equity in health
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2021 ◽  
pp. 335-350
Fran Baum

Health promotion is a complex, ambiguous concept and set of practices. While many have linked it, primarily, to a revolution in health education, its roots go much deeper into the history of public health. It had its contemporary beginnings in the throes of the backlash against bureaucratic and professional dominance exemplified by the new social movements of the 1970s and 1980s. At its heart, health promotion is centred on the values and principles of equity, participation, and empowerment. These concepts are embedded in health promotion’s founding document, the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. However, exactly how these values are articulated is often ambiguous. In this chapter, the authors contend that health promoters must intensify their reflection on these core values and principles; particularly in the light of the tendency to slip back into a comfortable paternalism, which reinforces existing power imbalances. We are specifically concerned with the precise interpretation of health equity in health promotion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Christine Loignon ◽  
Sophie Dupéré ◽  
Caroline Leblanc ◽  
Karoline Truchon ◽  
Amélie Bouchard ◽  

AbstractTo improve health equity, as well as equity in research, community-engaged research and participatory research needs to be inclusive. Equity in health research refers to the principle that anyone affected by research or who can benefit from its outcomes should have equal opportunities to contribute to it. Many researchers advocate the importance of promoting equity in research and engage in processes that foster the research involvement of lay persons, patients, and community members who are otherwise “absent” or “silent”. Still, people with limited literacy skills who experience unwarranted structural barriers to healthcare access have little involvement in research. Low literacy is a major barrier to equity in health research. Yet there exist approaches and methods that promote the engagement in research of people with literacy challenges. Building on our previous research projects conducted with community members using participatory visual and sound methods (participatory mapping, photovoice, digital storytelling, etc.), we embarked on the co-creation of a digital platform in 2017. Our aim in this commentary is to report on this co-creation experience that was based on a social justice-oriented partnership. The development of the online platform was overseen by a steering committee made up of workers from community organizations involved with people with limited literacy skills, students, and researchers. In the development process, the co-creation steps included a literature review, informal interviews with key informants, and discussion and writing sessions about format and content. After numerous challenges raised and addressed during co-creation, the Engage digital platform for engagement in research went live in the winter of 2020. This platform presents, on an equal footing, approaches and methods from academic research as well as from the literacy education community engaged with people with limited literacy skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (5) ◽  
pp. 1-2
Timiya Nolan

Healthcare ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 1257
James Avoka Asamani ◽  
Samuel Anongiba Alugsi ◽  
Hamza Ismaila ◽  
Juliet Nabyonga-Orem

The notion of equity in health service delivery has been embodied in several of the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially the aspiration for universal health coverage (UHC). At the same time, escalating healthcare costs amidst dwindling resources continue to ignite discussions on the efficiency aspect of healthcare delivery at both operational and system levels. Therefore, health planners and managers have had to grapple with balancing the two, given limited resources and sophisticated population health needs. Undoubtedly, the concepts of equity and efficiency have overarching importance in healthcare. While efficiency dictates an ‘economical’ use of the limited healthcare resources, equity advocates their fair and ethical use. Some have leaned on this to argue that one has to be forgone in search of the other. In search of a ‘middle ground’, this paper explores the conceptual underpinnings of equity and efficiency in the context of healthcare resource allocation with some empirical examples from high-income and low- and middle-income settings. We conclude by arguing that equity and efficiency are, and ought to be, treated as complementary rather than conflicting considerations in distributing health resources. Each could be pursued without necessarily compromising the other—what matters is an explicit criterion of what will be ‘equitable’ in ensuring efficient allocation of resources, and on the other hand, what options will be considered more ‘efficient’ when equity objectives are pursued. Thus, equity can be achieved in an efficient way, while efficiency can drive the attainment of equity.

2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Sara Brushett ◽  
Hilary A.T. Caldwell ◽  
Emma Stirling Cameron ◽  
Cecilia Carrea ◽  
Mark Embrett ◽  

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