rapidity region
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Pramod Kumar ◽  
P. K. Khandai ◽  
Kapil Saraswat ◽  
V. Singh

We present the published data of ALICE at mid-rapidity region ([Formula: see text]) to study the [Formula: see text] spectra of light-flavor hadrons in different charged-particle multiplicities ([Formula: see text]) for [Formula: see text] collisions at [Formula: see text] TeV. We parametrize the [Formula: see text] spectra of different hadrons such as pion ([Formula: see text]), kaon ([Formula: see text]), [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] ([Formula: see text]), [Formula: see text], proton ([Formula: see text]), lambda ([Formula: see text]), cascade ([Formula: see text]) and omega ([Formula: see text]) using Tsallis distribution. We perform this analysis by considering both differential and single freeze-out scenarios. In the differential freeze-out scenario, both the Tsallis parameters [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] increase with charged multiplicities for most of the particles. This implies that the multipartonic interactions increase the multiplicities in [Formula: see text] collisions and it brings the system towards thermal equilibrium. Here we observe that both [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] have different trends with different masses of particles. The parameters [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] are higher for massive particles (except for multistrange baryons) in comparison to lighter ones, which supports the differential freeze-out scenario and suggests that massive particles freeze-out earlier from the system. In the case of single freeze-out scenario, the value of parameter [Formula: see text] has a little variation with multiplicity and the parameter [Formula: see text] increases with multiplicity. This implies that the degree of thermalization remains similar for the events of different multiplicity classes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 204 ◽  
pp. 01021 ◽  
Alexander Malakhov ◽  
Gennady Lykasov

It is shown that the inclusive spectra of the produced hadrons in hadron-hadron and nuclear-nuclear collisions can be presented as the universal function dependent of the self-similarity parameter in the analytical form. The article gives a description of the self-similarity parameter depending on the rapidity in the mid-rapidity region. The experimental data are in good agreement with the results of our calculations in a wide energy range from a few GeV to a few TeV in the central rapidity region.

2018 ◽  
Vol 171 ◽  
pp. 01003
Rachid Nouicer

Hadrons conveying strange quarks or heavy quarks are essential probes of the hot and dense medium created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. With hidden strangeness, ϕ meson production and its transport in the nuclear medium have attracted high interest since its discovery. Heavy quark-antiquark pairs, like charmonium and bottomonium mesons, are mainly produced in initial hard scattering processes of partons. While some of the produced pairs form bound quarkonia, the vast majority hadronize into particles carrying open heavy flavor. In this context, the PHENIX collaboration carries out a comprehensive physics program which studies the ϕ meson production, and heavy flavor production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions at RHIC. In recent years, the PHENIX experiment upgraded the detector in installing silicon vertex tracker (VTX) at mid-rapidity region and forward silicon vertex tracker (FVTX) at the forward rapidity region. With these new upgrades, the experiment has collected large data samples, and enhanced the capability of heavy flavor measurements via precision tracking. This paper summarizes the latest PHENIX results concerning ϕ meson, open and closed charm and beauty heavy quark production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. These results are presented as a function of rapidity, energy and system size, and their interpretation with respect to the current theoretical understanding.

2018 ◽  
Vol 46 ◽  
pp. 1860011
Yaping Wang

One of the primary goals of the spin physics program at STAR is to constrain the polarized gluon distribution function, [Formula: see text], by measuring the longitudinal double-spin asymmetry ([Formula: see text]) of various final-state channels. Using a jet in the mid-rapidity region [Formula: see text] correlated with an azimuthally back-to-back [Formula: see text] in the forward rapidity region [Formula: see text] provides a new possibility to access the [Formula: see text] distribution at Bjorken-[Formula: see text] down to 0.01. Compared to inclusive jet or inclusive [Formula: see text] measurements, this channel also allows to constrain the initial parton kinematics. In these proceedings, we will present the status of the analysis of the [Formula: see text]-jet [Formula: see text] in longitudinally polarized proton+proton collisions at [Formula: see text] =510 GeV with 80 pb[Formula: see text] of data taken during the 2012 RHIC run. We also compare the projected [Formula: see text] uncertainties to theoretical predictions of the [Formula: see text] by next-to-leading order (NLO) model calculations with different polarized parton distribution functions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
pp. 1760058
Sony Martins ◽  
Maria Beatriz de Leone Gay Ducati

The exclusive photoproduction of the heavy vector mesons [Formula: see text] is investigated in the context of ultra-peripheral collisions proton-proton and nucleus-nucleus for the energies available at the LHC run 2. Using the light-cone color dipole formalism, it was calculated the transverse momentum distribution in the central rapidity region, in which it is expected major contribution for the process.

2016 ◽  
Vol 94 (3) ◽  
O. Adriani ◽  
E. Berti ◽  
L. Bonechi ◽  
M. Bongi ◽  
R. D’Alessandro ◽  

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