peasant farmer
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2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (11) ◽  
pp. 2113-2133
Bayarma Sh. DASHIEVA

Subject. The article investigates the system of statistical indicators of agricultural labor resources, and considers three subjects of the Russian Federation with different agro-climatic conditions (the Republic of Buryatia, the Lipetsk Oblast and the Stavropol Territory). Objectives. The aim is to develop the typology of peasant (farmer) households and agricultural organizations, according to the All-Russian Agricultural Census, and to obtain detailed characteristics of labor resources by selected type. Methods. I employ the cluster analysis and the variance analysis. The depersonalized data of the All-Russian Agricultural Census of 2016 served as an information base of the study. Results. The paper unveils a strong differentiation of peasant (farmer) households and agricultural organizations in terms of size, specialization, and production intensity. This indicates the need to develop their typology and to study labor resources by selected type. Based on the developed methodology, I identify three groups from each category of farms (small, medium and large) in the said subjects of the Russian Federation. Within the categories, there are significant differences in terms of the number of employees and supply of labor. In general, in regions with more favorable natural conditions, the proportion of full-time farm laborers is higher. Conclusions. The findings can be used by federal, regional and local authorities for developing measures to increase employment in agriculture and rural areas.

M. N. Tatarinova ◽  
M. V. Feskova ◽  
A. S. Khusainova

Intensive development of small businesses in rural areas is one of the priority directions of state policy in the field of sustainable development of the agrarian economy and rural areas. At the same time, the level of professional legal awareness and entrepreneurial thinking among farmers largely determines the effectiveness of small agricultural formations. This level depends on many factors, including the availability of knowledge of taxation issues, the ability to competently maintain accounting records, observing the requirement of rationality, the ability to navigate the regulations governing this organizational form of doing business. The article discusses the procedure for the formation and features of the presentation of reporting forms of activity of peasant (farmer) farms taking into account various factors of activity, since it is this area that underlies the construction of the entire system of accounting and analytical work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 210 (07) ◽  
pp. 93-100
Ol'ga Starkova

Abstract. The purpose of the research is to consider the problems of the development of small forms of management in conditions of economic instability using analytical and statistical methods. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: 1) determine the contribution of small-scale farming to the food security of the country; 2) consider state support for the development of small forms of farming in the countryside. Results. The advantages of small forms of management, as well as the factors hindering their development, are identified. The conclusion is made about the reduction in the number of representatives of small forms of management in the agrarian sphere. The analysis of the number of workers in small forms of management and turnover is carried out. The place of peasant (farmer) households in the production of agricultural products is determined, the specialization of their production is revealed. The dynamics of production by personal subsidiary plots of the population is considered. The indices of production of products in peasant (farmer) households and in personal subsidiary plots are compared. The analysis of the federal budget expenditures to support small forms of farming in agriculture is carried out. The scientific novelty of the study consists in substantiating the need to improve measures of state support for production in small forms of management and in arguing the need to redistribute state support funds in favor of small forms of management.

2021 ◽  
pp. 251484862110224
Leila Rezvani

Using Donna Haraway’s notion of “response-ability”, or the cultivation of the capacity for response, this paper seeks to understand seed saving and plant breeding as politically and ethically charged modes of interspecies communication. In Brittany, France, a region known for its industrial-scale fresh vegetable production, peasant farmers and organic plant breeders question the modernist plant breeding and agro-industrial paradigm, cross-pollinating ideas to produce new understandings of genotype-environment interaction, biodiversity and heredity. Plant liveliness is understood as politically transformative, constitutive of an agriculture that supports peasant farmer and crop plant creativity and self-determination. In contrast to F1 hybrids, open-pollinated semences paysannes (peasant seed) retain the ability to respond to environmental changes, adapt and evolve over (human and plant) generations. Farmers must in turn engage specific modes of attention, interpreting plant expressions and shaping future generations through rouging and crossing, selecting and saving, watching and learning from their crops. Mutual response is the foundation of interdependence, in which nonconspecific partners adjust to one another’s ways of being and doing in order to labor together. In remaining response-able, farmers reckon with the liveliness and agential capacities of plants, qualities that work against their subsumption into factory-like methods of cultivation. These communicative practices hint at the radical potential for interspecies resistance to monoculture within plant breeding and cultivation, practices that are so often molded by the interests of agro-industrial capital.

