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Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 24-36
Subhashim Goswami

This article is an ethnographic account of a course I designed and taught in my university to mostly non-humanities, engineering and science undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds. In it, I consider the possibility of a pedagogical approach to teach what it means to construct a field in anthropological terms during a classroom based teaching module. I suggest that one can approach the construction of a field within the classroom by using disturbance as a pedagogical tool. Drawing from Anna Tsing’s formulation of “disturbance as an analytical tool” I demonstrate how we can construct a field pedagogically by disturbing the certitude of the known and by reimagining the modes of seeing and hearing the familiar. The ethnographic elucidation of this paper is essentially work produced from this class – images created from within the university, influenced by a question asked by students and accompanying soundscapes produced by students’ themselves – which demonstrates the possibility of constructing a field by, in a sense, hearing images and seeing sounds.  This article contains embedded sound files and is best downloaded and opened with Adobe Acrobat or similar.  A link is also provided in the text for viewing the sounds and images online for those who open the file though online PDF viewers.  

Valeria Shtefyuk

The purpose of the article is to identify the features of teaching traditional acting techniques within the framework of new technologies and digital communication using the example of acting training in the context of distance education. Methodology. The topic of the article determined the use of an integrated approach using general scientific and theatrical research methods - this made it possible to determine a set of factors that determine the quality of teaching acting training in conditions of distance education. The method of theoretical study of foreign literature on the research problem has been applied; the method of studying and analyzing pedagogical experience; the method of systems analysis, which contributed to the consideration of online learning in the context of theatrical pedagogy as a kind of integrity in the variety of its internal and external connections; typological method, in order to identify the specifics of teaching acting training in the conditions of distance learning, etc. Scientific novelty. Investigated innovative approaches to teaching actors in the context of the use of new technologies in acting training; analyzed the specificity of cognitive, social and educational presence as key elements in the development and implementation of online education in the context of the peculiarities of teaching the skill of an actor; the features of transformation of acting training exercises, associated with tactile sensations, were revealed; it was stated that in the conditions of distance education in acting training, direct contact (touch of the body) can be mediated by means of vibrotactile quality of the voice. Conclusions. Teaching acting training can take on new forms, provided it is conducted in an online format. The study showed that the structure of theater pedagogy in general and teaching of acting training in particular requires a revision of co-presence as an ontological condition for the transfer of tacit knowledge, which has traditionally been in the epistemological structure of theater pedagogy. The shift in emphasis in teaching an actor from traditional to innovative ways is associated with a broad approach to the decentralization of the preliminary epistemological interpretation of the body as its unique and, accordingly, central direction. The biggest challenge for the teacher of acting in the transition to the online format is that this subject is predominantly group-oriented, based on working in physical spaces. Teaching acting training in the context of distance learning requires a holistic understanding of how the digital space works, and acting training, using these limitations, should be initially planned and created taking into account the dynamics of the networked world. When conducting acting training in a digital environment, the lack of contact must be replaced with other sensory sensations. An important aspect in the context of the designated problems is the social aspect, which forms the group dynamics among students. For this aspect, it is advisable to use a number of auxiliary applications, including the social network Facebook (for scheduling and quickly sharing visual materials) and software for web conferencing "Adobe Acrobat Connect".

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Chen-Hsiang Yu ◽  
Zachary Shelton ◽  
Omar Abou Nassif Mourad ◽  
Mohamed A. Oulal

