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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 197-204
Shuning Li

Child abuse by teachers has had a devastating impact on society, families, and pupils, and has become a major topic of discussion. Physical health issues or impairments induced by severe abuse might leave victims feeling insecure and distrustful. This paper reviews past research, identifies the many types of teacher abuse, and examines the subjective and objective reasons for child abuse on a personality and cognitive level, as well as the resulting reactions to these causes.

Joaquin Ortiz

Advances in microfiltration and ultrafiltration technology for the treatment of greywater are important today because everything surrounding the use and preservation of water is an issue that increases in importance over the decades, and our planet will be seriously affected by the consequences of climate change, making water availability uncertain. Hence, wastewater recycling and its cyclical use have become a major topic in the scientific and engineering communities. The objective of this research is focused on compiling and updating all the advances in wastewater treatment, with emphasis on Greywater, in which components have a lower pollutant load than the rest of wastewater. In addition, microfiltration and ultrafiltration technologies were the technology selected to investigate in this investigation because they have the local potential for a second use of the wastewater before the discharge of contaminated water to the sanitation network. This research was carried out using words related to the exposed topic, such as “microfiltration”, “ultrafiltration”, “cleaning wastewater” and “greywater” in the search for documents in scientific search engines, selecting those that covered the topic and could be used to create this document. The results that were developed in this investigation, indicate that there is no generalized consensus on how to treat this greywater, nor how to qualify it. Additionally, it is important to note that despite the fact that urban greywater treatments have given good results, with the widespread use of bioreactors for this task, and the existence of various treatment alternatives for liquid waste that have shown good price-value ratio, studies related to greywater treatments using porosities are still in the incipient stages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 436-464
David Garciandía Igal

A new world emerges to the detriment of the unipolar world led so far by the United States. In this context, what the new global order will look like, due to China's growing influence in the international arena, is a major topic of discussion for internationalists. The debate is mainly based on two alternative standpoints: China will adapt itself to the international system or China will build a new one according to its own values and norms. The aim of this research is to trace the line between (1) the narratives and debates on China's rise, and (2) the civilizational differences between the Asian country and the West, thus providing a framework for identifying possible ways in which China could impact the international system.

2021 ◽  
Aeuy-Jai Gajaseni Tongbor

<p>This paper attempts to supplement a literature concerned with Turkey‘s Ottoman legacy, especially as it pertains to the functioning of civil society in Turkey. It does so because the efficacy of civil society in Turkey is a major topic of discussion in light of its European Union accession bid, and Turkey‘s Ottoman legacy is yet to be comprehensively teased out. While the strong state tradition which is part of the Ottoman legacy is well documented, relations within society separate from the state‘s influence are yet to be subjected to an historical analysis. While the influence of the state on Turkish society is pervasive, and must be a component of any analysis of civil society in Turkey, analysis focusing on Turkey‘s strong state legacy has obscured other interesting facets of the country‘s Ottoman legacy. This paper posits that deficiencies in Turkish civil society are not just the result of the strong state tradition, but also reflect social attitudes that can be traced to a number of policies implemented in the late-Ottoman Empire.</p>

2021 ◽  
Aeuy-Jai Gajaseni Tongbor

<p>This paper attempts to supplement a literature concerned with Turkey‘s Ottoman legacy, especially as it pertains to the functioning of civil society in Turkey. It does so because the efficacy of civil society in Turkey is a major topic of discussion in light of its European Union accession bid, and Turkey‘s Ottoman legacy is yet to be comprehensively teased out. While the strong state tradition which is part of the Ottoman legacy is well documented, relations within society separate from the state‘s influence are yet to be subjected to an historical analysis. While the influence of the state on Turkish society is pervasive, and must be a component of any analysis of civil society in Turkey, analysis focusing on Turkey‘s strong state legacy has obscured other interesting facets of the country‘s Ottoman legacy. This paper posits that deficiencies in Turkish civil society are not just the result of the strong state tradition, but also reflect social attitudes that can be traced to a number of policies implemented in the late-Ottoman Empire.</p>

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 856
Bishnu Pariyar ◽  
Sushma Chhinal ◽  
Shyamu Thapa Magar ◽  
Rozy Bisunke

Christian conversion has become a major topic of discussion amongst academics, religious leaders, and policymakers alike in recent decades, especially in developing countries. Nepal has witnessed one of the highest rates of Hinduism to Christianity conversion in South Asia. Whilst there are no legal restrictions for religious conversion in Nepal, the conversion from Hinduism to Christianity appears to be disproportionately higher amongst Dalit communities in Nepal. However, religious conversion amongst Nepalese Dalits is yet to be fully understood. This research uses mixed methodologies of data collection and analysis to explore various issues related to religious conversion amongst Hindu Dalits into Christianity in Nepal. Results indicate whilst elderly and female Dalits tended to convert to Christianity, a range of factors specific to personal and communal biographies including social, cultural, emotional, and spiritual interplay together to shape the process of religious conversion amongst the Dalits. The paper concludes that the study of religious conversion should consider a range of sociocultural factors to fully understand the dynamics of religious conversion amongst Dalits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 938
Arsyad Imam Baihaqi ◽  
Endra Inggita Sabriyartendra ◽  
Salsabila Putri Salam

