civil sector
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Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 467
Mario Garzón-Juan ◽  
Ana Nieto-Morote ◽  
Francisco Ruz-Vila

The Spanish Ministry of Defense is currently attempting to reduce the amount of energy that is consumed by its military bases and has therefore raised concerns about how to make their facilities more energy efficient. To fulfill this objective, the Spanish army has developed various studies and projects, as well as a technical prescription sheet that defines the thermal transmittance values of the materials that are to be used to construct the different elements of the containers that make up the temporary housing units at Spanish military camps. Both governments and private entities have developed initiatives that are aimed at improving the energy efficiency of buildings, which are classified into two groups: those aimed at the development of mandatory building codes and those that are based on voluntary certification programs. The use of passive strategies is one of the key actions that is being implemented to achieve the NZEB category, as its first requirement is to be a “very low energy consumption building”. This paper compares the energy efficiency requirements of the tents and containers that are used in military camps and the energy-efficient design requirements that are demanded by the energy efficiency standards for buildings in the civil sector. Through this comparison, we determine how energy efficient the current living spaces in military camps are in order to define strategies that can be implemented to improve the design requirements of these living spaces so to reduce the consumption and operation logistics and to improve both operability and safety in military camp facilities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 089976402110574
Renée A. Irvin ◽  
Craig W. Furneaux

Organizational survival is a primary current focus, as the unforeseen economic effects of the pandemic ravage the civil sector. Over time, however, we turn to questions of resilience: How can organizations prepare for rare, but devastating, financial shocks? Three months of funds to cover operating expenses are often described as a suitable savings target. However, organizations differ greatly in their revenue volatility, which suggests that “3 months” may severely underestimate the reserves that certain organizations should hold. We measure revenue volatility and calculate reserve fund targets for 25 nonprofit subsectors, showing sharp differences in optimal savings levels ranging up to 1 year of total expenses. We also explore organizational characteristics associated with revenue volatility. We argue for a resilience strategy that goes beyond optimizing the contents of the revenue portfolio. Funders and nonprofit practitioners should consider the broader context of financial resilience that includes correctly sized reserves as a stabilizing force.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (22) ◽  
pp. 7766
Francesco Miccio ◽  
Federica Raganati ◽  
Paola Ammendola ◽  
Farouk Okasha ◽  
Michele Miccio

This article provides a comprehensive review of the state of the art and more recent developments of the thermochemical treatments of slurry fuels in fluidized beds (FB). The review focuses on FB combustion and gasification of slurry fuels based on coal, biomass, sludge, and wastes from industry, agriculture, and the civil sector. The investigations at research and industrial levels over the last decades are presented and discussed, highlighting the adopted technological solutions, the results in terms of feasibility and efficiency, and the perspectives of future development. The different behavior between bubbling and circulating beds was addressed, in particular the optimal choice depending on the process (combustion/gasification/pyrolysis) and fuel properties (e.g., water content). Fundamental studies on interactions between the slurry fuels and the hot bed materials are also reviewed. The cumulative trend of reviewed investigations over the last decades depicts the abandonment of coal-based mixtures used in large plants, and the growing interest in the use of biomass-based slurries for small size application. In this respect, the shift from coal to biomass opens new challenges because of the different properties of biomass (density, fibrous structure, spontaneous degradation, hydrophilic behavior, etc.). Biomass-based slurries circumvent problems posed by using solid dry biomass, particularly in handling, storing, and feeding. Although slurry fuels represent a narrow sector, the results of the research investigations and the experience gained with coal can be exploited to contribute to the achievement of a circular approach based on renewable resources in the near future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 1072
Hendra Herman

Forest and land fires cause air polution in the from of smog which can cause losses in the form of environmental damage and disruption of public health and even losses that result in loss of human life. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry has made efforts to enforce the law in the civil sector against company that carry out forest and land fires. Jambi District Court Decision Number 107/PDT. G/LH/2019/PN.JMB gives hope regrarding law enforcement in the environmental field by granting the lawsuit of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry against the company in the case PT. Agro Tumbuh Gemilang Abadi is negligent in maintaining the land in its plantation area, causing land fires. The lawsuit filed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has not provided a sense of justice to the community around the plantation of PT. Agro Tumbuh Gemilang Abadi affected by air pollution due to land fires. This is because in the lawsuit the Ministry of Environment and Forestry didn’t sue PT. Agro Tumbuh Gemilang Abadi to pay compensation costs to communities affected by air pollution from fires on their land. The legal consequences of this decision are that the affected community doesn’t receive compensation costs due to land fires and the community cann’t file a lawsuit against PT. Agro Tumbuh Gemilang Abadi because the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has sued PT. Agro Tumbuh Gemilang Abadi to pay for material compensation and environmental restoration costs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-48
Adenan Sitepu

