greenland halibut
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Wei He ◽  
Wenhui Zhu ◽  
Ying Bu ◽  
Wenxuan Wang ◽  
Xuepeng Li ◽  

Anne-Laure Ferchaud ◽  
Claire Mérot ◽  
Eric Normandeau ◽  
Jiannis Ragoussis ◽  
Charles Babin ◽  

Abstract Despite the commercial importance of Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), important gaps still persist in our knowledge of this species, including its reproductive biology and sex determination mechanism. Here, we combined single-molecule sequencing of long reads (Pacific Sciences) with chromatin conformation capture sequencing (Hi-C) data to assemble the first chromosome-level reference genome for this species. The high-quality assembly encompassed more than 598 Megabases (Mb) assigned to 1 594 scaffolds (scaffold N50 = 25 Mb) with 96% of its total length distributed among 24 chromosomes. Investigation of the syntenic relationship with other economically important flatfish species revealed a high conservation of synteny blocks among members of this phylogenetic clade. Sex determination analysis revealed that, similar to other teleost fishes, flatfishes also exhibit a high level of plasticity and turnover in sex-determination mechanisms. A low-coverage whole-genome sequence analysis of 198 individuals revealed that Greenland Halibut possesses a male heterogametic XY system and several putative candidate genes implied in the sex determination of this species. Our study also suggests for the first time in flatfishes that a putative Y-autosomal fusion could be associated with a reduction of recombination typical of the early steps of sex chromosome evolution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 79 ◽  
pp. 105785
Wenhui Zhu ◽  
Wei He ◽  
Wenxuan Wang ◽  
Ying Bu ◽  
Xuepeng Li ◽  

2021 ◽  
Usua Oyarbide ◽  
Laura Joan Feyrer ◽  
Jonathan Gordon

Interactions between various cetacean species and fisheries are geographically widespread and diverse. Foraging in association with fishing activities may increase prey encounter rates and possibly increase the quantity and the quality of the food consumed. This paper describes interactions between benthic trawlers, targeting mainly Greenland halibut, and two whale species: sperm whales and northern bottlenose whales, in the eastern Grand Banks of the northwest Atlantic. Whale behaviors were compared during four trawling-related activities: preparing/ shooting the net, towing, hauling and transiting between fishing sites. Sperm whales and bottlenose whales were more likely to be observed during hauling. We observed probable feeding behavior of both species close to the surface at the end of hauling which suggests they are taking fish escaping from the cod end of the net when it is close to the surface. It is not clear whether feeding attempts are made during other phases of the trawling cycle. Ten sperm whales were photo-identified and six of these individuals were resighted on different days. Resights of individuals indicated that sperm whales could follow trawlers through several sets over of distances up to 234 km. While some individuals were observed to move between fishing grounds others remained within one fishing area for some time. By contrast, even though twenty-three bottlenose whales were photo-identified, there were no resights of individual whales. While northern bottlenose whales have been studied quite extensively in some adjacent areas, particularly off Nova Scotia, their behaviour and distribution within the Grand Banks fishing areas has not been well described. No matches were found between northern bottlenose whales in this study and photo-identification catalogues for the Scotian Shelf or the Arctic. Whether and how northern bottlenose whales found in this area are connected to other subpopulations remains unclear.

2021 ◽  
pp. 117843
Michael S. Bank ◽  
Sylvia Frantzen ◽  
Arne Duinker ◽  
David Amouroux ◽  
Emmanuel Tessier ◽  

Léopold Ghinter ◽  
Wahiba Ait Youcef ◽  
Yvan Lambert ◽  
M. Joanne Morgan ◽  
Céline Audet

2021 ◽  
Anne-Laure Ferchaud ◽  
Claire Merot ◽  
Eric Normandeau ◽  
Ioannis Ragoussis ◽  
Charles Babin ◽  

Despite the commercial importance of Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), important gaps still persist in our knowledge of this species, including its reproductive biology and sex determination mechanism. In this study, we combined single molecule sequencing of long reads (Pacific Sciences) with Chromatin Conformation Capture sequencing (Hi-C) data to provide the first chromosome-level genome reference for this species. The high-quality assembly encompassed more than 598 Megabases (Mb) assigned to 1 594 scaffolds (scaffold N50 = 25 Mb) with 96 % of its total length distributed among 24 chromosomes. The investigation of its syntenic relationships with other economically important flatfish species revealed a high conservation of synteny blocks among members of this phylogenetic clade. Sex determination analysis revealed that flatfishes do not escape the rule applied to other teleost fish and exhibit a high level of plasticity and turnover in sex-determination mechanisms. A whole-genome sequence analysis of 198 individuals allowed us to draw a full picture of the molecular sex determination (SD) system for Greenland Halibut, revealing that this species possesses a very nascent male heterogametic XY system, with a putative major effect of the sox2 gene, also described as the main SD driver in two other flatfishes. Interestingly, our study also suggested for the first time in flatfishes that a putative Y-autosomal fusion could be associated with a reduction of recombination typical of early steps of sex chromosome evolution.

2021 ◽  
Ross F. Tallman ◽  
Marianne Marcoux

Historically, fisheries have been monitored at the individual stock level, without consideration to connectivity to other species or activities in the ecosystem. The ecosystem approach requires that the stock and fishery be seen in the context of predators, competitors, prey, by-catch impacts, other fisheries and abiotic environmental variables so that management is holistic. In this review, we describe the components of the ecosystem approach applied in the scientific investigation of fisheries in Cumberland Sound, NU. Relative to other Canadian Arctic locales with commercial fisheries operations, the Cumberland Sound area has a greater biodiversity and abundance of fish and marine mammal species These components support active fisheries for Arctic Charr, Greenland Halibut, Beluga Whale as well as Ringed, Bearded and Harp Seal. The species and their fisheries are variable in character, their ecosystem effects and their response to the environment. We describe the species dynamics and their fisheries within an ecosystem context. We briefly note the challenges to developing an overarching model of the system such as the integration of the different life histories of the species, as well as the incorporation of future non-fisheries related disturbances.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. e0239503
Daniel E. Duplisea ◽  
Marie-Julie Roux ◽  
Karen L. Hunter ◽  
Jake Rice

The rate of climate change (CC) has accelerated to the point where it now affects the mid- to long-term sustainability of fishing strategies. Therefore, it is important to consider practical and effective ways to incorporate CC into fisheries advice so that the advice can be considered conditioned to CC. We developed a model to characterise the empirical relationship between a variable affected by climate and fish production. We then used model projections as a foundation for a risk analysis of CC effects on harvesting of Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides in the Gulf of St Lawrence, Canada. The risk-based approach quantified a) the relative change in risk of a status quo fishing strategy under various CC scenarios, and b) the change in fishery exploitation rates required to achieve a management objective over a specified time period at a level of risk considered acceptable (risk equivalent fishery exploitation advice). This empirical approach can be used to develop risk-based advice for any other external variable that affects stock production in addition to climate-related variables and it can be applied in most situations where there is an index of stock biomass and fisheries catch. Shifting the focus from process-based understanding of the responses of fish stocks to CC to quantification of how CC-contributed uncertainty can alter the risks associated with different fishing strategies and/or management options, can ensure timely delivery of robust scientific advice for fisheries under non-stationary environmental conditions.

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