library websites
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O. M. Udartseva

The author generalizes the results of library user survey. The survey was held within the framework of the study “Webometric monitoring of libraries”. The study goal was to assess the virtual geography of library website users and to specify target audience. The user audience of 11 library websites was assessed by following criteria: geographical data (user location, probable user residence area); user demographic data (sex, age); loyalty indicators (bounce rate, visit depth, visit duration); website user desired actions (estimation of desired action conversion). Based on the findings, the author concludes that: library offline services impact website user geography; there is a close interdependence between library location and website traffic; users resident in the library region make the most loyal website users; women prevail in the library user audience. The target website user audience is identified; recommendations are offered for the further strategic development in the web-space. The study conclusions and recommendations would facilitate generated demanded content and efficient promotion of library information resources and services in the web-space.

Ester E Mnzava ◽  
Annajoyce S Katabalwa

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has been shown to impact the business environment in different ways. The current paper presents how the university and research library websites in Tanzania responded to the changes in the working environment and style following the outbreak of COVID-19. This study employed a content analysis method to collect and analyse data from academic and research library websites in Tanzania. This study focuses on how library websites in Tanzania were used to update and connect library users with relevant information resources and services during the outbreak of the COVID-19. The findings show that 12 of the 24 library websites had the opening and closing hours, two university library websites had information related to the outbreak of the COVID-19 and 12 had no information related to the outbreak of the COVID-19. This study has an important practical implication for the academic and research librarians on the effective use of library websites for information sharing and communication.

2022 ◽  
pp. 48-59
Ester Ernest Mnzava

This chapter presents an experience shown by university and research library websites in Tanzania following the outbreak of COVID-19. Content analysis was the main method of data collection and analysis in which the contents of the selected websites were explored to establish various services. Thus, the analysis of the selected library website contents revealed that 12 of 24 library websites had the opening and closing hours, two university library websites had information related to the outbreak of the COVID-19, and 12 had no information related to the outbreak of COVID-19 or changes in the library services following the outbreak of COVID-19. This chapter concludes that library websites provide opportunities for the libraries to serve their users conveniently. However, the experience given by some of the university and research library websites in Tanzania shows a lack of information on how particular libraries serve their users when the working environment and style changed following the outbreak of COVID-19.

Hauminlun ◽  
Ch. Ibohal Singh

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the digital marketing initiatives taken up by the central universities of northeast India through their library websites to promote the use of their information products and services by their clienteles.Methodology: For the present study, websites of nine central universities of northeast India have been surveyed for evaluation. All features of the websites have been examined. A checklist has been designed for collecting the necessary data. To analyze the results, simple statistical calculations were used.Findings: It is found that the majority of the library websites (66.69%) have a direct link to the parent website, and they provide general information, such as library rules, library team/staff, about library, library staff directory, timing, library notices, news, and events. With regard to language, 77.77% of the websites used both English and Hindi languages. The majority of them also provide information about services such as OPAC, internet access, circulation, membership, current awareness service, reprographic service, anti-plagiarism, library orientation, and newsletter. However, the University Libraries under study are yet to exploit the full potential of the website as the clienteles are lagging behind the effective use of the same. The use of social networking sites by the libraries, as the study shows, is also not much encouraging.Research limitations: The paper is limited to nine central university libraries of northeast India. Researchers in the future can take up other problems associated with private and state-owned universities in this regard.Practical implications: Central universities of northeast India must come forward to improve their library websites featuring other portals and provisions to enhance in marketing their information products and other services in the digital environment to serve the community effectively.

N. I. Vaskova ◽  
N. B. Zinovyeva

Accommodating lists of links to recommended online educational resources on the academic library websites is discussed. The author concludes that that is not quite efficient as it could be, as qualitatively heterogeneous resources often unadapted for learning purposes are included; their titles are complex, unintelligible, and elusive; or oriented toward different groups of users. The authors suggest to develop: methods to annotate and critically evaluate resource contents, to select resources efficiently so they meet user information needs; classification scheme to differentiate online educational resources by stage and field of study, and prospectively – by larger professional groups. It might be also helpful to design end-to-end navigator of resources suggestible for academic libraries and learning in every code of professional training field.

