kirkpatrick model
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Holly Blake ◽  
Aaron Fecowycz ◽  
Hollie Starbuck ◽  
Wendy Jones

The COVID-19 vaccine is being rolled out globally. High and ongoing public uptake of the vaccine relies on health and social care professionals having the knowledge and confidence to actively and effectively advocate it. An internationally relevant, interactive multimedia training resource called COVID-19 Vaccine Education (CoVE) was developed using ASPIRE methodology. This rigorous six-step process included: (1) establishing the aims, (2) storyboarding and co-design, (3) populating and producing, (4) implementation, (5) release, and (6) mixed-methods evaluation aligned with the New World Kirkpatrick Model. Two synchronous consultations with members of the target audience identified the support need and established the key aim (Step 1: 2 groups: n = 48). Asynchronous storyboarding was used to co-construct the content, ordering, presentation, and interactive elements (Step 2: n = 14). Iterative two-stage peer review was undertaken of content and technical presentation (Step 3: n = 23). The final resource was released in June 2021 (Step 4: >3653 views). Evaluation with health and social care professionals from 26 countries (survey, n = 162; qualitative interviews, n = 15) established that CoVE has high satisfaction, usability, and relevance to the target audience. Engagement with CoVE increased participants’ knowledge and confidence relating to vaccine promotion and facilitated vaccine-promoting behaviours and vaccine uptake. The CoVE digital training package is open access and provides a valuable mechanism for supporting health and care professionals in promoting COVID-19 vaccination uptake.

M. Durga

The Evaluation of any training programme has certain aims to fulfil. These are concerned with the determination of change in the staff behaviour and the change needed in the organizational structure. Hence evaluation of any training program must inform us whether the training programme has been able to deliver the goals and objectives in terms of cost incurred and benefits achieved. Training as the process of developing skills, Habits, Knowledge and attitudes in employees for the purpose of increasing effectiveness of employees in their present positions as well as preparing employees for future positions in organization Purpose of current research is a Evaluation Effectiveness of training courses in Islamshahr University by Kirkpatrick Model. The study is an applied one and the data collection method has been descriptive. The statistical population consisted of personnels, Managers and teachers. The data was collected through the application of sampling, questionnaires. Descriptive statistics were used in order to measure the main indicators of effectiveness Evaluation of training courses. Research findings show that effectiveness of training courses is below the standard level. also data gathered about effectiveness evaluation indicated that reaction, le arning, behaviour and organizational levels need to be improved. The study showed that the effectiveness evaluation in the subject centre needed to be improved through implementation of optimizing training design, redefining training roles, providing enough budget, management commitment, attention to individual, job and organizational needs, motivation mechanism, use of ongoing and summative evaluation.

Libri ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Konstantinos Kyprianos ◽  
Foteini Efthymiou ◽  
Dimitrios Kouis

Abstract Cataloging and metadata description is one of the major competencies that a trainee cataloger must conquer. According to recent research results, library and information studies students experience difficulties understanding the theory, the terminology, and the tools necessary for cataloging. The experimental application of teaching models which derive from predominant learning theories, such as behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism, may help in detecting the difficulties of a cataloging course and in suggesting efficient solutions. This paper presents in detail three teaching models applied for a cataloging course and investigates their effectiveness, based on a survey of 126 first-year students. The survey employed the Kirkpatrick model aiming to record undergraduate students’ perceptions and feelings about cataloging. The results revealed that, although a positive change in students’ behavior towards cataloging has been achieved, they still do not feel very confident about the skills they have acquired. Moreover, students felt that practicing cataloging more frequently will eliminate their difficulties. Finally, they emphasized the need for face to face courses, as the survey took place in the coronavirus pandemic, during which the courses were held via distance learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 186 (1) ◽  
Chokri Manai ◽  
Simone Warzel

AbstractWe determine explicitly and discuss in detail the effects of the joint presence of a longitudinal and a transversal (random) magnetic field on the phases of the Random Energy Model and its hierarchical generalization, the GREM. Our results extent known results both in the classical case of vanishing transversal field and in the quantum case for vanishing longitudinal field. Following Derrida and Gardner, we argue that the longitudinal field has to be implemented hierarchically also in the Quantum GREM. We show that this ensures the shrinking of the spin glass phase in the presence of the magnetic fields as is also expected for the Quantum Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 768-769
Jennifer Perion ◽  
Victoria Steiner ◽  
Jennifer Kinney ◽  
Kimberly McBride ◽  
Barbara Saltzman

Abstract Online education offers care providers flexibility and convenience. Applying the New World Kirkpatrick Model of training evaluation, this descriptive study evaluated the design and content of a 30-40 minute online training course that introduces direct-care workers to a multi-sensory device to help manage dementia symptoms in older adults. Following course completion, an online survey obtained ratings of engagement (i.e., aesthetics, ease of use, novelty, and involvement), relevance, and knowledge/skills gained from the training using a 5-point Likert scale. A convenience sample of 72 undergraduate students enrolled in health science and human service programs at a Midwestern university participated. The majority were white (83.3%), non-Hispanic (81.9%) females (88.9%). Most participants agreed or strongly agreed (median=4) with positive statements related to engagement with the course. Statements about relevance to their intended career were rated even higher (median=5). Wilcoxon signed-rank tests for matched pairs revealed statistically significant improvements on self-reported pre-post knowledge/skills scores (p<0.005). The results indicated that participants found the training aesthetically pleasing, easy to use, novel, and that it encouraged user involvement. Participants thought the topics covered were relevant to the professional career they are pursing, and they learned new knowledge/skills. Responses to open-ended questions suggested improvements to the design (e.g., color choice) and content (e.g., expanded topics and resources). Future research will evaluate a revised course with direct-care workers who will use the multi-sensory device in long term care facilities. Subsequently, an intervention study will determine the effectiveness of the device in increasing the well-being of people with dementia.

