adaptive radiation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-81
J.P. Michaud

Aphid cornicles are abdominal appendages that secrete an array of volatile and nonvolatile compounds with diverse ecological functions. The emission of alarm pheromones yields altruistic benefits for clone-mates in the aphid colony, which is essentially a superorganism with a collective fate. Secreted droplets also contain unsaturated triglycerides, fast-drying adhesives that can be lethal when smeared on natural enemies but more often impede their foraging efficiency. The longest cornicles have evolved in aphids that feed in exposed locations and are likely used to scent-mark colony intruders. Reduced cornicles are associated with reliance on alternative defenses, such as the secretion of protective waxes or myrmecophily. Root-feeding and gall-forming lifestyles provide protected feeding sites and are associated with an absence of cornicles. In some eusocial gall-formers, soldier morphs become repositories of cornicle secretion used to defend the gall, either as menopausal apterae that defend dispersing alatae or as sterile first instars that dispatch predators with their stylets and use cornicle secretions as a construction material for gall repair. Collectively, the evidence is consistent with an adaptive radiation of derived cornicle functions molded by the ecological lifestyle of the aphid lineage.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Miguel Blázquez ◽  
Lucía S. Hernández-Moreno ◽  
Francisco Gasulla ◽  
Israel Pérez-Vargas ◽  
Sergio Pérez-Ortega

Speciation in oceanic islands has attracted the interest of scientists since the 19th century. One of the most striking evolutionary phenomena that can be studied in islands is adaptive radiation, that is, when a lineage gives rise to different species by means of ecological speciation. Some of the best-known examples of adaptive radiation are charismatic organisms like the Darwin finches of the Galapagos and the cichlid fishes of the great African lakes. In these and many other examples, a segregation of the trophic niche has been shown to be an important diversification driver. Radiations are known in other groups of organisms, such as lichen-forming fungi. However, very few studies have investigated their adaptive nature, and none have focused on the trophic niche. In this study, we explore the role of the trophic niche in a putative radiation of endemic species from the Macaronesian Region, the Ramalina decipiens group. The photobiont diversity was studied by Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the ITS2 region of 197 specimens spanning the phylogenetic breadth and geographic range of the group. A total of 66 amplicon sequence variants belonging to the four main clades of the algal genus Trebouxia were found. Approximately half of the examined thalli showed algal coexistence, but in most of them, a single main photobiont amounted to more than 90% of the reads. However, there were no significant differences in photobiont identity and in the abundance of ITS2 reads across the species of the group. We conclude that a segregation of the trophic niche has not occurred in the R. decipiens radiation.

2021 ◽  
Luiz Jardim-deQueiroz ◽  
Carmela J. Doenz ◽  
Florian Altermatt ◽  
Roman Alther ◽  
Špela Borko ◽  

Quaternary climate fluctuations can affect biodiversity assembly through speciation in two non-mutually-exclusive ways: a glacial species pump, where isolation in glacial refugia accelerates allopatric speciation, and adaptive radiation during ice-free periods. Here we detected biogeographic and genetic signatures associated with both mechanisms in the generation of the European Alps biodiversity. Age distributions of endemic and widespread species within aquatic and terrestrial taxa (amphipods, fishes, amphibians, butterflies and flowering plants) revealed that endemic fish evolved only in lakes, are highly sympatric and mainly of Holocene age, consistent with adaptive radiation. Endemic amphipods are ancient, suggesting preglacial radiation with limited range expansion and local Pleistocene survival, perhaps facilitated by a groundwater-dwelling lifestyle. Terrestrial endemics are mostly of Pleistocene age, and are thus more consistent with the glacial species pump. The lack of evidence for Holocene adaptive radiation in the terrestrial biome may be attributable to a faster range expansion of these taxa after glacial retreats, though fewer stable environments may also have contributed to differences between terrestrial areas and lakes. The high proportion of young, endemic species make the Alps vulnerable to climate change, but the mechanisms and consequences of species loss will likely differ between biomes because of their distinct histories.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (49) ◽  
Kathleen A. Dogantzis ◽  
Tanushree Tiwari ◽  
Ida M. Conflitti ◽  
Alivia Dey ◽  
Harland M. Patch ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Huzaifa Piperdi ◽  
Daniella Portal ◽  
Shane S. Neibart ◽  
Ning J. Yue ◽  
Salma K. Jabbour ◽  

Lung cancer treatment is constantly evolving due to technological advances in the delivery of radiation therapy. Adaptive radiation therapy (ART) allows for modification of a treatment plan with the goal of improving the dose distribution to the patient due to anatomic or physiologic deviations from the initial simulation. The implementation of ART for lung cancer is widely varied with limited consensus on who to adapt, when to adapt, how to adapt, and what the actual benefits of adaptation are. ART for lung cancer presents significant challenges due to the nature of the moving target, tumor shrinkage, and complex dose accumulation because of plan adaptation. This article presents an overview of the current state of the field in ART for lung cancer, specifically, probing topics of: patient selection for the greatest benefit from adaptation, models which predict who and when to adapt plans, best timing for plan adaptation, optimized workflows for implementing ART including alternatives to re-simulation, the best radiation techniques for ART including magnetic resonance guided treatment, algorithms and quality assurance, and challenges and techniques for dose reconstruction. To date, the clinical workflow burden of ART is one of the major reasons limiting its widespread acceptance. However, the growing body of evidence demonstrates overwhelming support for reduced toxicity while improving tumor dose coverage by adapting plans mid-treatment, but this is offset by the limited knowledge about tumor control. Progress made in predictive modeling of on-treatment tumor shrinkage and toxicity, optimizing the timing of adaptation of the plan during the course of treatment, creating optimal workflows to minimize staffing burden, and utilizing deformable image registration represent ways the field is moving toward a more uniform implementation of ART.

