medical activity
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Т.В. Рюмина

Актуальность статьи обусловлена задачами повышения качества психолого-педагогической готовности врачей-ординаторов к многоплановой врачебной деятельности. В статье рассматриваются результаты «двуслойности» исследования, т.е. сделан важный вывод о значимости оценок роли психолого-педагогических компетенций во всех видах врачебной деятельности как со стороны научно-педагогических кадров профильных (выпускающих) кафедр университета, так и со стороны ординаторов, которые подтвердили близость их мнений. Проанализированы современные требования федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов к уровню формирования у обучающихся профессиональных и психолого-педагогических компетенций на уровне ординатуры. Статья носит исследовательский характер. Ее цель состоит в раскрытии роли и значимости готовности врачей-ординаторов к врачебной деятельности, предполагающей не только лечение пациентов, но и сохранение их здоровья посредством воспитания самосохранительного поведения и приобщения к ведению здорового образа жизни. Эмпирической базой публикации являются результаты исследования, проведенного в Медико-биологическом университете инноваций и непрерывного образования ФГБУ ГНЦ ФМБЦ им. А.И. Бурназяна ФМБА России в 2020–2021 году при участии автора статьи. Исследование включало экспертный опрос педагогических кадров университета, а также опрос ординаторов, обучающихся по 36 специальностям. Показана степень их включенности в поиск более эффективных дидактических систем реализации существующих моделей освоения ординаторами дисциплины «Педагогика», которая входит в перечень базовых дисциплин образовательной программы подготовки кадров высшей квалификации, разработанной в соответствии с действующими ФГОС ВО на уровне ординатуры и уточнения компонентов психолого-педагогической компетентности, необходимых врачам-ординаторам для успешной профессиональной деятельности в этой сфере. The relevance of the article is due to the tasks of improving the quality of psychological and pedagogical readiness of resident doctors for multifaceted medical activity. The article discusses the results of the "two-layered" research, i.e. an important conclusion is made about the importance of assessments of the role of psychological and pedagogical competencies in all types of medical activity both from the scientific and pedagogical staff of the profile (graduating) departments of the university, and from the residents, who confirmed the closeness of their opinions. The modern requirements of federal state educational standards to the level of formation of students' professional and psychological-pedagogical competencies at the residency level are analyzed. The article is of a research nature. Its purpose is to reveal the role and significance of the readiness of resident doctors for medical activity, involving not only the treatment of patients, but also the preservation of their health through training and education of self-preservation and positive behavior, healthy lifestyle and rejection of bad habits. The empirical basis of the publication is the results of a study conducted at the Biomedical University of Innovation and Continuing Education of the Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency in 2020-2021 with the participation of the author of the article. The study included an expert survey of university teaching staff, as well as a survey of residents studying in 36 specialties. The degree of their involvement in the search for more effective didactic systems for the implementation of existing models for the development of the discipline "Pedagogy" by residents, which is included in the list of basic disciplines of the educational program for the training of highly qualified personnel, developed in accordance with the current Federal State Educational Standards at the residency level and clarification of the components of psychological and pedagogical competence necessary for residents for successful professional activity in this field.

Антон Викторович КОЛОКОЛОВ

Автором поднимается проблема квалификации действий ненадлежащего характера по оказанию медицинской помощи, которые повлекли за собой наступление уголовно наказуемых последствий. Дается уголовно-правовая характеристика преступлений, совершаемых в сфере медицинской деятельности, примеры анализа специфических признаков при ненадлежащем оказании медицинской помощи больным COVID-19. The author raises the problem of qualifying inappropriate actions to provide medical care, which entailed criminal consequences. The article provides a criminal legal description of crimes committed in the field of medical activity, and examples of the analysis of specific signs in case of improper provision of medical care to patients with COVID-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 182-183
S. N. Kotlyarov ◽  
A. L. Shumova ◽  
L. V. Klishunova

Modern challenges of medical activity - the safe execution of manipulations, teamwork, taking on leadership functions, high personal responsibility require organizing student training in such a format that will allow them to master the necessary skills as quickly and efficiently as possible. Game technology based on the "Kaleidoscope of Roles" accreditation model has significantly increased the interest of future doctors in mastering nursing manipulations.

Andreeva S.N. ◽  
Furchakova A.V.

Today, ensuring the safety of patients and medical personnel is an integral part of medical practice. In dentistry, this problem is especially relevant, given the fact that dentists occupy one of the leading places in terms of the frequency of professional errors among doctors who have been sued, as well as the frequency of complaints from patients about the quality of medical care. This article discusses the safety of medical activities and the safety of medical care in medical organizations, in general, and in dentistry in particular, an analysis of the regulatory documentation in relation to these concepts is carried out, and issues of terminology are considered. Analysis of literary sources shows that today there is uncertainty in the interpretation of the concept of "safety of medical activity" due to the lack of a legislatively enshrined definition of this concept. With regard to dental practice, the safety of medical activities includes the safety of the patient, the safety of medical personnel, the safety of the environment in which dental care is provided, as well as the safety of pharmaceuticals and medical dental equipment. Organizational, legal, personnel and economic security can also be considered as constituent parts of the safety of medical activities. At the same time, there is no unambiguous understanding of the relationships between the concepts of safety of medical activity, safety of medical care, safety of medical services, safety of the medical environment. An important unresolved to date task is to determine the criteria for assessing the safety of medical activities. Taking into account the versatility of the concept of the safety of medical activities and the specifics of medical activities, it is necessary to develop criteria for assessing the safety of medical activities for each specialty, including dentistry. It seems that the assessment structure should be uniform for all medical activities, but include specific elements with criteria for the safety of medical activities in individual specialties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Ya. V. Danilchenko ◽  
A. N. Popsuyko ◽  
E. A. Batsina ◽  
D. V. Kilizhekova ◽  
D. V. Karas

