dental injuries
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2022 ◽  
Enas Kambal ◽  
Wagner Marcenes ◽  
Stephen A. Stansfeld ◽  
Eduardo Bernabé

STEMedicine ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. e115
Jiang Wang ◽  
Yang Yang ◽  
Yingjie Wang ◽  
Yanli Liu ◽  
Yongjin Chen ◽  

Root resorption (RR) is a common complication of traumatic dental injuries (TDIs), which could result in tooth loss and affect life in severe cases. The management of a traumatized tooth with RR remains a challenge for clinicians. In our presented cases, the impacted teeth had a history of trauma and underwent thorough non-surgical endodontic treatment; however, RR still occurred months later and could be observed through a periapical radiograph. Therefore, root canal therapy was performed under a dental microscope with a quick-setting calcium silicate cement to repair the RR site. After a long follow-up, the affected teeth showed almost complete healing of the periradicular tissues without sign of RR. This report demonstrates that external root absorption is typically a consequence of traumatized teeth. However, to date, there is still no effective method for its treatment. Here, we successfully applied microscopical surgery to the traumatized teeth experiencing root absorption and provided them with a new healing opportunity.

Muhammad Muzzamil ◽  
Hana Pervez ◽  
Irum Naz ◽  
Shaeroz Raza

Objective: To evaluate the awareness of emergency trauma management and the potential role of dentists in handling tooth avulsion injuries. Method: The cross-sectional study was conducted at the Dental outpatients department of Jinnah Medical and Dental College, Karachi, from December 2020 to March 2021, and comprised dentists and final year dental students of either gender. Data was collected using a 17-item questionnaire to assess the awareness level regarding the knowledge of traumatic dental emergencies and the role of a dentist in handling a traumatic tooth injury. Data was analysed using SPSS 20. Result: Of the 170 subjects, 52(30.5%) were males and 118(69.4%) were females. Overall, 139(81.8%) subjects had prior knowledge regarding avulsion, 164(96.5 %) were aware of the term avulsed tooth, 106(62.4%) considered milk to be the best transport media for an avulsed tooth, 159(93.5%) knew the significance of extra-oral time, and all 170(100%) subjects said they wanted to study more about dental traumatic injuries. Conclusion: There was adequate knowledge about the term avulsion, transport media and extra-oral time, and there was evidence of interest about learning more among the subjects. Key Words: Avulsion, Emergency handling, Dental trauma, TDIs, Traumatic dental injuries, Knowledge, Appropriate management, Expert.

2021 ◽  
Adem GOK ◽  
Osman ATAS

Abstract Background/Aim: Individuals exposed to trauma are most often brought or directed to the nearest healthcare facility by their relatives. In Turkey, most widely available healthcare services are provided by family physicians at primary care Family Health Centers and patients expect receiving treatment for TDI from medical doctors when they do not immediate access to a dentist. The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge and attitude about traumatic dental injuries among family physicians working at family health centersin Turkey. Material and methods: A total of 110 family physicians participated in the study. Participants were family physicians who attended a meeting organized by Elazığ Provincial Directorate of Health. A self-administered questionnaire consisting of 16 multiple choice questions assessing both demographic data, knowledge and attitude about traumatic dental injuries was distributed to family physicians during the meeting.Results: The results obtained from 86 fully responded questionnaire forms, %75 of family physicians didn't receive any education on TDI. 86% of Family physicians feel that they don't have adequate knowledge about TDI. 53.5% of the family physicians reported that they have come across patients with TDI at least once at their practice. 39.5% of the physicians did not know the importance of extra-oral time. Sterile sponge was selected as the best transport media for avulsed tooth by 22.6% of the participants. Regarding physicians’ attitude, 75% think that education should be provided in medical schools about TDI.Conclusions: This study revealed that the majority of family physicians lack the knowledge needed to manage avulsion and crown fracture cases. Hence, educational programs are necessary during and after medical training for family physicians to provide proper management for traumatic dental injuries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 152
Antonija Tadin ◽  
Danijela Delic ◽  
Ivana Kristina Delic Jukic ◽  
Kristina Gorseta ◽  
Lidia Gavic

