final annealing
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Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 4162
Eider A. Erazo ◽  
Martín Gómez ◽  
Leonardo Rios ◽  
Edgar J. Patiño ◽  
María T. Cortés ◽  

The atomic layer deposition (ALD) of Al2O3 between perovskite and the hole transporting material (HTM) PEDOT:PSS has previously been shown to improve the efficiency of perovskite solar cells. However, the costs associated with this technique make it unaffordable. In this work, the deposition of an organic–inorganic PEDOT:PSS-Cl-Al2O3 bilayer is performed by a simple electrochemical technique with a final annealing step, and the performance of this material as HTM in inverted perovskite solar cells is studied. It was found that this material (PEDOT:PSS-Al2O3) improves the solar cell performance by the same mechanisms as Al2O3 obtained by ALD: formation of an additional energy barrier, perovskite passivation, and increase in the open-circuit voltage (Voc) due to suppressed recombination. As a result, the incorporation of the electrochemical Al2O3 increased the cell efficiency from 12.1% to 14.3%. Remarkably, this material led to higher steady-state power conversion efficiency, improving a recurring problem in solar cells.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (22) ◽  
pp. 6822
Xuefei Wei ◽  
Alexander Krämer ◽  
Gerhard Hirt ◽  
Anett Stöcker ◽  
Rudolf Kawalla ◽  

The magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel, widely used in electric machines, are closely related to the grain size and texture of the material. How to control the evolution of grain size and texture through processing in order to improve the magnetic properties is the research focus of this article. Therefore, the complete process chain of a non-oriented electrical steel with 3.2 wt.-% Si was studied with regard to hot rolling, cold rolling, and final annealing on laboratory scale. Through a comprehensive analysis of the process chain, the influence of important process parameters on the grain size and texture evolution as well as the magnetic properties was determined. It was found that furnace cooling after the last hot rolling pass led to a fully recrystallized grain structure with the favorable ND-rotated-cube component, and a large portion of this component was retained in the thin strip after cold rolling, resulting in a texture with a low γ-fiber and a high ND-cube component after final annealing at moderate to high temperatures. These promising results on a laboratory scale can be regarded as an effective way to control the processing on an industrial scale, to finally tailor the magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel according to their final application.

A. Gowthaman ◽  
V. Pownsamy ◽  
Pranav Tripathi ◽  
D. Satish Kumar ◽  
M. Swaminathan ◽  

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 806
Andrés Núñez ◽  
Irene Collado ◽  
Juan F. Almagro ◽  
David L. Sales

EN 1.4016 stainless steels combine good corrosion resistance with good formability and ductility. As such, their most popular applications are related to sheet forming. During re-crystallisation of Fe-Cr steels, deviations from the desired γ-fibre (gamma fibre, <111>||ND) texture promote a decrease in deep drawability. Additionally, α-fibre (alpha fibre, <110>||RD) has been found to be damaging to formability. In this study, an EN 1.4016 basic material and a modified one with optimised settings as regards to chemical composition and manufacturing process, in order to improve the formability properties, are characterised. The phase diagram, microstructure, Lankford coefficients and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) (results confirm the evolution of texture during the processing of ferritic stainless steel. Texture is analysed by the interpretation of Orientation Distribution Function (ODF), using orientation density results for each sample obtained in the processing route. The cube ({001} <100>) and rotated cube ({001} <110>) textures dominate the crystal orientation from the slab until the intermediate annealing stage. After final annealing, there is a texture evolution in both materials; the γ-fibre component dominates the texture, which is much more intense in modified material supported by components that show good deep drawability, {554} <225>, and good transition from hot to cold rolling, {332} <113>. The modified composition and process material delivers a better re-crystallisation status and, therefore, the best drawability performance.

Catalysts ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 623
Mengfan Shen ◽  
Ziwei Meng ◽  
Tong Xue ◽  
Hongfang Shen ◽  
Xiang-Hui Yan

To explore high-performing alternatives to platinum-based catalysts is highly desirable for lowering costs and thus promoting fuel cell commercialization. Herein, self-supported Fe-N-C materials were prepared by the pyrolysis of dual precursors including EDTA ferric sodium (EDTAFeNa) and melamine (MA), followed by acid-leaching and final annealing. Towards an oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in 0.1 M KOH, the as-prepared MA/EDTAFeNa-HT2 delivered onset (Eonset) and half-wave (E1/2) potentials of 0.97 and 0.84 V vs. RHE, respectively, identical with that of a state-of-the-art Pt/C catalyst, accompanied with predominantly a four-electron pathway. The introduction of MA and extension of acid-leaching promoted a positive shift of 50 mV for E1/2 relative to that of only the EDTAFeNa-derived counterpart. It was revealed that the enhancement of ORR activity is attributed to a decrease in magnetic Fe species and increase in pyridinic/quanternary nitrogen content whilst nearly excluding effects of the graphitization degree, variety of crystalline iron species, and mesoscopic structure. The usage of dual precursors exhibited great potential for the large-scale production of inexpensive and efficient Fe-N-C materials.