M. Dolynska

Purpose. The aim of the article is to outline the evolution of the formation of farms from peasant (farmer) farms to family farms during 1991-2021 in independent Ukraine; to distinguish separate stages of development of various agricultural formations, which were called "farms" in independent Ukraine. Methodology. The methodology covers a comprehensive analysis and generalization of available scientific and theoretical material and the formation of relevant conclusions and recommendations. The following methods of scientific cognition were used during the research: comparative-legal, logical-semantic, functional, system-structural, and logical-normative. Results. In the course of the research, the historical and legal analysis of the legal status of the most common types of agribusiness entities such as peasant farms, family farms of independent Ukraine is carried out. Scientific novelty. Having analyzed the development of farming in Ukraine during 1991-2021, five main stages of the development of farming in independent Ukraine are determined. The author states that the main types of farms in Ukraine since 2017 are: a farm-legal entity and a farm without the status of a legal entity, which is registered as a natural person-entrepreneur. Members of one family who have established a farm in the form of a family farm based on registration of a natural person-entrepreneur are co-entrepreneurs of the above-mentioned family farm.Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in lawmaking and law enforcement during the preparation of normative and legislative acts on the legal regulation of farming.

Anna Ukolova ◽  
Bayarma Dashieva

The paper studies the distribution of peasant (farm) households by income according to the departmental reporting form 1-peasant (farm) household “Information on the production activities of heads of peasant (farm) households — individual entrepreneurs.” The study revealed the presence of a strong differentiation of peasant (farm) households by income, which indicates the need to use the grouping before summarizing the data for the population. It is proved that the distribution of peasant (farm) households by income are close to a lognormal distribution. Based on the allocation of groups with equal intervals according to the logarithms of income, analytical groupings can be built that allow researching the relationship between the features that characterize peasant (farm) households. Thus, the patterns of an increase in the resources of agricultural production and its efficiency were revealed as incomes grew per 1 peasant (farm) household; the differences between the initial and final analytical groups are statistically significant. The intervals of the selected analytical groups by region are of a similar nature, which may indicate the possibility of their consolidation and the establishment of uniform boundaries for typical income groups, as is done in countries with developed agriculture (the USA, the EU).

Татьяна Алексеевна Безгодкова ◽  
Людмила Дмитриевна Туршук

В статье рассматриваются проблемы правового регулирования наследования имущества члена крестьянского (фермерского) хозяйства. КФХ может существовать в двух формах: как юридическое лицо и без образования юридического лица. ГК РФ определяет порядок перехода по наследству имущества лишь КФХ без образования юридического лица. The article deals with the problems of legal regulation of inheritance of property of a member of a peasant (farmer) farm. PFF can exist in two forms: as a legal entity and without the formation of a legal entity. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines the procedure for the inheritance of property only in a farm without the formation of a legal entity.

2021 ◽  
Nicolas Alberto Vasconcellos Fernandez

2021 ◽  
Vol 723 (3) ◽  
pp. 032054
V A Pavlova ◽  
E A Stepanova ◽  
E L Uvarova
Land Use ◽  

KANT ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-63
Nadezhda Pavlovna Sizova

The agricultural sector of production is a unique sphere of the national economy, which determines the level and quality of life of the country's population, but largely depends on the level of development and regional characteristics of economic entities, especially small forms of agricultural production – peasant (farm) farms. The article presents the features of the development of peasant (farm) farms in the regions of Russia. Based on the analysis of features of development of peasant (farmer) farms of constituent entities of the Russian Federation grouping the number and share of production data of the farmers identified areas that require a differentiated approach in the implementation of state support.

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