comparative constructions
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Aljona N. Chugunekova Chugunekova ◽  

Introduction. This article, based on the material of the Khakass language, describes models of complicated sentences with comparative constructions. Notably, many issues related to the description of complicated sentences in Khakass have not received proper coverage yet, which determines the relevance of this study. The article aims to identify and analyze the structural-semantic types, as well as ways of expressing complicated sentences with comparative constructions in the Khakass language. The research is based on a solid sample of examples from the texts of fiction of various genres, folklore, and journalistic texts, as well as recordings of oral speech. Results. The research shows that there are three types of complicated sentences in Khakass, including a comparative model based on the equality of compared features, a comparative-gradation model, and a substitution model. Each model is described in terms of its basic semantics and ways of formalizing the relationship between dependent and main parts, with specific examples illustrating their use. Each model varies in semantic and structural terms. The comparative model of equal features and the comparative-gradation model have two variants, the substitution model has five. In a comparative model based on equality of features, equal relations between two given events are expressed, while the comparison-gradation model compares the degree of significance of given events, with the action in the main part becoming significant. The substitution model may be of two types: substitutive per se and substitutive-preferential. In substitutive models proper, the actions of the main part do not meet the speaker’s expectation, while in the other model, preference is given to the main event.

2021 ◽  
Vol 111 (6) ◽  
pp. 137-165
Doris Höhmann

It is well known that linguistic variants play a key role in the acquisition of language skills in the first, second or foreign language as well as in writing and translation processes and in general in communicative interactions. Thus, a major research goal is the systematic investigation of intra- and interlinguistic variation. Due to its complexity, its qualitative-quantitative analysis continues to be a challenging issue, but it seems to become more and more feasible thanks to both the possibility of compiling very large corpora and the availability of high-performing corpus-linguistic tools. The paper discusses a corpus-linguistic pilot study concerning the use of besser, am besten and das Beste as pragmatic markers in a cross-linguistic perspective. In particular, the analysis focusses on selected superlative and comparative constructions on the left periphery used for expressing advice. The data basis consists mainly of German and Italian comparable very large web corpora and, to a lesser extent, of bilingual sentence pairs drawn from parallel corpora. As will be shown, even restricting the analysis to a very small segment of microvariation, in both languages the modal constructions appear to be characterized by the combination of numerous overlapping and interplaying variants and by different tendencies in language use.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-105

