spectral measurements
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Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 459
Elisabetta Bodo ◽  
Sabina Merlo ◽  
Valentina Bello

Ethylene glycol (EG) and isopropanol (ISO) are among the major toxic alcohols that pose a risk to human health. However, it is important to distinguish them, since EG is more prone to cause renal failure, and can thus be more dangerous when ingested than ISO. Analysis of alcohols such as isopropanol and ethylene glycol generally can be performed with a complex chromatographic method. Here, we present an optical method based on absorption spectroscopy, performed remotely on EG-ISO mixtures filling a microchannel. Mixtures of ethylene glycol in isopropanol at different volume concentrations were analyzed in a contactless manner in a rectangular-section glass micro-capillary provided with integrated reflectors. Fiber-coupled broadband light in the wavelength range 1.3–1.7 µm crossed the microchannel multiple times before being directed towards an optical spectrum analyzer. The induced zig-zag path increased the fluid–light interaction length and enhanced the effect of optical absorption. A sophisticated theoretical model was developed and the results of our simulations were in very good agreement with the results of the experimental spectral measurements. Moreover, from the acquired data, we retrieved a responsivity parameter, defined as power ratio at two wavelengths, that is linearly related to the EG concentration in the alcoholic mixtures.

2022 ◽  
Vol 962 (1) ◽  
pp. 012027
A O Orlov ◽  
A A Gurulev ◽  
S V Tsyrenzhapov

Abstract A method of measuring transmittance of radiation from the film of ice 0 in the infrared wave band is described. Ice 0 is formed from supercooled water at the temperature below –23°C. This ice is ferroelectric and forms a highly conductive layer of the nanometric order of thickness at the boundary with dielectric. The complexity of the experiment consisted in the necessity of using low intensities of the probing signal and considering radiation of the cooled parts of the installation. In order to obtain a thin film of ice, the method of depositing water vapor on a substrate cooled in nitrogen was used. The method rules out formation of condensate in cooling. Deposition of water vapor is possible only in heating, when delivery of cold nitrogen vapor into the chamber with the sample is excluded. To ensure exposure of the film to IR radiation, two sources of infrared radiation were considered: a halogen lamp with a broad radiation spectrum (on the surface of heated glass) and a CO2 laser with the radiation wavelength of 10.6 µm. In the first case, spectral measurements are possible when filters are used. In the installation based on a CO2 laser, an intense signal is emitted, requiring consideration of sample heating. Components of the installation have been elaborated and investigated, on which transmittance of radiation from the film of ice 0 is planned to be measured.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 282
Andrew Rodger ◽  
Carsten Laukamp

The efficacy of predicting geochemical parameters with a 2-chain workflow using spectral data as the initial input is evaluated. Spectral measurements spanning the approximate 400–25000 nm spectral range are used to train a workflow consisting of a non-negative matrix function (NMF) step, for data reduction, and a random forest regression (RFR) to predict eight geochemical parameters. Approximately 175,000 spectra with their corresponding chemical analysis were available for training, testing and validation purposes. The samples and their spectral and chemical parameters represent 9399 drillcore. Of those, approximately 20,000 spectra and their accompanying analysis were used for training and 5000 for model validation. The remaining pairwise data (150,000 samples) were used for testing of the method. The data are distributed over two large spatial extents (980 km2 and 3025 km2, respectively) and allowed the proposed method to be tested against samples that are spatially distant from the initial training points. Global R2 scores and wt.% RMSE on the 150,000 validation samples are Fe (0.95/3.01), SiO2 (0.96/3.77), Al2O3 (0.92/1.27), TiO (0.68/0.13), CaO (0.89/0.41), MgO (0.87/0.35), K2O (0.65/0.21) and LOI (0.90/1.14), given as Parameter (R2/RMSE), and demonstrate that the proposed method is capable of predicting the eight parameters and is stable enough, in the environment tested, to extend beyond the training sets initial spatial location.

Andrew Rodger ◽  
Carsten Laukamp

The efficacy of predicting geochemical parameters with a 2-chain workflow using spectral data as the initial input is evaluated. Spectral measurements spanning the approximate 400-25000nm spectral range are used to train a workflow consisting of a non-negative matrix function (NMF) step, for data reduction, and a random forest regression (RFR) to predict 8 geochemical parameters. Approximately 175000 spectra with their corresponding chemical analysis were available for training, testing and validation purposes. The samples and their spectral and chemical parameters represent 9399 drillcore. Of those, approximately 20000 spectra and their accompanying analysis were used for training and 5000 for model validation. The remaining pairwise data (150000 samples) were used for testing of the method. The data are distributed over 2 large spatial extents (980 km2 and 3025 km2 respectively) and allowed the proposed method to be tested against samples that are spatially distant from the initial training points. Global R2 scores and wt.% RMSE on the 150000 validation samples are Fe(0.95/3.01), SiO2(0.96/3.77), Al2O3(0.92/1.27), TiO(0.68/0.13), CaO(0.89/0.41), MgO(0.87/0.35), K2O(0.65/0.21) and LOI(0.90/1.14), given as Parameter(R2/RMSE), and demonstrate that the proposed method is capable of predicting the 8 parameters and is stable enough, in the environment tested, to extend beyond the training sets initial spatial location.

