value perception
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 724
Lu Zhang ◽  
Xuehan Lin ◽  
Bingkui Qiu ◽  
Guoliang Ou ◽  
Zuo Zhang ◽  

The major grain-producing areas will be the key areas of future China fallow. It is important to explore the influence of farmers’ value perceptions on their fallow willingness in these areas. We analyzed this impact of value perception by using an ordered PROBIT model and survey data from the major grain-producing areas of Hubei and Hunan, China. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) A considerable proportion of farmers are willing to participate in farmland fallow, while a considerable proportion of farmers are neutral; (2) farmers’ value perceptions of farmland fallow have a significant positive impact on their fallow willingness; (3) farmers’ ages and education levels have a positive impact on farmers’ willingness to directly participate in farmland fallow, while per capita farmland area has a negative impact; (4) the key factors for successful fallow are solving the problem of non-agricultural employment of farmers and appropriately formulating fallow mode, scale, and subsidy standards. This study proposes that the government can develop farmers’ good value perceptions of fallow through appropriate subsidies and adequate publicity to strengthen their fallow consciousness.

Natalia Yu. Nelyubova ◽  
Natalia M. Dugalich ◽  
Victor I. Ershov

The article is devoted to the study of semantic condensations in French and Russian proverbs from the point of view of family values perception by native speakers of French and Russian. The analysis was carried out based on a study of a card index of proverbs extracted from paremiographic sources that offer a presentation of the material on a thematic basis and contain headings and subheadings related to family and family relations. In order to achieve greater objectivity of the results, the authors carried out a selection and counting of the number of identical proverbial units of the studied thematic group both in French (114 units) and Russian (270 units) paremiological dictionaries. A quantitative and semantic analysis of the key lexemes associated with family presented in the titles of headings, subheadings and proverbs of the card index allowed identify semantic condensations, which most clearly reflect behavioural priorities and peculiaritites of values comprehension. Proverbial semantic condensations are understood as the main meanings and moral and ethical formulations, containing in a condensed form the meaning of a proverb and excluding its figurative component, which may differ in various languages. A comparative analysis made it possible to identify both universal and specific components in the considered French and Russian proverbial condensations, as well as values and anti-values adjacent to the family, which enables us to characterize their perception and functioning in the system of value coordinates of the studied ethnic groups. The presence of significant similarities is explained by the universality of family values and their understanding. Differences mainly lie in the fact that in the French material there is a more individualistic and pragmatic-everyday orientation, while in the Russian material there is a tendency towards the collective (family) and an emotional-sensory orientation. Russian proverbs are distinguished by a greater degree of concentration of thematic key lexemes. The differences in semantic condensations, the value perception of the family, and their representation using units of different linguistic levels, the functioning of which is explained by a combination of typological features of the compared languages, once again demonstrated the connection between the latter, the uniqueness of the world perception and the way of thinking of individual ethnic groups.

2021 ◽  
Janine Williams

<p>This thesis examines value perception as part of the decision to purchase, from the perspective of the child consumer. To date no academic research has defined the concept of value perception from a child‟s perspective. On the basis of a two stage qualitative investigation with children aged eight to fourteen years, value for children was found to be an important concept in consumer decisions. Even from the age of eight years, evidence emerged that children were quite „canny‟ in their purchasing. While value was found to be comprised of benefits and costs of purchase for children from this young age, the nature of these factors and the way they contributed to value perception varied considerably as they grew older. Six distinct dimensions emerged from diaries and a series of in-depth interviews with children. The benefits which were identified were functional value, emotional value, social value and curiosity/novelty value while the costs included both price and risk related factors. The way in which the dimensions were considered was found to vary with age, changing from separate consideration of benefits and costs to a more adult like trade-off between the two. The emotional value of products was consistently important for children of all ages, sensory response in particular. Several concepts were found to become increasingly complex. Conceptual understanding of quality emerged as children grew older. Branding was found to be central to children‟s value perceptions despite limited conceptual understanding for very young consumers and the way price was considered changed markedly with age and experience. A conceptual model defining perceived value from a child‟s perspective is detailed and a series of propositions relating important conditions to perceived value are advanced. A discussion of the findings as they relate to the extant literature is provided along with directions for future research, building on the results of this work. Finally, a discussion of the implications of this work for the field of Marketing is presented.</p>

