clinical instructor
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-156
Suci Tuty Putri ◽  
Sehabudin Salasa ◽  
Lisna Anisa Fitriana

Pengalaman belajar klinik atau lapangan pada pendidikan tinggi keperawatan diperlukan untuk menumbuhkan dan membina kemampuan dan sikap keperawatan profesional. Salah satu cara untuk pengembangan dan pengendalian mutu keperawatan adalah dengan cara mengembangkan lahan praktik keperawatan disertai dengan adanya pembinaan masyarakat professional keperawatan untuk melaksanakan pengalaman belajar di lapangan dengan benar bagi peserta didik. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan memfasilitasi kegiatan preseptorship. Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan perawat dalam mendidik mahasiswa dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan yang aman baik bagi mahasiswa. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah blended learning, yaitu penyampaian materi online dan pelaksanaan praktek preseptorship secara offline. Jumlah peserta yang terlibat adalah 30 yang merupakan perawat klinik Rumah Sakit dan pembimbing akademik di institusi pendidikan keperawatan di Jawa barat. Progam ini di ikuti oleh seluruh peserta dengan protokol kesehatan. Setelah dilaksanakan pelatihan hasil rata-rata skor pengetahuan peserta adalah 78 dan skor rata-rata keterampilan adalah 84. Program ini menunjukkan bahwa perawat sebagai clinical instructor perlu di bekali pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam pelaksanaannya dalam membimbing mahasiswa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Maria Agustina Ermi Tri Sulistiyowati ◽  
Emirensiana Anu Nono ◽  
Maria Karolina Selano

The rapid development of technology in the field work does not only require that college graduates have extensive knowledge, but also have professional skills that are ready to be used in the job field. The achievement of student skills in clinical practice cannot be separated from the role of clinical instructor. Clinical instructors have a responsibility to ensure students learn and gain clinical skills experience. The nurses who are appointed as clinical instructor have a dual role. They are not only as clinical instructor, but also carrying out roles as team leaders, room manager and implementing nurses. This can have an impact on the implementation of the role as clinical instructor. This research aims to determine the role of clinical instructor at St. Elizabeth Hospital Semarang. This type of research is qualitative research. The main informants in this study are clinical instructor, while the triangulation informants are students who carry out clinical practice at St. Elisabeth Hospital Semarang. Informants were taken by using purposive sampling technique. Data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews. The research resulted in 2 themes, the role as an educator and as a motivator.

2021 ◽  
pp. e20200098
Ana Vrzic ◽  
Kyle Vader ◽  
Melanie Law ◽  
Jordan Miller

Purpose: The aim of this case report was to determine the experiences and outcomes of implementing a part-time virtual care clinical placement for a physiotherapy student in a hospital-based chronic pain programme. Client Description: Three participants were involved in this clinical placement: an entry-level physiotherapy student, a physiotherapy clinical instructor, and an academic coordinator of clinical education from a Master of Science in Physical Therapy (MScPT) programme. Intervention:We implemented a part-time 40-hour virtual care clinical placement (10 hr/wk for 4 wk) in a publicly funded chronic pain programme at Kingston Health Sciences Centre for an MScPT student from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. Measures and Outcome:The student’s performance was evaluated by the clinical instructor using learning goals and the Canadian Physiotherapy Assessment of Clinical Performance. The participants also provided reflections on their experiences in their respective roles. The student achieved the learning goals and demonstrated competency at the level required for a senior-level placement. Overall reflections on the virtual care clinical placement were positive, with a few key challenges. Implications: Novel clinical placement opportunities can help prepare physiotherapy students for emerging practice experiences. This case report provides insight into one such experience.

BMJ Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. e044119
Addisu Getie ◽  
Yosief Tsige ◽  
Emebet Birhanie ◽  
Kenean Getaneh Tlaye ◽  
Asmamaw Demis

ObjectiveTo assess clinical practice competencies and associated factors among graduating nursing students attending public universities found in the Amhara Region, EthiopiaDesignInstitution-based cross-sectional study designSettingThe study was conducted in six universities found in the Amhara Region from February to April 2018.Participants307 graduating nursing students participated. Of these, 173 were male and 134 were females from different ethnic groups; Amhara 145, Oromo 84, Tigris 44 and Gurage 17. Graduating nursing students attending regular degree programmes were included.Outcome measurementsClinical instructor (good vs not good), clinical environment (conducive vs not conducive), assessment method (measurable vs not measurable), clinical staff-student interaction (good vs not good), clinical practice competency (competent vs incompetent).ResultThe study revealed that 33.6% (95% CI 26.3% to 39.41%) of students were clinically competent. Orientation about the objective of clinical practice (adjusted OR, AOR 2.387; 95% CI 1.011 to 5.635), enough time for mentoring during clinical practice (AOR 2.247; 95% CI 1.100 to 4.593). Students followed by instructors during conducting a procedure (AOR 2.655; 95% CI 1.294 to 5.449), assessment checklist during clinical practice (AOR 2.663; 95% CI 1.324 to 5.358), students who were allowed by clinical staffs to perform tasks (AOR 5.858; 95% CI 2.657 to 12.916), clinical instructor factors (AOR 3.051; 95% CI 1.717 to 5.421) and student–staff interaction factors (AOR 2.348; 95% CI (1.337 to 4.124) were statistically significant variables with the level of competency.ConclusionAround one-third of the students were clinically competent. Clinical instructor and staff–student interaction were significantly associated with clinical practice competencies among graduating nursing students. Therefore, designing an appropriate clinical practice protocol that includes improving the supervision of a clinical instructor is important to enhance the clinical practice competency of students.

BMC Nursing ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Ali Soroush ◽  
Bahare Andaieshgar ◽  
Afsoon Vahdat ◽  
Alireza Khatony

Abstract Background Clinical instructors have an important role in advancing nursing students to achieve the program objectives. Nursing student perceptions about the characteristics of an effective clinical instructors may help programs improve clinical instruction. As such, the purpose of this study was to understand the characteristics perceived by students to define an effective clinical instructor. Methods In this qualitative descriptive study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students. The sample was purposefully selected. MAXQDA software was used for the content analysis. The codes were organized into subcategories and consolidated into categories. Results Data saturation was reached with twelve participants, including seven women and five men, between 21 and 36 years of age. General and special characteristics were the two main categories that emerged from the data. These categories were defined by nine subcategories including internal motivation, professional acceptability, clinical competency, teaching skill, clinical experience, values, being a faculty member, appropriate appearance, and communication skills. Conclusions Effective clinical instructors have a specific characteristics identified by student. The most important characteristics of effective clinical instructors were related to communication and teaching skills, internal motivation, and professional appearance. More research is necessary to determine the relationship between the characteristics, instructor competency, and student learning outcomes.

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