roger scruton
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2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 115-119
Steven Kessler

English philosopher Roger Scruton, believed the traditions, rituals, and institutions bequeathed to us by our ancestors were the keys to human well-being.

Katarzyna Weichert

I shall introduce a hermeneutic perspective and photography analyses from visual theory to the debate concerning the status of photographic representation (together with film, as it is based on the photographic method) which continues within Anglo-Saxon aesthetics and analytical aesthetics. I mostly confront Roger Scruton and Gregory Currie’s thoughts on the photograph and its object (source), representation-by-origin and representation-by-use with Gottfried Boehm’s concept of aesthetic nondifferentiation, and Georges Didi-Huberman’s analyses of photographs. This shall allow me to identify the two aspects of photography (independence of an individual object and visual dynamics of an image) which have a significant impact on the status of photography as a representation and on the potential of cinematographic creation as a story told through images.

2021 ◽  
pp. 321-349
José A. Vidal Robson

El propósito de este artículo es analizar el modo en que se vincula el conservadurismo y el liberalismo económico a partir de la crítica de Roger Scruton a Friedrich A. Hayek. Primero se analizan los conceptos de libertad negativa, orden espontáneo y catalaxia en Hayek; luego, se presenta la crítica del filósofo inglés al austriaco; y, por último, se presenta la teoría social-económica de Scruton como un modo de respuesta a las tensiones del liberalismo económico.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 588-596
Alexey M. Gaginsky ◽  

This review discusses the book Beauty by Roger Scruton (1944–2020), translated into Russian by the Theoaesthetics Foundation. Scruton opposes relativism with regard to beauty because beauty as a concept, as an object of attention in the 20th century, has moved to the periphery of art and its place has been taken by “interesting” and “impressive”. Scruton notes an important thing: the disdain for humanitarian knowledge that has been prevalent in society in recent decades can be linked to the rejection of beauty, which leads to the destruction of the humanities. They are perceived as something not as serious compared to exact sciences. Scruton shows that when someone talks about beauty, he is not talking about his own condition, but about the subject itself: “I am describing it, not myself”. This observation indicates that beauty is not just something subjective and relative. Nevertheless, the philosopher does not share the metaphysical understanding of beauty as one of the properties of God; he tries to reveal this concept without turning to theology. All this, as the author of the review shows, allows us to start a conversation about beauty and theological aesthetics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
María G. Amilburu

Hoy es frecuente menospreciar el valor de las tradiciones culturales, científicas o de pensamiento, porque remiten y nos vinculan a un tiempo que ya pasó. Y quienes defienden la función esencial que éstas desempeñan en la vida humana y en la tarea educativa, son tachados de conservadores y falsamente acusados de querer encerrarse en el pasado, como si fueran enemigos del progreso, el desarrollo y la innovación. En este artículo se analiza un modo diferente de entender la tradición, que sostienen reconocidos autores contemporáneos como R. Scruton, A. MacIntyre y R.S. Peters. Para ellos, asumir las tradiciones establece fecundas redes intencionales con quienes nos precedieron, con nuestros contemporáneos y con quienes aún no han nacido, favoreciendo así que la humanidad pueda seguir progresando. De acuerdo con la naturaleza teórica de este trabajo, se emplea una metodología propia de la Filosofía de la Educación: localización de fuentes relevantes; lectura, análisis crítico y comparativo de los textos; interpretación hermenéutica y elaboración de conclusiones y propuestas. Este estudio pone de manifiesto que obrar de acuerdo con la tradición denota un tipo de acción intencional que contiene en sí misma el principio de su evolución. Por otra parte, se subraya que no existen tradiciones individuales, sino que siempre son compartidas por un grupo humano, constituyendo el fondo común de expectativas de una sociedad. Las tradiciones son plurales y cada cultura se caracteriza por una corriente central que ha superado la prueba del paso del tiempo y sirve como modelo y fuente de inspiración en el presente. Desempeñan una labor esencial en la tarea educativa, particularmente en lo que respecta a su función socializadora. En definitiva, asumir lo valioso de una tradición no se opone al progreso, sino que lo potencia, al establecer redes intencionales entre los miembros pasados, presentes y futuros de la sociedad.

Wiesław Ratajczak

The three authors’ community of thought can be noticed in the analysis  of their attitude towards the Nietzschean concept of ressentiment. Arendt observed the ressentiment and contempt of educated people towards society that grew since the mid-eighteenth century. In Conrad’s prose, a specific culmination of such emotions can be found in the character of the Professor in The Secret Agent novel. Scruton understood a totalitarian state as an institutionalised form of executing ressentiment. Another crucial common point of reference for the three authors was the issue of authority.Scruton reminded us that society exists thanks to authority. The opposite of ressentiment seems to be affirmation, while revolutionary aims of radicalrevaluation can be contrasted with conservatism as a philosophy of attachment to what is valuable. One can understand Conrad’s concept of loyalty as such.

Philosophy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 95 (4) ◽  
pp. 523-529
Aaron Ridley

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