professional athlete
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2021 ◽  
pp. 172-181
Anna Yermilova

The article presents a sociological conceptualization of the category "professional age" in relation to the field of professional sports. Based on the interpretation of the terms "age" and "professional athlete", the author's vision of the category "professional age" is proposed. The interpretation of the concept of "professional age" is carried out through the prism of chronological, biological, social, and psychological ages, as a result of which the specifics of professional age are determined on the example of professional athletes. The specific features of integration of athletes into the professional environment, which is associated with the specific functioning of this sphere of activity that affects the process of formation of their professional age, are shown. In turn, the professional age of athletes is determined, firstly, by the earlier entry of the individual into the professional sports environment and, consequently, by a faster entry into professional age; secondly, a shorter work experience depending on the sport compared to other areas of work and, accordingly, a faster completion of professional age. Factors leading to the formation of perceptions of professional age are established: discrepancy between the chronological and social functioning of the individual; effects of biological ageing on the course of professional age; effect of psychological aging on the duration of professional age. The characteristics of the professional age of athletes that have a changeable nature of existence are revealed: heterochronicity, variability, normativity, multidimensionality, linearity and cyclicality. The professional age of athletes is analyzed as a multivariate social phenomenon, in particular, the significance of biographical, ideological, social-stratificational, ethnological, historical, aesthetic research aspects is revealed. The socio-cultural features of the professional age of the representatives of elite sport are for egrounded, firstly, the construction of the sports self-awareness of the individual / community, which is specific depending on the kind of sport; secondly, the construction of a sports subculture based on a constant stressful situation. On the basis of theoretical developments, the author's conceptualization of the professional age of athletes is proposed.

Ugo Carraro ◽  
Helmut Kern ◽  
Giovanna Albertin

Paolo Gava, (Conegliano, Treviso, September 1, 1946 – Stra, Venezia, Italy, July 19, 2021) was a sustainable resources engineer, who worked in Italy, France and England, leading research programs well before the current international interest in countering global warming. Passionate about Tango, Paolo kept himself in shape for many decades by running or pedaling or roller-skating, after years of training as a semi-professional athlete, competing and winning Italian and European short distance races in the Master classes. Then, Paolo applied his engineering skills to optimize comparisons between the results of the different Classes of Master Athletes, questioning the rules used by Italian and World Master Sports Associations. Friendly discussing during an after-dinner, he shocked us claiming that, in absence of diseases and trauma (Early Aging), the aging decay is a linear process from 30 to 110 years. Under our friendly pressure he was able to publish his first biomedical article, detailing his mathematical approaches and results in a 2015 issue of Experimental Aging Research, titled: Age-associated power decline from running, jumping and throwing male master world records. To honor his other legacies during his last six years of life, we add here further examples of Paolo's scientific studies and his relationships with senior colleagues and young students of sports and aging sciences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 100 (5) ◽  
pp. 175-180
A.S. Sharykin ◽  
E.V. Karelina ◽  
N.K. Konstantinova ◽  
V.A. Badtieva ◽  

A unique clinical observation of the intravital diagnosis of hypoplasia of the right coronary artery in the young professional athlete is presented. This observation demonstrates the importance of carrying out stress tests during the dispensary examination of athletes, as well as modern methods of diagnosis of pathology of coronary arteries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (7) ◽  
pp. e242715
Joshua W Thompson ◽  
Ricci Plastow ◽  
Matthew Rogers ◽  
Fares S Haddad

Heterotopic ossification (HO) is a rare sequela of sports injuries with a predominance in young active males located within bulky muscle planes. In most cases it is self-limiting and spontaneous resolution can occur. Fractures of HO are sparsely reported within the literature. We present a rare case of a professional athlete with a recurrent fracture of mature HO within the deep fascial plane between the anterior and posterior thigh compartments. The heterotopic mass and associated fracture had restricted return to sport and thus necessitated surgical management. The athlete successfully returned to sport following surgical excision with postoperative medical therapy to inhibit recurrence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. i51-i59
Oliver Marín-Pena ◽  
Olufemi R Ayeni ◽  
Marc Tey-Pons ◽  
Jesús Mas-Martinez ◽  
Pedro Dantas ◽  

Abstract Subspine impingement syndrome by definition involves a prominent antero-inferior iliac spine (AIIS) which can lead to impingement on the femoral neck thereby causing symptoms. We present the case of a 22-year-old semi-professional athlete who presented with a Type III AIIS morphology leading to subspine impingement syndrome and was managed via a mini open anterior approach. Radiological examination revealed a fairly prominent left AIIS resembling the ‘horn of a rhino’ extending to the trochanteric region anteriorly. A mini-anterior surgical approach was utilized for the resection of the ‘rhino horn’ and the rectus femoris was reattached. The patient remained asymptomatic at the one-year follow-up and had resumed weightlifting. Following this case, we propose a new classification of the type III AIIS morphology in view of the clinical presentation. The AIIS type III-Standard represents an extension from the acetabular rim to less than 1 cm (type III-S) and type III-Large, with an extension from the acetabular rim beyond 1 cm (type III-L). The type III-L will further be divided into two groups based on its relation to the ilium, type III-Lr (‘rib shape’) and type III-Lrh (‘rhino horn’).

2021 ◽  
pp. 028418512110164
Leon Sergot ◽  
Oliver Leaper ◽  
Andrew Rolls ◽  
Jonathan Williams ◽  
Robin Chakraverty ◽  

The calf muscle group is a common area for injury within the professional athlete population. Anatomical and biomechanical differences between the different component muscles vary their individual predispositions to and patterns of injury. However, there is a common unifying factor: injuries involving tendinous components have greater clinical implications with regards to rehabilitation, potential intervention, length of time to return to play, and re-injury rates. As such, accurate understanding of the underlying anatomy and subsequent interpretation of the injury patterns carry significant clinical ramifications. Ultrasound is a useful tool but has limitations, particularly when assessing soleus. As such, magnetic resonance imaging remains the workhorse in calf injury investigation.

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