soil organic carbon stock
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 662-664
Sabu Joseph ◽  
Rahul R ◽  
Sukanya S

The changes in the pattern of land use and land cover (LU/LC) have remarkable consequences on ecosystem functioning and natural resources dynamics. The present study analyzes the spatial pattern of LU/LC change detection along the Killiar River Basin (KRB), a major tributary of Karamana river in Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala (India), over a period of 64 years (1957-2021) through Remote Sensing and GIS approach. The rationale of the study is to identify and classify LU/LC changes in KRB using the Survey of India (SOI) toposheet (1:50,000) of 1957, LISS-III imagery of 2005, Landsat 8 OLI & TIRS imagery of 2021 and further to scrutinize the impact of LU/LC conversion on Soil Organic Carbon stock in the study area. Five major LU/LC classes, viz., agriculture land, built-up, forest, wasteland and water bodies were characterized from available data. Within the study period, built-up area and wastelands showed a substantial increase of 51.51% and 15.67% respectively. Thus, the general trend followed is the increase in built-up and wastelands area which results in the decrease of all other LU/LC classes. Based on IPCC guidelines, total soil organic carbon (SOC) stock of different land-use types was estimated and was 1292.72 Mt C in 1957, 562.65 Mt C in 2005 and it reduced to 152.86 Mt C in 2021. This decrease is mainly due to various anthropogenic activities, mainly built-up activities. This conversion for built-up is at par with the rising population, and over-exploitation of natural and agricultural resources is increasing every year.

Bassey Udom ◽  
Joshua Ogunwole ◽  
Chima Wokocha

<p><span>Protection of soil organic carbon and acid-hydrolyzable carbohydrates in aggregate-size fractions is important for appraising soil degradation and aggregation under land use types. Aggregate-associated soil organic carbon (SOC) and acid-hydrolyzable carbohydrates (R-CHO) in bulk soils and aggregate-size fractions of a sandy loam soil under Alchornea bush, Rubber, Oil palm and Teak plantations in southern Nigeria were studied. Results revealed significant differences in aggregate-associated SOC and R-CHO, bulk densities, total porosity, soil organic carbon stock and aggregate stability among the land use types. Greater SOC was stored in macro-aggregates &gt;0.25 mm, while greater R-CHO was occluded in micro-aggregates &lt;0.25 mm (p&lt;0.05). The highest mean weight diameter (MWD) was 1.01 mm in Alchornea soils and 0.92 mm in Oil palm plantation at 0-15 cm topsoil. Soil organic carbon stock in 0-15 cm topsoil was 77.7, 81.8, 92.2, and 67.5 kg C ha<sup>-1</sup> in Alchornea, Rubber, Oil palm, and Teak soils, respectively. Relationships showed a positive linear correlations between MWD and SOC (r = 0.793, p &lt; 0.05) and R-CHO (r = 0.789. p &lt; 0.05). Alchornea bush and Oil palm plantation increased macro-aggregate formation and macro-pores &gt;5 µm, therefore they have greater potentials to boost protection of SOC in soil macro-aggregates.</span></p>

SOIL ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 677-691
Désiré Tsozué ◽  
Nérine Mabelle Moudjie Noubissie ◽  
Estelle Lionelle Tamto Mamdem ◽  
Simon Djakba Basga ◽  
Dieudonne Lucien Bitom Oyono

Abstract. Research carried out on soil organic carbon stock (SOCS) in the Sudano-Sahelian region of Cameroon is very rare. The few existing studies are mostly available in reports and concern in most cases carbon stocks in plant biomass. In order to contribute to the documentation on soils in this part of the country, the present work was designed to evaluate the SOCS in the main soil types and the influence of environmental factors and soil properties on these stocks under the natural dry tropical area of the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Cameroon. The study was undertaken in four sites, including three natural forest reserves (Laf, Zamai, Kosohon) and one national park (Mozogo), located at different latitudes. Three replicates were collected at each site, giving rise to three sampling points chosen per site, from 0 to 75 cm depth, for the determination of SOCS. At each sampling point, soils were sampled using depth increments of 25 cm from the surface. The studied area is covered by Haplic Vertisols, Dystric Arenosols, Dystric Leptosols and Dystric Planosols. Total SOCS (T-SOCS) content, which refers to a depth of 75 cm, decreases with increasing latitude, with 249±26.26 Mg ha−1 in Vertisols at Laf forest reserve most southerly located, 199±8.00 Mg ha−1 in Arenosols at Zamai forest reserve, 166±16.63 Mg ha−1 in Leptosols at Kosohon forest reserve and 161±8.88 Mg ha−1 in Planosols at Mozogo national park most northerly located, regardless of the altitude. No significant correlation was noted between T-SOCS and the altitude. A good correlation was noted between precipitation which decreases with increasing latitude and T-SOCS, indicating the importance of climate in the distribution of T-SOCS in the study area, which directly influences the productivity of the vegetation. More than 60 % of the SOCS was stored below the first 25 cm from the soil surface, a peculiarity of SOCS in drylands. The SOCS in the Sudano-Sahelian area of Cameroon is mainly influenced by climate and vegetation.

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