ict integration
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Bernard Chemwei

Despite increases in computer access and technology training, ICT is not adequately being used to support instruction in teacher education institutions. Unless teachers improve their ability to use existing technology, they will encounter various difficulties. One of the most notable of these difficulties is that they cannot respond to the expectations of their students. Research has shown that the self-confidence of teachers affects their use of technology in instruction. The study assessed the confidence of tutors in primary teacher training colleges regarding the integration of ICT in the teaching and learning practice in Kenya. There are a number of ICT projects that are equipping Kenyan institutions of learning with computers and establishing internet connectivity. But the body of literature on studies among tutors is so scanty, leaving a noticeable gap in the literature about tutors’ level of ICT integration in instruction. The study sought to establish the relationship between tutor confidence and their level of ICT integration teacher training colleges in Kenya. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to investigate tutors’ confidence in the use of ICT in teaching. The simple random sampling technique was used to select six teacher training colleges in Kenya and 169 respondents who participated in the study. Data was collected using a questionnaire and an interview schedule. The data collected was analysed descriptively for frequencies, means, standard deviation, and percentages. The significance of relationships and differences of variables were tested using Pearson moment Correlation and Regression analysis. Results indicated that there is a low level of ICT integration in teaching in all teacher training colleges. A significant relationship was found between the tutor's confidence and their level of ICT integration in teaching (β3= 0.535, p<0.05). It was thus recommended that: College tutors should be given adequate exposure for them to be able to utilize ICT facilities in their classrooms. Colleges should also computerize most activities by buying computerized software within departments. This will compel most tutors to acquire the requisite skills. The ministry of education should also embrace ICT and demand professional documents from college tutors be typed and sent online.

This study investigates the level of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) use in teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) in Morocco. It explores the effects of EFL teachers' personal and technology-related variables in ICT use in English high school classes. The study opts for a descriptive and an analytical method to account for this claim. Therefore, a mixed-methods approach is used. A survey questionnaire and interviews are conducted to obtain a corpus of data that is both representative and reliable. The sample of our study consists of thirty teachers of English in six high schools in the city of Meknes. The findings indicate that ICT integration in the EFL classes in Morocco is hampered due to different variables. Interior variables refer to the teacher's attitude and dilemma towards using ICT; while exterior ones are strongly associated with the lack of ICT facilities and ICT related equipment in the Moroccan high schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 278-287
Mashur Mashur ◽  
Taufan Iswandi ◽  
Lalu Nurul Yaqin ◽  

The trend of information and communication technology (ICT) in education has become something that is very much needed for the development of education and learning in Indonesia. The integration of ICT in the learning process in Islamic boarding schools is still not optimal. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors that influence ICT integration in the learning process in Islamic boarding schools in the East Lombok. The method used in this study is a qualitative method using several case studies. The data sources on the research were 32 Islamic Boarding School in east Lombok. While the technique of collecting data used survey, interview, and focus group discussion The results of this study revealed two main themes, barriers and support. Barriers are classified into two groups: teacher factors and institutional support factors (Islamic Boarding school). Teachers include lack of time, lack of qualified human resources and the complexity of ICT integration. At the same time, the factors are limited infrastructure, lack of training, lack of access, and lack of technical support. The use of ICT can increase students' creativity. As for the carrying capacity that they believe ICT use during teaching practice can improve their performance, leadership support is also a key factor determining the integration of ICT during the learning process.

Mister Gidion Maru ◽  
Chris Caesar Pikirang ◽  
Donal M Ratu ◽  
Jim Ronny Tuna

<p class="0abstract">The emergence of the Covid-19 Pandemic has defined more dependence upon the involvement of ICT in EFL Class. This study investigates the integration of ICT in English teaching practices among teachers in the EFL context in a new normal setting.  To achieve the aim of the study, a mixed-method approach has been applied.  Thirty- two EFL teachers of junior high school who joined as members of Musyarawah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP-English Teacher Regional Forum) in Bitung City, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. They have been selected as the participants for their familiarity for teaching English using the technological tools and for their teaching experience. A quantitative inquiry is carried out by distributing a questionnaire of twenty-three items adapted from two questionnaires namely those of Mailizar &amp; Fan, and Almalki. Due to the Pandemic, the questionnaires are distributed by utilizing Google form, and then, the responses are analyzed by using SPSS tool. The qualitative data are in the forms of interview as the verification to deepen the discussion of the quantitative results. The semi-structured interview is performed and the responses are analyzed in triangulation method. The study showed that teachers’ knowledge and perception toward the integration of ICT is high.  Further, this study found that despite acknowledging the importance of the enjoyment of integrating the ICT in the learning process, teachers identified the aspects of learners’ lack of technological literacy and infrastructure, and lack of motivation can be barriers for the success of the ICT integration. For such challenges, the study also revealed that teachers attempt to practice a sort of home visit and invitation learning and encouraging the making of soft skills for class activity management. These findings expectedly contribute to define the role of ICT in the current pandemic era.</p>

Despite extensive research on ICT integration among teachers, limited knowledge was given to understand the successful integration of ICT among teachers. For those purposes, a single-case study aimed to explain the successful integration of ICT by teachers into teaching in one national primary school in Malaysia. Data were collected using multi-method of data collection including in-depth interviews, non-participants observations, and document analysis. The results discovered three models that lead to teachers' successful ICT integration in teaching, explaining how the interactions between the contradictions, causes of contradictions, and resolutions of contradictions have hindered or influenced the teachers to integrate ICT in their teaching. The findings indicate the activity system of department and school (prior activities) influencing activity system of the classroom (recent activity), led to the successful integration of ICT by teachers in teaching.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 847-869
Ercan Top ◽  
Melih Derya Gurer ◽  
Derya Baser ◽  
Sedat Akayoglu ◽  
Recai Akkus

With the increasing demands of technology integration by the institutions, educators felt the need to develop themselves professionally. In this study, as a way of professional development, we focused on one-on-one technology mentoring for in-service teachers because the experiences of mentors would shed light on professional development programs in the context of both mentors’ progress and mentoring in-service teachers. Mentors for teachers were assigned to facilitate teachers’ ICT usage and ICT integration skills. The mentorship implementation lasted two semesters with 42 mentors’ participation. The determination of the content of the mentoring process was completely based on the needs and interests of the teachers. After the implementation, the perceptions and experiences of the mentors were asked and coded through content analysis. According to the analysis, the responses of the mentors were grouped into five main categories; (a) affordances of the technology mentoring process, (b) the contribution of the project to the teachers, (c) the contribution of the project to the mentors, (d) the challenges experienced by the mentors, and (e) the weaknesses of and the suggestions for the mentoring process. The findings of this study indicated that future ICT coordinators believed that one-on-one technology mentoring in real school settings is an effective way not only for training in-service teachers but also for creating awareness of being an ICT coordinator and developing ICT mentoring skills.

Cátedra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 93-109
Christian Jaramillo-Baquerizo

ICT integration has become one of the most crucial areas of research in education especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. As research suggests, its integration is highly dependent on the level of competence and willingness of usage, for it is the individual who ultimately decides to integrate ICT into their learning activities. The present study focuses on graduate students and teachers’ experiences of integrating ICT during the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding the experience of these actors can bring insight into better ways to improve the design and implementation of professional development initiatives focused on ICT integration. In this study, the perceptions from students and teachers were collected through questionnaires and interviews analyzing their experience during the drastic transition from face-to-face sessions to remote learning. Results of this study suggest that, while ICT is accepted as the best possible alternative during the first period of the transition, students and teachers perceive a limited level of competence in instructional design. These results and its implications are discussed in view of guidelines for professional development initiatives.

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