Неоспоримым является тот факт, что в результате многовековых исторических, культурных и со-седских контактов в языки славян в довольно большом количестве проникали ориентализмы – слова, принадлежащие к разным группам тюркских, а также иранских и арабо-семитских языков. Они прочно закрепились в лексическом составе славянских языков как в своем исконном значении (соответствующем языку-оригиналу), так и в переосмысленном, по-новому интерпретированном на славянской почве. Этой теме посвящено немало лингвистических и культурологических работ. Украинский язык в этом плане не исключение.Историческая лексикология изучает причины, время и пути проникновения и адаптации ори-ентальной лексики в украинском языке. Заимствования из ориентальных языков составляют зна-чительный пласт украинской лексики. Судьба заимствований различна: они либо остались в язы-ке-реципиенте экзотизмами, либо в результате экстралингвистических факторов усвоились им настолько, что стали символами национальной культуры. Показательна в этом плане, например, судьба ориентализмов лелека ‘аист’, кобза и сурма в Украине. Одна из частотных ассоциаций с этой страной – образ запорожского казака в широченных шароварах с неотъемлемым атрибутом – та-баком.Цель настоящего исследования – выявление семантико-функциональных особенностей ориен-тализмов в украинских устойчивых сравнениях. В данной статье на примере этих лексических еди-ниц рассматривается фраземообразующий потенциал и семантико-функциональные особенностиэтих заимствований-ориентализмов, ассоциирующихся с Украиной, в составе сравнительных кон-струкций. Анализируются как устаревшие устойчивые сравнения, так и активно употребляющиеся в наши дни. Приводятся возможные культурологические и историко-этимологические коммента-рии к устойчивым сравнениям, толкуется значение компаративных оборотов и компонентов, вхо-дящих в них.Исследование показало, что рассмотренные ориентализмы настолько прочно вошли в фонд украинского языка, что давно не воспринимаются в языке-реципиенте как чужеродный элемент, напротив, они стали этносимволами в украинской лингвокультуре, продуктивными в словообразо-вательном плане (это осталось за рамками статьи), функционируют в устойчивых сравнениях, в том числе образно-поэтических. Однако этномаркированность, видимо, и наложила ограничения на их фразеологический потенциал: по сравнению с ориентализмами, не ставшими маркерами украин-ской культуры (барабан, базар, кавун, казан и пр.), они фразеологически менее активны, не частотны в составе украинских устойчивых сравнений в качестве эталона, мерила действия, качества и т. д.It is an undeniable fact that as a result of centuries of historical, cultural, and neighbourly contacts, Orientalisms penetrated the languages of the Slavs in quite large numbers. They are firmly fixed in the lexical structure of Slavic languages both in their original meaning (corresponding to the original language) and in a sense reinterpreted on Slavic soil. Numerous linguistic and culturological works are devoted to this topic. The Ukrainian language is no exception in this regard.Historical lexicology studies the causes, time, and ways of penetration and adaptation of Orientalisms in the Ukrainian language. Borrowings from Oriental languages make up a significant layer of the Ukrainian vocabulary. The fate of borrowings varies: they eithe r remained exoticisms in the recipient language or as a result of extralinguistic factors, they were assimilated so much that they became symbols of national culture. For example, the fate of Orientalisms leleka ‘stork’, kobza, and surma in Ukraine is indicative in this regard. One of the frequent associations with the country is the image of Zaporozhian Cossacks in wide bloomers with an integral attribute – tobacco.The purpose of this study is to identify the semantic and functional peculiarities of the Ukrainian Orientalisms in comparison. In this paper, using the example of these lexical units, we consider the phrase-making potential as well as the semantic and functional features of these borrowed Orientalisms associated with Ukraine, as part of comparative constructions. The paper deals with both outdated similes and those that are actively used nowadays. In addition to this, the author gives possible culturological, historical, and etymological comments to similes, showing the meaning of phraseological units and components that are parts of similes.The study demonstrates that the analyzed Orientalisms have been so firmly established in the foundation of the Ukrainian language that they are not perceived in the recipient language as foreign elements. On the contrary, they have become ethnic symbols in Ukrainian linguistic culture, they are productive in derivational terms (the paper does not deal with this question), and operate in stable compa risons, including imagery and poetry. However, their ethnosymbolic features, apparently, have imposed restrictions on their phraseological potential: in comparison with Orientalisms that have not become markers of Ukrainian culture (baraban, bazar, kavun, kazan, etc.), they are phraseologically less active, not frequent a s part of stable comparisons referring to a standard, measure of action, quality, etc.

Each language bears an imprint of the society that speaks it — speakers' relationships to each other, their beliefs and ways of viewing the world, and other facets of their social environment, alongside speakers' habitat, subsistence, and physical environment. A grammar of each language will relate to, and be integrated with, the meanings and the choices which reflect societal practices. Ihe integration of language and society, as reflected in grammatical features of languages, is what this volume is about. It starts with a typological introduction summarising the main issues relevant to the integration of language and society, with special focus on grammatical phenomena. These include honorific forms, genders and classifiers, possession, evidentiality, comparative constructions, and demonstrative systems. It is followed by several studies focused on the ways in which societal norms and beliefs are reflected in languages of diverse typological profiles. The data are drawn from languages of Australia and New Guinea (Dyirbal and Idi), South America (Chamacoco, Ayoreo, Murui, and Tariana), Asia (Japanese, Brokpa, and Dzongkka), and Africa (Iraqw). The volume advances our understanding of the ways in which non-linguistic traits have their correlates in language, and how they change if the society undergoes transformations. The outcomes will be a valuable resource for scholars and students of typology, general linguistics, linguistic and cultural anthropology, and social sciences.

