Désiré Tsozué
Nérine Mabelle Moudjie Noubissie
Estelle Lionelle Tamto Mamdem
Simon Djakba Basga
Dieudonne Lucien Bitom Oyono
Abstract. Research carried out on soil organic carbon stock (SOCS)
in the Sudano-Sahelian region of Cameroon is very rare. The few existing
studies are mostly available in reports and concern in most cases carbon
stocks in plant biomass. In order to contribute to the documentation on
soils in this part of the country, the present work was designed to evaluate
the SOCS in the main soil types and the influence of environmental factors
and soil properties on these stocks under the natural dry tropical area of
the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Cameroon. The study was undertaken in four
sites, including three natural forest reserves (Laf, Zamai, Kosohon) and one
national park (Mozogo), located at different latitudes. Three replicates
were collected at each site, giving rise to three sampling points chosen per
site, from 0 to 75 cm depth, for the determination of SOCS. At each sampling
point, soils were sampled using depth increments of 25 cm from the surface.
The studied area is covered by Haplic Vertisols, Dystric Arenosols, Dystric
Leptosols and Dystric Planosols. Total SOCS (T-SOCS) content, which refers
to a depth of 75 cm, decreases with increasing latitude, with 249±26.26 Mg ha−1 in Vertisols at Laf forest reserve most southerly
located, 199±8.00 Mg ha−1 in Arenosols at Zamai forest reserve,
166±16.63 Mg ha−1 in Leptosols at Kosohon forest reserve and
161±8.88 Mg ha−1 in Planosols at Mozogo national park most
northerly located, regardless of the altitude. No significant correlation
was noted between T-SOCS and the altitude. A good correlation was noted
between precipitation which decreases with increasing latitude and T-SOCS,
indicating the importance of climate in the distribution of T-SOCS in the
study area, which directly influences the productivity of the vegetation.
More than 60 % of the SOCS was stored below the first 25 cm from the soil
surface, a peculiarity of SOCS in drylands. The SOCS in the
Sudano-Sahelian area of Cameroon is mainly influenced by climate and