composite service
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2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Sajib Mistry ◽  
Lie Qu ◽  
Athman Bouguettaya

We propose a novel generic reputation bootstrapping framework for composite services. Multiple reputation-related indicators are considered in a layer-based framework to implicitly reflect the reputation of the component services. The importance of an indicator on the future performance of a component service is learned using a modified Random Forest algorithm. We propose a topology-aware Forest Deep Neural Network (fDNN) to find the correlations between the reputation of a composite service and reputation indicators of component services. The trained fDNN model predicts the reputation of a new composite service with the confidence value. Experimental results with real-world dataset prove the efficiency of the proposed approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 35-43
Mohammed H. Ramadhan

Abstract—Service composition is gaining popularity because a composite service can perform functions that an individual service cannot. There are multiple web services available on the web for different tasks. The semantic web is an advanced form of the current web in which all contents have well-defined meanings due to nature, allowing machines to process web contents automatically. A web service composition is a collection of web services that collaborate to achieve a common goal. They reveal the established methods for web service composition in both syntactic and semantic environments. In this study Initially, we identify the existing techniques used for the composition. We classified these approaches according to the processing of the service descriptions, which can be syntactic or semantic-based service processes. We have reviewed more than 14 articles in this domain and concluded the merits of the methodologies applied for the implementation of web service composition.

2021 ◽  
G.A. Oparin ◽  
V.G. Bogdanova ◽  
A.A. Pashinin

A logic method for structural-parametric synthesis of a binary dynamical system with a given periodic trajectory is proposed. This method provides a constructive solution for the considered problem. The attraction region of such a trajectory must coincide with a given subset of the state space. An additional constraint sets the acceptable time for reaching this trajectory from its attraction region. As admissible structures for dynamical models of the synthesis, we consider the following systems: linear systems, systems with the disjunctive and conjunctive right sides. All conditions of the problem are written in the form of a quantified Boolean formula with subsequent verification of its truth using a specialized solver, which gives values of the required parameters of the dynamical model. The software implementation of the proposed method in the form of a composite service is presented. All stages of the parametric synthesis of a Boolean network based on the proposed method are demonstrated in the example of a one-step linear system.

Shunhui Ji ◽  
Liming Hu ◽  
Yihan Cao ◽  
Pengcheng Zhang ◽  
Jerry Gao

Business process specified in Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), which integrates existing services to develop composite service for offering more complicated function, is error-prone. Verification and testing are necessary to ensure the correctness of business processes. SPIN, for which the input language is PROcess MEta-LAnguage (Promela), is one of the most popular tools for detecting software defects and can be used both in verification and testing. In this paper, an automatic approach is proposed to construct the verifiable model for BPEL-based business process with Promela language. Business process is translated to an intermediate two-level representation, in which eXtended Control Flow Graph (XCFG) describes the behavior of BPEL process in the first level and Web Service Description Models (WSDM) depict the interface information of composite service and partner services in the second level. With XCFG of BPEL process, XCFGs for partner services are generated to describe their behavior. Promela model is constructed by defining data types based on WSDM and defining channels, variables and processes based on XCFGs. The constructed Promela model is closed, containing not only the BPEL process but also its execution environment. Case study shows that the proposed approach is effective.

2021 ◽  
Yan Wang ◽  
Na Zhou ◽  
Haixia Lang ◽  
Yunying Li

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Meng Cai ◽  
Ying Cui ◽  
Yang Yu ◽  
Ying Xue ◽  
Han Luo

The characteristics of service computing environment, such as service loose coupling, resource heterogeneity, and protocol independence, propose higher demand for the trustworthiness of service computing systems. Trust provisioning for composite services has become a hot research spot worldwide. In this paper, quality of service (QoS) planning techniques are introduced into service composition-oriented QoS provisioning architecture. By QoS planning, the overall QoS requirement of the composite service is decomposed into separate QoS requirement for every constituent atom service, the QoS level of which can subsequently be satisfied through well-designed service entity selection policies. For any single service entity, its QoS level is variable when the deployment environment or the load of service node changes. To mitigate the uncertainty, we put forward QoS preprocessing algorithms to estimate the future QoS levels of service entities with their history execution data. Then, based on the modeling of composite service and QoS planning, we design three algorithms, which include the time preference algorithm, cost/availability (C/A) preference algorithm, and Euclidean distance preference algorithm, to select suitable atomic services meeting the user’s requirements. Finally, by combining genetic algorithm and local-search algorithm, we propose memetic algorithm to meet the QoS requirements of composite service. The effectiveness of the proposed methods by which the QoS requirements can be satisfied up to 90% is verified through experiments.

Zheng Liu ◽  
Hangxin Guo ◽  
Yuanjun Zhao ◽  
Bin Hu ◽  
Xiaodong Ji ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 109 ◽  
pp. 102271
Lynda Mokdad ◽  
Jean-Michel Fourneau ◽  
Abdelkrim Abdelli ◽  
Jalel Ben Othman

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-100
Yu Wang ◽  
XiaoLin Li ◽  
HuaPing Chen

In the web service marketplace, component-based economy has been proposed for describing participants' behavioral patterns. Composite service networks combine multiple composite services required by various service consumers. With each composite service as a product, web services comprise heterogeneous products. In this study, the pricing behavior of networked individual service providers is investigated. With the objective of service survival or high profitability, service providers compete both on the single-service and service-network levels. Using examples, several mild assumptions are formulated and analyzed. Then, a bi-objective optimization model is proposed based on these assumptions, which attempts to maintain a reasonable effectiveness-fairness trade-off from the individual service providers' perspective. The NP-completeness of the single-objective version is demonstrated by transforming the problem into a subset sum problem, which highlights the challenge of obtaining a pareto set for the bi-objective model. Finally, to validate the proposed model, numerical experimentation and case study are conducted, and both the bi-objective and many-objective versions of the problem are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. e410
Ehsan Vaziri Goudarzi ◽  
Mahmoud Houshmand ◽  
Omid Fatahi Valilai ◽  
Vahidreza Ghezavati ◽  
Shahrooz Bamdad

Industry 4.0 is the digitalization of the manufacturing systems based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for developing a manufacturing system to gain efficiency and improve productivity. Cloud Manufacturing (CM) is a paradigm of Industry 4.0. Cloud Manufacturing System (CMS) considers anything as a service. The end product is developed based on the service composition in the CMS according to consumers’ needs. Also, composite services are developed based on the interaction of MCS providers from different geographical locations. Therefore, the appropriate Manufacturing Cloud Service (MCS) composition is an important problem based on the real-world conditions in CMS. The game theory studies the mathematical model development based on interactions between MCS providers according to real-world conditions. This research develops an Equilibrial Service Composition Model in Cloud Manufacturing (ESCM) based on game theory. MCS providers and consumers get benefits mutually based on ESCM. MCS providers are players in the game. The payoff function is developed based on a profit function. Also, the game strategies are the levels of Quality of Service (QoS) based on consumers’ needs in ESCM. Firstly, the article develops a composite service based on a non-cooperative game. The Nash equilibrium point demonstrates the QoS value of composite service and the payoff value for the players. Secondly, the article develops a composite service based on a cooperative game. The players participate in coalitions to develop the composite service based on formal cooperation. The grand coalition demonstrates the QoS value of composite service and the payoff value for the players in the cooperative game. The research has compared the games’ results. The players’ payoff and the QoS value are better in the cooperative game than in the non-cooperative game. Therefore, the MCS providers and consumers are satisfied mutually in the cooperative game based on ESCM. Finally, the article has applied ESCM in a Healthcare Service to equip 24 hospitals in the best time.

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