Readability has been studied for decades, ranging from traditional paper reading to digital document reading, Web page reading, etc. Different audiences have different needs and the needs trigger the researchers to investigate innovative solutions. For example, in recent years, researchers have studied readability enhancement of English articles for non-native English readers, either on paper reading or hypertext document reading. Using a variety of methods, researchers were able to enhance the reading comprehension and the users’ satisfaction on hypertext document reading, such as changing content presentation with visual-syntactic text formatting (VSTF) format or Jenga format. In terms of dynamically changing content presentation for reading, one less explored format is Portable Document Format (PDF), which was traditionally viewed within a modern Web browser or Adobe Acrobat reader on the desktop. PDF format was standardized as an open format in 2008 and has been widely used to keep a fixed-layout content. However, a fixed layout document presents a challenge to apply existing transformation methods, not mention on mobile devices. In this paper, we not only present a system that uses a novel algorithm to decode PDF documents and apply content transformation to enhance its readability, but we also generalize it to a framework that allows the users to apply customizations and the developers to customize their needs. Although we used Jenga format as an example to enhance the readability of PDF documents, we envision the proposed framework can be used to adopt different customizations and transformation methods. The current result is promising, and we believe it is worth further investigation to make PDF documents readable and accessible for different populations, such as non-native English readers, people with dyslexia or special needs, etc.

2021 ◽  
Kristy Moniz

Despite the proliferation of multimedia software technologies, radiology reports continue to lack image content that would improve the ability of referring clinicians to fully interpret and analyze radiological findings. This thesis demonstrates that it is possible to construct a radiology reporting software system that contains both text and image content using only "off-the-shelf" multimedia software. Specifically, a software system is presented that provides enhanced visual multimedia capabilities, structured content, and reduced report production time, using a well-known PDF program, Adobe Acrobat. The system, which we call the Multimedia Radiology Report System, or MaRRs, allows radiologists to quickly and simply create and deliver effective interactive multimedia medical reports. A detailed analysis describing the unique structure and functionality of MaRRS will be presented to demonstrate its advantages for both radiologists and referring clinicians.

2021 ◽  
Kristy Moniz

Despite the proliferation of multimedia software technologies, radiology reports continue to lack image content that would improve the ability of referring clinicians to fully interpret and analyze radiological findings. This thesis demonstrates that it is possible to construct a radiology reporting software system that contains both text and image content using only "off-the-shelf" multimedia software. Specifically, a software system is presented that provides enhanced visual multimedia capabilities, structured content, and reduced report production time, using a well-known PDF program, Adobe Acrobat. The system, which we call the Multimedia Radiology Report System, or MaRRs, allows radiologists to quickly and simply create and deliver effective interactive multimedia medical reports. A detailed analysis describing the unique structure and functionality of MaRRS will be presented to demonstrate its advantages for both radiologists and referring clinicians.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Aulia Augustha ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Sri Haryati

This study aims to develop E-LKPD based on Discovery Learning using the Adobe Acrobat 11 Pro Extended application on the ion balance and pH of salt solution for class XI SMA / MA, to determine the validity of E-LKPD based on aspects of content feasibility, characteristics of Discovery Learning, linguistic aspects, presentation aspects, graphic aspects, size, cover design, content design and knowing the user's response to the developed E-LKPD. This development research is a type of Research and Development (R&D) with the Plomp development model. The data collection instruments are in the form of validation sheets given to two material validators and two media validators, as well as user response questionnaires for teachers and students. After two revisions, the validity results obtained by the material validator on the content feasibility aspect were 94.44%, the characteristic aspects of Discovery Learning were 95.83%, the presentation aspects were 90%, the linguistic aspects were 90.62% and the graphic aspects were 93.5% which each of these aspects is included in the valid criteria. Furthermore, the results of data analysis obtained validity by the media validator on the graphic aspect which included the E-LKPD size of 100%, the cover design was 90.63%, and the content design was 94.32%, each of which was categorized as valid. E-LKPD which has been declared valid by the validator is tested one by one on 3 students who have studied the ion balance and pH of the salt solution. Then ask for a response questionnaire to 3 chemistry teachers and 20 students. The results of the teacher's response were 95.55% including very high and practical criteria, the results of students' responses were 90.75% including interesting criteria. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the E-LKPD based on Discovery Learning using the Adobe Acrobat 11 Pro Extended application produced was validated and can be used in high school chemistry subjects on ion balance and pH of salt solution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (161) ◽  
pp. 82-87
O. Popova ◽  
N. Silvestrova ◽  
V. Koshel

