transitive verb
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أحمد محمد عطوف الديرشوي ◽  
عبد الوهاب زكريا ◽  
أدهم حموية

يهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة المعاقبة في الدرس النحوي والتعريف بمفهومها وبيان وسائلها، وخصائصها النحوية وتحليل أمثلتها الواردة في كتب النحاة دلالياً، وتأتي أهمّيّة هذه الظاهرة من حيث إنّ قِدمَها قِدَمُ اللغة، وهي ظاهرة سادت لغة بعض القبائل العربيّة التي احتجّ بها النحويون، وهذه الظاهرة توضّح الفرق الدلالي بين الكلمات، مثلاً: ريّا وروّى؛ فالأولى صفة والثانية اسم؛ لذا فهذه الظاهرة لم تكن اعتباطًا بل كانت مقصودة لبيان دلالات الكلمات فضلاً عن أهمّيّة هذه الظاهرة صوتيًّا، ويستخدم البحث المنهجين الوصفي والتحليلي وذلك من خلال جمع المعلومات اللازمة حول الدراسة من تعريفات وشروح متعلّقة بها، وتحليلها تحليلاً دلالياً للوصول إلى النتائج، ومن أهم النتائج التي توصل إليها البحث: أنّ الفعل اللازم قد يرد بمعنى فعل آخر متعد عن طريق التضمين، فيعمل عمل ذلك الفعل، فينصب المفعول به. وأنّ العرب قد استخدمت الفعل الماضي بمعنى المضارع، فيجيء بلفظ الماضي والمعنى بلفظ المضارع، وذلك أنّه أراد الاحتياط للمعنى، فجاء بمعنى المضارع المشكوك في وقوعه بلفظ الماضي المقطوع بكونه، حتى كأن هذا قد وقع واستقر لأنّه متوقع مترقب. الكلمات المفتاحية: المعاقبة النحوية، الدلالة، الأفعال. Abstract This research aims to study the alternation in the grammatical lesson, define its concept, explain its means, and grammatical characteristics, and analyze its examples in the grammarians’ books semanticly. The semantic difference between the words, for example: raya and rawa; The first is an adjective and the second is a noun. Therefore, this phenomenon was not arbitrary, but rather was intended to show the semantics of the words as well as the importance of this phenomenon phonetically. To it search: that the necessary verb may be received: The imperative verb may be received in the sense of another transitive verb by means of an inclusion, so the action of that verb works, and the object is made in it. And that the Arabs have used the past verb in the sense of the present, so he comes with the wording of the past and the meaning with the wording of the present, and that is because he wanted to be cautious of the meaning, so he came with the meaning of the present whose occurrence is doubtful with the wording of the past that is cut off from being, even as if this had occurred and settled because it is expected and awaited. Keywords: Grammatical Alternation, Semantics, Verbs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
Kukatova Olga ◽  
Isakova Ravshana ◽  
Otazhonova Firuza ◽  
Begmatova Navruza ◽  
Khosilova Farida

The article is devoted to the consideration of the lexical-grammatical and semantic features of converting pairs of emotive verbs in the Russian language such as “????????? – ???????, ??????????? – ?????????, ????????? – ???????, ???????? – ??????”. These verbs form an opposition having a grammatical, derivational and semantic character. In terms of the semantic relationship, the transitive verb is more complex, since it contains “causation”, while the formal relationship, on the contrary, means greater complexity of the reflexive verb, which has a postfix “-??”. The constitutive semantic features of emotive verbs of the Russian language are “unintentional action”, “focus on the object” (for a transitive verb) and self-isolation (reflexive verb), the ability to describe an emotional state, emotional experience, emotional attitude.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1039
Duygu Göksu ◽  
Balkız Öztürk Başaran

This paper presents a novel analysis of subordinate clause structure in Turkish, focusing on subordinations formed by the following three suffixes: the infinitival -mA(K) with tenseless and (ir)realis usages, and -DIK/ -(y)ACAK with a (non)future temporal specification. We present a classification aligning each form on the Implicational Complementation Hierarchy (ICH) proposed in Wurmbrand and Lohninger (2020), which provides a solution for the subject puzzle observed with these clauses: only infinitival -mA(K) clauses with their (ir)realis use are compatible with being the subject of a transitive verb. We propose that (ir)realis infinitival clauses belong to the situation class in the ICH, and that this middle class is of the ideal semantic complexity and syntactic size for a clausal subject in Turkish.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 594-608
Annas Rozikin ◽  
Kasmaini Kasmaini ◽  
Azhar Aziz Lubis

This research aims to find out the types of idiomatic expressions and to identify the patterns of idiomatic expressions in the Joker movie. This research employed a descriptive qualitative method. In collecting the data, this research used a classification form, documentation, and monolingual dictionaries. The result showed that there were 4 types of idiomatic expressions found in the Joker movie; proverbs, clichés, fixed statements, and slang. The other types of idiomatic expressions such as simile, binomial, and other language were absent from the Joker movie. Moreover, the researcher identified the patterns of the idiomatic expressions in the Joker movie were; noun phrases, transitive verb phrases, verbal phrases, prepositional phrases, pair of words, and sentence pattern. The other patterns of idiomatic expressions such as be + prepositional phrases and alliterative comparison were not consisted in the Joker movie.

