invasive range
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2022 ◽  
Carmen Hoffbeck ◽  
Casey P terHorst

Abstract Novel ecological interactions can drive natural selection in non-native species and trait evolution may increase the likelihood of invasion. We can gain insight into the potential role of evolution in invasion success by comparing traits of successful individuals in the invasive range with the traits of individuals from the native range in order to determine which traits are most likely to allow species to overcome barriers to invasion. Here we used Medicago polymorpha , a non-native legume species from the Mediterranean that has invaded six continents around the world, to quantify differences in life history traits among genotypes collected from the native and invasive range and grown in a common greenhouse environment. We found significant differences in fruit and seed production and biomass allocation between invasive and native range genotypes. Invasive genotypes had greater fecundity, but invested more energy into belowground growth relative to native genotypes. Beyond the variation between ranges, we found additional variation among genotypes within each range in flowering phenology, total biomass, biomass allocation, and fecundity. We found non-linear relationships between some traits and fitness that were much stronger for plants from the invasive range. These trait differences between ranges suggest that stabilizing selection on biomass, resource allocation, and flowering phenology imposed during or after introduction of this species may increase invasion success.

2021 ◽  
Anneke Lincoln Schoeman ◽  
Louis Heyns du Preez ◽  
Nikol Kmentová ◽  
Maarten P M Vanhove

1. The management of biological invasions relies upon the development of methods to trace their origin and expansion. Co-introduced parasites, especially monogenean flatworms, are ideal tags for the movement of their invasive hosts due to their short generations, direct life cycles and host specificity. However, they are yet to be applied to trace the intraspecific movement of species in their native ranges. 2. As proof of this concept, we conducted a co-phylogeographic analysis based upon two mitochondrial markers of a globally distributed frog Xenopus laevis and its monogenean flatworm parasite Protopolystoma xenopodis in both its native range in southern Africa and its invasive range in Europe. 3. Translocation of lineages was largely masked in the frog's phylogeography. However, incongruent links between host and parasite phylogeography indicated host switches from one host lineage to the other after these were brought into contact due to human-mediated translocation in the native range. Thus, past translocation of host lineages is revealed by the invasion success of its co-introduced parasite lineage. 4. This study demonstrates the concept that parasite data can serve as an independent line of evidence in invasion biology, also on the intraspecific level, shedding light on previously undetected invasion dynamics. Based upon the distribution of these invasive parasite lineages, we infer that the widespread translocation of hosts is mainly facilitated by the frog's use as live bait by the local angling communities and not via official export routes. 5. Data from co-introduced, host-specific parasites can add value to investigations in invasion biology and conservation. A better understanding of the translocation history and resulting genetic mixing of animals in their native ranges prior to introduction into new environments can inform management strategies in the invasive range. Knowledge of the intraspecific movement of different lineages of animals in their native ranges also has conservation implications, since contact between divergent lineages of hosts and parasites can facilitate host switches and altered parasite dynamics in both native and invasive populations. Therefore, we recommend the inclusion of parasite data as a more holistic approach to the invasion ecology of animals on the intraspecific level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (42) ◽  
pp. e2108638118
Dan G. Bock ◽  
Simon Baeckens ◽  
Jessica N. Pita-Aquino ◽  
Zachary A. Chejanovski ◽  
Sozos N. Michaelides ◽  

Hybridization is among the evolutionary mechanisms most frequently hypothesized to drive the success of invasive species, in part because hybrids are common in invasive populations. One explanation for this pattern is that biological invasions coincide with a change in selection pressures that limit hybridization in the native range. To investigate this possibility, we studied the introduction of the brown anole (Anolis sagrei) in the southeastern United States. We find that native populations are highly genetically structured. In contrast, all invasive populations show evidence of hybridization among native-range lineages. Temporal sampling in the invasive range spanning 15 y showed that invasive genetic structure has stabilized, indicating that large-scale contemporary gene flow is limited among invasive populations and that hybrid ancestry is maintained. Additionally, our results are consistent with hybrid persistence in invasive populations resulting from changes in natural selection that occurred during invasion. Specifically, we identify a large-effect X chromosome locus associated with variation in limb length, a well-known adaptive trait in anoles, and show that this locus is often under selection in the native range, but rarely so in the invasive range. Moreover, we find that the effect size of alleles at this locus on limb length is much reduced in hybrids among divergent lineages, consistent with epistatic interactions. Thus, in the native range, epistasis manifested in hybrids can strengthen extrinsic postmating isolation. Together, our findings show how a change in natural selection can contribute to an increase in hybridization in invasive populations.

