perceived intention
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2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-49
Lu'liyatul Mutmainah ◽  
Nurwahidin ◽  
Nurul Huda

Abstract: The emergence of innovation in the world of digital finance in recent years has received attention from various parties commonly known as financial technology. This innovation is in the form of crowdfunding and blockchain platforms. These two innovations can not only be used for commercial, but also social purposes, including waqf. There is a huge potential of cash waqf in Indonesia. However, the realization is relatively still low. This study aims to analyze at a glance waqf blockchain in Indonesia that can optimize the realization of waqf development in Indonesia. Qualitative research methods is used in this paper through the study of literature. The results of the study show that Indonesia is very likely to implement waqf blockchain because the Muslim population reaching more than 80%, the flexible concept of waqf fiqh and the emergence of the halal industry. The most challenges faced are related to waqf literacy to increase public awareness. Investigating about perceived intention to use waqf blockchain through questionnaire and a deep interview with the stakeholders is important for the future research. Keywords: technology, blockchain, waqf.

Bowie Chen ◽  
Rocci Luppicini

Bullying is an international public health problem that is affecting millions of youth around the world. With the proliferation of digital technology and online social networks, bullying is able to circumvent traditional safety barriers provided within the homes of youth which compounds concerns for parents. This phenomenological research study explored reflections on personal cyberbullying experiences by university students (N = 10) between the ages of 18-23. The study sought to understand why cyberbullying happens and how affected individuals respond to cyberbullying encounters. Findings revealed that online risk behaviour, perceived intention of the bully, response to cyber abuse, and quality of adult and student relationship appear to be linked to the severity of a user's cyberbullying experience. This research contributes to research by providing insight into how students experience and deal with cyberbullying.

2020 ◽  
Vol 69 (267) ◽  
pp. 379-396
Tim Atkins

Abstract This article and accompanying table provide an overview and catalogue of a large number of experimental translation methods that have been used by avantgarde poets. Poetic/experimental translation as defined and explored herein is a form of translation in which the aesthetic and execution of the translator is as important as that of the perceived intention of the original writer. The article’s seven-section table gives a definition of each method, and gives examples and expositions of a range of particular poets' work. The table of translation methods recognizes and explores the fact that of all forms of writing, poetry concerns itself with the ‘how it is said’ more than any other. The table outlines many different methods of translation, looking at how meaning, rhyme, sound, form, constraint, or style can be translated by the experimental writer when translating one or more source texts. These individual, intellectual, and aesthetic choices made by a wide range of poets are collated and detailed in seven discrete-yet-overlapping areas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 61 (6) ◽  
Gary Gabriels ◽  
Mohamed Irhuma

Dietary supplements have been manufactured and supplied to the market with the objective of enhancing the overall health of the general population and optimising the performance of athletes. The perceived intention of dietary supplementation is to increase the nutritional content of a normal diet, and to fill a dietary need and/or presumed deficiency. The usage and popularity of dietary supplements, however, raises concerns from a health benefit and risk perspective. Moreover, safety and efficacy of these supplements have generally not been established by the Medicines Regulatory Authorities, both nationally and internationally. The exponential increase in supplement sales can, however, be attributed to aggressive marketing by manufacturers, rather than the development of more effective nutritional supplements. These supplements may contain adulterated substances that may potentially have harmful short- and long-term health consequences for the patient. In addition, a large spectrum of drug interactions may render the use of such supplements risky, without proper medical and scientific assessment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
Nazwirman Nazwirman

This research was conducted at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII). The variables used are perceived value, tourist experience and behavioral intention. The result is that perceived value has a direct effect on the tourist experience. The perceived value has a direct effect on behavioral intention. Tourist experience has direct effect on behavioral intention and the experience of tourists is able to mediate between perceived intention and behavioral intention. Research makes theoretical and managerial contributions. Providing value implications that play an important role in shaping and fostering positive tourist experiences by adding values that are emphasized on tourists so that it has an impact on their behavioral intentions. The value felt by tourists to visit TMII has quite an interesting experience, but most of them do not really want to visit unless invited to family, relatives and friends. Research Objectives provide insights into their construction and influence and develop a scale of measurement of perceived value and explore different dimensions of tourists in shaping tourist experiences and build theoretical frameworks to explain the relationships between variables

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Suzanne Charbaji

Purpose Based on review of literature it is found that presenteeism is one of the biggest management tests a business can face and the question that arises is to what extent does the perception of leadership style affects perceived intention to quit as mediated by perceived presenteeism, perceived work life balance and perceived job satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach Based on review of literature, the researcher developed an instrument that was concise and easy to understand. This instrument was undergone a robust process of development and testing. The content of the questionnaire was based on review of literature and after piloting, the construct validity of the Likert 5- points scale items was established using factor analysis. Most of the items were drawn from previously tested questionnaires in the literature but were modified to suit the Arabic culture. The psychometric properties of reliability were determined using Cronbach’s Alpha. The instrument was distributed to a large sample of employees working for different SMEs in Lebanon. Furthermore, the researcher depended on highly trained girls to conduct structured face-to-face interviews by visiting respondents at their homes and/or work. The sample size was determined using the statistical confidence formula. Findings Almost half of the respondents reported that they don’t perceive their leaders as role models that listen to employees or create a sense of community among them. Almost two thirds believe that employees in our country are trained to work under stress, demonstrate lack of loyalty and like to quit their job. Most employees still force themselves to go and be present at work even if they have health or non–health problems. Results show a weak negative correlation; perceived Intention to Quit decreases as level of perceived collaborative leadership, job satisfaction and presenteeism increase. Furthermore, it is highly recommended that decision makers at the surveyed Lebanese SMEs make presenteeism and job satisfaction a priority, because they are considered critical and highly important. What’s more, leadership is the first step in reducing employees’ turnover. Originality This article empirically tested structural equation model (path Analysis) within the context of leadership in a developing country.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Zhifang He ◽  
Jianping Liu ◽  
Zhiming Rao ◽  
Lili Wan

2017 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 315-325 ◽  
Katarzyna Cantarero ◽  
Piotr Szarota

Abstract Lay perceptions of lying are argued to consist of a lie prototype. The latter was found to entail the intention to deceive, belief in falsity and falsity (Coleman & Kay, 1981). We proposed and found that the perceptions of the benefits of others are also an important factor that influences the extent, to which an act of intentional misleading someone to foster a false belief is labeled as a lie. Drawing from the intuitionist model of moral judgments (Haidt, 2001) we assumed that moral judgment of the behaviour would mediate the relationship. In Study 1 we analyzed data coming from a crosscultural project and found that perceived intention to benefit others was negatively related to lie labeling and that this relationship was mediated by the moral judgment of that act. In Study 2 we found that manipulating the benefits of others influenced the extent, to which an act of intentional misleading in order to foster a false belief is labeled as a lie and that, again, this relationship is mediated by the moral judgment of that act.

Bowie Chen ◽  
Rocci Luppicini

Bullying is an international public health problem that is affecting millions of youth around the world. With the proliferation of digital technology and online social networks, bullying is able to circumvent traditional safety barriers provided within the homes of youth which compounds concerns for parents. This phenomenological research study explored reflections on personal cyberbullying experiences by university students (N = 10) between the ages of 18-23. The study sought to understand why cyberbullying happens and how affected individuals respond to cyberbullying encounters. Findings revealed that online risk behaviour, perceived intention of the bully, response to cyber abuse, and quality of adult and student relationship appear to be linked to the severity of a user's cyberbullying experience. This research contributes to research by providing insight into how students experience and deal with cyberbullying.

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