2021 ◽  
Deborah Fengyi Chua

<p>There are two main ways of expressing the comparative in English adjectives. One is to precede the adjectival base with more and the other is to suffix -er to the base. For the group of adjectives ending in an orthographic -y and an /i/ sound, which I call the y-adjectives, the alternation between more and -er cannot be neatly explained by structural accounts, whether predominantly synchronic or diachronic. The idea of understanding this alternation with respect to a paradigm of comparative constructions is introduced in this thesis. This paradigm comprises a multitude of more and -er constructions (including those of y-adjectives) that share the grammatical function of the comparative. The goal of this thesis is to examine to what extent the comparatives of y-adjectives can be accounted for by the comparative constructions of other members in this paradigm, in addition to a set of syntactic, morphological and phonological considerations. Two empirical studies are reported: a study of the comparative constructions in seven corpora of British comedies spanning the 17th to the 20th centuries; and an experimental study where reading times in the context of comparative y-adjective constructions were observed in a series of self-paced reading tasks. In the corpus study, the morphology of y-adjective bases is found to be a significant predictor of their comparatives. Additionally, significant correlations are found between:   • the comparatives of y-adjectives and those of the disyllabic adjectives that are not y-adjectives (to which I have given the cover term of HANDSOME adjectives);  • the comparatives of y-adjectives and those of the monosyllabic adjectives; and  • the comparatives of y-adjectives and those of adverbs that share some formal features with y-adjectives.  The experimental study furthers an investigation of comparative alternation in y-adjectives in terms of the comparatives of HANDSOME adjectives and the morphological structure of y-adjective bases. In this study, pre-to-post treatment reading is found to be facilitated in y-adjective more comparatives by an exposure to multiple instances of more constructions from the HANDSOME adjectives. The more constructions from HANDSOME adjectives are also found to reduce facilitation in reading in morphologically simple y-adjectives paired with -er. On the other hand, the -er constructions from HANDSOME adjectives are found to reduce facilitation in reading in morphologically complex y-adjectives paired with more. The studies undertaken in this work indicate two important predictors of the comparatives of y-adjectives: the comparatives of HANDSOME adjectives; and the morphological structure of y-adjective bases. The involvement of the comparatives of HANDSOME adjectives as a predictor points to the importance of a paradigm of comparatives for an understanding of the comparatives of y-adjectives. The influence of this paradigm, combined with the influence of morphology, is argued to shed light on a question motivated by the diachronic literature on what could be suppressing the susceptibility of y-adjectives to the structural motivators for particular comparatives. Additionally, the potential for interpreting some unanticipated findings in terms of theories from psychological views on language, and in ways that remain coherent with paradigmatic and morphological viewpoints, is discussed.</p>

2021 ◽  
Deborah Fengyi Chua

<p>There are two main ways of expressing the comparative in English adjectives. One is to precede the adjectival base with more and the other is to suffix -er to the base. For the group of adjectives ending in an orthographic -y and an /i/ sound, which I call the y-adjectives, the alternation between more and -er cannot be neatly explained by structural accounts, whether predominantly synchronic or diachronic. The idea of understanding this alternation with respect to a paradigm of comparative constructions is introduced in this thesis. This paradigm comprises a multitude of more and -er constructions (including those of y-adjectives) that share the grammatical function of the comparative. The goal of this thesis is to examine to what extent the comparatives of y-adjectives can be accounted for by the comparative constructions of other members in this paradigm, in addition to a set of syntactic, morphological and phonological considerations. Two empirical studies are reported: a study of the comparative constructions in seven corpora of British comedies spanning the 17th to the 20th centuries; and an experimental study where reading times in the context of comparative y-adjective constructions were observed in a series of self-paced reading tasks. In the corpus study, the morphology of y-adjective bases is found to be a significant predictor of their comparatives. Additionally, significant correlations are found between:   • the comparatives of y-adjectives and those of the disyllabic adjectives that are not y-adjectives (to which I have given the cover term of HANDSOME adjectives);  • the comparatives of y-adjectives and those of the monosyllabic adjectives; and  • the comparatives of y-adjectives and those of adverbs that share some formal features with y-adjectives.  The experimental study furthers an investigation of comparative alternation in y-adjectives in terms of the comparatives of HANDSOME adjectives and the morphological structure of y-adjective bases. In this study, pre-to-post treatment reading is found to be facilitated in y-adjective more comparatives by an exposure to multiple instances of more constructions from the HANDSOME adjectives. The more constructions from HANDSOME adjectives are also found to reduce facilitation in reading in morphologically simple y-adjectives paired with -er. On the other hand, the -er constructions from HANDSOME adjectives are found to reduce facilitation in reading in morphologically complex y-adjectives paired with more. The studies undertaken in this work indicate two important predictors of the comparatives of y-adjectives: the comparatives of HANDSOME adjectives; and the morphological structure of y-adjective bases. The involvement of the comparatives of HANDSOME adjectives as a predictor points to the importance of a paradigm of comparatives for an understanding of the comparatives of y-adjectives. The influence of this paradigm, combined with the influence of morphology, is argued to shed light on a question motivated by the diachronic literature on what could be suppressing the susceptibility of y-adjectives to the structural motivators for particular comparatives. Additionally, the potential for interpreting some unanticipated findings in terms of theories from psychological views on language, and in ways that remain coherent with paradigmatic and morphological viewpoints, is discussed.</p>