The socialization activity for the duties of the state attorney general in the Takengon area. It is base on observations and interviews conducted with the public and government institutions, which show a common understanding of the prosecutor's duties in representing the state regarding the settlement of cases outside the court in the civil sector. Considering the large number of civil cases currently going to court and requiring a long time to wait for a decision, the non-litigation method of resolving cases is a very efficient and effective alternative when viewed from the benefits obtained. The purpose of restoring state finances can realize. The solution offered by the Datun team in overcoming these problems is to carry out socialization activities on the duties and functions of state attorneys in the non-litigation settlement mechanism to the public and government institutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-153
Endro Tri Susdarwono

The purpose of this study discusses the concept of dual-use technologies (spin on and spin off) in an effort to accelerate the economic independence of the Indonesian defense industry. This research is a qualitative research, the type of research uses a comprehensive analytical study and analytical normative approach. The development of defense technology in addition to aiming at production independence that can compete with other countries' products, must also provide a multiplier effect. The strategy is clear: optimize the added value of the defense industry. To that end, the first step that must be taken is to encourage import substitution for the defense industry and, after the industry develops, the final step is to commercialize or spin off the spillover effect or defense industry multiplier effect in the form of products that can be used for civil benefit. Defense provides a direct advantage of technology and its influence on other sectors, where the spin-off is used by the civil sector which can increase growth. In developing countries, defense spending can increase growth if some portion of expenditure is used for the provision of social infrastructure. Defense spending provides protection for citizens, where internal and external security will increase exchange in the market.

2021 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
pp. 81-88
М.М. Muratova ◽  
М. Onuchko ◽  

This article is devoted to the study of the international and Kazakhstani experience of building, regulation of relations between the state and civil society institutions, the definition of modern directions for the development of the third sector of Kazakhstan, as well as barriers and constraints that impede the transformation of relations between government bodies and non-profit organizations. In the framework of the study the experience of European states was taken, as countries that in historical perspective have the greatest experience in establishing relationships with the civil sector. On the basis of the study, the authors identified general tendencies that characterize the relations between the state and civil society, which are expressed in the strengthening of support for the third sector, the managerial and controlling functions of civil society institutions, as well as the replacement of some areas of activity of state bodies by non-governmental organizations.

Aleksandr Solov'ev ◽  
Galina Pushkareva

As digital technologies develop, a new form of relations between the state and the public is developing as well. Additional opportunities for the expression of public interests and the establishment of values preferred by the society arise, new mechanisms of political mobilization develop, new forms of public organization and self-organization emerge, the social media gain more power, and local and general public narrative develop on a number of online platforms. With the digitization of the public space, the state is forced to change its communication strategies and improve the dialogue between the government and the society based on deliberative democracy principles. After analysing the architecture of public communication emerging in new conditions the paper concludes that Russia is making certain efforts to adapt for the new digitized reality. However, current state priorities are shifting towards e-government and the digital economy. On the one hand, it seems justified, as it allows to bring the public services to a completely new level, reduce corruption risks, and simplify state management of economic processes. On the other hand, the lack of due attention to the issues of openness of public administration and involvement of citizens in making public decisions results in accumulation of contradictions in the public area of public administration, as well as increasing mutual misunderstanding and distrust between the state bodies and the civil society, which may entail bursts of social discontent and protests.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Nancy Alarcón ◽  
Francisco Ganga Contreras ◽  
Javiera Ulloa ◽  
Magdalena Sánchez

Objetivo Determinar la manera como es percibida la calidad en un hospital del sur de Chile y el impacto que tiene en el bienestar de las sus usuarias, con el fin de retroalimentar a los tomadores de decisiones, de modo tal que pueden orientar sus estrategias y políticas a resolver las debilidades detectadas y potenciar los puntos fuertes evidenciados. Metodología Se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo, exploratorio y descriptivo de corte transversal, empleando el modelo Servperf (adaptado con 22 ítems), el cual se aplicó vía telefónica a una muestra aleatoria conformada por 155 mujeres para un intervalo de confianza del 95% y un nivel de error del 5%. Se evaluó confiabilidad del instrumento mediante Alpha de Cronbach, el cual resultó ser 0,872.Resultados Casi la mitad de las puérperas evaluaron la calidad como “regular”. No obstante, un tercio la calificó como “alta”. Conclusiones Los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación del análisis de la varianza de un factor (ANOVA) indican que no existen diferencias significativas en la calidad percibida por las usuarias, dependiendo de las variables “nacionalidad”, “nivel educacional”, “estado civil”, “Sector de residencia”, “tipo de partos” y “número de partos”, pero sí en cuanto a la variable “edad”.

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