seepage rate
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2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-158
Aadil Abdulsalam Hamid ◽  
Haitham Alaa Husain

Water seepage can cause serious problems in geotechnical engineering especially for construction under the water level. Baghdad metro tunnel is one of the leading vital projects to solve the major problem of crowding roadways in a highly population increase city like Baghdad. In this study, the seepage rate that will flow toward different selected points along the tunnel section across Tigris River was calculated during the excavation process, with the consideration of three different water levels of River at maximum, moderate, and minimum water depths. A three-dimensional model of the study has been modeled using the finite element software (PLAXIS 3D V20). The water seepage was observed for six different locations on each route of the tunnel. The study showed that the change of water depth in the river has no significant effect on the seepage – time curve shape. However, increasing the water level in River from minimum to maximum leads to increase the seepage rate about 15%.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Trung Hieu NGUYEN ◽  
Thu Ha DOAN ◽  
Van Duy HOANG ◽  
Thanh Tung TONG

Riverbank filtration technology has been widely applied worldwide because of its high-capacitycollection and good water quality throughout natural purification processes. Infiltration water can beextracted from Holocene (qh) layer or the Pleistocene deep layer (qp), replenished with water from theriver through hydrogeological windows. Hydrodynamic and isotopic signatures were employed todetermine water seepage capacity. The results show that infiltrated water is found in the sand layers alongthe rivers. However, the seepage rate shows a heterogeneously spatial variation ranging from 30 m3/d inthe Dinh Dao river to 33,600 m3/d. Km along the shoreline in the Red River (RRD). Also, the exploitationcapacity of seepage water differs widely in order of large (> 3,000 m3/d), medium (1,000-3,000 m3/d),small (500-1,000 m3/d), and very small capacity (200-500 m3/d). This study indicated that RRD couldapply riverbank filtration techniques to overcome freshwater scarcity in the delta due to increasing surfacepollution and discharge reduction.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 3135
Elsayed Elkamhawy ◽  
Martina Zelenakova ◽  
Ismail Abd-Elaty

Owing to the potential negative impacts of climatic changes and the grand Ethiopian renaissance dam, water scarcity has become an urgent issue. Therefore, the Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation has started a national project of the lining and rehabilitation of canals, to reduce seepage losses and for efficient water resource management. This study presents a new approach for assessing three different lining and crack techniques for the Ismailia canal, the largest end of the river Nile, Egypt. A 2-D steady state seep/w numerical model was developed for the Ismailia canal section, in the stretch at 28.00–49.00 km. The amount of seepage was significantly dependent on the hydraulic characteristics of the liner material. The extraction from aquifers via wells also had a considerable impact on the seepage rate from the unlined canals; however, a lesser effect was present in the case of lined canals. The concrete liner revealed the highest efficiency, followed by the geomembrane liner, and then the bentonite liner; with almost 99%, 96%, and 54%, respectively, without extraction, and decreasing by 4% for bentonite and geomembrane liners during extraction; however, the concrete lining efficiency did not change considerably. Nevertheless, the efficiency dramatically decreased to 25%, regardless of the lining technique, in the case of deterioration of the liner material. The double effect of both deterioration of the liner material and extraction from the aquifer showed a 16% efficiency, irrespective of the utilized lining technique.

Xu Wang ◽  
Makoto Fujisawa ◽  
Masahiko Mikawa

This paper introduces a method for simulating soil-structure coupling with water, which involves a series of visual effects, including wet granular materials, seepage flows, capillary action between grains, and dam breaking simulation. We develop a seepage flow based SPH-DEM framework to handle soil and water particles interactions through a momentum exchange term. In this framework, water is seen as a seepage flow through porous media by Darcy's law; the seepage rate and the soil permeability are manipulated according to drag coefficient and soil porosity. A water saturation-based capillary model is used to capture various soil behaviors such as sandy soil and clay soil. Furthermore, the capillary model can dynamically adjust liquid bridge forces induced by surface tension between soil particles. The adhesion model describes the attraction ability between soil surfaces and water particles to achieve various visual effects for soil and water. Lastly, this framework can capture the complicated dam-breaking scenarios caused by overtopping flow or internal seepage erosion that are challenging to simulate.

