british empire
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2022 ◽  
Sarah Kirby

2021 ◽  
Stephen Jackson

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 395-414
Maciej Sztąberek

The polar expedition commanded by Sir John Franklin, which disappeared in the Arctic archipelago between 1845 and 1847, is still one of the most mysterious disasters in the history of the Royal Navy and the British Empire. Scientists are still not sure what happened to the 129 sailors. The events have become a basis for a horror story Terror written by Dan Simmons and adapted as a TV series by Ridley Scott. Both of them are interesting cases of genre mixtures. But the clue of the article is to analyze the tools both the book and the TV series use to induce fear among the audience. Firstly, the author focused on historical background which allows introducing a storytelling strategy known as faction. Secondly, the article indicates stylistic means of communication that were used to evoke the atmosphere of horror, sometimes different in the case of literature and audio-visual arts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (74) ◽  
pp. 06-13
I. Antonovich

The British Empire has become the most powerful in the world by the end of the XIX century. Having 1/4 of the worlds’s area the empire had a dramatic impact on historical and cultural development of its colonial countries. Moreover "the Great Game" which Britain was playing in Asia was aimed to prevent strengthening of Russia. After the Second World War the colonial domination began to fade away and "the New Britain" found new focus of its historical, political and socio-cultural development.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-29
Richard Huzzey ◽  
Henry Miller

Abstract Petitioning was a common form of protest, request, or expression across the British Empire, and historians of colonial rule and resistance have often drawn on petitions as sources to investigate particular controversies. This article assesses the significance, variety, and context of petitioning to the Imperial Parliament from both the British Isles and the colonies. To do so, we present new data drawn from more than one million petitions sent to the House of Commons in the period from 1780 to 1918, alongside qualitative research into a wider range of petitions to other metropolitan sources of authority. This range permits us to assess how colonial subjects across the empire demanded attention from Westminster and what the practice of petitioning reveals about the British self-image of parliamentary scrutiny and equality before the law.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-52
Tomoe Kumojima

The introductory chapter provides the historical and cultural contexts to situate the discussions on Victorian women’s travel writing on Meiji Japan in the wider academic debate on the British Empire, Victorian literature, and female travel writing. It provides an overview of Anglo–Japanese relations between 1854 and 1912 to trace shifts in the bilateral relationship and foreground its singularity in a multitude of East–West encounters. It then examines travel writings by both male and female travellers to Meiji Japan and fictional representations of the country in Victorian literature and theatre. It surveys travelogues by a group of female travellers alongside those by diplomats and journalists like Kipling, Japan-related writings by Wilde and Stevenson, and theatrical pieces such as The Mikado. The chapter considers the literary invention of Japan and analyses how women travellers negotiated discursive constraints due to gender and colonialism and challenged mainstream representations of Japan and Japanese people.

2021 ◽  
pp. 350-361
Dominic Perring

This chapter explores the archaeological evidence from London for the short-lived ‘British Empire’ of Carausius and his successor Allectus, when the city gained the pretensions of an imperial capital. Allectus commissioned a massive new public building complex along the riverside. This appears to have incorporated two unusually late examples of classical temples, which were perhaps attached to an imperial palace. In addition to summarizing previously published work, the text includes new speculations as to the character and identity of these temples. The suggestion that the boat found at County Hall in 1910 had been built as part of Carausius’ fleet is tentatively revived. The mint established at this time continued in operation after Constantius’s reconquest of Britain and Constantine’s subsequent assumption of power. The archaeological remains of this period are described to show that London remained an important administrative centre, but power was exercised from private houses and compounds. The city was no longer a port of consequence, and several of London’s most important public buildings were made redundant, quarried for buildings materials, and replaced by workshops.

Tomoe Kumojima

Victorian Women’s Travel Writing on Meiji Japan: Hospitable Friendship explores real-life instances and literary manifestations of cross-cultural friendship between Victorian female travellers and Meiji Japanese, examining its ethico-political significance against the backdrop of British ‘New Imperialism’. Shifting critical focus from the individualist model of subjectivity to affective relationality, Tomoe Kumojima conceptualizes the female travellers’ open subjectivity as hospitable friendship and argues that femininity proves to be an asset in their praxis of more equitable cross-cultural contact in non-colonial Japan. Political affordances of literature are the book’s overarching thread. Kumojima opens new archives of unpublished correspondence and typescripts and introduces contemporary Japanese literature hitherto unavailable in English, shedding a refreshing light on the works of Isabella Bird, Mary Crawford Fraser, and Marie Stopes. The book traverses the themes of identity fluidity, literary afterlife, international female solidarity, literary diplomacy, cross-racial heterosexual intimacy, and cross-gender friendship. It traces the shifts in the representation of Japan in Victorian discourses prompted by Britain’s colonial management, Japan’s successful modernization, the Anglo-Japanese bilateral relationship, and global geopolitics, demonstrating how the women travellers complicated and challenged Oriental stereotypes and imperial binaries by creating counter-discourses through their literary activities. Kumojima also offers parallel narratives of three Meiji female pioneers in Britain and burgeoning transnational feminist alliances. The book addresses the absence of Japan in discussions of the British Empire in the field of literary studies and that of women and female agency in the male-dominated historiography of the Anglo-Japanese relationship.

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