test parameter
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 141-152
Asep Dedy Sutrisno ◽  
Wisnu Cahyadi

This study aims to estimate the shelf life by applying the Arrhenius formula model to "galendo" which is vacuum packed and stored at various temperatures. Estimation of the shelf-life limit of galendos was carried out by measuring the peroxide number and sensory values ​​of galendos which were deliberately kept open without being packed at room temperature (25 ○C). The sensory values ​​used as the threshold for consumer rejection of the level of galendo's rancid odor were achieved on the 27th day of storage and the current peroxide count value was 42.2724 meq/kg. Galendo which was vacuum packed with aluminum foil and stored at various temperatures of 15 ○C, 25 ○C, and 35 ○C, then the shelf life was determined using the Arrhenius and Q10 models based on the parameters of the total peroxide number (TPN) and the total microbial content. Based on the experiment in this study, the estimation results of galendo's shelf life based on the total peroxide number (TPN) test parameter show that storage at 15 ○C has a shelf life of 83 days with a deterioration rate (k) of 0.0207, storage at 25 ○C shelf life 67 days with a deterioration rate (k) 0.0247, and storage at a temperature of 35 ○C for 58 days with a deterioration rate (k) 0.0286. The rate of quality degradation with a value of Q10 (15 oC - 25 oC) of 1.23 and a value of Q10 (25 oC - 35 oC) of 1.16. The higher the storage temperature, the higher the microorganism content.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (B) ◽  
pp. 1525-1528
Aliya A. Zhanpeissova ◽  
B. T. Tukbekova ◽  
S. B. Akhmetova ◽  
B. Dyusseno Sandugash ◽  
K. Zh. Alimshaikhina ◽  

 «IMPORTANCE OF THE PNEUMOCOCCUS IN COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA IN TENDER-AGE INFANTS ON THE BACKGROUND OF VACCINATION» The authors of the manuscript provide data demonstrating that una pneumonia against the background of vaccination is accompanied by a change in the etiological structure. The article is a new idea and overall it is well written and structured. However, simple study design, lack of patient baseline and follow-up data limit the conclusion of withdrawal. I invite the authors to solve the following questions: 1) There are many spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors. Authors should correct mistakes and rewrite the article in a clear and understandable style. I have visited the authors with the help of a language expert on rewriting. 2) The main problem of the manuscript is poor statistical processing and statistical reporting. The authors stated: “All data were expressed as confidence intervals. Thus, it is unclear whether the etiological structure was normally distributed. Moreover, following normal scientific practice, authors should indicate specific statistical significance values ​​when comparing each test parameter. 3) The cited literature is relevant to the research and meets the requirements of the journal. But mentions of 9/19 were published over 10 years ago. I recommend reading current research on this topic. In conclusion, the work makes a good impression. On the other hand, it can be published after significant changes with reference to the comments mentioned above, including bug fixes and rewriting of the article in a clear and easily understandable style.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 77
Rendi Rendi ◽  
Budi Hatradi ◽  
Muhammad Irfansyah ◽  
Puteri Puteri

<p><em>This study aims to design an underwater rotor to utilize the flow rate of the river as a hydroelectric power plant. In this study, an underwater rotor design model will be made with three variations in the number of blades, namely three, six, nine blades. The test parameter observed in this study is the turbine performance through the value of the power coefficient (cp) and the moment coefficient (cm). The method used in this research is an experimental method, namely by making a turbine model with a laboratory scale. The results show that the underwater rotor designed with aspect ratio = 2.0, overlap ratio = 0, end-plate diameter = 1.1d then the barrier plate design with L/D ratio = 1.2 60º provides the highest power coefficient and moment coefficient, namely respectively 0.15 and 0.27 in the design with the number of blades 3 (three)</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Irman Idrus ◽  
Sabda Wahab ◽  
Andi Fitrah Nugraha ◽  
Syaiful Bachri

South Konawe District at Southeast Sulawesi Province is a producer of agriculture such as Papaya fruit ranging from 1168 quintals each year. Papaya fruit contains β-carotene which plays an important role in the formation of vitamin A in the body. This research was conducted to determine the β-carotene content of papaya fruit by using variables planting method, fruitage, and fruit condition. The mashed fruit was extracted using n-hexane: acetone: ethanol (2: 1: 1) v/v, then separated from polar and non-polar solutions. Qualitative analysis was carried out using the Carr-Price method and quantitative analysis or determination of β-carotene levels using the UV-Visible spectrophotometric method λ = 452.0 nm. The qualitative test results showed that the papaya fruit in the papaya fruit obtained by cultivation and growing wild with each variable half-ripe, ripe, and not fresh papaya identified the presence of β-carotene. The results of quantitative analysis of β-carotene levels in cultivated papaya fruit were 1.76 μL, half-ripe 1.32 μL, and cultivated young papaya 1.22 μL. In wild ripe papaya 1.75 μL, wild half-ripe papaya 1.3 μL and wild young papaya 1.21 μL. There is an effect of each test parameter starting from the parameters of planting method, fruitage, and fruit condition on β-carotene content in papaya fruit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-98
CA Ortese ◽  
TG Ieren ◽  
AJ Tamber