Aim. To assess the correspondence between the results of the European Social Survey (ESS) “The Impact of Medical Activity Bureaucratization on Professional Values of Personnel” and the results of sociological surveys of personnel of medical organizations such as Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases (NII KPSSZ) and Federal State Budgetary Institution “Kuzbass Clinical Cardiology Dispensary named after academician L.S. Barbarash” (GBUZ “KKKD”).Methods. Comparative analysis of the results of ESS (3271 medical workers from 29 countries were questioned) and the results of sociological surveys of the medical personnel at NII KPSSZ (204 respondents in 2017) and at GBUZ “KKKD” (385 respondents in 2021) was carried out.Results. According to the survey data of employees of NII KPSSZ the dominant values are: professionalism and conscientious attitude to work, respectful attitude to colleagues and patients, strict compliance with law and regulatory requirements. Among the main values of GBUZ “KKKD” staff the following were named: discipline and order in fulfilling responsibilities, professionalism and conscientious attitude to work, and respectful attitude to patients.Conclusion. On the basis of the comparative analysis, the authors proved the validity of the conclusions and results of an international study devoted to the problem of the influence of bureaucratization of a medical organization on the structure of personnel values in medical organizations focused only on the treatment and diagnostic process. If an institution functions as a scientific and medical organization, then its employees tend to strive for professional self-development, innovative and creative thinking, which is not consistent with the conclusions of international researchers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 167-170
V. D. Elkin ◽  
M. Yu. Kobernik ◽  
T. G. Sedova ◽  
I. D. Kuznetsov ◽  
E. V. Plotnikova ◽  

The article is dedicated to the Head of the Department of Dermatovenerology from 1988 to 1995, MD, PhD, Professor Boris Markovich Datskovsky. This year we celebrate the hundredth anniversary of his birth. The main stages of his biography are presented, directions of his scientific, organizational, social and medical activity are described. Boris Markovich Datskovsky was an outstanding person, excellent teacher and lecturer, talented scientist, highly qualified dermatovenerologist and manager of public healthcare.

V.V. Zaborovsky ◽  
L.D. Nechiporuk ◽  
T.D. Horvat

This research is devoted to the disclosure of problematic issues related to the study of the legal nature of legal conflicts between subjects of medical legal relations, primarily to prevent the emergence of conflict situations, or to mitigate their consequences and suppress.Within the framework of this article, a theoretical and applied research was carried out to clarify the essence of the concept of «legal conflict», including in the context of medical activities, as well as the essence of such conflict situations and their specific features were analyzed. The position is argued according to which the occurrence of a legal conflict in the aspect of carrying out medical activities is the basis for protecting the rights of participants in medical legal relations, taking into account, first of all, that medical activity is inextricably linked with a sufficiently large number of potential grounds for patients to be dissatisfied with the provision of medical care, despite for continuous improvement of both the treatment method and the use of the latest treatment methods.To achieve this goal, the author applied methods characteristic of legal science. The study was carried out using the dialectical method of cognition of legal reality, provided an opportunity to analyze the essence of legal conflicts in the field of medical activity, while the use of the systemic-structural method made it possible to determine the general structure of the work, which contributed to the proper disclosure of the research objectives.Based on the study, the author comes to the conclusion that a legal conflict in the aspect of carrying out medical activities is a dynamic process, the existence of which implies the need to study the prerequisites for its occurrence, the essence of the conflict situation itself and the content of such a conflict, in order to prevent the possibility of their occurrence or mitigate their possible negative consequences.

A. A. Tyazhelnikov ◽  
E. V. Kostenko ◽  
A. V. Pogonin ◽  
N. N. Kamynina ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 3663-3667
Cvetelina Antonova ◽  
Krassimira Yaneva-Ribagina ◽  

PURPOSE: To compare the opinion of dentists and dental assistants about the advantagesf teamwork. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We conducted an anonymous survey of 110 dental practitioners and 108 dental assistants in four cities in Bulgaria. The questionnaires for the two groups include several identical questions that allow the respondents' opinions to be compared. The methods used are sociological (poll) and statistical (alternative analysis). RESULTS: The majority of dental assistants - 75% are convinced that every dentist should work with an assistant, while 58.6% of the doctors are of the same opinion. Almost the same number of surveyed doctors and dental assistants - mentioned as a strength of the teamwork a relief of the doctor's work (80.90 and 79.63%), an increase in the volume (68.18 and 57.40%) and quality (53.63 and 54.62%) of the medical activity and a reduction in working time (54.54 and 55.62 %). For dentists, the most important factors for creating a goodeam are observing rights and obligations (68.5%), mutual respect (67.6 %) and a relaxedork atmosphere (56.8%). For dental assistants, the most important factors for effective teamwork are mutual respect (74.1%) and the professionalualities of the dentist (72.2%). CONCLUSION: The results show a positive attitude of dental doctors and assistants to teamwork, albeit with varying degrees of conviction.

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