2021 ◽  
Dina Ragab Desouki Abdelmoneim

Sustainable water resource management is a crucial national and global issue (Currell et al., 2012). In arid areas, groundwater is often the major source of water or at least a crucial supplement to other freshwater resources for agriculture, industry and domestic consumption (Vrba and Renaud, 2016). The complexity associated with groundwater-surface water interactions creates uncertainty about water resource sustainability in semi-arid environments, especially with urbanization and population growth. Flood irrigation in the early 1900s increased the shallow groundwater table in the Treasure Valley (TV), but with increasing irrigation efficiencies, they have been declining since the 1960s with a mean decline rate of about 2.9-3.9x10^-9 (m/s) (Contor et al., 2011). Quantifying how much surface water is being exchanged with the shallow groundwater table through canals in the TV is necessary for gaining a better understanding of groundwater-surface water interactions in this heavily managed system. This knowledge would help evaluate alternative management options for achieving sustainable management of existing water resources. The key objectives of this project are to determine the seepage rate through some canal reaches in the TV, evaluate the integration of the gain and loss method, remote sensing, GIS, hydrogeophysical simulation, and direct current (DC) resistivity geophysical methods for water resource management. We hypothesize that the underlying lithology and size of canals affect the magnitude of the seepage rate. Flow measurements were collected weekly between July and August 2020 in canal reaches representing different sizes and lithological units to determine the seepage rate using the reach gain/loss method. Canal variability and measurement uncertainty were included in seepage estimation for the entire TV using 3 alternative scaling approaches. DC resistivity was used as a complementary method to monitor the seepage effect on the shallow GW aquifer over 2 months. This research evaluates to what extent canal size and its underlying lithology affects the seepage rate, and how the integration of methods may provide additional insight into groundwater exchange-surface water.

Behrang Beiranvand ◽  
Mehdi Komasi

AbstractOne of the most important issues in earth dams is the control rate of seepage from the foundation and dam bodies. Due to the site of the dams, to increase the creep length and reduce the seepage, there are several methods for sealing the reservoir of dams that construction of the cut-off wall under the clay core of the dams is one of the most effective methods. In this study, the seepage rate and pore water pressure of the Eyvashan earth dam, comparison of instrument results with the results of numerical analysis and, finally, the performance of the cut-off wall are investigated. According to the results of instrumental and numerical analysis, the maximum seepage rate in full reservoir conditions is equal to 831,604 m3/year. To fit the data of instrumentation and numerical analysis, multivariate regression was used and the coefficient of determination was used which R2 = 0.9892 and R2 = 0.9834, respectively, were obtained for seepage and pore water pressure. Very good agreement between the results of the observed data and the predicted data indicates the proper behavior of the dam in terms of pore water pressure. Also, due to the results of numerical simulation and instrumentation, the pore water pressure in the downstream part of the cut-off wall is suddenly dropped, which indicates the correct operation of the cut-off wall.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-49
Livio Santos ◽  
Arash Dahi Taleghani

Abstract Methane leakage due to compromised wellbore cement integrity may result in operational complications and environmental contaminations in oil and gas wells. In this work, the problem of fluid-driven fracture propagation at the cement interfaces is revisited by a thorough and comprehensive consideration of the non-uniform cement bonding to the formation along the wellbore. While previous works were mainly focused on discharge without attention to mechanical failure or mechanical failure without ties to seepage rate, here we couple these two analyses to provide a practical aspect of this approach. As revealed by cement evaluation logs, the quality of the cement behind the casing varies and may include flaws in the form of channels or pockets of mud residuals. A novel methodology, initiated with laboratory-scale cement bonding properties using the push-out test, is introduced to estimate the cohesive properties of the cement interface, considering mud removal and mud residuals in the rock. Then the measured cohesive properties are applied to a field-scale numerical model with an embedded cohesive layer between cement and formation to evaluate the susceptibility of the wellbore to develop cement debonding. The excessive fluid pressure at the casing shoe is assumed to be the source for the fracture initiation. The proposed numerical model has been tested against actual SCP field tests for validation purposes. This model may estimate the geometry of leakage pathways and predict leakage flow rate within acceptable ranges. The effect of several key factors in the development of SCP due to the cement debonding is investigated. The results show that the early stage of SCP build up is controlled by the cohesive properties of the cement interfaces (i.e., cement properties), but the cohesive properties have minor effects on the stabilized pressure. The method proposed herein presents a method to evaluate the cement bond quantitatively to be further integrated in cement design.

Geofluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-33
Changjing Gao ◽  
Dameng Liu ◽  
Zhentao Li ◽  
Yidong Cai ◽  
Yufeng Fang

The fluids in coal reservoirs mainly consist of different gases and liquids, which show different physical properties, occurrence behaviors, and transport characteristics in the pore-fracture system of coal. In this study, the basic characteristics of fluids in coal reservoirs are firstly reviewed, consisting of coalbed methane (CBM) components and physical properties of CBM/coalbed water. The complex pore-fracture system mainly provides the enrichment space and flow path for fluids, which have been qualitatively and quantitatively characterized by various methods in recent years. Subsequently, this study has summarized CBM adsorption/desorption behaviors and models, the CBM diffusion-seepage process and models, and gas-water two-phase flow characteristics of coal reservoirs. Reviewed studies also include the effects of internal factors (such as coal metamorphism, petrographic constituents, macroscopic types, and pore structure) and external factors (such as pressure, temperature, and moisture content) on CBM adsorption/desorption and diffusion behaviors, and the relationship between three main effects (effective stress, gas slippage effect, and coal matrix shrinkage effect) and the CBM seepage process. Moreover, we also discuss in depth the implication of fluid occurrence and transport characteristics in coal reservoirs for CBM production. This review is aimed at proposing some potential research directions in future studies, which mainly includes the control mechanism of the microscopic dynamics of fluids on CBM enrichment/storage; enhancing CBM desorption/seepage rate; and the synergistic effect of multiple spaces, multilevel flow fields, and multiphase flow in coal reservoirs. From this review, we have a deeper understanding of the occurrence and transport characteristics of fluids in pore-fracture structures of coal and the implication of fluid performance for CBM production. The findings of this study can help towards a better understanding of gas-water production principles in coal reservoirs and enhancing CBM recovery.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 291-319
Arnaud Duranel ◽  
Julian R. Thompson ◽  
Helene Burningham ◽  
Philippe Durepaire ◽  
Stéphane Garambois ◽  

Abstract. We developed a high-resolution MIKE SHE/MIKE 11 model of a 231.3 ha headwater catchment in the granitic uplands of the French Massif Central to estimate the contribution of groundwater upwelling to the water balance of the Dauges mire, an acidic valley mire of international importance for nature conservation. We estimated that groundwater upwelling from the underlying weathered granite formations – mostly an approximately 55 m deep fissured zone – provides 27.1 % of total long-term inflows to the mire. This contribution increases to 37.2 % in September when total inflows are small. Overland boundary inflow accounts for an average of 40.2 % of total inflows. However, most of this originates from groundwater seepage through mineral soils along the mire margins or in small non-channelised valleys upslope of the mire. A sensitivity analysis showed that model performance in terms of the simulation of mire groundwater levels was most sensitive to parameters describing the mineral soils and weathered granite formations rather than the overlying peat layer. Variation partitioning demonstrated that groundwater upwelling was the most important factor driving simulated monthly groundwater table depth within the mire. Sustained groundwater upwelling maintains the mire water table close to or at ground level for most of the year. As a result, precipitation and overland boundary inflows quickly leave the wetland as saturation-excess runoff. There was close agreement between the observed distribution of mire habitats and areas where the simulated long-term groundwater seepage rate was larger than zero in September. Our results demonstrate that, contrary to the assumed small contribution of groundwater to the hydrology of hard-rock regions, groundwater upwelling from underlying weathered formations can be a quantitatively important and functionally critical element of the water balance of valley mires in granitic headwater catchments. These results have important legal and management implications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Hyung-Mi Cho ◽  
Tae-Hoon Kim ◽  
Jae-Hong Moon ◽  
Byung-Chan Song ◽  
Dong-Woon Hwang ◽  

AbstractWe examined the residence time, seepage rate, and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD)-driven dissolved nutrients and organic matter in Hwasun Bay, Jeju Island, Korea during the occurrence of a typhoon, Kong-rey, using a humic fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOMH)-Si mass balance model. The study period spanned October 4–10, 2018. One day after the typhoon, the residence time and seepage rate were calculated to be 1 day and 0.51 m day−1, respectively, and the highest SGD-driven fluxes of chemical constituents were estimated (1.7 × 106 mol day−1 for dissolved inorganic nitrogen, 0.1 × 106 mol day−1 for dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP), 1.1 × 106 mol day−1 for dissolved silicon, 0.5 × 106 mol day−1 for dissolved organic carbon, 1.6 × 106 mol day−1 for dissolved organic nitrogen, 0.4 × 106 mol day−1 for particulate organic carbon, and 38 × 106 g QS day−1 for FDOMH). SGD-driven fluxes of dissolved nutrient and organic matter were over 90% of the total input fluxes in Hwasun Bay. Our results highlight the potential of using the FDOMH-Si mass balance model to effectively measure SGD within a specific area (i.e., volcanic islands) under specific weather conditions (i.e., typhoon/storm). In oligotrophic oceanic regions, SGD-driven chemical fluxes from highly permeable islands considerably contribute to coastal nutrient budgets and coastal biological production.

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