2021 ◽  
pp. 096100062110632
Ana R. Pacios ◽  
Sara Martínez-Cardama

Transparency is a principle that has attracted a good deal of international attention in recent years, especially in connection with combatting corruption and building open, participatory governments accountable to their citizens. Public libraries and archives are not only information suppliers, but also public bodies obliged to provide the citizenry with information about their own governance and activities. Those obligations are laid down in Spanish Act 19/2013 of 29 December on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance (Spanish initials LTAIPBG). This article describes the results of applying a transparency measuring tool, TransPa_BA, to 106 regionally administered national historic archives and national public libraries. The tool, in turn the result of a research project, includes 20 indicators to measure active public disclosure by public libraries and 22 by archives in keeping with the provisions of the aforementioned Act. The indicators and their respective parameters (visibility, content, form, accessibility, reusability, dating and currency) provide guidelines to enable these institutions to comply with transparency and accountability requirements by furnishing society in general and their stakeholders in particular with information on their activities and performance in key areas. Further to the findings, the target institutions have made hesitant attempts to enhance transparency with respect to earlier inquiries. Public libraries are observed to be more active than archives, although the transparency scores obtained are low due to the failure to provide information on some indicators as well as on parameters such as dating and reusability. Both types of institution have a long road ahead in the pursuit of greater transparency.

Webology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-141
Hamid Reza Saeidnia ◽  
Ali Ghorbi ◽  
Marcin Kozak ◽  
Shadi Abdoli

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are software tools that help different programs work together. APIs can improve an organization's presence on the Web with tools that integrate various useful, popular programs. This study aimed to identify appropriate web-based APIs used by the most popular public library websites for presentation on Iranian public libraries’ websites. For this purpose, we conducted this study in two stages: In stage one, Web APIs were identified by reviewing the websites of the top public libraries in the world. Then, in stage two, using the obtained results, important Web APIs were selected utilizing experts' opinions (the heuristic method). In stage one, the 30 Web APIs in two categories were identified: 10 public Web APIs and 20 private Web APIs. Then, in stage two, 7 public APIs and 17 private Web APIs for these websites were selected, based on expert analysis. The results of this study can be used to improve the design of public library websites and enhance the communication of such websites' presence on the Web.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
Eric Ely

Post-secondary education in the 21st century United States is rapidly diversifying, and institutions’ online offerings and presence are increasingly significant. Academic libraries have an established history of offering virtual services and providing online resources for students, faculty, staff, and the general public. In addition to these services and resources, information on academic library websites can contribute to an institution’s demonstration of value placed on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). This article analyzes the DEI statements of a library consortium’s member websites to explore how these statements contribute to institutional construction of, and commitment to, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Descriptive analysis revealed 12 of 16 member libraries had explicitly labeled DEI statements in November 2020, with an additional member updating their website to include such a statement in early 2021. Content analysis examined how the existing statements contributed to institutional value of and commitment to DEI, and multi-modal theory explored the communicative aspects of DEI statement content. Analysis revealed vague conceptualizations of diversity and library-centered language in DEI statements, while a subset of statements employed anti-racist and social justice language to position the library as an active agent for social change. Implications and avenues for future research are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 190-198
Nayane de Andrade Teófilo ◽  
Caio Denardin ◽  
Thiago Quirino Mota Da Silva ◽  
Túlio Garcia Margute ◽  
Andrei Rabenschlag Rossato ◽  

Bisphosphonates are widely used, whether in osteoporosis or malignant bone disorders. Therefore, it is necessary that there is sufficient knowledge about the adverse effects of this drug, especially in relation to Osteonecrosis of the Jaws Developed by Bisphosphonates, which is a pathology generated in the gnathic bones. So, the following question was asked in the research problem: What is the current situation regarding the use of bisphosphonates and the onset of osteonecrosis of the jaw? Searches were carried out on digital library websites in search of articles and research in books by renowned authors. Inclusion and exclusion criteria for articles found were defined. The verification of each article was carried out so that it could have perspective and follow-up on the subject discussed. The following databases were used: PUBMED, BIREME and LILACS, and SCIELO between the years 2007 to 2019. It was concluded then that Bisphosphonates play a very important role as a cause of osteonecrosis of the jaws, where the prognosis will be worse if the patient is treated with intravenous rather than oral types.

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