equilibrium existence
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2021 ◽  
Konrad Podczeck ◽  
Nicholas C. Yannelis

AbstractWe extend a result on existence of Walrasian equilibria in He and Yannelis (Econ Theory 61:497–513, 2016) by replacing the compactness assumption on consumption sets made there by the standard assumption that these sets are closed and bounded from below. This provides a positive answer to a question explicitly raised in He and Yannelis (Econ Theory 61:497–513, 2016). Our new equilibrium existence theorem generalizes many results in the literature as we do not require any transitivity or completeness or continuity assumption on preferences, initial endowments need not be in the interior of the consumption sets, preferences may be interdependent and price-dependent, and no monotonicity or local non satiation is needed for any of the agents.

2021 ◽  
pp. 105377
Qiang Fu ◽  
Zenan Wu ◽  
Yuxuan Zhu

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-79
Юлия Васильевна Чиркова ◽  
Julia Chirkova

The Machine Load Balancing Game with linear externalities is considered. A set of jobs is to be assigned to a set of machines with different latencies depending on their own loads and also loads on other machines. Jobs choose machines to minimize their own latencies. The social cost of a schedule is the maximum delay among all machines, i.e. {\it makespan. For the case of two machines in this model an Nash equilibrium existence is proven and of the expression for the Price of Anarchy is obtained.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-45
Tom D. Holden

Abstract Occasionally binding constraints (OBCs) like the zero lower bound (ZLB) can lead to multiple equilibria, and so to belief-driven recessions. To aid in finding policies that avoid this, we derive existence and uniqueness conditions for otherwise linear models with OBCs. Our main result gives necessary and sufficient conditions for such models to have a unique (“determinate”) perfect foresight solution returning to a given steady state, for any initial condition. While standard New Keynesian models have multiple perfect-foresight paths eventually escaping the ZLB, price level targeting restores uniqueness. We also derive equilibrium existence conditions under rational expectations for arbitrary non-linear models.

Illia Sylenko

The game of resource extraction/capital accumulation is a stochastic infinite-horizon game, which models a joint utilization of a productive asset over time. The paper complements the available results on pure Markov perfect equilibrium existence in the non-symmetric game setting with an arbitrary number of agents. Moreover, we allow that the players have unbounded utilities and relax the assumption that the stochastic kernels of the transition probability must depend only on the amount of resource before consumption. This class of the game has not been examined beforehand. However, we could prove the Markov perfect equilibrium existence only in the specific case of interest. Namely, when the players have constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) power utilities and the transition law follows a geometric random walk in relation to the joint investment. The setup with the chosen characteristics is motivated by economic considerations, which makes it relevant to a certain range of real-word problems.

2021 ◽  
pp. 110061
Iwan Bos ◽  
Dries Vermeulen

Ziv Hellman ◽  
Yehuda John Levy

The solution concept of a Bayesian equilibrium of a Bayesian game is inherently an interim concept. The corresponding ex ante solution concept has been termed a Harsányi equilibrium; examples have appeared in the literature showing that there are Bayesian games with uncountable state spaces that have no Bayesian approximate equilibria but do admit a Harsányi approximate equilibrium, thus exhibiting divergent behaviour in the ex ante and interim stages. Smoothness, a concept from descriptive set theory, has been shown in previous works to guarantee the existence of Bayesian equilibria. We show here that higher rungs in the countable Borel equivalence relation hierarchy can also shed light on equilibrium existence. In particular, hyperfiniteness, the next step above smoothness, is a sufficient condition for the existence of Harsányi approximate equilibria in purely atomic Bayesian games.

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