meridional gradient
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2021 ◽  
pp. 1-55
Nadir Jeevanjee ◽  
Jacob T. Seeley ◽  
David Paynter ◽  
Stephan Fueglistaler

AbstractClear-sky CO2 forcing is known to vary significantly over the globe, but the state dependence which controls this is not well understood. Here we extend the formalism of Wilson and Gea-Banacloche (2012) to obtain a quantitatively accurate analytical model for spatially-varying instantaneous CO2 forcing, which depends only on surface temperature Ts, stratospheric temperature, and column relative humidity RH. This model shows that CO2 forcing can be considered a swap of surface emission for stratospheric emission, and thus depends primarily on surface-stratosphere temperature contrast. The strong meridional gradient in CO2 forcing is thus largely due to the strong meridional gradient in Ts. In the tropics and mid-latitudes, however, the presence of H2O modulates the forcing by replacing surface emission with RH-dependent atmospheric emission. This substantially reduces the forcing in the tropics, introduces forcing variations due to spatially-varying RH, and sets an upper limit (with respect to Ts variations) on CO2 forcing which is reached in the present-day tropics.In addition, we extend our analytical model to the instantaneous tropopause forcing, and find that this forcing depends on Ts only, with no dependence on stratospheric temperature. We also analyze the ‘τ = 1’ approximation for the emission level, and derive an exact formula for the emission level which yields values closer to τ = 1/2 than to τ = 1.

2021 ◽  
Nimrod Gavriel ◽  
Keren Duer ◽  
Eli Galanti ◽  
Yohai Kaspi ◽  

<div> <div>Juno's six‐channel MWR measurements might reveal information about the structure of the wind profile below the cloud level. These measurements are used to calculate the nadir brightness temperature (T<sub>b</sub>), a profile determined by temperature and by the opacity of the atmosphere. This opacity for the relevant frequencies of the MWR is determined mostly by ammonia abundance. The T<sub>b</sub> vary considerably between the different channels (indicating on different depths) and between latitudes. Here, we take the <!-- mathfontold --> T<sub>b</sub> as an indicator for ammonia concentration and examine the relation to the zonal jets. We find that different theoretical mechanisms can explain this relation at different latitudes. At the equatorial region, the superrotation is accompanied by vertical upwelling. This vertical advection, driven by a convergence of eddy fluxes directed perpendicular to the axis of rotation, is shown to explain the equatorial ammonia enrichment. At the mid-latitudes, assuming that the ammonia is enriched with depth, alternating Ferrel-like cells framed by opposite vertical velocities redistributes the ammonia, maximizing its meridional gradient where the jet peaks. This hypothesis is well apparent in the data, using both correlation analysis and theoretical arguments. We find that dynamical reasoning, suggesting on vertical velocities through the cloud-level zonal jets, can explain the latitudinal variations in <!-- mathfontold --> T<sub>b,</sub> under the assumption that they are caused by ammonia abundance anomalies.</div> </div>

Liliana Espinosa-Leal ◽  
Johanna Medellín-Mora ◽  
Andrea Corredor-Acosta ◽  
Rubén Escribano

Abstract Oceanic islands and seamounts are considered biodiversity hotspots. Here, we present a taxonomy and community analyses of hyperiid amphipods collected near oceanic islands and over seamounts of the Juan Fernández Archipelago and Desventuradas Archipelago in the South-east Pacific. Both archipelagos are separated by about 800 km over the meridional gradient, suggesting the existence of different hyperiid communities because of apparent geographic isolation and distinctive oceanographic characteristics between regions. To test this hypothesis, zooplankton samples were collected from 19 stations during the CIMAR 22 ‘Oceanic Island’ cruise in October–November 2016. In total, 56 species of hyperiids were found, of which Phrosina semilunata, Lestrigonus schizogeneios, Hyperietta stephenseni, Hyperioides longipes, Phronimella elongata and Primno latreillei were the most abundant and recurrent species. The species richness (S), Shannon–Wiener diversity (H’) and dominance (D) of both the archipelagos were not significantly different. Additionally, except for a small group of rare species, the species composition was similar in both areas. Most species showed greater abundances than those observed in the coastal upwelling zone off Chile, whereas shared species between regions suggested the presence of a single biogeographic unit comprising the coastal transition zone and oceanic area off Chile within which both archipelagos are included. Correlation analysis indicated that salinity was the best predictor for the community structure, which provides evidence that the contributions of previously described water masses of the South-east Pacific may influence the spatial distribution and composition of the hyperiid community.

