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Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 42-53
Santi Pratiwi Tri Utami ◽  
Usrek Tani Utina ◽  
Moh. Iqbal Mabruri ◽  
Restu Aditia

Abstract The implementation of the School Literacy Movement (GLS) at SMP Negeri 3 Batang challenges is interpreted as reading activities. This shows the existence of literacy misconceptions. The main obstacle encountered was the absence of a follow-up program from the GLS. Team's study formulated a solution, namely a post-reading follow-up mentoring program in the form of Booktube (Book Reviews on Youtube). The formulation of the problem in this service activity is 1) what efforts are being made to reduce misconceptions at SMP Negeri 3 Batang?, and 2) how is the implementation of Booktube production assistance at SMP Negeri 3 Batang? This activity was held on August 4, September 2, and September 21, 2021 with 76 students. The results of the activity, namely 1) Efforts made to reduce literacy misconceptions are knowing the post-reading mentoring program in the form of Booktube, 2) Implementation of Booktube production assistance through training in writing interesting book reviews, production of Booktube content, and ends with the practice of producing and uploading book review content on Youtube. The results of this service activity are optimal in an effort to reduce misconceptions with the follow-up of the GLS in the form of a production of 57 Booktubes.   Abstrak Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) di SMP Negeri 3 Batang sekadar dimaknai sebagai kegiatan membaca selama 15 menit sebelum pembelajaran. Hal tersebut menunjukkan adanya miskonsepsi literasi. Kendala utama yang ditemui ialah belum adanya program tindak lanjut dari GLS. Hasil telaah tim merumuskan solusi berdasarkan kondisi mitra, yaitu pendampingan program tindak lanjut pascabaca berupa produksi konten Booktube (Book Review on Youtube). Perumusan masalah dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini ialah 1) apa upaya yang dilakukan untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi program literasi sekolah di SMP Negeri 3 Batang?, dan 2) bagaimanakah implementasi pendampingan produksi Booktube di SMP Negeri 3 Batang? Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 4 Agustus, 2 September, dan 21 September 2021 bersama 76 peserta didik. Rincian hasil kegiatan, yakni 1) Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi literasi di SMP Negeri 3 Batang ialah dengan pendampingan program tindak lanjut pascabaca berupa produksi konten Booktube, 2) Implementasi pendampingan produksi Booktube di SMP Negeri 3 Batang melalui pelatihan menulis review buku yang menarik, pelatihan produksi konten Booktube, dan diakhiri dengan praktik memproduksi dan mengunggah konten review buku di Youtube. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini optimal dalam upaya mereduksi miskonsepsi program literasi sekolah di SMP Negeri 3 Batang dengan adanya tindak lanjut GLS berupa produksi sejumlah 57 Booktube.  

2022 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
Alice Parentes da Silva Santos ◽  
Zeni Carvalho Lamy ◽  
Maria Eduarda Koser ◽  
Clarice Maria Ribeiro de Paula Gomes ◽  
Beatriz Matos Costa ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze women’s desires, expectations and experiences regarding skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding in the first hour of life of their newborns. Methods: Qualitative research carried out in a teaching hospital in the Northeast Region of Brazil. The patients were followed longitudinally during prenatal care, at birth and during the puerperium. The participants were pregnant women during normal risk prenatal care, aged over 18 years old. Structured and semi-structured interviews were carried out in the prenatal period, participant observation at the time of delivery and new interviews in the puerperium. Content analysis was applied in the thematic modality. Results: 18 women between 21 and 38 years old were enrolled in the research. Women expressed the desire for skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding as immediate practices right after delivery and birth. However, many women did not believe it was possible, and the performance of routine procedures was considered the main obstacle. These expectations that skin-to-skin contact and early breastfeeding would not be carried out were confirmed in the experiences immediately after birth. Conclusions: The expectations and experiences brought by these women suggest a flaw that starts in prenatal care and implies difficulties in implementing the studied practices. Thus, the empowerment and participation of women can become an important tool in the humanization of birth.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1744-1755
Sibonokuhle Ndlovu