The article considers the most modern software that can be used in the development of various architectural and design projects of interior and exterior spaces, as well as highlights the features and benefits of using each of them in projects within the disciplines of specialty 191 Architecture and Urban Planning. The main problem of modern architectural education is that with evolution of computer technologies, began the active development, implementation and modernization of various software tools for various types of design, 3-D modeling, sketching, etc. This area has developed very rapidly and almost every year new versions of programs are developed, where new features appear that increase the quality, efficiency, convenience and speed of work with these programs. Due to such a rapid software update, the previously developed curricula for the specialty 191 Architecture and Urban Planning need to be updated. Today in the world there is a situation that the greater the number of programs owned by the employee and the higher the skill of working with them, the greater the value and need for staff in the global labor market. Therefore, modern educational programs need to be modernized by introducing practical work with new software, which was discussed in the article. Namely, the Magic Plan, Ruler App and Photo Ruler programs that will be useful for measuring the designed premises. Home Design 3D and Homestyler interior design programs will come in handy for developing and approving a general interior design solution with a customer. To develop the working documentation, the CAD programs Autodesk Revit, Autodesk Autocad, Graphisoft Archicad and the BIMx Viever application were considered. BIMx Viever may be needed for demonstrating the work done to the customer or additional consultations with him. The article also discussed 3-D modeling programs Sketchup, Sculptris, Autodesk 3ds Max, Grasshopper and visualization programs Corona Render, V-Ray, Lumion and Abvent Artlantis. Additionally, the programs that may be needed for designing a project album were considered, they include CAD programs, programs for working with PDF files such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, and graphic editors Adobe Photoshop and its analogues.

EDIS ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Hartwig Hochmair ◽  
Adam Benjamin

United States Geological Survey topographic maps provide a variety of geospatial measurement tools thanks to their built-in georeferencing capabilities. Georeferencing facilitates display of geographic coordinates and measurement of distances, perimeters, and areas on PDFs using the measure tools built into Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat. This 7-page fact sheet written by Hartwig H. Hochmair and published by the UF/IFAS School of Forest Resources and Conservation explains and showcases the use of these geospatial readout functions. It also provides background information about and assistance with estimating point coordinates on the Universal Transverse Mercator grid cast on USGS topographic maps as an optional layer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 107 ◽  
pp. 62-92
Brad Osborn

Tritones sounding over subdominant harmony, either as suspensions, accented passing tones, or incomplete neighbors, constitute a class of sonorities regularly heard in film and television music. I collectively refer to these phenomena as “subdominant tritones” (SdTT), and theorize a link between the SdTT and emotions it engenders. The article presents close visual/musical analysis of selected SdTT-tinged passages in feature films that animate various heightened emotional states, including longing, nostalgia, relief, and melancholy. [Please note: This article contains embedded video files. These files cannot be played on all PDF readers. Current Musicology recommends Foxit PDF Reader, Adobe Acrobat, or any other PDF reader capable of reading "enriched" media.]

Trama ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (40) ◽  
pp. 67-87
Alexandre Macedo PEREIRA ◽  
Mônica Mano Trindade FERRAZ