Айгуль Наилевна Закирова ◽  
Никита Алексеевич Муравьев

В статье рассматриваются две пассивные конструкции в горномарийском языке. В обеих из них используется причастная форма на -mə̑; основное различие между конструкциями состоит в падежном оформлении пациентивного участника. В одной из конструкций сохраняется исходное аккузативное маркирование пациенса, тогда как в другой конструкции пациентивный участник получает номинативное оформление. Цель исследования — сравнительный анализ двух разновидностей пассива и выявление закономерностей, лежащих в основе выбора падежного оформления пациенса. В литературе по пассивным конструкциям во многих языках отмечается наличие двух пассивных конструкций: адъективного пассива со стативной семантикой и глагольного пассива с динамической семантикой. Это же различие ожидалось увидеть и применительно к горномарийскому причастному пассиву. Для проверки этого предположения были изучены: а) синтаксические особенности конструкций, соотношение в них именных и глагольных свойств, б) аспектуальная семантика конструкций, а именно противопоставление стативной и динамической семантики, в) особенности кодирования участников и контексты с различным референциальным статусом пациенса. Было установлено, что пассив с номинативным кодированием пациенса в целом характеризуется именным синтаксисом, стативной семантикой и обязательной определенностью пациенса, тогда как пассив с аккузативным кодированием имеет глагольный синтаксис, динамическую семантику и не ограничен с точки зрения референциальных свойств пациенса. Единственным наблюдаемым отклонением от данных закономерностей является одинаковая допустимость обеих разновидностей пассива в хабитуальных контекстах, что подлежит дальнейшему выяснению. На основе выявленных закономерностей было сделано обобщение, что пассив с номинативным кодированием пациенса описывает состояние, возникшее в результате некоторого события, тогда как пассив с аккузативным кодированием описывает само событие. В качестве итога исследования предложена интерпретация семантического различия между конструкциями в теоретической парадигме синтаксиса первой фазы Дж. Рэмчанд: аккузативную конструкцию можно рассматривать как конструкцию с озвучиванием каузирующего и процессуального подсобытия, а номинативную — как конструкцию с озвучиванием результирующего подсобытия. The article provides an account of two participial passive constructions employing the -mə̑- participle in Hill Mari. The data was collected in 2017 and 2019 in the villages of Kuznetsovo and Mikryakovo of the Gornomarijskij district, Republic of Mari El. The two constructions with the -mə̑- participle differ in the first place in how the patient is marked: in one of them the patient is marked for nominative, whereas in the other construction the accusative marking is inherited from the transitive verb. The aim of this study is to compare the two constructions in terms of their syntax and semantics and explore the rules that govern the choice between them. In the existing literature two kinds of passive constructions are described: adjectival passive constructions with stative interpretation and verbal passive constructions with dynamic interpretation. The two Hill Mari -mə̑- constructions were expected to demonstrate the same distinction. In order to test this hypothesis, we considered a) the syntactic properties of the constructions, and the nominal or verbal behavior of the -mə̑- form in both cases; b) the aspectual semantics of the two constructions, i.e. the possibility of stative and dynamic interpretation in both constructions; c) the marking of the arguments in the constrictions, i.e. the possibility of overt expression of the agent and the referential properties of the patient. Syntactically, the passive construction with the nominative marking of the patient turned out to be an adjectival predication. This construction is stative, and the nominative patient NP is always definite. The construction with accusative patient marking is a verbal clause with a dynamic interpretation. The accusative patient NP may have any referential properties. However, both constructions can refer to habitual events, which needs further investigation. The observed properties of the two constructions lead to the following generalization: the construction with nominative patient marking denotes a resultant state of an event, whereas the construction with accusative patient marking denotes the event itself. This difference may be interpreted in the first phase syntax framework developed by G. Ramchand: in the nominative construction the patient is the Resultee, whereas in the accusative construction the patient is the Undergoer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (PR) ◽  
pp. 165-178

