surface theory
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A. V Cherepkov ◽  
I. V. Konoshin

Grain before feeding to animals exposed to grinding with the purpose of increasing its digestibility. As a result of this increases the area of interaction of the feed with the gastric juice and decreases the conversion coefficient. Surface theory formulated by German scientist Rittinger, suggests that the work of AR required for the grinding process is directly proportional to newly formed surface. The purpose of this paper is a theoretical evaluation of the intensity of grinding with the use of sieves with rectangular and circular shape holes. When getting groats with the same grinding module by the use of sieves with holes of rectangular shape, one should expect the decrease of specific energy intensity. By reducing the content of dust-like fractions and reduce the total surface feed should be expected to reduce the energy intensity of pneumo transportation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 ◽  
pp. 342-358
Jasobanta Jena ◽  
Sheena Mittal

We investigate the interaction between a singular surface and a strong shock in the self-gravitating interstellar gas clouds with the assumption of spherical symmetry. Using the method of the Lie group of transformations, a particular solution of the flow variables and the cooling–heating function for an infinitely strong shock is obtained. This paper explores an application of the singular surface theory in the evolution of an acceleration wave front propagating through an unperturbed medium. We discuss the formation of an acceleration, considering the cases of compression and expansion waves. The influence of the cooling–heating function on a shock formation is explained. The results of a collision between a strong shock and an acceleration wave are discussed using the Lax evolutionary conditions.   doi:10.1017/S1446181121000328

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-17
J. JENA ◽  

Abstract We investigate the interaction between a singular surface and a strong shock in the self-gravitating interstellar gas clouds with the assumption of spherical symmetry. Using the method of the Lie group of transformations, a particular solution of the flow variables and the cooling–heating function for an infinitely strong shock is obtained. This paper explores an application of the singular surface theory in the evolution of an acceleration wave front propagating through an unperturbed medium. We discuss the formation of an acceleration, considering the cases of compression and expansion waves. The influence of the cooling–heating function on a shock formation is explained. The results of a collision between a strong shock and an acceleration wave are discussed using the Lax evolutionary conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (12) ◽  
B. A. Levitan ◽  
L. Goutte ◽  
T. Pereg-Barnea

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 790
Xin Rong ◽  
Hongwu Zhu ◽  
Biao Hu

The labyrinth screw pump is a new type of low-flow rotor pump with a simple structure and good sealing performance. It is suitable for the transport of high-viscosity, high-gas-content, and particle-containing media. In this study, a rectangular labyrinth screw pump was used as the research object. The effect of the medium viscosity on the performance of the labyrinth pump was studied through numerical simulations, and the correctness of the simulation method was verified using existing test data. The efficiency and head of the labyrinth screw pump were selected as the optimization objectives, and the pump structural parameters were selected as the optimization parameters. A structural optimization model of the labyrinth screw pump based on response surface theory was established. The structural parameters of the labyrinth pump were reasonably simplified through size correlations, and then parameter sensitivity analysis was performed to determine the important structural parameters that needed to be optimized. The OSFD (optimized space-filling design) was used to combine the optimized parameters and generate the sample space. The response surface theory was combined with a neural network prediction model and a multi-objective genetic algorithm to perform optimization calculations. The results showed that there was an interactive influence between the structural parameters of the stator and rotor of the labyrinth screw pump. Compared with the original model, the optimized model pump had an efficiency increase of 13.55% and a lift increase of 19.53% when conveying a medium with a viscosity of 133 cp.

Wennan Li ◽  
Zonghan Sun ◽  
Guangyuan Zhang

2021 ◽  
Vol 129 (20) ◽  
pp. 205104
L. Soulard ◽  
O. Durand ◽  
R. Prat ◽  
Th. Carrard

A. V. Cherepkov ◽  
I. V. Konoshin

Grain before feeding to animals exposed to grinding with the purpose of increasing its digestibility. As a result of this increases the area of interaction of the feed with the gastric juice and decreases the conversion coefficient. Surface theory formulated by German scientist Rittinger, suggests that the work of AR required for the grinding process is directly proportional to newly formed surface. The purpose of this paper is a theoretical evaluation of the intensity of grinding with the use of sieves with rectangular and circular shape holes. When getting groats with the same grinding module by the use of sieves with holes of rectangular shape, one should expect the decrease of specific energy intensity. By reducing the content of dust-like fractions and reduce the total surface feed should be expected to reduce the energy intensity of pneumo transportation.

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