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2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-58
Beatriz Martín Marchante

Book review of:Teaching ESL and STEM Content Through CALL: A Research-based Interdisciplinary Critical Pedagogical Approach By Abdelilah Salim Sehlaoui Published in 2020 by Rowman Littlefield Publishing Group, Incorporated 292 pagesISBN: 978-1-4985-5565-4

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 433-436
Porkkodi Ganeshpandian

Chung Min Lee. 2019. The Hermit King: The Dangerous Game of Kim Jong Un. United States: All Points Books, St. Martin’s Publishing Group. 320 pp. ISBN 9781250202833.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Jefri Hinna

Buku yang ditulis oleh Wiersbe di buat dalam 13 bab yang mudah dipahami oleh para pembacanya.  Wiersbe menyampaikan gagasan-gagasannya mengenai khotbah yang efektif sehingga khotbah yang disampaikan oleh pendengar tidak membosankan.  Sedapat mungkin khotbah harus menarik perhatian pendengar untuk membantu mereka mengambil keputusan mempraktekkan isi khotbah yang telah didengar.    Wiersbe menjelaskan alasan utama dalam berkhotbah, “it’s people talking to people about something that is really important to them”

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 395-398
James L. Shelton
The Past ◽  

Review of: Backwards & In Heels: The Past, Present and Future of Women Working in Film, Alicia Malone (2017) Coral Gables, FL: Mango Publishing Group, 242 pp., ISBN 978-1-63353-617-3, p/bk, £12.99

2021 ◽  
Martijn van den Ende ◽  
Lucile Bruhat ◽  
Gareth Funning ◽  
Alice-Agnes Gabriel ◽  
Stephen Hicks ◽  

On 24 November 2020, the Springer Nature publishing group announced the introduction of Open Access (OA) articles in Nature and its sibling journals. The corresponding OA publication fee (charged directly to the authors) was set to €9,500/$11,390/£8,290, an amount that may be well out of reach for many researchers. This is especially a problem for researchers in developing countries, early-career researchers on small, personal fellowships, and researchers between positions. Employers and funding agencies are increasingly requiring that research be published under an OA license, forcing authors to accept the high publication fees, who are not always financially supported.The high cost of these and similar OA fees for other Earth Science journals prompted a discussion among the seismological community on Twitter, during which the idea was raised to start a free-to-publish, free-to-read journal for seismological research. The concept of Diamond Open Access was already adopted by Volcanica ( for volcanological research, providing a precedent and motivation for similar initiatives (like Seismica, but also Tektonika for the structural geology community). Following community discussions on Slack with over 100 participants, a small “task force” was formed to investigate in detail the possibility of starting a Diamond OA seismology journal, adopting Volcanica as a model. Here we detail the results of the exploration performed by the task force, with the aim of synthesizing a set of key requirements and corresponding actions to launch a Diamond OA journal in seismology and earthquake science, including scope definition, community engagement, and partnership with a library or other institutions. This document presents ideas and discussions while starting Seismica from November 2020 to July 2021, which may serve as a guideline but might not reflect the final stage of Seismica.

2021 ◽  
Alice Le Gall ◽  
Audrey Chatain ◽  
Ralph D. Lorenz ◽  
Michel Hamelin ◽  
Grégoire Deprez ◽  

<p>Titan, Saturn’s biggest moon, is an ocean world, covered by organic materials and therefore one of the most promising astrobiological target in the Solar System, likely holding clues on the origin of life on Earth. That is why NASA has selected the Dragonfly mission to send in 2027 a rotorcraft lander to Titan and investigate its prebiotic chemistry and habitability.</p> <p> </p> <p>Making multiple flights (up to 24 in 2.5 years, starting in 2034), Dragonfly will explore a variety of locations, from the Shangri-La dune field to the rim of the young impact crater Selk (Lorenz et al., 2018), and therefore sample materials and determine surface properties in different geologic settings. The two permittivity probes - called DIEL- on board the Geophysical and Meteorological package (DraGMet) will be especially useful to characterize Dragonfly landing site environment.</p> <p> </p> <p>DIEL<strong> </strong>consist of 2 electrodes acting as self-impedance permittivity probes. They will be mounted on each skid of the Dragonfly rotorcraft and operate independently for sake of redundancy and safety. Their objective is to measure the complex ground permittivity at several low frequencies (<10 kHz) which will provide clues on the composition, moisture and porosity of the near-subsurface of Titan as well as on the spatial and temporal variations of such properties. As a reminder, the first permittivity probe on Titan (actually the first ever planetary permittivity probe) successfully determined the complex permittivity of the Huygens landing site in 2005 (Grard et al, 2006; Hamelin et al. 2016).</p> <p> </p> <p>During this presentation, we will describe the tests that have been performed on prototypes of the DIEL electrode plates in order to estimate their sounding depth and sensitivity to composition variations. Tests were performed e.g., with the electrode lying on reference plastic slabs and natural materials (air, sand, soil, liquid water, etc.) of well-known complex permittivity, at ambient and Titan temperatures. The effect of porosity and of a bad ground-electrode contact was also investigated leading to suggestions to optimize DIEL electrode design, accommodation and performance.</p> <p> </p> <p>Indeed, the design of the DIEL experiments (size, shape, accommodation of the electrodes, modes of operation ect.) is not frozen yet and we are also conducting modelling simulations with COMSOL Multiphysics © to explore possible better designs and confirm the results obtained in laboratory.</p> <p> </p> <p>Lastly, in order to relate DIEL measurements to the ground composition, it is crucial to know the electrical properties of materials relevant to Titan’s surface. This is the purpose of the PAP (Permittivité d’Analogues Planétaires) measurement bench that have been developed at LATMOS. This bench includes a cryostat to perform measurements at Titan’s temperature (90 K). It was successfully used to investigate the complex permittivity of analogs of Titan’s organic aerosols called “tholins” (Lethuillier et al., 2018). Future measurements will focus on “eroded” tholins, that is tholins that have been modified during their descent to the surface by processes analogous to those at play in Titan’s atmosphere: UV radiations (Carrasco et al., 2018), interaction with ionosphere’s charged particles (Chatain et al., 2020), deposition of ice in the low stratosphere (Fleury et al., 2019; Dubois et al., 2020), wetting by droplets of liquid methane in the troposphere etc.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>References</strong></p> <p>Beghin et al., <em>Icarus</em> 218 (2012)</p> <p>Carrasco et al., Nature Astronomy, Nature Publishing Group (2018)</p> <p>Chatain et al., Icarus 345 (2020)</p> <p>Dubois et al., Icarus 338 (2016)</p> <p>Hamelin et al., Icarus 270 (2016)</p> <p>Grard et al., Planet. Space Sciences 54 (2006)</p> <p>Fleury et al., Icarus 321 (2019)</p> <p>Lethuillier et al., Astronomy & Astrophysics 519 (2018)</p> <p>Lorenz et al., <em>Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest</em> 34 (2018)</p> <p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 560-564
Andrei Roberto Da Silva

De início é importante sublinhar que o livro de Jonathan Riley-Smith (2019), com o título original The Cruzades: A History possui três edições na língua inglesa. A primeira edição foi lançada no ano de 1987 na cidade de Londres pela editora Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd. A segunda edição foi relançada pela mesma companhia editorial no ano de 2005. E a terceira edição saiu em Londres no ano de 2014 pelo grupo Bloomsbury Publishing, editora que comprou os direitos da empresa Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd no ano de 2005.

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