Viruses ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 1293
Kristina D. A. Mojica ◽  
Corina P. D. Brussaard

How microbial populations interact influences the availability and flux of organic carbon in the ocean. Understanding how these interactions vary over broad spatial scales is therefore a fundamental aim of microbial oceanography. In this study, we assessed variations in the abundances, production, virus and grazing induced mortality of heterotrophic prokaryotes during summer along a meridional gradient in stratification in the North Atlantic Ocean. Heterotrophic prokaryote abundance and activity varied with phytoplankton biomass, while the relative distribution of prokaryotic subpopulations (ratio of high nucleic acid fluorescent (HNA) and low nucleic acid fluorescent (LNA) cells) was significantly correlated to phytoplankton mortality mode (i.e., viral lysis to grazing rate ratio). Virus-mediate morality was the primary loss process regulating the heterotrophic prokaryotic communities (average 55% of the total mortality), which may be attributed to the strong top-down regulation of the bacterivorous protozoans. Host availability, encounter rate, and HNA:LNA were important factors regulating viral dynamics. Conversely, the abundance and activity of bacterivorous protozoans were largely regulated by temperature and turbulence. The ratio of total microbial mediated mortality to total available prokaryote carbon reveals that over the latitudinal gradient the heterotrophic prokaryote community gradually moved from a near steady state system regulated by high turnover in subtropical region to net heterotrophic production in the temperate region.

Ocean Science ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-96 ◽  
Shunya Koseki ◽  
Hervé Giordani ◽  
Katerina Goubanova

Abstract. A diagnostic analysis of the climatological annual mean and seasonal cycle of the Angola–Benguela Frontal Zone (ABFZ) is performed by applying an ocean frontogenetic function (OFGF) to the ocean mixing layer (OML). The OFGF reveals that the meridional confluence and vertical tilting terms are the most dominant contributors to the frontogenesis of the ABFZ. The ABFZ shows a well-pronounced semiannual cycle with two maximum (minimum) peaks in April–May and November–December (February–March and July–August). The development of the two maxima of frontogenesis is due to two different physical processes: enhanced tilting from March to April and meridional confluence from September to October. The strong meridional confluence in September to October is closely related to the seasonal southward intrusion of tropical warm water to the ABFZ that seems to be associated with the development of the Angola Dome northwest of the ABFZ. The strong tilting effect from March to April is attributed to the meridional gradient of vertical velocities, whose effect is amplified in this period due to increasing stratification and shallow OML depth. The proposed OFGF can be viewed as a tool to diagnose the performance of coupled general circulation models (CGCMs) that generally fail at realistically simulating the position of the ABFZ, which leading to huge warm biases in the southeastern Atlantic.

