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2022 ◽  
Jing Zhou ◽  
Fang Liu ◽  
Mingchao Zhou ◽  
Jianjun Long ◽  
Fubing Zha ◽  

Abstract Background: Many stroke survivors have multiple chronic diseases and complications, coupled with various other factors which may affect their functional status. We aimed to investigate the factors associated with poor functional status in hospitalized patients with stroke in Shenzhen, China.Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. Data on 646 patients with stroke were recruited from four urban hospitals using cluster sampling. The Longshi Scale was used to assess the functional status of stroke survivors. Explanatory variables, i.e. factors affecting functional status, included demographic, lifestyle factors, complications, and chronic conditions. The ordinal logistic regression model was used to investigate factors associated with poor functional status. Results: Stroke survivors with poor functional status accounted for 72.14% and were assessed as the bedridden group based on the Longshi scale, 21.67% of patients with moderate functional limitation were assessed as the domestic group and 6.19% of the patients with mild functional restriction was assessed as the community group. The highest dependence was noted for feeding (73.39%), bowel and bladder management (69.74%), and bedtime entertainment (69.53%) among the bedridden group, and housework (74.29%) among the domestic group. In the adjusted model, patients who were in older age groups (odds ratio [OR] = 2.39, 95% CI: 1.55–3.80), female (OR = 1.73, 95% CI: 1.08–2.77), duration of stroke more than 12 months (OR = 1.94, 95% CI: 1.28–2.95), with pulmonary infection (OR = 10.91, 95% CI: 5.81–20.50), and with deep venous thrombosis (OR = 3.00, 95% CI: 1.28–7.04) had almost or more than two times the risk of poorer functioning.Conclusions: Our study found that 72.14% of stroke survivors had poor functional status, 21.67% and 6.19% of stroke survivors had moderate functional limitations and mild functional restrictions in rehabilitation settings. The older age bracket (age ≥ 60) and females were more likely to exhibit poor functioning. Pulmonary infection and deep venous thrombosis, both common post-stroke complications, were related to the increased chance of dependence. Therefore, interventions aimed at treating or preventing pulmonary infection and deep vein thrombosis need to contribute to addressing these circumstances and subsequent dysfunction after stroke.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-2
M. Kaneko ◽  
Y. Yamamoto ◽  
N. Ishimaru ◽  
M. Shimizu

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Lastry Monika

Wisran Hadi is known as a man of letters and an expert in culture who has produced works in various genres. During his career, the works he produced not only received a number of awards, but also caused controversy from his own community group in the Minangkabau. In this regard, this research tries to examine the position and achievements of Wisran Hadi in the arena of Indonesian literature. The discussion includes the efforts made by the author to achieve a position, to operate in the literary arena, and to maintain his position. Based on Pierre Bourdieu's theory of genetic structuralism, the results of the analysis show the following. First, the position of the literary arena occupied by Wisran Hadi is dominantly on the principle of an autonomous hierarchy, so that it tends to contradict the laws that apply in the arena of power The structure of the literary arena is a limited production arena. Second, the achievement of positions based on habitus, artistic practice, the acquisition and exchange of symbolic capital, the acquisition of awards, and the survival of the Bumi Teater group. Third, practices and strategies in maintaining position are by producing works in various genres, prioritizing exploration of words and languages, and elaborating classic works such as kaba, tambo, and history. In addition, the work is positioned based on various elements such as habitus, the structure of the arena occupied, the position in the arena, to the situation and conditions of social reality that are the source and target of the work.

Sufi Alawiyah ◽  
Zuriyati ◽  
Ninuk Lustiyantie

Slang is an innovation of language change created by a group of people in highlighting their group. Speakers build a cohesive identity and a separate social class that becomes a culture in society. The purpose of this study was to gain an in-depth understanding of slang as a manifestation of a person's social-cultural identity in the community group in the film Step Up 2 The Street. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data was collected using documentation. The data is in the form of utterances in the dialogue of film players that contain slang words. Data analysis through the stages of data reduction, presentation and concluding. The results of the study conclude that the use of slang in the film Step Up 2 The Street shows the diversity of social and cultural identities in people's lives. The group of slang users refers to the context of similarity in the race, kinship or group, level of intimacy, group localization, and social culture that characterizes each group.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-101
Rudianto Rudianto ◽  
Hery Indria Dwi Puspita ◽  
Wazirotus Sakinah

Catfish is one of the freshwater fish whose demand is increasing every year, both in the form of fresh fish and processed foods. This increase in demand along with the ease of maintenance has made catfish a cultivated commodity that is widely eyed by fish farmers. One of the important aspects in fish farming is the provision of fish feed, although it is relatively easy, but feed management is needed to increase fish production targets. The fish feeding method mostly uses manual sowing on the surface of the pond. This method has weaknesses in terms of labor requirements and the time required if catfish farmers have many ponds, especially if the breeders forget the schedule for fish feeding. The method of implementing this community service consists of socializing activities, presenting material, directing the steps for making automatic fish feeding tools, tool making practices, tool testing and evaluation. The manufacture of this automatic fish feed tool generally consists of making the body of the tool and the assembly of the timer module components. This activity was attended by 20 people who are members of the SYSGA group in Sumbersari District, a community group engaged in catfish farming. The activity went smoothly, the participants seemed enthusiastic during the activity. Further monitoring is needed to determine the level of effectiveness and efficiency of catfish production by breeders after the use of automatic fish feed equipment.