Н.А. Соболев ◽  
А.Е. Калядин ◽  
К.Ф. Штельмах ◽  
Е.И. Шек

Dislocation-related photoluminescence is studied in unimplanted and implanted with oxygen ions silicon wafers after multistage heat treatment, used for the formation of internal getter in microelectronics, and final annealing at 1000°С in a chlorine-containing atmosphere. In unimplanted sample, the dislocation-related luminescence line D1 dominates and its intensity is more than one order of magnitude in comparison with another dislocation-related luminescence line D2. With increasing temperature, an intensity of the D1 line increases and then decreases. In implanted sample, the intensities of the D1 and D2 lines increase. For both the lines, temperature quenching of their intensities is observed only. The energies of quenching and increase of the intensities of dislocation-related photoluminescence lines are determined. Possible reasons of observed effects are discussed.

Materials ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 5581
Yong Wang ◽  
Chengyi Zhu ◽  
Guangqiang Li ◽  
Yulong Liu ◽  
Yu Liu

The effects of Nb content on precipitation, microstructure, texture and magnetic properties of primary recrystallized grain-oriented silicon steel were investigated by various methods. The results show that the precipitates in primary recrystallized sheets are mainly MnS, Nb(C,N), composite precipitates of MnS and AlN, and composite precipitates of Nb(C,N) and AlN. Adding niobium could refine the primary recrystallized microstructure. The steel with 0.009 wt% Nb possesses the finest and the most dispersed precipitates, which contributes to the finest primary recrystallized microstructure due to the strong pinning force. Adding niobium is beneficial to obtain large volume fraction favorable texture for grain-oriented silicon steel, and the effect of Nb addition is not obvious when the content is higher than 0.009 wt%. After final annealing, the steel with 0.009 wt% Nb shows the best magnetic properties, B800 = 1.872 T, P1.7/50 = 1.25 W/kg.

P.P. Moskvin ◽  
W. Sadowski ◽  
V.B. Kryzhanivskyy ◽  
G.V. Skyba ◽  

Superthin layers in ZnO and ZnO–CdO systems, which are intended for the use as transparent electrodes of modern optoelectronic devices, were synthesized by modified sol-gel method. The ranges of parameters of the technological process were established to obtain high-quality layers of material on glass substrates. Surface morphology depending on the synthesis conditions was studied by scanning electron microscopy. SEM images of the surface served as a basis for the multifractal analysis of the surface areas and volumes of nanoforms that are formed on the surface of the obtained layers. The dependences of the multifractal parameters of the surface nanoforms characterizing the surface state were determined as a function of the temperature of the final annealing of the layers. The relationships between Rainier numbers and fractal ordering parameters describing the surface geometry of the layers with the temperatures of the final annealing were established. The numerical values of the fractal characteristics of the obtained surface were used to estimate the influence of the fractal surface geometry on the value of the molar surface energy of the layers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 (6) ◽  
pp. 607
Lifeng Fan ◽  
Xingyuan Zhao ◽  
Rong Zhu ◽  
Jianzhong He ◽  
Yuan Xiang Zhang

A grain-oriented silicon steel sheet was manufactured by slab reheated at “medium temperature” and two-stage cold rolling method. The function of heating rate on secondary recrystallization in grain-oriented silicon steel was investigated. The results show that: compared with 30 °C/h heating rate, the initial temperature of the secondary recrystallization can increase by 10 °C at the heating rate of 20 °C/h. Furthermore, the temperature region of secondary recrystallization also extended either with the increased heating rate. Even though the inhibitors maintain AlN, complex precipitation of AlN and sulphide in both heating rate, the average diameter and Zener factor of inhibitors are distinct. Inhibitors in the route of 20 °C/h heating rate express stronger inhibition than that of 30 °C/h, and the average diameter and Zener factor are 17.519 nm and 3.925 × 10−4 nm−1, respectively. In addition, more Goss texture component and less γ-fiber texture ({111}//ND) component form at the heating rate of 30 °C/h than 20 °C/h at 1000 °C, but the final Goss texture component of 20 °C/h is greater than 30 °C/h. The average grain size of the final annealing sheets increased with the heating rate decreasing from 30 °C/h to 20 °C/h, and iron loss reduced by 0.05 W/Kg, the magnetic induction intensity increased by 0.025 T.

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