Revue Romane ◽  
2021 ◽  
Matías Verdecchia

Abstract In this paper I analyze the distribution of the reflexive construction se + a sí mismo in Romance (e.g., ‘Juan se peinó a sí mismo’). I propose that these structures are transitive. Concretely, I argue that in these cases the reflexive anaphor is the internal argument of the predicate, and that the obligatory presence of the clitic se is due to the general phenomenon of clitic doubling with pronominal objects. I show that this approach can account for some asymmetries between these constructions and simple se-reflexives regarding expletive insertion in French, proxy readings, comparative constructions, association with focus, and case distribution in causatives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-76
Dimitra Melissaropoulou ◽  
Christos Papanagiotou

Abstract This paper addresses variation and change in the realization of superlative constructions in the light of the evidence provided by Modern Greek dialectal variation as a window into the study of the organization of grammar. Dialectal data show that analyticity prevails in the realization of relative comparative constructions, while absolute ones seem to resist more persistently due to their high relevance with another morphological category, evaluative intensification. Our findings argue in favour of the strong interplay among all three processes, viewed as realizations of the conceptual category of gradation, accounted for in terms of a continuum. The proposed organization captures the strong interplay between intensification and absolute superlatives on the one hand, while relative and absolute superlative formations on the other. On a theoretical level, this account could contribute further to important issues such as the controversial status of comparison and evaluation in grammar, which may differ cross-linguistically, suggesting that a combined account of the three processes might prove more adequate.

Elene Philashvili

The article discusses the figurative comparison in Tedo Razikashvili's prose language, as one of the defining factors of style and one of the best means of revealing the outside world, which, naturally, determines the aesthetic and emotional function of the text.Tedo Razikashvili's stories are characterized by the diversity figurative comparisons. comparisons., in his works, the author mostly compares animate and inanimate things, humans and animals.In Tedo Razikashvili's stories, comparative constructions are made with the following grammatical connections: as if, as though and with separate adverbs and words: -ვით {-vit} as; -ებრ {-ebr} like/as, -თანა {-tana} like/as , -ტოლა {-tola} like, ktseuli {-ქცეული} and others. Sometimes in comparative constructions there are not used any connectives and that gives those constructions an emotional coloring. Figurative comparison in terms of expression is very interesting; the reader feels the writer's message vividly, clearly imagines the picture or scene that the writer tries to describe.We believe that figurative comparison is one of the defining factors in Tedo Razikashvili's prose language and writing style. It gives his language more emotion, and more expressiveness.Thus, it should be mentioned that the comparison is considered as one of the stylistic features in Tedo Razikashvili's prose language, that makes our thinking emotional, and makes his fictions unique with its individual style.It is obvious that through comparative constructions, Tedo Razikashvili uses various possibilities of language, and consequently makes his own style distinctive and unique.

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