Andrew Rodger ◽  
Carsten Laukamp

The efficacy of predicting geochemical parameters with a 2-chain workflow using spectral data as the initial input is evaluated. Spectral measurements spanning the approximate 400-25000nm spectral range are used to train a workflow consisting of a non-negative matrix function (NMF) step, for data reduction, and a random forest regression (RFR) to predict 8 geochemical parameters. Approximately 175000 spectra with their corresponding chemical analysis were available for training, testing and validation purposes. The samples and their spectral and chemical parameters represent 9399 drillcore. Of those, approximately 20000 spectra and their accompanying analysis were used for training and 5000 for model validation. The remaining pairwise data (150000 samples) were used for testing of the method. The data are distributed over 2 large spatial extents (980 km2 and 3025 km2 respectively) and allowed the proposed method to be tested against samples that are spatially distant from the initial training points. Global R2 scores and wt.% RMSE on the 150000 validation samples are Fe(0.95/3.01), SiO2(0.96/3.77), Al2O3(0.92/1.27), TiO(0.68/0.13), CaO(0.89/0.41), MgO(0.87/0.35), K2O(0.65/0.21) and LOI(0.90/1.14), given as Parameter(R2/RMSE), and demonstrate that the proposed method is capable of predicting the 8 parameters and is stable enough, in the environment tested, to extend beyond the training sets initial spatial location.

2021 ◽  
Qiang Wang ◽  
Zhen Wang ◽  
Hui Zhang ◽  
Shoulin Jiang ◽  
Yingying Wang ◽  

Abstract Dual-comb spectroscopy (DCS) has revolutionized optical spectroscopy by providing broadband spectral measurements with unprecedent resolution and fast response. Photothermal spectroscopy (PTS) offers an ultrasensitive and background-free gas sensing method, which is normally performed using a single-wavelength pump laser. The merging of PTS with DCS may enable a new spectroscopic method by taking advantage of both technologies, which has never been studied yet. Here, we report dual-comb photothermal spectroscopy (DC-PTS) by passing dual combs and a probe laser through a gas-filled anti-resonant hollow-core fiber, where the generated multi-heterodyne modulation of the refractive index is sensitively detected by an in-line interferometer. As an example, we have measured photothermal spectra of acetylene over 1 THz, showing a good agreement with the spectral database. Our proposed DC-PTS provides new opportunities for broadband gas sensing with super-fine resolution and high sensitivity, as well as with a small sample volume and compact configuration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
K. Rożko ◽  
R. Basu ◽  
J. Kijak ◽  
W. Lewandowski

Abstract Using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, we report the detailed spectral measurements over a wide frequency range of three pulsars (J1741−3016, J1757−2223, and J1845−0743), which allow us to identify them as new gigahertz-peaked spectra pulsars. Our results indicate that their spectra show turnovers at the frequencies of 620 MHz, 640 MHz, and 650 MHz, respectively. Our analysis proves that wideband observations improve estimations of spectral nature using a free–free thermal absorption model, and thus allow for a more accurate approximation of the maximum energy in the spectrum. While there is no evidence as yet that these objects are associated with a supernova remnant or pulsar wind nebula, they will make good targets when looking for interesting environments in the future, or when conducting more sensitive sky surveys.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Feifan Liu ◽  
Gaopeng Lu ◽  
Torsten Neubert ◽  
Jiuhou Lei ◽  
Oliver Chanrion ◽  

AbstractNarrow bipolar events (NBEs) are signatures in radio signals from thunderstorms observed by ground-based receivers. NBEs may occur at the onset of lightning, but the discharge process is not well understood. Here, we present spectral measurements by the Atmosphere‐Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) on the International Space Station that are associated with nine negative and three positive NBEs observed by a ground‐based array of receivers. We found that both polarities NBEs are associated with emissions at 337 nm with weak or no detectable emissions at 777.4 nm, suggesting that NBEs are associated with streamer breakdown. The rise times of the emissions for negative NBEs are about 10 μs, consistent with source locations at cloud tops where photons undergo little scattering by cloud particles, and for positive NBEs are ~1 ms, consistent with locations deeper in the clouds. For negative NBEs, the emission strength is almost linearly correlated with the peak current of the associated NBEs. Our findings suggest that ground-based observations of radio signals provide a new means to measure the occurrences and strength of cloud-top discharges near the tropopause.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2116 (1) ◽  
pp. 012060
Leonid A Dombrovsky ◽  
Vladimir Ya Mendeleyev

Abstract A strong decrease in normal reflectance of a probe laser beam of 660 nm wavelength reflected from the surface of copper sample just after the beginning of the sample melting in a rarefied argon atmosphere has been observed recently by the authors. A similar time dependence of the reflectance is obtained in the laboratory experiments of the present paper at the wavelengths of 532 nm. The additional spectral measurements enable the authors to estimate the size of condensed nanoparticles levitating over the copper melt.

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