2021 ◽  
Boris Yagound ◽  
Andrea J West ◽  
Mark F Richardson ◽  
Daniel Selechnik ◽  
Richard Shine ◽  

Understanding the mechanisms underlying rapid adaptation of invasive species in novel environments is key to improving our ability to manage these species. Many invaders demonstrate rapid evolution of behavioural traits involved in range expansion such as locomotor activity, exploration and risk-taking. However, the molecular mechanisms that underpin these changes are poorly understood. In 86 years, invasive cane toads (Rhinella marina) in Australia have drastically expanded their geographic range westward from coastal Queensland to Western Australia. During their range expansion, toads have undergone extensive phenotypic changes, particularly in behaviours that enhance the toads' dispersal ability. Common-garden experiments have shown that some changes in behavioural traits related to dispersal are heritable. However, genetic diversity is greatly reduced across the invasive range due to a strong founder effect, and the genetic basis underlying dispersal-related behavioural changes remains unknown. Here we used RNA-seq to compare the brain transcriptomes of toads from the Hawai'ian source population, as well as three distinct populations from across the Australian invasive range. We found markedly different gene expression profiles between the source population and Australian toads. By contrast, cane toads from across the Australian invasive range had very similar transcriptomic profiles. Yet, key genes with functions putatively related to dispersal behaviour showed differential expression between range-core and range-front populations. These genes could play an important role in the behavioural changes characteristic of range expansion in Australian cane toads.

NeoBiota ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 68 ◽  
pp. 53-77
Tara D. Gariepy ◽  
Dmitry L. Musolin ◽  
Aleksandra Konjević ◽  
Natalia N. Karpun ◽  
Vilena Y. Zakharchenko ◽  

The arrival, establishment and pest status of Halyomorpha halys in Europe and non-native countries in Asia have been well-documented, with thorough characterisation of the genetic diversity and occurrence of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) haplotypes in Switzerland, France, Hungary, Italy and Greece. However, a number of gaps exist in terms of the characterisation of the haplotype diversity and occurrence of H. halys along the invasion front that covers eastern Europe, western and central Asia. To contribute towards filling this gap, the COI haplotype diversity and distribution were investigated for H. halys collected in Serbia, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Kazakhstan. A total of 646 specimens were analysed and five haplotypes were found (H1, H3, H8, H33 and H80). Haplotype H1 was present in all five countries investigated and was the only haplotype detected amongst > 500 specimens collected from Ukraine, Russia and Georgia. H1 (82%) was the dominant haplotype found in Kazakhstan, alongside H3 (18%). In contrast to the low or no diversity observed in these four countries, Serbia had higher haplotype diversity and was represented by five haplotypes. Although H3 was dominant (47%) in Serbia, H1 was also prevalent (40%); the remaining haplotypes (H8, H33 and H80) were minor contributors (1–11%) to the haplotype composition. The results are discussed in context with other known populations in neighbouring countries and patterns of haplotype diversity indicate the movement of successful invasive populations in Europe to generate secondary invasions along the eastern front of the invasion in Eurasia. Possible scenarios regarding the spread of particular haplotypes in these regions are discussed, along with suggestions for future research to fill existing gaps.

2021 ◽  
Isabel Salado ◽  

Abstract One of the main traits of invasive ants is the formation of supercolonies, large networks of polygynous nests lacking intraspecific competition, which allows them to reach high densities that facilitate their spread. However, different supercolonies exhibit different success in expanding along the world. Here, we explore whether the main chemical defensive compound of the Argentine ant could play a role in the differential invasiveness of supercolonies. We assessed differences in the amount of iridomyrmecin among supercolonies in the native range and in three invasive supercolonies: the Main supercolony (the most extended worldwide), and the Corsican and the Catalonian supercolonies (both with a restricted local distribution in Europe). We found that even if the amount of iridomyrmecin varied greatly between invaded regions in the three supercolonies in Europe and the native supercolonies in South America, the differences did not seem related to the success of invasion. The amount of iridomyrmecin of the Main supercolony was the lowest while the highest corresponded to the Corsican supercolony, with the Catalonian having intermediate values. This suggests that the success of a given invasive supercolony may not be explained by higher quantities of this defensive compound. Alternatively, reducing iridomyrmecin quantities in the invasive range could lead to more investment in other fitness traits that increase the invader's competitive ability. Our results open the way for exploring the contribution of defensive compounds in the competitive ability and spread of this global invader.

