medicine clerkship
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2022 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-57
Megan L. Ferderber ◽  
Kaitlyn Vann ◽  
Athanasios Tzaras ◽  
Noam Hadadi ◽  
Rebecca M. Gilbird

Background and Objectives: The family medicine (FM) clerkship is appropriate for incorporating musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSKUS) education, as many outpatient visits in primary care occur for musculoskeletal (MSK) concerns. Despite rising popularity of point-of-care imaging in primary care, ultrasound (US) training in medical education is limited due to lack of resources and time. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of an MSKUS workshop in the FM clerkship through student self-evaluations. Methods: Seventy-five medical students enrolled in the FM clerkship during the 2019-2020 academic year participated in hands-on MSKUS workshops staffed by faculty, residents, and a fellow. Workshops coincided with FM residency didactic teaching, allowing for protected time to host US training. Of workshop participants, 98.6% completed both pre- and postworkshop evaluations assessing confidence and acceptability of the workshop (rated on a 0-10 Likert scale, where higher scores represent more confidence or greater benefit, respectively). Results: Students noted increased confidence with use of ultrasound, recognition of MSK structures, and performance of landmark-guided procedures (preworkshop 2.6±1.6; postworkshop 7.4±1.1). Students endorsed high levels of agreement in the benefit of the workshop to their education (9.4±1.3) and MSK understanding (9.4±1.2). Conclusions: This study demonstrates the benefit of an MSKUS workshop as part of the FM clerkship and addresses previously identified challenges to providing US education. Results suggest a short-term benefit from an MSKUS workshop in confidence in MSKUS knowledge and satisfaction with the curriculum.

2022 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-43
Amy Clithero-Eridon ◽  
Danielle Albright ◽  
Clint Brayfield ◽  
Nicole Abeyta ◽  
Karen Armitage

Background and Objectives: Health policy is more impactful for public health than many other strategies as it can improve health outcomes for an entire population. Yet in the “see one, do one, teach one” environment of medical school, most students never get past the “see one” stage in learning about the powerful tools of health policy and advocacy. The University of New Mexico School of Medicine mandates health policy and advocacy education for all medical students during their family medicine clerkship rotation. The aim of this project is to describe a unique health policy and advocacy course within a family medicine clerkship. Methods: We analyzed policy briefs from 265 third-year medical students from April 2016 through April 2019. Each brief is categorized by the level of change targeted for policy reform: national, state, city, or university/school. Implemented policies are described. Results: Slightly less than one-third of the policies (30%) relate to education, 36% advocate for health system change by addressing cost, access, or quality issues, and 34% focus on public health issues. Fourteen policies have been initiated or successfully enacted. Conclusions: This curriculum gives each medical student a health policy tool kit with immediate opportunities to test their skills, learn from health policy and advocacy experts, and in some cases, implement health policies while still in medical school. A 1-week family medicine policy course can have impact beyond the classroom even during medical school, and other schools should consider this as a tool to increase the impact of their graduates.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (10) ◽  
pp. 882-885
Geoffrey Mills ◽  
Samantha Kelly ◽  
Denine R. Crittendon ◽  
Amy Cunningham ◽  
Christine Arenson

Background and Objectives: There is emphasis on systems-based practice competencies and quality improvement (QI) training in postgraduate medical education. However, we lack effective approaches to provide experiences in these areas during undergraduate medical education. To address this, we developed a novel approach to providing didactic and experiential learning experiences in QI during a third-year family medicine clerkship. Methods: We implemented and evaluated a QI curriculum combining self-directed learning with real-world experience to increase knowledge and confidence in the plan-do-study-act (PDSA) process for family medicine clerkship students. Students collaborated and presented their change ideas in a “Shark Tank” format for practice leaders at the end of their rotation. We used pre- and postcurriculum surveys to assess knowledge of and comfort with completing QI projects. Results: Three hundred eighty-nine students completed precurriculum surveys and 242 completed postcurriculum surveys. Pre- and postlearning evaluations revealed an increase in agreement or strong agreement with self-reported understanding of specific QI topic areas of 50%. Almost all (91.3%) reported feeling confident or reasonably confident in their ability to create change in health care after exposure to the curriculum, compared with 66.3% in the precurriculum survey. One-third of students (34%) reported intent to complete the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Open School curriculum in QI. Conclusions: Self-directed learning about QI, combined with practice observation, small-group discussion and presentation in a Shark Tank format was effective and engaging for learners. Students had limited preexisting knowledge of QI principles, suggesting a need for preclinical exposure to this topic. The family medicine clerkship provides an ideal environment for teaching QI.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (10) ◽  
pp. 835-842
Maria Syl D. de la Cruz ◽  
Tomoko Sairenji ◽  
Sarah E. Stumbar ◽  
Dolapo Babalola ◽  
Alexander W. Chessman

Background and Objectives: The 2011 Alliance for Clinical Education panel recommended the development of a specialty-specific curriculum for all subinternships (sub-Is). A 2019 CERA survey found that 58% of family medicine clerkship directors agreed that a standardized curriculum would be helpful. The goal of this study was to explore attitudes and preferences regarding a national family medicine sub-I curriculum among a broad set of stakeholders. Methods: Focus groups were conducted with medical students, residents, residency faculty, and undergraduate medical education faculty at the 2020 STFM Conference on Medical Student Education. Focus groups were transcribed, and a qualitative analysis was conducted with participants’ responses about the benefits and characteristics of a family medicine sub-I, recommendations for core sub-I skills/objectives, likelihood of using a national curriculum, and preferred student and program evaluation methods. Results: There were four focus groups with a total of 24 participants. The following main themes emerged: the family medicine sub-I has distinctive characteristics from other sub-Is and provides unique benefits for students and residency programs, a standardized curriculum should allow for adaptability and flexibility, and the sub-I evaluation for the students and program should be specific and experience-focused. These themes were classified into specific subthemes. Conclusions: The stakeholder emphasis on themes of uniqueness, adaptability, and specificity within evaluation will help educators structure a comprehensive framework for national recommendations for the sub-I curriculum. A well-designed family medicine sub-I may provide rigorous educational training for students and may also encourage career commitment to the discipline.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S53-S54
Erin Roberts ◽  
Rachel Sigler ◽  
Elliott Welford ◽  
Jocelyn Keehner ◽  
Darcy Wooten

