sequential model
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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-22
Muhammad Bambang Firdaus ◽  
Irfan Putra Pratama ◽  
Andi Tejawati ◽  
M Khairul Anam ◽  
Fadli Suandi

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuat desain user interface Aplikasi Smart Home berbasis android yang mudah dipahami oleh pengguna untuk mengontrol sistem dan menguji User Experience terhadap desain aplikasi smart home. Metode dalam mengumpulkan data yang digunakan ialah studi pustaka, angket, dan pengamatan (observasi). Dalam metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan Linear Sequential Model. Aplikasi yang digunakan dalam pembuatan desain dan aplikasi smart home antara lain Android Studio, Sublime, Xampp, Adobe Xd, dan Adobe Illustrator. Metode pengujian yang di gunakan antara lain Usability testing dan Pengukuran Usability menggunakan USE Questionnaire. Dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah desain Aplikasi Smart Home yang dapat digunakan pengguna dengan mudah dalam mengontrol sistem.

2021 ◽  
Lin Tan ◽  
Brenda L. Volling ◽  
Richard Gonzalez ◽  
Jennifer LaBounty ◽  
Lauren Rosenberg

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-114
. Sobarudin ◽  
Maxsi Ary

Penggunaaan metode pembelajaran yang kurang menyenangkan atau monoton pada pembelajaran usia enam sampai tujuh tahun membuat siswa menjadi tidak fokus dan kurang perhatian terhadap mata pelajaran itu sendiri. Padahal penggunaan media pembelajaran ini sangat bermanfaat untuk membantu siswa dalam meningkatkan minat belajar, pemahaman dan ketertarikan terhadap materi. Terlebih lagi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, dimana Bahasa inggris sulit dipahami. Penelitian memanfaatkan augmented reality sebagai media pembelajaran. Sebagai implikasi dari pembuatan aplikasi diantaranya untuk menarik fokus, perhatian siswa dan lebih tertarik terhadap minat belajar. Serta memudahkan para guru atau orang tua, sehingga lebih mudah menjelaskan proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris kepada siswa. Selain itu mampu menciptakan suasana belajar yang lebih menyenangkan. Pengembangan software menggunakan metode SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) dengan model Linear sequential model atau yang biasa disebut Waterfall Model. Hasil Penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi augmented reality sebagai media pembelajaran yang menyenangkan dan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman, ketertarikan siswa terhadap materi yang diberikan.

Shaika Chowdhury ◽  
Halid Yerebakan ◽  
Yoshihisa Shinagawa ◽  
Philip S. Yu

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 254-273

Bharathanatyam is practiced for the purpose of experiencing aesthetic pleasure by the actor, dancer and spectator (Rao, 1997). According to ancient treatises such as the Natya Sastra, dancing should be experiential, sensorial and pleasurable. When dance is transmitted, do these core values of the practice get lost? How can we heighten sensorial ranges through the facilitation of a shift in the transmission and dissemination of learning the component Rasa (emotion)? Some of the problems present in the current landscape of learning Bharathantayam is problematic due to the codification of the traditional form and the authoritarian style rooted in its pedagogy. This has left many students feeling incompetent and as a consequence, made the form unattainable. The purpose of my intervention is to make the learning of Sringara Rasa (the emotion of love) a component in the Bharathanatyam curriculum, accessible to all levels of dancers. I hope to achieve this through a sequential model that interrogates cognitive activities present in the engagement of a role or character performing the emotion. My intervention aims at reexamining the theory and practice of Padams (poetic texts) rooted in the Sringara Rasa (emotion of love) and bridging the gaps in learning this component. When dancers introspect, it allows them to access the sensorial dimension of Bharathanatyam.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-67
Krishna Dasaratha ◽  
Kevin He

We describe results from Dasaratha and He [DH21a] and Dasaratha and He [DH20] about how network structure influences social learning outcomes. These papers share a tractable sequential model that lets us compare learning dynamics across networks. With Bayesian agents, incomplete networks can generate informational confounding that makes learning arbitrarily inefficient. With naive agents, related forces can lead to mislearning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 11639
Heriberto Antonio Pineda-Espejel ◽  
Jaime León ◽  
Juan L. Núñez ◽  
Raquel Morquecho-Sánchez ◽  
Marina Trejo ◽  

In sports, one of the social agents who can pressure an athlete for perfection in their performance is their coach. However, perfectionism has many potential negative consequences such as excessive concerns over even minor mistakes. The purpose of this study is to test a sequential model: the motivational context (i.e., task- and ego-involving climates generated by the coach and a coach’s support for autonomy) and the facets that determine the level of perfectionism exhibited as a trait (i.e., perceived coach pressure—a facet of socially prescribed perfectionism—and concerns over mistakes—a facet of self-oriented perfectionism). The sample included 317 athletes (133 boys and 184 girls) aged between 10 and 14 years, who answered a battery of questionnaires that evaluated an athlete’s perception of their motivational climate, their perception of support for autonomy, their perceived coach pressure and their concerns over mistakes. Using the structural equations model, the results showed that the task-involving climate was negatively correlated with perceived coach pressure, whereas the ego-involving climate and support for autonomy were positively correlated with perceived coach pressure and were positively correlated with concerns over mistakes. Finally, perceived coach pressure did not influence concerns over mistakes from the motivational context. This study highlights the importance of considering motivational contexts as important motivational elements of perfectionism in youth sports.

2021 ◽  
Mokhtar Aly ◽  
Fernanda Carnielutti ◽  
Ahmed Shawky ◽  
Emad M. Ahmed ◽  
Margarita Norambuena ◽  

Haokun Wang ◽  
Delin Hu ◽  
Maomao Zhang ◽  
Yunjie Yang

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