Aim: Dental injuries are one of the most frequent oral health problems in children and adolescents. This study aimed to evaluate Croatian pediatricians’ knowledge and practice regarding dental injuries management and the use of mouthguards as means of protection against traumatic injuries. Materials and methods: A questionnaire-based cross-sectional survey conducted among 186 pediatricians examined their demographic characteristics, knowledge and experience with dental injuries. Student t-test or one-way ANOVA, with Tukey’s post-hoc were used to analyze obtained data (p ≤ 0.05). Results: The overall mean score of knowledge on the management of dental injuries was 3.6 ± 1.53 points. Male pediatricians (p = 0.016), those who witnessed dental injuries (p = 0.003), and those who had more than ten years of pediatric practice (p = 0.027) showed better knowledge. The results of multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated impact between pediatricians’ knowledge in the emergency treatment of traumatic dental injuries concerning the level of health care (practice settings) (β = −0.254, p = 0.002) and the number of patients treated by a pediatrician per day (β = −0.187, p = 0.030). Conclusion: Pediatricians have a low level of knowledge regarding the primary care of traumatic dental injuries. An additional course on dental injurie management should be recommended as part of the physician and pediatricians’ educational training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 145
Sara Pederielli ◽  
Cristina Mirelli ◽  
Federico Pozzi ◽  
Aldo Bruno Giannì ◽  
Roberto Biagi

The aim of this study i.e., is to present the distribution of traumatic dental injuries (TDI) in 306 patients registered at the Unit of Dental Emergencies at a University Dental Clinic in Milan, Italy, between June 2019 and May 2021. This time frame includes the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Information regarding age, gender, number and type of injured teeth, type of traumatic injury, and data on where or how the injury happened were recorded. Seventy-nine percent of patients can be classified as pediatric (under 14 years old), and in all age groups, male patients were found to be more susceptible (1.6:1). A total of 480 teeth were involved, 59% of which were deciduous, and 41% permanent. The most affected teeth in both dentitions were upper central incisors. In deciduous teeth, periodontal lesions were more common, whereas in permanent dentitions, dental fractures were diagnosed more often. Most data found in this study confirms the results found in the literature. The biggest difference, due to changes in daily routine during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, can be found by analyzing the incidence and etiology. As a matter of fact, there was a decrease in school accidents, whereas domestic falls remained constant.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (11) ◽  
pp. 3240-3243
Yildirim Erdoğan ◽  
Z.Zahit Çiftçi ◽  
Özge Erken Güngör ◽  
Huseyin Karayilmaz ◽  
Zuhal Kirzioğlu

Objective:The primary aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the effects of home accidents(HAs) on the traumatic dental injuries(TDIs) of primary teeth. Furthermore, the secondary aim was to bring attention to the importance of preventive measures for HAs, especially in this pandemic period where children all over the world spend most of their time in their homes due to coronavirus(COVID-19) disease. Material and Methods:The records of the patients with TDIs of the primary teeth, aged 6 months-8 years, who applied to the xxxxxxxxxUniversity, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Pedodontics, between the years 2000¬2010 and yyyyyyyyUniversity, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Pedodontics, between the years 2012–2019 were investigated. Results:The sample consisted of 504 children that had TDIs to the primary teeth. The age range of the children was 1–8 years(3.5±1.8years old) and 37.3%(n=188) of the patients were girls and 62.7%(n=316) boys. The prevalence of the TDIs due to HAs was found to be 43.25%(n=218). A total of 380 teeth in the 218 patients who were found to have TDIs due to HAs were examined. The highest prevalence of traumatized children was in the age range 2-4 years(63.3%). Collisions with objects(45%) were found to be most common causes of dental trauma and the most common type of injury was found to be lateral luxation(35.8%). Conclusions:Measures to prevent HAs should primarily target preschool children, the riskiest group. Accidents can be largely prevented by taking simple precautions such as providing a safe environment for children's healthy mental and physical development at home. Key words: Home accidents, Dental trauma, Primary teeth,

2021 ◽  
Tshakane R.M.D. Ralephenya ◽  
Sizakele Ngwenya ◽  
Kelebogile A. Mothupi

Dental Therapists and Oral Hygienists receive training in dental trauma in their curriculum. When they are in their workspace however, many are not confident enough to provide treatment for patients presenting with dental trauma in the oral health setting. As members of the dental team they play an important role in the management of patients who present with traumatic dental injuries. It is therefore important that guidelines are developed for them to understand the role they need to play when providing oral health treatment. The chapter will focus on the etiology of dental trauma to assist the oral health clinicians to prepare for a diagnosis. The classification of traumatic dental injuries will be explained. This will lead to the description of the classified injuries and their management. Clear guidelines and management for the patients will thereafter be provided. The prevention of traumatic dental injuries will also be discussed so that the treatment provided to the patients is improved.

2021 ◽  
Maria E. C. Soares ◽  
Ednele F. Primo‐Miranda ◽  
Rodrigo Galo ◽  
Larissa S. Mourão ◽  
Joana Ramos‐Jorge ◽  

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