2019 ◽  
Nadir Jeevanjee ◽  
Jacob Seeley ◽  
David Paynter ◽  
Stephan Fueglistaler

2018 ◽  
Shunya Koseki ◽  
Hervé Giordani ◽  
Katerina Goubanova

Abstract. A diagnostic analysis of the climatological annual mean and seasonal cycle of the Angola Benguela Frontal Zone (ABFZ) is performed applying an ocean frontogenesis function (OFGF) to the ocean mixing layer (OML). The OFGF reveals that meridional confluence and the vertical tilting terms are the most dominant contributors to the frontogenesis of the ABFZ. The ABFZ shows a well-pronounced semi-annual cycle with two maximum (minimum) peaks in April–May and November–December (February–March and July–August). The development of the two maxima of frontogenesis is due to two different physical processes: enhanced tilting form March to April and the meridional confluence from September to October, respectively. The strong meridional confluence in September–October is closely related to the seasonal southward intrusion of tropical warm water to the ABFZ that seems to be associated with the development of the Angola Dome northwestern of the ABFZ. The strong tilting effect from March to April is attributed to the meridional gradient of vertical velocities whose effect is amplified in this period due to increasing stratification and shallow OML depth. The proposed OFGF can be viewed as a tool to diagnose the performance of CGCMs that generally fail in simulating realistically the position of the ABFZ, which leads to huge warm biases in the southeastern Atlantic.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (7) ◽  
pp. 4549-4566 ◽  
Luke Surl ◽  
Paul I. Palmer ◽  
Gonzalo González Abad

Abstract. We interpret HCHO column variations observed by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), aboard the NASA Aura satellite, over India during 2014 using the GEOS-Chem atmospheric chemistry and transport model. We use a nested version of the model with a horizontal resolution of approximately 25 km. HCHO columns are related to local emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with a spatial smearing that increases with the VOC lifetime. Over India, HCHO has biogenic, pyrogenic, and anthropogenic VOC sources. Using a 0-D photochemistry model, we find that isoprene has the largest molar yield of HCHO which is typically realized within a few hours. We also find that forested regions that neighbour major urban conurbations are exposed to high levels of nitrogen oxides. This results in depleted hydroxyl radical concentrations and a delay in the production of HCHO from isoprene oxidation. We find that propene is the only anthropogenic VOC emitted in major Indian cities that produces HCHO at a comparable (but slower) rate to isoprene. The GEOS-Chem model reproduces the broad-scale annual mean HCHO column distribution observed by OMI (r = 0.6), which is dominated by a distinctive meridional gradient in the northern half of the country, and by localized regions of high columns that coincide with forests. Major discrepancies are noted over the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) and Delhi. We find that the model has more skill at reproducing observations during winter (JF) and pre-monsoon (MAM) months with Pearson correlations r > 0.5 but with a positive model bias of  ≃ 1×1015 molec cm−2. During the monsoon season (JJAS) we reproduce only a diffuse version of the observed meridional gradient (r = 0.4). We find that on a continental scale most of the HCHO column seasonal cycle is explained by monthly variations in surface temperature (r = 0.9), suggesting a role for biogenic VOCs, in agreement with the 0-D and GEOS-Chem model calculations. We also find that the seasonal cycle during 2014 is not significantly different from the 2008 to 2015 mean seasonal variation. There are two main loci for biomass burning (the states of Punjab and Haryana, and northeastern India), which we find makes a significant contribution (up to 1×1015 molec cm−2) to observed HCHO columns only during March and April over northeastern India. The slow production of HCHO from propene oxidation results in a smeared hotspot over Delhi that we resolve only on an annual mean timescale by using a temporal oversampling method. Using a linear regression model to relate GEOS-Chem isoprene emissions to HCHO columns we infer seasonal isoprene emissions over two key forest regions from the OMI HCHO column data. We find that the a posteriori emissions are typically lower than the a priori emissions, with a much stronger reduction of emissions during the monsoon season. We find that this reduction in emissions during monsoon months coincides with a large drop in satellite observations of leaf phenology that recovers in post monsoon months. This may signal a forest-scale response to monsoon conditions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 30 (23) ◽  
pp. 9637-9650 ◽  
Bo Wu ◽  
Tianjun Zhou ◽  
Tim Li

