
Liang Ou ◽  
Jiangwei Liu

Abstract Joining the advanced high strength steels and the conventional steels is a critical issue for the manufacturing of lightweight vehicles. Resistance element welding (REW) is an emerging joining method for dissimilar metals and alloys by applying an auxiliary rivet-like resistance element in resistance spot welding (RSW). In this study, an electrical-thermal-mechanical coupled REW model for high-strength dual-phase (DP) steel and Q235 steel was developed by considering contact resistances as functions of temperature and surface contacting area. The results show that the welding element in REW serves to concentrate the current flow and thus Joule heat generation at the faying interface between the element and workpiece. For welding DP600 and Q235 workpieces with a small thickness ratio (≤0.4) or a high electrical resistivity ratio (≥3), REW could effectively mitigate nugget shifting between workpieces and reducing the thermal excursion to electrode as compared to RSW. Adding well-designed insulation layers in REW could further concentrate the current within the welding element, and enables a large-sized nugget at a lower current. This study is significant because it provides a better understanding to the electrical-thermal-mechanical behaviors with interfacial contacts in REW and contributes to its further advance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 1254-1263
Yury Khaydukov ◽  
Sabine Pütter ◽  
Laura Guasco ◽  
Roman Morari ◽  
Gideok Kim ◽  

We have investigated the structural, magnetic and superconduction properties of [Nb(1.5 nm)/Fe(x)]10 superlattices deposited on a thick Nb(50 nm) layer. Our investigation showed that the Nb(50 nm) layer grows epitaxially at 800 °C on the Al2O3(1−102) substrate. Samples grown at this condition possess a high residual resistivity ratio of 15–20. By using neutron reflectometry we show that Fe/Nb superlattices with x < 4 nm form a depth-modulated FeNb alloy with concentration of iron varying between 60% and 90%. This alloy has weak ferromagnetic properties. The proximity of this weak ferromagnetic layer to a thick superconductor leads to an intermediate phase that is characterized by a suppressed but still finite resistance of structure in a temperature interval of about 1 K below the superconducting transition of thick Nb. By increasing the thickness of the Fe layer to x = 4 nm the intermediate phase disappears. We attribute the intermediate state to proximity induced non-homogeneous superconductivity in the structure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 4394
Yin Chun Hung ◽  
Ho Shu Chou ◽  
Chih Ping Lin

In the past decade, the 2D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) has been extensively used in the investigation and monitoring of geotechnical engineering and environment engineering, but there are many uncertainties hidden behind its vivid color earth-resistivity profiles. In order to use the 2D ERT in the scale of geotechnical engineering effectively, the accuracy and spatial resolution capability of measurements must be enhanced, or at least these uncertainties should be mastered to avoid overreading the measurement results. There were seven common geological models built in this study to discuss the variance in spatial analysis capability of 2D electrical resistivity profiles under different geologic conditions. The findings show that the resolution capability of 2D electrical resistivity profiles was influenced by depth, and in different strata, it may be influenced by the resistivity ratio, layer depth, covering depth, interlayer thickness, tilt angle, medium size, and noise intensity. Generally speaking, the relatively low resistance stratum had better resolution capability; if the relatively high resistance stratum was located under the relatively low resistance stratum, its resolution capability declined. In different strata, the resolution capability may be degraded under the effect of different factors. In addition, any noise in the course of measurement resulted in a random jump of the electrical resistivity profile, which worsened as the noise increased. These circumstances should be paid special attention to avoid misrecognition of electrical resistivity profile images.

Crystals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 362
Abanoub R. N. Hanna ◽  
Mahmoud Abdel-Hafiez

High-quality single crystals of the unconventional superconductor NdFeAsO1 − xFx were grown. We developed a new optimized flux technique to overcome the difficulties in single-crystal growth and the sample quality limitations of NdFeAsO1 − xFx. The normal state of the F-doped samples exhibits simple metallic behavior upon cooling down from room temperature, followed by a sharp superconducting transition. The values of residual resistivity ratio (RRR) is 3.2, 6.4, and 10.3 for x = 0.1, 0.15, and 0.2, respectively. Both the large RRR and the narrow superconducting transition signpost the high quality of the crystals. We have examined the in- and out-of-plane lower critical fields, and the field at which vortices penetrate the sample of NdFeAsO1 − xFx (x = 0.1). The anisotropy ratio [γHc1 (0)] increased slightly with increasing temperature from 0.8 Tc to Tc. The temperature dependence of the first vortex penetration field was obtained under the static magnetic field, H, parallel to the c- and ab- axis, and pronounced changes in the Hc1(T) curvature were observed, which are attributed to the multi-band superconductivity.

By using electron beam gun and thermal deposition techniques in the vacuum range 6 x10-5mbar. The pure materials of 99.99% purity of iron and aluminium multilayers films grown on glass substrates at 300K in the following viz. The resistance was measured using four probe method at UGC-DAE Consortium Indore (4.2K to 300K) later resistivity, conductivity, temperature co-efficient of resistance (TCR), residual resistivity ratio (RRR) , and activation energy(Ea) were calculated. The resistivity behavior shown that the resistivity is increased with increasing the n value, resistivity is increased with increasing temperature. The data belonging to metallic region has been analyzed using the conventional power law’s and it is first time this set of films have explore resistivity at low temperature.

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