The paper presents a summary of the observations on the tranisitivization and dereflexivization of Bulgarian verbs as a means of attributing causativity. The majority of the newly formed verbs that we analyze are causative while others may, under certain conditions and in particular sentences, exemplify the causative rule. The lability of morphological identification regarding the transitivity – intransitivity distinction is the reason to examine the excerpted verbs as being either A- or Р-labile. The following tendency can be observed: P-lability has to do with causativity, while A-labile verbs are not-causative. In such cases the subject does not undergo changes neither in their intransitive nor in their transitive use. With P-labile verbs, the subject of the intransitive verb becomes the object of the transitive verb. There are some ambiva-lent verbs, such as minavam (pass), premina (pass over), svetna (light up), spomagam (facilitate), stigna (reach), treniram (train). Although the second group contains 40 causatives and the third group has 3 verbs, the lability procedure is not applicable because of the difference between the reflexive with the se- (се) marker and the transitive verb, i.e. the mismatch in form also means non-lability. The examples in the third group can also be viewed as the absolute use of the transitive verb meaning. The changes in the verbs indicate a change in the way contemporary Bulgarians think – the causative verbs serve as an expression of an active position, while the interplay between transitive and intransitive and/or reflexive and non-reflexive verbs has mostly pragmatic purposes, such as achieving a certain communicative effect, attractiveness, informality. Keywords: labile verbs, A-lability, P-lability, the lexico-grammatical category of transitivity ‒ intransitivity, causativity, Bulgarian language

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Cooper Smith

Abstract The Masoretic text of Job 36:5 is difficult due to the unexpected repetition of כביר in both cola and the lack of an object for the presumably transitive verb ימאס. These problems have given rise to numerous proposed emendations. However, relevant poetic parallels and a previously unrecognized allusion to Job 8:20 indicate that the Masoretic Text of Job 36:5 is meaningfully coherent and ought to be regarded as original. The seemingly gratuitous repetition and grammatical anomaly contribute to the rhetoric of the passage and so ought to be retained.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 162-167
Rahmawati ◽  

The research aims to look for word-formation from suffix -i and -pe and the prefix-ken. The problem of the research was whether the suffix -i and -ken and the prefix pe- can form transitive in sentences. This study used the qualitative approach. The complex predicate data were analyzed using the agih method which is part of the language itself which becomes the determining tool. This is an appropriate method of analyzing language. This study indicates that sentence formation in the Karo language initially uses the VOS word order. At the suffix-i, the transitive word order VOS is found, the suffix -ken used the VO word order and at the prefix pe- also used the VOS word order. The suffix -i was initially used with adjectives, intransitive verbs, and nouns to form a root word in the form of a locative transitive verb (referring to a place). If suffix –ken combined with a root word which is a group of adjectives, intransitive verbs, or nouns, the meaning becomes causative, making the sufferer become/do something. The prefix pe- functions to change adjectives, intransitive verbs, and nouns into transitive verbs. The derivative form produces a causative meaning.

Linguistics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Sara Pacchiarotti ◽  
Leonid Kulikov

Abstract In this article, we first show that the Bribri (Chibchan) middle voice suffix -r derives passive voice from active transitive and agentive intransitive verbs, as well as anticausative verbs from nominal and adjectival roots. Second, we focus on five media tantum verbs, i.e., forms that synchronically carry the -r suffix and have no counterpart without -r. Unlike most other verbs, these five forms are labile, i.e., they can occur in syntactically intransitive and transitive constructions with no (supra-)segmental change. After describing the valence patterns in which Bribri media tantum labile (MTL) verbs occur, we investigate whether: (i) their non-absolutive arguments behave like ergative phrases; and whether (ii) MTL verb forms in two-argument constructions behave like active voice transitive verb stems. Third, we outline a hitherto unnoticed diachronic path for the rise of lability in a small subgroup of Bribri media tantum verbs.

IMU Oghoghophia Famous

This paper examines case role in the Urhobo language. Case theory is used as theoretical frame work, the specific objectives is to investigate type of cases and to relate cases roles to argument structures in Urhobo. The study reveals that in the Urhobo language every lexically headed NP must receive case from a case assigner. The Case theory requires that the case assigner govern the NP to which its assigns case. Tense, verb and preposition are case assigners. The infinitive ‘to’ and the passive participles are not case assigners. Case assignment can take place only when the case assigner and the NP to which it assigns case bear a structural relation to one another. It also reveals that irrespective of the theory and its arguments, Urhobo verbs are the basses and centre of its expansion of its constructions. This research also finds out, that the argument structures identified in universal grammar (UG) align with the argument structure of the Urhobo language; the verb assigns arguments to the noun phrases in a sentence. This is traced to the structure of the Urhobo language which is subject-verb-object (SVO). Finally, the study reveals that the function of the nominative case is to mark the subject of the sentence; the vocative is the case of address; the accusative is used to mark the object of a transitive verb; the genitive is the case of possession, ablative case is to mark the instrument with which something is done and the dative case marks the indirect object in the Urhobo language.

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