Abstract Background Education on infections in hospitalized patients, antimicrobial selection, and principles of antimicrobial stewardship are foundational to all clinicians. Incorporating early learners into Infectious Diseases (ID) consult services has the potential to build a strong fund of knowledge in these content domains, but also poses potential challenges. We evaluated the impact of a novel clinical rotation and supporting curriculum on third-year medical students rotating on the ID consult service for 2 weeks during their 12-week Internal Medicine clerkship at the University of California, San Diego. Methods Third-year medical students who selected to rotate on the ID consult service were given an hour-long orientation about the service and common infectious syndromes. They were provided with a checklist of clinical skills to complete during the rotation. In addition to daily rounds and clinical care, ID Coaches (ID faculty and senior ID fellows) met with students weekly for 1-2 hours to review ID topics, practice oral presentations, and/or conduct physical exam finding rounds. We surveyed medical students to assess the effectiveness of the rotation. Results Forty third-year medical students participated in the 2-week ID consult rotation between June 2020-May 2021; 31 (77%) completed the rotation evaluation. Seventy percent or more of students reported that the ID rotation facilitated their learning across 8 of 10 ID-content domains (Figure 1). More students reported that the ID Coach facilitated learning (71%) compared to the clinical skills checklist (42%). Students highlighted learning about antimicrobial selection, stewardship, and clinical reasoning on the rotation but reported that teaching was limited when the service census was high (Figure 2). Figure 1: Percent of Students Rating the ID Consult Rotation as Extremely or Very Effective in Facilitating Learning Across 10 Domains Figure 2: Students' Reflections on the Effectiveness of the ID Consult Rotation Conclusion Third-year medical students found that a 2-week rotation on the ID consult service was highly effective in teaching foundational ID content and general medicine skills. Incorporating early learners into a busy and complex subspecialty consult service can be facilitated through the use of supplemental curricular tools such as ID Coaches. Disclosures Darcy Wooten, MD, MS, Nothing to disclose

2021 ◽  
Vol 96 (11S) ◽  
pp. S202-S203
Emily Cantor ◽  
Satya Patel ◽  
Pamela Tsing ◽  
Tyler Larsen

2021 ◽  
Eduard Pey ◽  
Diego Sierra ◽  
Sydney Katz ◽  
Laura Greisman ◽  
Deanna Jannat-Khah ◽  

Abstract Background: One in five patients suffer an adverse event within two weeks of discharge as they transition from one healthcare setting to another. Systems-based practice is a core competency of physicians and seeks to minimize these events; however, education of trainees is inconsistent. We asked whether structured post-discharge phone calls and reflections on barriers to discharge and practice improvement can enhance students’ understanding of systems-based practice. Method: Medical students in the Internal Medicine Clerkship were assigned to perform a structured post-discharge phone call on hospitalized patients as part of a “Transitions of Care” assignment. Students reflected on issues occurring at the transition from hospitalization to discharge. We performed qualitative analysis of 90 medical student responses and identified themes and sub-themes addressing issues with care transitions. Results: Students consistently identified barriers to safe discharge including issues scheduling follow-up care, poor care coordination, and inadequate social support. The post-discharge phone calls revealed problems with patients’ understanding of their discharge diagnosis, medication-related issues and patients’ failure to attend scheduled follow-up. Common student-proposed practice improvement interventions included: enhanced provider-patient communication and education, improved interdisciplinary collaboration and care coordination, and greater attention to patient’s psychosocial and financial status. Conclusions: Medical students learned about systems-based practice from a transitions of care assignment involving a post-discharge phone call, identifying critical events in over half of patients identified. Self-reflective practice within the context of direct patient care offers insights into practice improvement in care transitions.

PRiMER ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Anna Virani ◽  
Sarah E. Stumbar ◽  
Rodolfo Bonnin

Introduction: Clerkship assessment structures should consist of a systematic process that includes information from exam and assignment data to legitimize student grades and achievement. Analyzing student performance across assessments, rather than on a single assignment, provides a more accurate picture to identify academically at-risk students. This paper presents the development and implications of a structured approach to assessment analysis for the Family Medicine Clerkship at Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine. Methods: The assessment analysis included a table presenting the distribution of all assessment performance results for 166 clerkship students from April 2018 to June 2019. A correlation table showed linear relationships between performance on all graded activities. We conducted a Pearson analysis (r), coefficient of determination (r2), multiple regression analysis, and reliability of performance analysis. Results: Performance on one assessment—the core skills quiz—yielded a statistically significant correlation (r=.409, r2= .16, P<.001) with the final clerkship grade. The reliability of performance analyses showed low performers (<-1.7 SD), had both a low mean quiz score (59.6) and final grade (83). Top performers (>-1.7 SD) had both a high mean quiz score (88.5) and final grade (99.6). This was confirmed by multiple regression analysis. Conclusion: The assessment analysis revealed a strong linear relationship between the core skills quiz and final grade; this relationship did not exist for other assignments. In response to the assessment analysis, the clerkship adjusted the grading weight of its assignments to reflect their utility in differentiating academic performance and implemented faculty development regarding grading for multiple assignments.

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