O mundo contemporâneo é um espaço organizado e normatizado pela modalidade escrita da língua. Nesse cenário, a escola pública brasileira organiza suas atividades de ensino a partir do Livro Didático (LD) e, em alguns casos, este é o único recurso didático disponível na escola. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as designações dos termos “história” e “tempo”, no LD de História intitulado Sociedade Cidadania do 6º ano (BOULOS JUNIOR, 2015), a partir dos postulados teórico-metodológicos da Semântica do Acontecimento, discutindo a relevância desses conceitos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem desta disciplina. Teoricamente, fundamenta-se nas obras Guimarães (2017) e Rancière (2018), Marx (2011), Marx (2013), Koselleck (2014).  Na análise, identificamos que a designação de “história”, no enunciado [1], significa ultrapassado e desinteressante; no enunciado [2], significa prazer e conhecimento. A designação de “tempo”, no enunciado [3], significa período contínuo de caráter natural ou mecânico; no enunciado [4], significa período contínuo de caráter coletivo (cultural). Por fim, é possível concluir que a articulação da Semântica do Acontecimento com a disciplina História pode potencializar a aprendizagem, uma vez que pode ampliar a percepção dos alunos quanto à dinâmica dos fenômenos históricos.Referências:BENVENISTE, Émile. Problemas de linguística geral I. Campinas: Editora Pontes, 1976.BENVENISTE, Émile. Problemas de linguística geral I. Campinas: Editora Pontes, 2005.BENVENISTE, Émile. Problemas de linguística geral II. Campinas: Editora Pontes, 2006.BOULOS JUNIOR, Alfredo. História sociedade cidadania, 6º ano. São Paulo, Editora FTD, 2015. BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. 2000.BRASILSABIDO. População de João Pessoa-PB. 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em 30 de set. de 2018.BRÉAL, Michel. Ensaios semânticos. Campinas: Editora Educ.-Pontes, 1992. DUCROT, Oswald. O dizer e o dito. Tradução Eduardo Guimarães. Campinas: Editora Pontes, 1987.GUIMARÃES, Eduardo. Semântica, enunciação e sentido. Campinas: Editoras Pontes, 2018.GUIMARÃES, Eduardo. Semântica do acontecimento: um estudo enunciativo da designação. Campinas: Editora Pontes, 2005.KOSELLECK, Reinhart. Estratos do tempo: estudos sobre história. Tradução Markus Hediger. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Contraponto-PUC Rio, 2014.LYONS, John. Linguagem e linguística: uma introdução. Tradução Marilda Winkler Averbug. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Zahar, 1982. MARX, Karl. O 18 de brumário de Luís Bonaparte. Tradução Nélio Schneider. São Paulo: Editora Boitempo, 2011.MARX, Karl. O Capital: crítica da economia política. Livro I. Tradução Rubens Enderle. São Paulo: Editora Boitempo, 2013.NASCIMENTO, Erivaldo Pereira do. Jogando com as vozes do outro: a polifonia – recurso modalizador – na notícia jornalística. 239 folhas. Tese de Doutorado (Doutorado em Linguística) – Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Paraíba, João Pessoa, 2005.PIMENTA, Selma Garrido. Questões sobre a organização do trabalho escolar. Disponível em: PIMENTA_S._G._Quest_es_sobre_a_organiza_o_do_trabalho_na_escola (1). Pdf-Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Acesso em 04 de fev. de 2019.RANCIÈRE, Jacques. O desentendimento: política e filosofia. Tradução Ângela Leite Lopes. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2018.RANCIÈRE, Jacques. Política da escrita. Tradução Raquel Ramalhete et al. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2017.SAVIANI, Dermeval. História do tempo e tempo da história: estudos de historiografia e história da educação. Campinas, SP: Autores Associados, 2015.SECRETARIA DE EDUCAÇÃO E CULTURA DO MUNICÍPIO DE JOÃO PESSOA. Relação das escolas municipais. Disponível em: Acesso em 20 de fev. de 2018.SILVA, Antônio Marcos. Argumentação e polifonia na língua. In. A argumentação na redação comercial e oficial: estratégias semântico-discursivas em gêneros formulaicos. Organização Erivaldo Pereira do Nascimento. João Pessoa: Editora da UFPB, 2012.TONET, Ivo. Método científico: uma abordagem ontológica. São Paulo: Editora Instituto Lukács, 2013.Enviado em 26-08-2020Revisões Requeridas em 31-10-2020Aceito em 06 -11-2020 

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