Christianti Angelin Maarende ◽  
Danny Sebastian ◽  
Restyandito Restyandito

The situation and condition of the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia have forced everyone to reduce the intensity of going out of the house, including activities related to the need for health services. Therefore, a solution is needed so that people can meet their health needs without leaving the house. Taking into account that the elderly as the community group that is most vulnerable to contracting the virus and has the highest mortality rate, it can be said that the elderly is the group of people who most need online health services. Along with the growing penetration of internet usage and the increasing number of smartphone ownership in Indonesia, m-health is the right choice to help people access health services online via smartphones. KlikDokter is an example of m-health or a mobile-based application that provides various online health services. However, it was found that there were complaints that the KlikDokter application was too complicated and difficult for the elderly to use. From this problem, a usability test was finally carried out on the KlikDokter application interface, to identify what interface elements in the KlikDokter application were difficult for elderly users. The research respondents were divided into two groups with 16 and 17 people respectively. The first group is the elderly group aged >60 years. And the second group is the pre-elderly group with ages between 45 to 59 years. A pre-elderly group is a comparison group (control group). This test is carried out by measuring several aspects of usability, namely effectiveness, efficiency, user satisfaction, error, and cognitive load.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-128
Harriyadi Harriyadi

Abstract. Preliminary Study Of Unification Symbols Form From Ancient India Tradition Found In Indonesia. Humans and symbols have a bond that cannot be separated from each other because they always appear in a community group. During the Hindu-Buddhist period in Indonesia, various signs related to religion appeared. One of the religious practices that developed is the worship of the union of life. This study aims to identify the form of symbols and the meaning of the worship of the unification of life for the Hindu-Buddhist period. This study was conducted by collecting data on the worship of the union of life from various secondary sources in research reports, journals, and articles. Data collection is also focused on finding data on artifacts in Indonesia associated with symbols of the unification of life. The data collection results between mythology in India and artifacts in Indonesia are then synthesized to obtain a form of embodiment of the unification of life during the Hindu-Buddhist period in Indonesia. The study results show that the concept of the unification of life is symbolized in the linga-yoni, mudrā bodhyagrimudrā, and shatkona. Depictions of the yoni phallus and shatkona can be found in Indonesia. In Buddhism in Indonesia, the concept of the unification of life is symbolized in the mudrā bodhyagrimudrā found in the Mahavairocana Buddha statue. The gesture of the bodhyagrimudrā hand is a representation of the union of males and females. The depiction of the unification of life is more aimed at fulfilling religious needs, namely to achieve release (moksha) in Hinduism and achieve nirvana in Buddhism.   Abstrak. Manusia dan simbol memiliki ikatan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan satu sama lain karena selalu muncul dalam suatu kelompok masyarakat. Pada masa Hindu-Buddha di Indonesia  muncul berbagai simbol yang berkaitan dengan religi. Salah satu praktik religi yang berkembang adalah pemujaan penyatuan kehidupan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk simbol dan makna pemujaan penyatuan kehidupan bagi masyarakat pada masa Hindu-Buddha. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan data mengenai pemujaan terhadap penyatuan kehidupan dari berbagai sumber sekunder berupa laporan penelitian, jurnal, dan artikel. Pengumpulan data juga difokuskan untuk mencari data objek artefak di Indonesia yang berhubungan dengan simbol penyatuan kehidupan. Hasil dari pengumpulan data antara mitologi di India dan artefak di Indonesia kemudian disintesiskan untuk mendapatkan bentuk perwujudan penyatuan kehidupan pada masa Hindu-Buddha di Indonesia. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa konsep penyatuan kehidupan disimbolkan dalam lingga-yoni, mudrā bodhyagrimudrā, dan shatkona. Penggambaran lingga yoni dan shatkona dapat ditemukan di Indonesia. Dalam agama Buddha di Indonesia konsep penyatuan kehidupan disimbolkan dalam mudrā bodhyagrimudrā yang dijumpai pada arca Buddha Mahavairocana. Sikap tangan bodhyagrimudrā merupakan representasi penyatuan laki-laki dan perempuan. Penggambaran penyatuan kehidupan lebih ditujukan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan religi, yaitu mencapai pelepasan (moksha) dalam agama Hindu dan mencapai nirwana dalam agama Buddha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-76
Adi Martono ◽  
Mohammad Safí'i

Students as an educated community group have a higher success rate in doing business. But they must be good at managing their time between running a business and studying. This research will focus on students who do business and the external factors that influence it. The object of research is students majoring in Accounting and Management, Faculty of Economics, Pamulang University who run a business. This study has several objectives, namely 1. to obtain a profile of these students in running their business. 2. get information on whether the campus environment can encourage their business development. This research is a qualitative research. Researchers used a questionnaire to collect information and data. The questionnaire is distributed online to students who have businesses. From the questionnaire, information was obtained that 47% of students sold their own products, more than 50% had been doing business for less than 1 year and more than 60% were micro entrepreneurs. Students use social media to market their products but they also need digital marketing training, on the other hand they agree that the marketplace can be a means to market products among the Pamulang University academic community. The conclusion is that Pamulang University, which has more than 70,000 students (source, is a large market for students to sell their products and therefore needs to be supported by technology and a business ecosystem so that all of them can connected each others. Campus can cooperate with other parties to utilize technology such as marketplace.

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