The chapter presents the obstacles in supervision for students with disabilities at post-graduate level in South African higher education. Data were collected through scanning South African and international literature available on Google scholar, ProQuest, in books, journal articles, and online resources. Decolonial theory informed understanding of why the obstacles are confronted by the particular students. The findings revealed limited supervision is the main obstacle. The argument for the chapter is that students with disabilities' obstacles in supervision are far deeper than those seen at surface level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
pp. 169-190
Jarosław Stróżyk

NATO declares open door policy towards aspiring countries since 90s. States from South Caucasus region took the effort to adjust its defense and security systems to NAO standards. To become a fully-fledged NATO members the main obstacle remains the lack of political will to extend NATO commitment to collective defense. Additionally self-imposed limitations of some NATO members stemming form 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act plays a vital role. It’s hard to assume that new Strategic Concept will grant an automatic membership to any of NATO partner countries. Georgia, Armenia nor Azerbaijan have been seriously considered as NATO member states. The door are barely open.

R. Rabadanova ◽  
F. Suleymanova ◽  
Alevtina Fatyhova

The creative development of children is only effective when two components are combined in the educational process: the creative detail of children and the creativity of the teacher. Creative activity is a system of certain skills, ways of thinking and activity of children and pedagogic-ha. Each has its own specificity, which is defined by the role of the participant, and the nature of the activities. The democratic nature of education contributes to the development of creative activity of children. It takes a special research and development of practical work forms, methods and techniques of teaching that encourage the development of the child's creative intelligence. The main stimulator of Children is a creative activity of the teacher. Passion in creative activity, expressed how much feeling has a significant impact on the thinking and behavior of all participants in the pedagogical process. The main obstacle to the development of creative learning is its high standardization, which hinders creativity of the teacher.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 465-474 ◽  
José L. Martí

The normative literature on secession has widely addressed the question of under which conditions the secession of a particular territory from a larger state might be regarded as justifiable. The idea of a normative justification of secession, however, remains ambiguous unless one distinguishes between the justice of secession and its legitimacy, a distinction that is now widely accepted in political philosophy. Much of the literature seems to have focused on the question about justice, while, in comparison, very little attention has been paid to the question of under which conditions secession can be regarded as democratically legitimate, as something explicitly different to the question of justice. This article addresses this second question. After some preliminary remarks, the article focuses on the main obstacle to develop a theory of democratic legitimacy of secessions, the so-called “demos problem.” Such problem, it is argued, has no categorical solution. This does not imply, however, that there is no democratic, legitimate way of redrawing our borders. Two strategies are proposed in this article to overcome the difficulty posed by the demos problem: an ideal strategy of consensus building and a non-ideal strategy of decision-making in the circumstances of disagreement.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1461
Jonbi Jonbi ◽  
Jeanne Nadia Ingrida ◽  
A.R. Indra Tjahjani ◽  
Wita Meutia

The high growth of entrepreneurs is one way to deal with globalization, so the government is very serious in developing entrepreneurship programs, especially among students. But being an entrepreneur is not easy, due to several factors such as talent, motivation, obstacles and expectations. The purpose of this study was to determine the talents, motivations, barriers and expectations of students to become an entrepreneur. The respondents of this study were civil engineering students from the 2014-2021 class, totaling 275 students consisting of 180 men and 95 women. Then respondents were asked to answer a questionnaire consisting of 5 main questions related to entrepreneurial knowledge and future expectations. The results showed that the entrepreneurial talent among male students was higher with a percentage of 65.3% while female students were 56.8%. Making a lot of money is the main motivation to become an entrepreneur, while the lack of capital as much as 55.8% is the main obstacle. The choice of business field to become an entrepreneur is not in accordance with the education taken by 53.6%. Short-term expectations are not appropriate by 54.5%, while long-term expectations are in accordance with the percentage of 55.7%.Pertumbuhnya entrepreneur yang tinggi merupakan salah satu cara untuk menghadapi Globalisasi, sehingga pemerintah sangat serius dalam mengembangkan program entrepreneurship khususnya dikalangan mahasiswa. Namun menjadi seorang entrepreneur  tidaklah mudah, karena beberapa faktor seperti bakat , motivasi, hambatan dan harapan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui  bakat, motivasi, hambatan dan harapan mahasiswa untuk menjadi seorang entrepreneur. Responden penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa teknik sipil angkatan 2014-2021 yang berjumlah 275 mahasiswa terdiri dari 180 pria dan 95 wanita. Kemudian responden diminta untuk menjawab kuesioner yang terdiri dari 5 pertanyaan utama terkait pengetahuan entrepreneur dan harapan masa depan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bakat entrepreneur  di kalangan mahasiswa pria lebih tinggi dengan persentase  65,3% sedangkan mahasiswi wanita sebesar 56,8%. Menghasilkan banyak uang merupakan  motivasi utama menjadi entrepreneur, sedangkan tidak ada modal sesesar 55,8% merupakan hambatan utama. Pilihan bidang usaha menjadi entrepreneur tidak sesuai dengan pendidikan yang ditempuh sebesar 53,6%. Harapan jangka pendek tidak sesuai sebesar 54,5% , sedangkan jangka panjang sesuai dengan persentase sebesar 55,7%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-174
Nur Ilahin

