memory and recall
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 133-147
Marta Lacková

Specialized language from the spheres of pedagogy and psychology constitutes a fundamental aspect within the teacher – student communication. The submitted paper handles lexical and morphological features of compound nouns containing the nouns amnesia, memory and recall. The primary research interest focuses on collocations and concordances in which they appear on a regular basis; we also deal with the grammatical relations and elements of meaning that have an impact on the discourse characteristics. The studied lexical units are elaborated within English Web 2015 utilizing Sketch Engine. In the research, both quantitative (statistical methods) and qualitative (observation, comparison, generalization, data-driven research data modelling) methods were employed. To begin with, we provide the frequency list of the studied words within the text corpus, and we categorize them from the morphological perspective as the two aspects influence their lexical behaviour and employment for teaching purposes. The research outcomes indicate that the analysed lexical units exist in a broad discourse scope; moreover, they appreciably grant profitable acts of communication in the pedagogical settings. Eventually, we outline feasible pedagogical inferences of the inquiry outcomes in the teaching of English and we suggest a set of corpus-driven exercises on the professionally-oriented language from the fields of pedagogy and psychology. To sum up, the outcomes confirm that the lexical and semantic characteristics of specialized language underline social aspects of communication between experts (and public too). Further, we intend to elaborate words belonging to other spheres of professional communication (medicine, sociology, etc.) in the framework of the corpus examination.

Gema Martín-Ordás

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-49
Arifah Mir'atul Kusnah ◽  
Muhammad Riban Satia ◽  
Muhammad Nur Tanja Putra

This study aims to determine the Community Perceptions in the City without Slums Program (KotaKu) in the Pahandut Urban Area Palangkaraya City. The method used is qualitative. The researcher wants to describe the Community Perception in the City without Slums Program (KotaKu) in the Pahandut Urban Area of ​​Palangka Raya City by using 5 (five) performance indicators, namely Stimulation, Organization, Interpretation-evaluation, Memory, and Recall. The data source consisted of primary data, namely the results of interviews with 2 officials of the City Coordinator of the City of My City and the Acting Housing and Settlement Areas and 5 community members who received the KotaKu Program in the Pahandut Kelurahan, while the secondary data source was the SK Palangka Raya Mayor Document Number 188.45 / 130/2016 and Pahandut Village basline data. The results showed that the Community Perception in the City without Slums Program (KotaKu) in the Pahandut Kelurahan of Palangka Raya City that the facilities provided to the community could not be used optimally in accordance with their functions and lack of public awareness that the slum was a problem they had to solve itself, the government is only a tool to help provide the facilities they need for these problems. Cause this program is less than optimal even though the government has done its job well, because the impelamator of this program is the community itself. The program will be said to be successful if the facilities built can be used by the community. Suggestions from researchers provide regular outreach to the community, with the aim to change the community mindset that is the main problem of this program. Not only socialization, the government should continue to evaluate and remind that this function continues to work by the Working Group.

Cognition ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 197 ◽  
pp. 104168
Audrey Mazancieux ◽  
Tifany Pandiani ◽  
Chris J.A. Moulin

P. Stuart Robinson

The article considers one dominant tendency of independent filmmaking, and its impact on the treatment of the refugee (broadly conceived): the application of contemporary documentary methods to both fiction and nonfiction works. The goal is a preliminary exploration of the complex, context-sensitive political effects of the approach, sometimes dubbed the “documentary style”, as resistance of (and/or submission to) the hegemonic global-nationalist order. To this end, the paper investigates specifically how such filmmaking efforts may—or may not—redirect the phenomenological vehicle of imagination away from narrow nationalist imaginaries towards a broader humanist identification and emotional (and normative) investment in the stranger or “the other” per se. The focus is on two works in particular, Another News Story (Orban Wallace, 2017) and Before Summer Ends (Avant la fin de l’été, Maryam Goormaghtigh, 2017), identifying how the filmmakers’ broadly pluralistic techniques help avoid the potentially dehumanising pitfalls of more didactic approaches, but also generate their own potential limitations. While the slackening of the subject’s categorical—and the plot’s narrative—shape may be liberating, it also risks a phenomenological disconnection on the part of the potentially interested spectator. The cognitive effects—including impediments to memory and recall—may thus weaken the work’s potential as a vehicle of cultural awareness and social identification.

2019 ◽  
Meher Lad ◽  
Sinéad L. Mullally ◽  
Alexandra L. Houston ◽  
Tom Kelly ◽  
Timothy D. Griffiths

AbstractSince the publication of Scoville and Milner’s (1957) seminal paper, the precise functional role played by the hippocampus in support of human memory has been fiercely debated. For instance, the single question of whether the hippocampus plays a time-limited or an indelible role in the recollection of personal memories led to a deep and tenacious schism within the field. Similar polarisations arose between those who debated the precise nature of the role played by the hippocampus in support of semantic relative to episodic memories and in recall/recollection relative to familiarity-based recognition. At the epicentre of these divisions lies conflicting neuropsychological findings. These differences likely arise due to the consistent use of heterogeneous patient populations to adjudicate between these positions. Here we utilised traditional neuropsychological measures in a homogenous patient population with a highly discrete hippocampal lesion (i.e. patients with voltage-gated potassium channel complex antibody associated limbic encephalitis (VGKC-LE)). We observed impairment of recent but not remote episodic memory, a preservation of semantic memory, and recall but not recognition memory deficits. We conclude that this increasingly well-characterised group of patients may represent an important homogeneous population in which the functional role played by the hippocampus may be more precisely delineated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 92 ◽  
pp. 312-323 ◽  
Runhe Huang ◽  
Peter Kimani Mungai ◽  
Jianhua Ma ◽  
Kevin I-Kai Wang

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