2021 ◽  
Janine Williams

<p>This thesis examines value perception as part of the decision to purchase, from the perspective of the child consumer. To date no academic research has defined the concept of value perception from a child‟s perspective. On the basis of a two stage qualitative investigation with children aged eight to fourteen years, value for children was found to be an important concept in consumer decisions. Even from the age of eight years, evidence emerged that children were quite „canny‟ in their purchasing. While value was found to be comprised of benefits and costs of purchase for children from this young age, the nature of these factors and the way they contributed to value perception varied considerably as they grew older. Six distinct dimensions emerged from diaries and a series of in-depth interviews with children. The benefits which were identified were functional value, emotional value, social value and curiosity/novelty value while the costs included both price and risk related factors. The way in which the dimensions were considered was found to vary with age, changing from separate consideration of benefits and costs to a more adult like trade-off between the two. The emotional value of products was consistently important for children of all ages, sensory response in particular. Several concepts were found to become increasingly complex. Conceptual understanding of quality emerged as children grew older. Branding was found to be central to children‟s value perceptions despite limited conceptual understanding for very young consumers and the way price was considered changed markedly with age and experience. A conceptual model defining perceived value from a child‟s perspective is detailed and a series of propositions relating important conditions to perceived value are advanced. A discussion of the findings as they relate to the extant literature is provided along with directions for future research, building on the results of this work. Finally, a discussion of the implications of this work for the field of Marketing is presented.</p>

2021 ◽  
Ananda Lailana Qadrina Sutjijoso

<p>The classic view of marketing has always regarded the customer as external to the firm and a passive recipient of the firm’s value creation effort. However, there is an increasing conception that in order to succeed in today’s challenging market environment, value needs to be co-created by companies and consumers, and co-creation is seen as an innovative method to facilitate these value creation activities. One of the primary limiting factors of greater consumer engagement has historically been the poor connectivity between customers and producers. The Internet is regarded as a new form of technology that significantly facilitates and enhances the connectivity between customers and producers, and through this, the phenomenon of virtual co-creation emerged. Virtual co-creation is a considerably new and growing phenomenon that offers a new opportunity for marketers to better satisfy customer requirements by involving them more fully in the creation of a new product. While the concept of virtual co-creation has been thoroughly examined at a conceptual level, empirical research in this concept is limited and has primarily focused on co-creation in a firm setting. Thus, minimum attention has been paid to the phenomenon of co-creation from a consumer perspective. Specifically focusing on co-creation in the New Product Development context, this study examines consumer value perceptions of the virtual co-creation method, and its subsequent impact on consumer future intention to use the co-creation method. A Value-based Technological Acceptance Model was adopted to measure consumers’ value perception of the co-creation method. Using My Starbucks Idea and Dell’s Design Studio as the examples, this model was empirically tested in two instances: 1) the ‘contribution’ & non-technological product category, and 2) the ‘selection’ & technological product category. The study found that consumers, in general, had a positive value perception of co-creation methods, which, in turn, positively influence their future intention to use the co-creation method. This confirmed that virtual co-creation, as a new method for firms and consumers to collaborate in creating a new product, was well received by consumers. With the existence of this opportunity for collaboration, virtual co-creation is deemed to be a trend that is hard to ignore as it offers a promising and a more holistic approach to a New Product Development strategy.</p>

2021 ◽  
Ananda Lailana Qadrina Sutjijoso

<p>The classic view of marketing has always regarded the customer as external to the firm and a passive recipient of the firm’s value creation effort. However, there is an increasing conception that in order to succeed in today’s challenging market environment, value needs to be co-created by companies and consumers, and co-creation is seen as an innovative method to facilitate these value creation activities. One of the primary limiting factors of greater consumer engagement has historically been the poor connectivity between customers and producers. The Internet is regarded as a new form of technology that significantly facilitates and enhances the connectivity between customers and producers, and through this, the phenomenon of virtual co-creation emerged. Virtual co-creation is a considerably new and growing phenomenon that offers a new opportunity for marketers to better satisfy customer requirements by involving them more fully in the creation of a new product. While the concept of virtual co-creation has been thoroughly examined at a conceptual level, empirical research in this concept is limited and has primarily focused on co-creation in a firm setting. Thus, minimum attention has been paid to the phenomenon of co-creation from a consumer perspective. Specifically focusing on co-creation in the New Product Development context, this study examines consumer value perceptions of the virtual co-creation method, and its subsequent impact on consumer future intention to use the co-creation method. A Value-based Technological Acceptance Model was adopted to measure consumers’ value perception of the co-creation method. Using My Starbucks Idea and Dell’s Design Studio as the examples, this model was empirically tested in two instances: 1) the ‘contribution’ & non-technological product category, and 2) the ‘selection’ & technological product category. The study found that consumers, in general, had a positive value perception of co-creation methods, which, in turn, positively influence their future intention to use the co-creation method. This confirmed that virtual co-creation, as a new method for firms and consumers to collaborate in creating a new product, was well received by consumers. With the existence of this opportunity for collaboration, virtual co-creation is deemed to be a trend that is hard to ignore as it offers a promising and a more holistic approach to a New Product Development strategy.</p>