In everyday life, it is still rare for women to wear the hijab. The main obstacle is the social aspect. Many people feel ashamed and even feel inferior when wearing Muslim clothing in their association. This is due to the influence of the environment that is difficult to avoid, this perception makes the writer want to know how the motivation of female students in veiling, especially for PGMI STIT Al Fattah students in hijab. The data used as a guide in this research are facts in the field, then processed and analyzed descriptively, which provides an interpretation of the objects that have been explained in language relevant to the direction of the research. This study concludes that there are several student motivations in using the hijab in daily activities, either motivation within the student itself or from extrinsic factors in the student's daily life environment. The motivation of PGMI STIT Al Fattah students in wearing the hijab is because on the basis of fulfilling their obligations for theological reasons (read; religion) than they wear the hijab on the basis of the provisions or encouragement of others.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-52
Muhammad Kafrawi ◽  
Evizariza Evizariza

The community becomes a force to gather the younger generation to do positive things. One of the emerging communities is the literary community. In addition to conducting discussions on literary developments, the literary community also carries out writing training. This is what the Love Writing Community, Bandul Village, Tasik Putri Puyu District, Meranti Islands Regency, did. The main obstacle faced by the Love Writing Community is the lack of tutors or trainers for literary writing activities such as writing short stories. From this service, it can help members of the Bandul Village Love Writing Community understand writing strategies and at the same time the strategy of sending works to mass media that have cultural rubrics.

Vadym Rakochi

Statement of the problem. The question of classification of instrumental concertos is considered in the paper. It is emphasized that the problem still remains one of the most controversial in musicology. It was noted that there were many attempts to classify the concertos but they are incomplete due to some factors. The main obstacle is a particular flexibility of the concerto resulting in many forms, structures, and forms of performance. In case when a researcher focuses on the analysis of certain characteristics of concertos (cadence, musical form, interpretation of the soloist’s part, concertos of one composer, etc.), the question of classification is out of date. Instead, while covering the evolution of a concerto in general, the need to systematize the latest emerges. Thus, the significance of the concerto’s changes in different historical and socio-cultural conditions and the unequal interpretation of the concept of “genre classification” can be the obstacles, which make the classification process difficult. Among methods used, the following can be outlined: comparative, systematic, structural-functional, and historical approaches have been used to reveal the interaction between the soloists and the orchestra in different historical contexts and to follow up changes in different elements’ interactions. The purpose of the research paper is to offer a cross functional concerto’s classification as well as to reveal the role of the orchestra as a unifying criteria in it. The results obtained prove that the proposed classification of concertos is based on their categorization as the formation of hierarchical relationships between the most of structural elements. All criteria for classifying have been divided into two groups: conceptual (genre features, presence of singer parties, type of interaction, stylistic epoch, “purity of the genre”) and constructive (number of soloists and orchestras, choice of solo instrument, instrumental composition of the orchestra, typical or atypical music forms). All these elements are arranged in a hierarchy, the consequence of subordination levels is explained, multilevel connections between separate components are established. The conclusion was drawn that there is an adequate order of all criteria that allows us to offer a cross functional concerto’s classification. The orchestra plays a key role in it. Six periods of particularly intense correlation between the evolution of the instrumental concerto and the transformations of the orchestra have been disclosed

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