Coronavirus declared as a global pandemic by WHO has emerged as the most aggressive disease negatively affecting more than 90% countries of the world. Nigeria, one of the most populated countries in Africa is not an exception. This study focuses on analyzing the intrinsic patterns in the COVID-19 spread in Nigeria using the Box-Jenkins procedure. Data of daily confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Nigeria was retrieved from Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) official website from February 27, 2020 to October 31, 2020 to identify the series components, estimate parameters, develop an appropriate stochastic predictive model and use the model to forecast future trend of the deadly virus. The Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) of order (0,1,1) was identified as the most suitable model based on the analysis of the autocorrelation (ACF), partial autocorrelation functions (PACF) and Akaike Information Correction (AICc) value. R software version 4.0.3 was used to analyze the trend which moothen the series by using 8-point moving average to extract the irregular component as wellas differencing the series one step further to obtain a stationary series. We performed the Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit root test, parameter estimation and Ljung-Box test to check the proposed model’s conformity to the stationary univariate process. A 85 – day (1st Oct., 2020 – 24th Jan., 2020)forecast shows a gradual decline in the successive number of confirmed cases of infection indicating the effectiveness of the intervention strategies employed by the Task Force to contain the virus. The concerned authorities can apply the forecasted trend to make further informed decisions on the measures to be put in place to reduce diffusion of the deadly virus into the country.

Marinade ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 32-39
Ali Jaja ◽  
R. Marwita Sari Putri ◽  
Jumsurizal Jumsurizal

Edible film is a type of packagingthat is both effective and safe. Edible film maked using natural ingredients such as carrageenan. Clove oil addetional to enhance its antimicrobial function. This study puposed to determine the effect of using carrageenan and clove oil concentrations in the organoleptic and ALT test. The design used was used was CRD with test parameter namely thikness tset, elongation, tensile strenght, organoleptic quality obcervation and ALT. Thikness test result 0.02-0.13 mm, elongation 1.027-1.117%, tensile strength 0.088-0.095 MPa, the best organoleptic is A2 on parameter (eyes, smell and texture), ALT A1 value (1.4x103 koloni/g) amd A2 (9.4x102 koloni/g). the reduction of carrageenan and additional of clove oil resulted in increased thikness and tensile strenht, while decreasing elongation. Based on the organoleptic test, the best the best treatment was edible film A2. ALT A1 and A2 test result do not exceed the threshold.

2021 ◽  
Jennifer Hammelman ◽  
Tulsi Patel ◽  
Michael Closser ◽  
Hynek Wichterle ◽  
David K. Gifford

Transcription factor over-expression is a proven method for reprogramming cells to a desired cell type for regenerative medicine and therapeutic discovery. However, a general method for the identification of reprogramming factors to create an arbitrary cell type is an open problem. We examine the success rate of methods and data for directed differentiation by testing the ability of nine computational methods (CellNet, GarNet, EBSeq, AME, DREME, HOMER, KMAC, diffTF, and DeepAccess) to correctly discover and rank candidate factors for eight target cell types with known reprogramming solutions. We compare methods that utilize gene expression, biological networks, and chromatin accessibility data to identify eight sets of known reprogramming factors and comprehensively test parameter and pre-processing of input data to optimize performance of these methods. We find the best factor identification methods can identify an average of 50-60% of reprogramming factors within the top 10 candidates, and methods that use chromatin accessibility perform the best. Among the chromatin accessibility methods, complex methods DeepAccess and diffTF are more likely to consistently correctly rank the significance of transcription factor candidates within reprogramming protocols for differentiation. We provide evidence that AME and DeepAccess are optimal methods for transcription factor recovery and ranking which will allow for systematic prioritization of transcription factor candidates to aid in the design of novel reprogramming protocols.

Life ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 370
Walter Magerl ◽  
Emanuela Thalacker ◽  
Simon Vogel ◽  
Robert Schleip ◽  
Thomas Klein ◽  

Musculoskeletal pain is often associated with pain referred to adjacent areas or skin. So far, no study has analyzed the somatosensory changes of the skin after the stimulation of different underlying fasciae. The current study aimed to investigate heterotopic somatosensory crosstalk between deep tissue (muscle or fascia) and superficial tissue (skin) using two established models of deep tissue pain (namely focal high frequency electrical stimulation (HFS) (100 pulses of constant current electrical stimulation at 10× detection threshold) or the injection of hypertonic saline in stimulus locations as verified using ultrasound). In a methodological pilot experiment in the TLF, different injection volumes of hypertonic saline (50–800 µL) revealed that small injection volumes were most suitable, as they elicited sufficient pain but avoided the complication of the numbing pinprick sensitivity encountered after the injection of a very large volume (800 µL), particularly following muscle injections. The testing of fascia at different body sites revealed that 100 µL of hypertonic saline in the temporal fascia and TLF elicited significant pinprick hyperalgesia in the overlying skin (–26.2% and –23.5% adjusted threshold reduction, p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively), but not the trapezius fascia or iliotibial band. Notably, both estimates of hyperalgesia were significantly correlated (r = 0.61, p < 0.005). Comprehensive somatosensory testing (DFNS standard) revealed that no test parameter was changed significantly following electrical HFS. The experiments demonstrated that fascia stimulation at a sufficient stimulus intensity elicited significant across-tissue facilitation to pinprick stimulation (referred hyperalgesia), a hallmark sign of nociceptive central sensitization.

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 637
Thorsten Michler ◽  
Ken Wackermann ◽  
Frank Schweizer

Hydrogen gas pressure is an important test parameter when considering materials for high-pressure hydrogen applications. A large set of data on the effect of hydrogen gas pressure on mechanical properties in gaseous hydrogen experiments was reviewed. The data were analyzed by converting pressures into fugacities (f) and by fitting the data using an f|n| power law. For 95% of the data sets, |n| was smaller than 0.37, which was discussed in the context of (i) rate-limiting steps in the hydrogen reaction chain and (ii) statistical aspects. This analysis might contribute to defining the appropriate test fugacities (pressures) to qualify materials for gaseous hydrogen applications.

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