2021 ◽  
Michael Westerman ◽  
Stella Loke ◽  
Mun Hua Tan ◽  
Benjamin Kear

Abstract The evolution of Australia’s distinctive marsupial fauna has long been linked to the onset of continent-wide aridity. However, how this profound climate change event affected the diversification of extant lineages is still hotly debated. Here, we assemble a DNA sequence dataset of Macropodoidea — the clade comprising kangaroos and their relatives — that incorporates a complete mitogenome for the Desert ‘rat-kangaroo’, Caloprymnus campestris. This enigmatic species went extinct nearly 90 years ago and is known from a handful of museum specimens. Caloprymnus is significant because it was the only macropodoid restricted to extreme desert environments, and therefore calibrates the group’s specialisation for increasingly xeric conditions. Our robustly supported phylogenies nest Caloprymnus amongst the bettongs Aepyprymnus and Bettongia. Dated ancestral area optimisations further reveal that the Caloprymnus-Bettongia lineage originated in nascent arid zone settings from the later-middle to early-late Miocene, ~12 million years ago (Ma), but subsequently dispersed into mesic habitats during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. This coincides with ancestral divergences amongst kangaroos in disparate woodland-forest and shrubland settings, but predates their adaptive radiation into proliferating grasslands during the late Miocene to Pliocene, after ~7 Ma. We thus demonstrate that protracted changes in both climate and vegetation likely staged the emergence of modern arid zone macropodoids.

William A. Hall ◽  
Eric Paulson ◽  
X. Allen Li ◽  
Beth Erickson ◽  
Christopher Schultz ◽  

2021 ◽  
Jaehee Chun ◽  
Justin C. Park ◽  
Sven Olberg ◽  
You Zhang ◽  
Dan Nguyen ◽  

PeerJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. e12287
Trevor L. Hewitt ◽  
Amanda E. Haponski ◽  
Diarmaid Ó. Foighil

North American watersheds contain a high diversity of freshwater mussels (Unionoida). During the long-lived, benthic phase of their life cycle, up to 40 species can co-occur in a single riffle and there is typically little evidence for major differences in their feeding ecology or microhabitat partitioning. In contrast, their brief parasitic larval phase involves the infection of a wide diversity of fish hosts and female mussels have evolved a spectrum of adaptations for infecting host fish with their offspring. Many species use a passive broadcast strategy: placing high numbers of larvae in the water column and relying on chance encounters with potential hosts. Many other species, including most members of the Lampsilini, have a proactive strategy that entails the use of prey-mimetic lures to change the behavior of the hosts, i.e., eliciting a feeding response through which they become infected. Two main lure types are collectively produced: mantle tissue lures (on the female’s body) and brood lures, containing infective larvae, that are released into the external environment. In this study, we used a phylogenomic approach (ddRAD-seq) to place the diversity of infection strategies used by 54 North American lampsiline mussels into an evolutionary context. Ancestral state reconstruction recovered evidence for the early evolution of mantle lures in this clade, with brood lures and broadcast infection strategies both being independently derived twice. The most common infection strategy, occurring in our largest ingroup clade, is a mixed one in which mimetic mantle lures are apparently the predominant infection mechanism, but gravid females also release simple, non-mimetic brood lures at the end of the season. This mixed infection strategy clade shows some evidence of an increase in diversification rate and most members use centrarchids (Micropterus & Lepomis spp.) as their predominant fish hosts. Broad linkage between infection strategies and predominant fish host genera is also seen in other lampsiline clades: worm-like mantle lures of Toxolasma spp. with sunfish (Lepomis spp.); insect larvae-like brood lures (Ptychobranchus spp.), or mantle lures (Medionidus spp., Obovaria spp.), or mantle lures combined with host capture (Epioblasma spp.) with a spectrum of darter (Etheostoma & Percina spp.) and sculpin (Cottus spp.) hosts, and tethered brood lures (Hamiota spp.) with bass (Micropterus spp.). Our phylogenetic results confirm that discrete lampsiline mussel clades exhibit considerable specialization in the primary fish host clades their larvae parasitize, and in the host infection strategies they employ to do so. They are also consistent with the hypothesis that larval resource partitioning of fish hosts is an important factor in maintaining species diversity in mussel assemblages. We conclude that, taking their larval ecology and host-infection mechanisms into account, lampsiline mussels may be legitimately viewed as an adaptive radiation.

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