The crime of human trafficking is still a major topic in world discussion as well as the most striking point of attention because of the seriousness of the problem. Trafficking in persons is a major problem of modern globalization because the existence of this crime has already become an epidemic in many countries. This research aim to find out how the process of People Smuggling and Trafficking in Indonesia occurs, the legal basis and enforcement of the crime of people smuggling and trafficking. As well as the Accountability Process for the perpetrators of the Crime of Smuggling and Human Trafficking. By using descriptive research method is the method used in this study, this method has the aim of describing things that are currently in effect, including efforts to describe something or describe, record, analyze and explain current (actual) conditions. And the results will be obtained, namely the crime of human trafficking, the perpetrators use various ways to smooth the crime. Furthermore, the Rules regarding Human Smuggling and Trafficking in Persons in Indonesia are contained in several laws and regulations, namely Law Number 6 of 2011, concerning Immigration. Then in criminal liability, people who commit criminal acts of people smuggling and human trafficking are based on the provisions of Law no. 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (44) ◽  
pp. 188-197
Dmytro Pryimachenko ◽  
Vladyslav Lipynskyi ◽  
Anna Maslova ◽  
Svitlana Voloshina ◽  
Olena Varhuliak

The authors of the article touch on the major topic of ensuring access of persons with disabilities to facilities and services, which is an indicator of guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of such citizens and ultimately determines the quality of life of such people. The article analyzes the current Ukrainian legislation, as well as international legal acts governing relations regarding access of persons with disabilities to the general infrastructure. The methodology of the article includes methods of analysis, synthesis, formal-legal and comparative-legal methods. The essence of the right of persons with disabilities to access facilities and services is the legally guaranteed possibility of these persons to freely use all facilities and services without any barriers, including through the adaptation of the latter or their special design. The authors of the article thoroughly researched the concept and content of the right of persons with disabilities to access facilities and services. Finally, the authors concluded that the current domestic legislation, although ensuring the minimum level of rights of persons with disabilities in the study area but needs to be improved taking into account the positive experience of European countries and following the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-83
Romeo Wibowo

Etika sosial bukanlah topik utama di kalangan Kristen injili, sehingga beredar asumsi bahwa orang Kristen injili cenderung pesimis tentang situasi dalam dunia dan karena itu menghindari isu-isu dalam etika sosial. Tulisan ini menawarkan diskursus etika sosial bagi kalangan Kristen injili dengan memperkenalkan pemikiran Reinhold Niebuhr. The Serenity Prayer dipakai sebagai metode untuk membingkai pemikiran Niebuhr. Dalam pandangan Niebuhr manusia memiliki realitas paradoksal di dalam dirinya. Di satu sisi, ia adalah manusia berdosa yang memiliki keterbatasan dalam menerapkan kasih yang murni sebagaimana yang Yesus ajarkan. Di sisi lain, ia adalah gambar Allah yang memiliki kemampuan transendensi diri yang mampu berpikir kreatif untuk menciptakan kebaruan dalam hidupnya. Menyikapi realitas paradoksal ini, Niebuhr memberi saran untuk membangun landasan etika sosial yang realistis (dialektis) sehingga tidak jatuh pada sikap optimisme yang berlebihan apalagi jatuh pada sikap pesimisme yang cenderung fatalistik. Social ethics is not a major topic that is often discussed among evangelical Christians. Therefore, arise assumption that evangelical Christians tend to be pessimistic about situations globally and avoid issues in social ethics. This article offers a discourse on social ethics for evangelical Christians by introducing Reinhold Niebuhr’s thoughts. The serenity prayer is used as a method to frame Niebuhr’s thoughts. In Niebuhr’s view, man has a paradoxical reality. He is a sinful man who has limitations in exercising the pure love that Jesus taught. On the other hand, he is an image of God who can self-transcendence and think creatively to create newness in his life. Responding to this paradoxical reality, Niebuhr gave suggestions to build a realistic (dialectical) social ethics foundation that does not fall into an attitude of excessive optimism, let alone fall into an attitude of pessimism that tends to be fatalistic.

2021 ◽  

The »return of great power competition« between (among others) the US, China, Russia and the EU is a major topic in contemporary public debate. But why do we think of world politics in terms of »competition«? Which information and which rules enable states and other actors in world politics to »compete« with one another? Which competitive strategies do they pursue in the complex environment of modern world politics? This cutting-edge edited collection discusses these questions from a unique interdisciplinary perspective. It offers a fresh account of competition in world politics, looking beyond its military dimensions to questions of economics, technology and prestige.

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