Robin S. Sleith ◽  
Kenneth G. Karol

AbstractAquatic invasive species are damaging to native ecosystems. Preventing their spread and achieving comprehensive control measures requires an understanding of the genetic structure of an invasive population. Organellar genomes (plastid and mitochondrial) are useful for population level analyses of invasive plant distributions. In this study we generate complete organellar reference genomes using PacBio sequencing, then use these reference sequences for SNP calling of high-throughput, multiplexed, Illumina based organellar sequencing of fresh and historical samples from across the native and invasive range of Nitellopsis obtusa (Desv. in Loisel.) J.Groves, an invasive macroalgae. The data generated by the analytical pipeline we develop indicate introduction to North America from Western Europe. A single nucleotide transversion in the plastid genome separates a group of five samples from Michigan and Wisconsin that either resulted from introductions of two closely related genotypes or a mutation that has arisen in the invasive range. This transversion will serve as a useful tool to understand how Nitellopsis obtusa moves across the landscape. The methods and analyses described here are broadly applicable to invasive and native plant and algae species, and allow efficient genotyping of variable quality samples, including 100-year-old herbarium specimens, to determine population structure and geographic distributions.

2021 ◽  
James Louis Maino ◽  
Rafael Schouten ◽  
Jessica C Lye ◽  
Paul A. Umina ◽  
Olivia L. Reynolds

Abstract The Spotted Lantern Fly (SLF), Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), is a sap feeding pest native to southeast Asia that has become a global biosecurity threat following invasions into South Korea, Japan, and the United States in the last two decades. Environmental niche modelling has demonstrated considerable potential for further range expansions, including into Australia and Europe. Further analysis on the potential seasonal life-history and survival of this pest in its invasive range can inform monitoring programs and is a next step in biosecurity preparedness. Here, we incorporated eco-physiological information on the development and survival of SLF life stages across temperature regimes. Using gridded climatic data, we then mapped the developmental sequence of SLF across ranges already occupied in China, South Korea, and the United States, as well as uninvaded ranges in Australia and Europe. The model was able to capture global observations of the seasonal appearance of SLF and highlight regional and seasonal vulnerabilities in regions at risk of invasion. Policy makers can use these results to make science-based biosecurity decisions and target preparedness activities through improved life-history predictions in its invasive range.

Insects ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 443
Jesse A. Tabor ◽  
Jonathan B. Koch

Climate change is predicted to increase the risk of biological invasions by increasing the availability of climatically suitable regions for invasive species. Endemic species on oceanic islands are particularly sensitive to the impact of invasive species due to increased competition for shared resources and disease spread. In our study, we used an ensemble of species distribution models (SDM) to predict habitat suitability for invasive bees under current and future climate scenarios in Hawai’i. SDMs projected on the invasive range were better predicted by georeferenced records from the invasive range in comparison to invasive SDMs predicted by records from the native range. SDMs estimated that climatically suitable regions for the eight invasive bees explored in this study will expand by ~934.8% (±3.4% SE). Hotspots for the invasive bees are predicted to expand toward higher elevation regions, although suitable habitat is expected to only progress up to 500 m in elevation in 2070. Given our results, it is unlikely that invasive bees will interact directly with endemic bees found at >500 m in elevation in the future. Management and conservation plans for endemic bees may be improved by understanding how climate change may exacerbate negative interactions between invasive and endemic bee species.

2021 ◽  
Bryony Taylor

Abstract R. indica was first described in India in 1924 (Hirst) and has since been reported in several Old World countries. The species became of recent significance in 2004 when it was first reported in the Caribbean (Flechtmann and Étienne, 2004). Since then the mite has successfully spread throughout the islands of the Caribbean and has expanded its range into southern Florida (USDA-APHIS, 2007), South America (northern Venezuela, Vásquez et al., 2008; Brazil, Navia et al., 2010; Colombia, Carrillo et al., 2011) and Mexico (Estrada-Venegas et al., 2010). The mite has been reported on a wide range of palm hosts of the family Arecaceae and apparent new associations with members of the order Zingiberales, including the families Musaceae, Heliconiaceae, Zingiberaceae and Strelitziaceae have been reported. The success of the mite in the invasive range may be attributed to its ability to colonize many different host plant species, its apparent lack of co-evolved natural enemies in its new habitat and its rapid dispersal in its new range.

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