In Part I, the authors showed that northerly anomalies associated with the Rossby wave response to El Niño heating anomalies in the equatorial central Pacific lead to the southward advection of low moist enthalpy air forming the western North Pacific anomalous anticyclone (WNPAC). Why does such a remote forcing not cause the formation of the anomalous anticyclone in El Niño–developing summer? The physical mechanism responsible for the timing of the WNPAC formation is investigated in Part II. Through both an observational analysis and idealized numerical model experiments, the authors find that the onset timing of the WNPAC relies on the following three factors. The first is a sign change (from positive to negative) of the meridional gradient of background low-level specific humidity over the key tropical western North Pacific (WNP) region in November. The second is a sign change (from positive to negative) of the meridional gradient of background relative vorticity, which efficiently reduces the westward stretch of the Rossby wave gyre anomalies west of the equatorial heating through equivalent beta effect. As a result, the northern branch of the twin cyclonic anomalies induced by El Niño heating withdraws eastward, leaving space for the onset of the WNPAC. The third factor is attributed to local sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) forcing. Pacemaker experiments with a coupled global model indicate that cold SSTAs in the tropical WNP play an important role in starting the anomalous anticyclone over the WNP in late fall. In the absence of the local cold SSTA forcing, the formation of the WNPAC would be delayed to El Niño mature winter.

2017 ◽  
Luke Surl ◽  
Paul I. Palmer ◽  
Gonzalo González Abad

Abstract. We interpret HCHO column variations observed by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), aboard the NASA Aura satellite, over India during 2014 using the GEOS-Chem atmospheric chemistry and transport model. We use a nested version of the model with a spatial resolution of approximately 25 km. HCHO columns are related to local emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with a spatial smearing that increases with the VOC lifetime. Over India, HCHO has biogenic, pyrogenic, and anthropogenic VOC sources. Using a 0-D photochemistry model, we find that isoprene has the largest molar yield of HCHO that is typically realized within a few hours. We find that forested regions that neighbours major urban conurbations are exposed to high levels of nitrogen oxides. This results in depleted hydroxyl radical concentrations and a delay in the production of HCHO from isoprene oxidation. We find that propene is the only anthropogenic VOC emitted in major Indian cities that produces HCHO at a comparable (slower) rate to isoprene. The GEOS-Chem model reproduces the broadscale annual mean HCHO column distribution observed by OMI (r = 0.6), which is dominated by a distinctive meridional gradient in the northern half of the country, and by localized regions of high columns that coincide with forests. Major discrepancies are over the Indo-Gangetic Plain and Delhi. We find that the model has more skill at reproducing observations during winter (JF) and pre-monsoon (MAM) months with Pearson correlations r > 0.5 but with a positive model bias of 1 × 1015 molec/cm2. During the monsoon season (JJAS) we reproduce only a diffuse version of the observed meridional gradient (r = 0.4). Generally, we find that on a continental scale most of the seasonal cycle is explained by monthly variations in surface temperature (r = 0.9), suggesting a strong role for biogenic VOCs, in agreement with the 0-D and GEOS-Chem model calculations. We also find that the seasonal cycle during 2014 is not significantly different from the 2008–2015 mean seasonal variation but there are large year to year variations. There are two main loci for biomass burning (states of Punjab and Haryana, and northeastern India), which we find only contributes a significant contribution (up to 1 × 1015 molec/cm2) to observed HCHO columns during March to April over northeastern India. The slow production of HCHO from propene oxidation results in a smeared hotspot over Delhi that we resolve only on an annual mean timescale by using a temporal oversampling method. Using a linear regression model to relate GEOS-Chem isoprene emissions to HCHO columns we infer seasonal isoprene emissions over two key forest regions from the OMI HCHO column data. We find that the a posteriori emissions are typically lower than the a priori emissions, with a much stronger reduction of emissions during the monsoon season. We find that this reduction in emissions during monsoon months coincides with a large drop in satellite observations of leaf phenology that recovers in post monsoon months. This may signal a forest-scale response to monsoon conditions.

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