2021 ◽  

Background: AIDS is a pandemic and a health challenge in the world and all the people of society are at risk of this health problem. Awareness Campaign has become increasingly used in recent years and aims to convey persuasive messages to perform specific behaviors in the target group. The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of AIDS prevention and awareness campaign in students through the use of Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Model. Methods: the cross-sectional study was conducted in border areas of the Sarvabad City in 2018. A total of 564 students in high school were randomly selected. This research was based on Kirkpatrick model. This model considers the effectiveness of training programs in four levels, reaction, learning, behavior and results. Required data were collected by a questionnaire based Kirkpatrick model. Media used in this campaign included: banner, pamphlet, videos and training by health experts. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 20. Results: The most attractive media used in awareness campaign for participants were training provided by health professionals (speech and Q&A session) and educational videos, pamphlets and banners, respectively. Awareness and behavior of students significantly increased after the campaign by 51.6% and 25.6%, respectively (P≤0. 00). Conclusion: Kirkpatrick model was effective and can be used to evaluate awareness campaign, because this model shows the changes well that caused by training in reaction, learning and behavior. Therefore effectiveness evaluation in the all subjects needed to be improved through implementation of optimizing training design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Licet Villamizar-Gomez ◽  
Rosangela Casanova-Libreros ◽  
Claudia Ibáñez-Antequera

Antecedentes. Parte de la enseñanza-aprendizaje en las residencias médicas se genera con los compañeros de residencia; los programas de residentes como docentes (PRCD) fortalecen esta práctica pedagógica. Objetivos. Analizar los principios curriculares de un PRCD siguiendo la postura de Tyler e identificar las estrategias educativas que cambian el comportamiento en el aprendizaje del residente y en la organización educativa según el modelo de Kirkpatrick. Métodos. Se realizó una revisión de revisiones sistemáticas en MEDLINE, EMBASE, ERIC, EPISTEMONIKOS, The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews y LILACS. La calidad global fue evaluada usando la herramienta AMSTAR. Por medio de la literatura publicada, se respondió a la postura curricular de Tyler al describir las estrategias educativas, su evaluación e impacto de la evaluación según Kirkpatrick. Resultados. Se incluyeron siete revisiones sistemáticas; una de ellas obtuvo alta calidad metodológica. Según la literatura, un PRCD requiere una valoración continua de sus participantes. Las estrategias educativas más usadas fueron el taller y el seminario. Los temas que pueden incluirse en el PRCD son liderazgo, habilidades de enseñanza al lado del paciente, evaluación y retroalimentación. En la práctica, actividades pedagógicas similares a One-minute preceptor pueden ser fomentadas. El seguimiento de los PRCD requiere de la observación directa por medio de los OSTE (ejercicios de enseñanza estructurados y objetivos). Conclusiones. El PRCD tiene como finalidad la generación de momentos de enseñanza que alimenten la reflexión de la práctica pedagógica. El PRCD debe contar con estrategias educativas que aumenten la confianza en la enseñanza, habilidades pedagógicas y evaluaciones válidas de la práctica docente. Background. Part of the teaching-learning in medical residences is generated with the residence partners; Programs of resident- as-teachers (PRAT) strengthen this pedagogical practice. Objectives. To analyze curricular principles of a PRAT according to Tyler's posture and to identify educational strategies that change behavior in resident learning and educational organization according to Kirkpatrick model. Methods. A review of systematic reviews was conducted in MEDLINE, EMBASE, ERIC, EPISTEMONIKOS, The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and LILACS. The overall quality was evaluated using the AMSTAR tool. Through the published literature, Tyler's curriculum posture was answered by describing educational strategies, their evaluation and impact of evaluation according to Kirkpatrick. Results. Seven systematic reviews were included; one of them obtained high methodological quality. According to the literature, a PRAT requires continuous evaluation of its participants. The most used educational strategies were the workshop and the seminar. Topics that can be included in PRAT are leadership, bedside teaching skills, evaluation, and feedback. In practice, pedagogical activities similar to One-minute preceptor can be encouraged. The monitoring of the PRCD requires direct observation through OSTE (Objective Structured Teaching Exercises). Conclusions. The PRAT aims to generate teaching moments that feed the reflection of pedagogical practice. The PRAT must have educational strategies that increase confidence in teaching, pedagogical skills, and valid assessments of teaching practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 189
Soumia Tamani ◽  
Said Abouhanifa ◽  
Zahra Amad ◽  
Elmostafa Elkhouzai ◽  
Mohamed Radid

This research aims to measure the impact of training on the professional qualification of teacher-trainees in all the specifications, behaviors, skills and professional competence corresponding to the practice of the teaching profession by deploying the Kirkpatrick model. To do this, we sent a questionnaire to the mathematics teacher-trainees who benefited from the qualifying training in CRMEF-Settat (Promotion 2019). We, subsequently, conducted an interview with the majority of their trainers. This study allowed us to detect dysfunctions: At the organizational level: Mismatch between the specialty of the diploma obtained by the trainee teachers (physics, chemistry, computer science) and the subject they will be teaching (Mathematics), Lack of an adequate structure at the CRMEF likely to take care of the management and implementation of the MSP (the practical situations) and Insufficient time training. And at the educational level: Insufficient communication between trainers and teacher-trainees, and Lack of support for these teachers in internship places during the MSP period.   Received: 19 July 2021 / Accepted: 20 August 2021 / Published: 5 September 2021

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