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (21) ◽  
pp. 7391
Ruiyang Tang ◽  
Yuki Inoue

Recently, smart home products have shown signs of rapid development and increasing awareness of smart home platforms. In order to make smart home enterprises enter the era of Smart Home 2.0, it is necessary to consider the elements related to smart home platforms. This study examines the relationship between consumers’ value perception and the platform ecosystem theory and how this relationship contributes to their perception of smart home products’ value. This study aims to reveal the influence of smart home platform elements on the value perception of consumers regarding consumers’ perception of the smart home products’ value. To achieve this goal, an online survey (n = 595) was implemented to collect data from Japanese respondents. The analytical results presented in this study indicated that consumers, who sense the value of modularization of smart home products and inter-consumer connectivity, can sense the value of smart home products. In addition, consumers who can perceive the value of a platform service can indirectly feel the value of smart home products through modularity and inter-consumer connectivity. The results presented in this study provide new insights into product development in Smart Home 2.0.

2021 ◽  
pp. 097226292110439
Shikha Karamchandani ◽  
Anushree Karani ◽  
Mitesh Jayswal

The novel coronavirus, COVID-19 has affected the advertising industry in India. This study tries to gauge the purchase intention towards hygiene products during the ongoing pandemic with reference to smartphone advertising. The purpose of the study is to explore the features of smartphone advertisements like advertising value perception, context awareness value and brand attitude, pertaining to COVID-19 hygiene-related advertisement narratives. To serve the purpose, two-wave shortitudinal study was conducted at time T1, that is, lockdown period and T2, that is, unlock period in India with the help of non-probability snowball sampling. The total numbers of respondents at T1 were 311, while for T2 the total 160 respondents were contacted through online mode. At T1, the relationship between perceived advertising value and purchase intention was not established, which depicts the pandemic effect. At T2, the relationship between context awareness value, brand attitude and purchase intention was established. Further, at T1, the brand attitude did not show a mediating effect on purchase intention, but at T2, it was found to have a mediation effect on purchase intention. The study has important implications as ongoing pandemic has altered the way of living. This also has significantly impacted the advertising industry especially the hygiene products.

Елена Ивановна Селиверстова ◽  
Исюань Ван

Жилище является одним из важнейших элементов культуры, связанных с материальными потребностями и аксиологическими ценностями этноса. В предлагаемом исследовании, ориентированном на выявление идейного своеобразия паремий и ценностного восприятия жилого строения носителями русской и китайской культур, используется метод лингвокультурологического анализа. В центре внимания - компоненты пословицы-наименования жилых строений богача и бедняка и те представления, что проявляются в паремиях двух языков. Результаты проведенного анализа показывают, что наименования жилища, используемые в двух языках, широко представлены в паремиях, что говорит о его важности в жизни человека; они служат для указания на материальное состояние его владельца, для выражения отношения к жилищу и расстановки ценностных приоритетов носителей языка и культуры. С одной стороны, в русских и китайских паремиях выражается ряд общих лингвокультурологических установок: негативное отношение к богатому жилью, тесно связанное с идеей социального неравенства; предпочтительность собственного жилья качественному, но чужому и др. С другой стороны, в китайских паремиях более ценным представляется моральное состояние собственника, его образованность и перспективы, а в русских паремиях акцентируется важность здоровья, любви и согласия и т. д. Dwelling is one of the most important elements of culture associated with the material needs and axiological values of the ethnos. In the proposed study, focused on identifying the ideological specifics of the paremias and the value perception of the dwelling by representatives of Russian and Chinese cultures, the method of linguocultural analysis is used. The focus is on the components of the proverb-names of the rich and poor residential buildings and those ideas that are expressed by the proverbs of the two languages. The results of the analysis show that the names of the dwelling, used in two languages, are widely represented in paremias, which proves its importance in human life; they serve to indicate the material condition of its owner, to express the attitude towards the dwelling and to set the value priorities of native speakers of the proper language and culture. On the one hand, a number of common linguocultural attitudes are expressed in Russian and Chinese paremias: a negative attitude towards rich housing, closely related to the idea of social inequality; a positive assessment of one’s own poor housing, compared with high-quality, but somebody else’s, etc. On the other hand, in Chinese paremias, the moral state of the owner, his education and prospects are more valuable, while in Russian paremias the importance of health, love and harmony, etc. is emphasized.

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